Example #1
    def clean_trees(self):
        Delete any previously built pxelinux.cfg tree and virt tree info and then create directories.

        Note: for SELinux reasons, some information goes in ``/tftpboot``, some in ``/var/www/cobbler`` and some must be
        duplicated in both. This is because PXE needs tftp, and automatic installation and Virt operations need http.
        Only the kernel and initrd images are duplicated, which is unfortunate, though SELinux won't let me give them
        two contexts, so symlinks are not a solution. *Otherwise* duplication is minimal.

        # clean out parts of webdir and all of /tftpboot/images and /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg
        for x in os.listdir(self.settings.webdir):
            path = os.path.join(self.settings.webdir, x)
            if os.path.isfile(path):
                if not x.endswith(".py"):
                    utils.rmfile(path, logger=self.logger)
            if os.path.isdir(path):
                if x not in self.settings.webdir_whitelist:
                    # delete directories that shouldn't exist
                    utils.rmtree(path, logger=self.logger)
                if x in [
                        "autoinstall_templates", "autoinstall_templates_sys",
                        "images", "systems", "distros", "profiles",
                        "repo_profile", "repo_system", "rendered"
                    # clean out directory contents
                    utils.rmtree_contents(path, logger=self.logger)
        utils.rmtree_contents(self.pxelinux_dir, logger=self.logger)
        utils.rmtree_contents(self.grub_dir, logger=self.logger)
        utils.rmtree_contents(self.images_dir, logger=self.logger)
        utils.rmtree_contents(self.yaboot_bin_dir, logger=self.logger)
        utils.rmtree_contents(self.yaboot_cfg_dir, logger=self.logger)
        utils.rmtree_contents(self.rendered_dir, logger=self.logger)
Example #2
 def remove_single_profile(self, name, rebuild_menu=True):
     # delete profiles/$name file in webdir
     utils.rmfile(os.path.join(self.settings.webdir, "profiles", name))
     # delete contents on autoinstalls/$name directory in webdir
     utils.rmtree(os.path.join(self.settings.webdir, "autoinstalls", name))
     if rebuild_menu:
Example #3
    def remove_single_image(self, name):
        Sync removing a single image.

        :param name: The name of the image.
        bootloc = self.settings.tftpboot_location
        utils.rmfile(os.path.join(bootloc, "images2", name))
Example #4
 def remove_single_distro(self, name):
     bootloc = self.settings.tftpboot_location
     # delete contents of images/$name directory in webdir
     utils.rmtree(os.path.join(self.settings.webdir, "images", name))
     # delete contents of images/$name in tftpboot
     utils.rmtree(os.path.join(bootloc, "images", name))
     # delete potential symlink to tree in webdir/links
     utils.rmfile(os.path.join(self.settings.webdir, "links", name))
Example #5
    def remove_single_system(self, name):
        bootloc = self.settings.tftpboot_location
        # delete contents of autoinsts_sys/$name in webdir
        system_record = self.systems.find(name=name)

        for (name, interface) in list(system_record.interfaces.items()):
            filename = system_record.get_config_filename(interface=name)
            utils.rmfile(os.path.join(bootloc, "pxelinux.cfg", filename))
            utils.rmfile(os.path.join(bootloc, "grub", filename.upper()))
Example #6
def test_rmfile(tmpdir: Path):
    # Arrange
    tfile = tmpdir.join("testfile")

    # Act

    # Assert
    assert not os.path.exists(tfile)
Example #7
    def remove_single_profile(self, name: str, rebuild_menu: bool = True):
        Sync removing a single profile.

        :param name: The name of the profile.
        :param rebuild_menu: Whether to rebuild the grub/... menu or not.
        # delete profiles/$name file in webdir
        utils.rmfile(os.path.join(self.settings.webdir, "profiles", name))
        # delete contents on autoinstalls/$name directory in webdir
        utils.rmtree(os.path.join(self.settings.webdir, "autoinstalls", name))
        if rebuild_menu:
Example #8
    def remove_single_distro(self, name):
        Sync removing a single distro.

        :param name: The name of the distribution.
        bootloc = self.settings.tftpboot_location
        # delete contents of images/$name directory in webdir
        utils.rmtree(os.path.join(self.settings.webdir, "images", name))
        # delete contents of images/$name in tftpboot
        utils.rmtree(os.path.join(bootloc, "images", name))
        # delete potential symlink to tree in webdir/links
        utils.rmfile(os.path.join(self.settings.webdir, "links", name))
        # delete potential distro config files
            os.path.join(self.settings.webdir, "distro_mirror", "config"),
            name + "*.repo")
Example #9
def test_rmfile():
    # Arrange
    filepath = "/dev/shm/testfile"

    assert os.path.exists(filepath)

    # Act
    result = utils.rmfile(filepath)

    # Assert
    assert result
    assert not os.path.exists(filepath)
Example #10
    def remove_single_system(self, name: str):
        Sync removing a single system.

        :param name: The name of the system.
        bootloc = self.settings.tftpboot_location
        # delete contents of autoinsts_sys/$name in webdir
        system_record = self.systems.find(name=name)

        for (name, interface) in list(system_record.interfaces.items()):
            pxe_filename = system_record.get_config_filename(interface=name, loader="pxe")
            grub_filename = system_record.get_config_filename(interface=name, loader="grub")
            utils.rmfile(os.path.join(bootloc, "pxelinux.cfg", pxe_filename))
            utils.rmfile(os.path.join(bootloc, "grub", "system", grub_filename))
            utils.rmfile(os.path.join(bootloc, "grub", "system_link", system_record.name))
Example #11
    def write_pxe_file(self, filename, system, profile, distro, arch,
                       image=None, include_header=True, metadata=None, format="pxe"):
        Write a configuration file for the boot loader(s).
        More system-specific configuration may come in later, if so
        that would appear inside the system object in api.py

        Can be used for different formats, "pxe" (default) and "grub".
        if arch is None:
            raise CX("missing arch")

        if image and not os.path.exists(image.file):
            return None     # nfs:// URLs or something, can't use for TFTP

        if metadata is None:
            metadata = {}

        (rval, settings) = utils.input_string_or_dict(self.settings.to_dict())
        if rval:
            for key in list(settings.keys()):
                metadata[key] = settings[key]
        # ---
        # just some random variables
        template = None
        buffer = ""

        # ---
        autoinstall_path = None
        kernel_path = None
        initrd_path = None
        img_path = None

        if image is None:
            # not image based, it's something normalish

            img_path = os.path.join("/images", distro.name)

            if 'http' in distro.kernel and 'http' in distro.initrd:
                kernel_path = distro.kernel
                initrd_path = distro.initrd
                kernel_path = os.path.join("/images", distro.name, os.path.basename(distro.kernel))
                initrd_path = os.path.join("/images", distro.name, os.path.basename(distro.initrd))

            # Find the automatic installation file if we inherit from another profile
            if system:
                blended = utils.blender(self.api, True, system)
                blended = utils.blender(self.api, True, profile)
            autoinstall_path = blended.get("autoinstall", "")

            # update metadata with all known information
            # this allows for more powerful templating

            # this is an image we are making available, not kernel+initrd
            if image.image_type == "direct":
                kernel_path = os.path.join("/images2", image.name)
            elif image.image_type == "memdisk":
                kernel_path = "/memdisk"
                initrd_path = os.path.join("/images2", image.name)
                # CD-ROM ISO or virt-clone image? We can't PXE boot it.
                kernel_path = None
                initrd_path = None

        if img_path is not None and "img_path" not in metadata:
            metadata["img_path"] = img_path
        if kernel_path is not None and "kernel_path" not in metadata:
            metadata["kernel_path"] = kernel_path
        if initrd_path is not None and "initrd_path" not in metadata:
            metadata["initrd_path"] = initrd_path

        # ---
        # choose a template
        if system:
            if format == "grub":
                if system.netboot_enabled:
                    template = os.path.join(self.settings.boot_loader_conf_template_dir, "grubsystem.template")
                    buffer += 'set system="{system}"\n'.format(system=system.name)
                    local = os.path.join(self.settings.boot_loader_conf_template_dir, "grublocal.template")
                    if os.path.exists(local):
                        template = local
            else:   # pxe
                if system.netboot_enabled:
                    template = os.path.join(self.settings.boot_loader_conf_template_dir, "pxesystem.template")

                    if arch == "ppc" or arch == "ppc64":
                        # to inherit the distro and system's boot_loader values correctly
                        blended_system = utils.blender(self.api, False, system)
                        if blended_system["boot_loader"] == "pxelinux":
                            template = os.path.join(self.settings.boot_loader_conf_template_dir, "pxesystem_ppc.template")
                            template = os.path.join(self.settings.boot_loader_conf_template_dir, "yaboot_ppc.template")
                    elif arch.startswith("arm"):
                        template = os.path.join(self.settings.boot_loader_conf_template_dir, "pxesystem_arm.template")
                    elif distro and distro.os_version.startswith("esxi"):
                        # ESXi uses a very different pxe method, using more files than
                        # a standard automatic installation file and different options -
                        # so giving it a dedicated PXE template makes more sense than
                        # shoe-horning it into the existing templates
                        template = os.path.join(self.settings.boot_loader_conf_template_dir, "pxesystem_esxi.template")
                    # local booting on ppc requires removing the system-specific dhcpd.conf filename
                    if arch is not None and (arch == "ppc" or arch == "ppc64"):
                        # Disable yaboot network booting for all interfaces on the system
                        for (name, interface) in list(system.interfaces.items()):

                            filename = "%s" % system.get_config_filename(interface=name).lower()

                            # Remove symlink to the yaboot binary
                            f3 = os.path.join(self.bootloc, "ppc", filename)
                            if os.path.lexists(f3):
                            f3 = os.path.join(self.bootloc, "etc", filename)
                            if os.path.lexists(f3):

                        # Yaboot/OF doesn't support booting locally once you've
                        # booted off the network, so nothing left to do
                        return None
                        template = os.path.join(self.settings.boot_loader_conf_template_dir, "pxelocal.template")
            # not a system record, so this is a profile record or an image
            if arch.startswith("arm"):
                template = os.path.join(self.settings.boot_loader_conf_template_dir, "pxeprofile_arm.template")
            elif format == "grub":
                template = os.path.join(self.settings.boot_loader_conf_template_dir, "grubprofile.template")
            elif distro and distro.os_version.startswith("esxi"):
                # ESXi uses a very different pxe method, see comment above in the system section
                template = os.path.join(self.settings.boot_loader_conf_template_dir, "pxeprofile_esxi.template")
                template = os.path.join(self.settings.boot_loader_conf_template_dir, "pxeprofile.template")

        if kernel_path is not None:
            metadata["kernel_path"] = kernel_path
        if initrd_path is not None:
            metadata["initrd_path"] = initrd_path

        # generate the kernel options and append line:
        kernel_options = self.build_kernel_options(system, profile, distro,
                                                   image, arch, autoinstall_path)
        metadata["kernel_options"] = kernel_options

        if distro and distro.os_version.startswith("esxi") and filename is not None:
            append_line = "BOOTIF=%s" % (os.path.basename(filename))
        elif "initrd_path" in metadata and (not arch or arch not in ["ppc", "ppc64", "arm"]):
            append_line = "append initrd=%s" % (metadata["initrd_path"])
            append_line = "append "
        append_line = "%s%s" % (append_line, kernel_options)
        if arch == "ppc" or arch == "ppc64":
            # remove the prefix "append"
            # TODO: this looks like it's removing more than append, really
            # not sure what's up here...
            append_line = append_line[7:]
        if distro and distro.os_version.startswith("xenserver620"):
            append_line = "%s" % (kernel_options)
        metadata["append_line"] = append_line

        # store variables for templating
        metadata["menu_label"] = ""
        if profile:
            if arch not in ["ppc", "ppc64"]:
                metadata["menu_label"] = "MENU LABEL %s" % profile.name
                metadata["profile_name"] = profile.name
        elif image:
            metadata["menu_label"] = "MENU LABEL %s" % image.name
            metadata["profile_name"] = image.name

        if system:
            if (system.serial_device is not None) or (system.serial_baud_rate is not None):
                if system.serial_device:
                    serial_device = system.serial_device
                    serial_device = 0
                if system.serial_baud_rate:
                    serial_baud_rate = system.serial_baud_rate
                    serial_baud_rate = 115200

                if format == "pxe":
                    buffer += "serial %d %d\n" % (serial_device, serial_baud_rate)
                elif format == "grub":
                    buffer += "set serial_console=true\nset serial_baud={baud}\nset serial_line={device}\n".format(baud=serial_baud_rate, device=serial_device)

        # get the template
        if kernel_path is not None:
            template_fh = open(template)
            template_data = template_fh.read()
            # this is something we can't PXE boot
            template_data = "\n"

        # save file and/or return results, depending on how called.
        buffer += self.templar.render(template_data, metadata, None)

        if filename is not None:
            self.logger.info("generating: %s" % filename)
            fd = open(filename, "w")
        return buffer
Example #12
    def write_all_system_files(self, system, menu_items):

        profile = system.get_conceptual_parent()
        if profile is None:
            raise CX("system %(system)s references a missing profile %(profile)s" % {"system": system.name, "profile": system.profile})

        distro = profile.get_conceptual_parent()
        image_based = False
        image = None
        if distro is None:
            if profile.COLLECTION_TYPE == "profile":
                raise CX("profile %(profile)s references a missing distro %(distro)s" % {"profile": system.profile, "distro": profile.distro})
                image_based = True
                image = profile

        pxe_metadata = {'pxe_menu_items': menu_items}

        # hack: s390 generates files per system not per interface
        if not image_based and distro.arch.startswith("s390"):
            short_name = system.name.split('.')[0]
            s390_name = 'linux' + short_name[7:10]
            self.logger.info("Writing s390x pxe config for %s" % short_name)
            # Always write a system specific _conf and _parm file
            pxe_f = os.path.join(self.bootloc, "s390x", "s_%s" % s390_name)
            conf_f = "%s_conf" % pxe_f
            parm_f = "%s_parm" % pxe_f

            c_templ = os.path.join(self.settings.boot_loader_conf_template_dir, "s390x_conf.template")
            p_templ = os.path.join(self.settings.boot_loader_conf_template_dir, "s390x_parm.template")

            template_conf_f = open(c_templ)
            template_parm_f = open(p_templ)

            self.logger.info("Files: (conf,param) - (%s,%s)" % (conf_f, parm_f))
            self.logger.info("Template Files: (conf,param) - (%s,%s)" % (c_templ, p_templ))
            blended = utils.blender(self.api, True, system)
            self.templar.render(template_conf_f, blended, conf_f)
            # FIXME: profiles also need this data!
            # FIXME: the _conf and _parm files are limited to 80 characters in length
            # gather default kernel_options and default kernel_options_s390x
            kopts = blended.get("kernel_options", "")
            hkopts = shlex.split(utils.dict_to_string(kopts))
            blended["kernel_options"] = hkopts
            self.templar.render(template_parm_f, blended, parm_f)

            # Write system specific zPXE file
            if system.is_management_supported():
                kernel_path = os.path.join("/images", distro.name, os.path.basename(distro.kernel))
                initrd_path = os.path.join("/images", distro.name, os.path.basename(distro.initrd))
                with open(pxe_f, 'w') as out:
                    out.write(kernel_path + '\n' + initrd_path + '\n')
                # ensure the file doesn't exist

        # generate one record for each described NIC ..
        for (name, interface) in list(system.interfaces.items()):

            pxe_name = system.get_config_filename(interface=name)
            grub_name = system.get_config_filename(interface=name, loader="grub")

            if pxe_name is not None:
                pxe_path = os.path.join(self.bootloc, "pxelinux.cfg", pxe_name)

            if grub_name is not None:
                grub_path = os.path.join(self.bootloc, "grub", "system", grub_name)

            if grub_path is None and pxe_path is None:
                self.logger.warning("invalid interface recorded for system (%s,%s)" % (system.name, name))

            if image_based:
                working_arch = image.arch
                working_arch = distro.arch

            if working_arch is None:
                raise CX("internal error, invalid arch supplied")

            # for tftp only ...
            if working_arch in ["i386", "x86", "x86_64", "arm", "aarch64", "ppc64le", "ppc64el", "standard"]:
                # ToDo: This is old, move this logic into item_system.get_config_filename()

            elif working_arch == "ppc" or working_arch == "ppc64":
                # Determine filename for system-specific bootloader config
                filename = "%s" % system.get_config_filename(interface=name).lower()
                # to inherit the distro and system's boot_loader values correctly
                blended_system = utils.blender(self.api, False, system)
                if blended_system["boot_loader"] == "pxelinux":
                    pxe_path = os.path.join(self.bootloc, "etc", filename)
                    # Link to the yaboot binary
                    f3 = os.path.join(self.bootloc, "ppc", filename)
                    if os.path.lexists(f3):
                    os.symlink("../yaboot", f3)

            if system.is_management_supported():
                if not image_based:
                    if pxe_path:
                        self.write_pxe_file(pxe_path, system, profile, distro, working_arch, metadata=pxe_metadata)
                    if grub_path:
                        self.write_pxe_file(grub_path, system, profile, distro, working_arch, format="grub")
                        # Generate a link named after system to the mac file for easier lookup
                        link_path = os.path.join(self.bootloc, "grub", "system_link", system.name)
                        if os.path.exists(link_path):
                        os.symlink(os.path.join("..", "system", grub_name), link_path)
                    self.write_pxe_file(pxe_path, system, None, None, working_arch, image=profile, metadata=pxe_metadata)
                # ensure the file doesn't exist
                if grub_path:
Example #13
 def remove_single_image(self, name):
     bootloc = self.settings.tftpboot_location
     utils.rmfile(os.path.join(bootloc, "images2", name))
Example #14
    def write_all_system_files(self, system, menu_items):

        profile = system.get_conceptual_parent()
        if profile is None:
            raise CX("system %(system)s references a missing profile %(profile)s" % {"system": system.name, "profile": system.profile})

        distro = profile.get_conceptual_parent()
        image_based = False
        image = None
        if distro is None:
            if profile.COLLECTION_TYPE == "profile":
                raise CX("profile %(profile)s references a missing distro %(distro)s" % {"profile": system.profile, "distro": profile.distro})
                image_based = True
                image = profile

        pxe_metadata = {'pxe_menu_items': menu_items}

        # hack: s390 generates files per system not per interface
        if not image_based and distro.arch.startswith("s390"):
            short_name = system.name.split('.')[0]
            s390_name = 'linux' + short_name[7:10]
            self.logger.info("Writing s390x pxe config for %s" % short_name)
            # Always write a system specific _conf and _parm file
            pxe_f = os.path.join(self.bootloc, "s390x", "s_%s" % s390_name)
            conf_f = "%s_conf" % pxe_f
            parm_f = "%s_parm" % pxe_f

            self.logger.info("Files: (conf,param) - (%s,%s)" % (conf_f, parm_f))
            blended = utils.blender(self.api, True, system)
            # FIXME: profiles also need this data!
            # gather default kernel_options and default kernel_options_s390x
            kernel_options = self.build_kernel_options(system, profile, distro,
                                                       image, "s390x", blended.get("autoinstall", ""))
            kopts_aligned = ""
            column = 0
            for option in kernel_options.split():
                opt_len = len(option)
                if opt_len > 78:
                    kopts_aligned += '\n' + option + ' '
                    column = opt_len + 1
                    self.logger.error("Kernel paramer [%s] too long %s" % (option, opt_len))
                if column + opt_len > 78:
                    kopts_aligned += '\n' + option + ' '
                    column = opt_len + 1
                    kopts_aligned += option + ' '
                    column += opt_len + 1

            # Write system specific zPXE file
            if system.is_management_supported():
                if system.netboot_enabled:
                    self.logger.info("S390x: netboot_enabled")
                    kernel_path = os.path.join("/images", distro.name, os.path.basename(distro.kernel))
                    initrd_path = os.path.join("/images", distro.name, os.path.basename(distro.initrd))
                    with open(pxe_f, 'w') as out:
                        out.write(kernel_path + '\n' + initrd_path + '\n')
                    with open(parm_f, 'w') as out:
                    # Write conf file with one newline in it if netboot is enabled
                    with open(conf_f, 'w') as out:
                    self.logger.info("S390x: netboot_disabled")
                    # Write empty conf file if netboot is disabled
                    open(conf_f, 'w').close()
                # ensure the files do exist
                self.logger.info("S390x: management not supported")
            self.logger.info("S390x: pxe: [%s], conf: [%s], parm: [%s]" % (pxe_f, conf_f, parm_f))


        # generate one record for each described NIC ..
        for (name, interface) in list(system.interfaces.items()):

            pxe_name = system.get_config_filename(interface=name)
            grub_name = system.get_config_filename(interface=name, loader="grub")

            if pxe_name is not None:
                pxe_path = os.path.join(self.bootloc, "pxelinux.cfg", pxe_name)

            if grub_name is not None:
                grub_path = os.path.join(self.bootloc, "grub", "system", grub_name)

            if grub_path is None and pxe_path is None:
                self.logger.warning("invalid interface recorded for system (%s,%s)" % (system.name, name))

            if image_based:
                working_arch = image.arch
                working_arch = distro.arch

            if working_arch is None:
                raise CX("internal error, invalid arch supplied")

            # for tftp only ...
            if working_arch in ["i386", "x86", "x86_64", "arm", "aarch64", "ppc64le", "ppc64el", "standard"]:
                # ToDo: This is old, move this logic into item_system.get_config_filename()

            elif working_arch == "ppc" or working_arch == "ppc64":
                # Determine filename for system-specific bootloader config
                filename = "%s" % system.get_config_filename(interface=name).lower()
                # to inherit the distro and system's boot_loader values correctly
                blended_system = utils.blender(self.api, False, system)
                if blended_system["boot_loader"] == "pxelinux":
                    pxe_path = os.path.join(self.bootloc, "etc", filename)
                    # Link to the yaboot binary
                    f3 = os.path.join(self.bootloc, "ppc", filename)
                    if os.path.lexists(f3):
                    os.symlink("../yaboot", f3)

            if system.is_management_supported():
                if not image_based:
                    if pxe_path:
                        self.write_pxe_file(pxe_path, system, profile, distro, working_arch, metadata=pxe_metadata)
                    if grub_path:
                        self.write_pxe_file(grub_path, system, profile, distro, working_arch, format="grub")
                        # Generate a link named after system to the mac file for easier lookup
                        link_path = os.path.join(self.bootloc, "grub", "system_link", system.name)
                        if os.path.exists(link_path):
                        os.symlink(os.path.join("..", "system", grub_name), link_path)
                    self.write_pxe_file(pxe_path, system, None, None, working_arch, image=profile, metadata=pxe_metadata)
                # ensure the file doesn't exist
                if grub_path:
Example #15
    def write_all_system_files(self, system, menu_items):

        profile = system.get_conceptual_parent()
        if profile is None:
            raise CX("system %(system)s references a missing profile %(profile)s" % {"system": system.name, "profile": system.profile})

        distro = profile.get_conceptual_parent()
        image_based = False
        image = None
        if distro is None:
            if profile.COLLECTION_TYPE == "profile":
                raise CX("profile %(profile)s references a missing distro %(distro)s" % {"profile": system.profile, "distro": profile.distro})
                image_based = True
                image = profile

        pxe_metadata = {'pxe_menu_items': menu_items}

        # generate one record for each described NIC ..
        for (name, interface) in list(system.interfaces.items()):

            pxe_name = system.get_config_filename(interface=name)
            grub_name = system.get_config_filename(interface=name, loader="grub")

            if pxe_name is not None:
                pxe_path = os.path.join(self.bootloc, "pxelinux.cfg", pxe_name)

            if grub_name is not None:
                grub_path = os.path.join(self.bootloc, "grub", "system", grub_name)

            if grub_path is None and pxe_path is None:
                self.logger.warning("invalid interface recorded for system (%s,%s)" % (system.name, name))

            if image_based:
                working_arch = image.arch
                working_arch = distro.arch

            if working_arch is None:
                raise CX("internal error, invalid arch supplied")

            # for tftp only ...
            if working_arch in ["i386", "x86", "x86_64", "arm", "armv7", "ppc64le", "ppc64el", "standard"]:
                # ToDo: This is old, move this logic into item_system.get_config_filename()

            elif working_arch.startswith("ppc"):
                # Determine filename for system-specific bootloader config
                filename = "%s" % system.get_config_filename(interface=name).lower()
                # to inherit the distro and system's boot_loader values correctly
                blended_system = utils.blender(self.api, False, system)
                if blended_system["boot_loader"] == "pxelinux":
                    pxe_path = os.path.join(self.bootloc, "etc", filename)
                    # Link to the yaboot binary
                    f3 = os.path.join(self.bootloc, "ppc", filename)
                    if os.path.lexists(f3):
                    os.symlink("../yaboot", f3)

            if system.is_management_supported():
                if not image_based:
                    if pxe_path:
                        self.write_pxe_file(pxe_path, system, profile, distro, working_arch, metadata=pxe_metadata)
                    if grub_path:
                        self.write_pxe_file(grub_path, system, profile, distro, working_arch, format="grub")
                        # Generate a link named after system to the mac file for easier lookup
                        link_path = os.path.join(self.bootloc, "grub", "system_link", system.name)
                        if os.path.exists(link_path):
                        os.symlink(os.path.join("..", "system", grub_name), link_path)
                    self.write_pxe_file(pxe_path, system, None, None, working_arch, image=profile, metadata=pxe_metadata)
                # ensure the file doesn't exist
                if grub_path:
Example #16
 def unlink_files(globex):
     for f in glob.glob(globex):
         if os.path.isfile(f):