def EssentialReactions(self,tol=1e-10):
     sdel = single_deletion(self, element_type='reaction')
     rv = []
     for reac in sdel[1]:
         if sdel[1][reac] == "infeasible":
     return rv
 def EssentialGenes(self,tol=1e-10):
     sdel = single_deletion(self, element_type='gene')
     rv = []
     for gene in sdel[1]:
         if sdel[1][gene] == "infeasible":
     return rv
Example #3
def pruneModel(model, rxnToRemove_dict, solver_arg):
    rxnToRemoveEssn_dict = {}
    rxnRemoved_dict = {}
    rxnRetained_dict = {}

    for rxnid in rxnToRemove_dict.keys():

        #Single reaction deletion is performed only for reactions labelled as "False"
        if rxnToRemove_dict[rxnid] == False:
            growth_rate_dict, solution_status_dict, problem_dict = single_deletion(

            #Checks optimality first.
            if str(solution_status_dict.values()[0]) == 'optimal':

                #Full list of reactions and predicted growth rates upon their deletions
                rxnToRemoveEssn_dict[rxnid] = float(

                #Checks growth rate upon reaction deletion
                if float(growth_rate_dict.values()[0]) >= 0.01:
                    #List of reactions removed from the template model
                    rxnRemoved_dict[rxnid] = float(
                    logging.debug("Removed reaction: %s, %s, %s, %s", rxnid,
                                  len(model.reactions), len(model.metabolites))
                    #List of reactions retained in the template model
                    rxnRetained_dict[rxnid] = float(
                    logging.debug("Retained reaction: %s, %s, %s, %s", rxnid,
                                  len(model.reactions), len(model.metabolites))

    #Removing metabolites that are not used in the reduced model
    modelPruned = copy.deepcopy(model)

    return modelPruned, rxnToRemoveEssn_dict, rxnRemoved_dict, rxnRetained_dict
Example #4

from cobra.test import create_test_model, salmonella_pickle, ecoli_pickle
from cobra.flux_analysis import single_deletion
from cobra.flux_analysis import double_deletion

cobra_model = create_test_model(salmonella_pickle)

### Single Deletions

# Perform all single gene deletions on a model

start = time()  # start timer()
growth_rates, statuses = single_deletion(cobra_model)
print("All single gene deletions completed in %.2f sec" % (time() - start))
# Prints:
# All single gene deletions completed in 4.01 sec

# These can also be done for only a subset of genes

single_deletion(cobra_model, element_list=cobra_model.genes[:100])

# Single deletions can also be run on reactions

start = time()  # start timer()
growth_rates, statuses = single_deletion(cobra_model, element_type="reaction")
print("All single reaction deletions completed in %.2f sec" % (time() - start))
# Prints:
Example #5
from math import floor
from cobra.manipulation import initialize_growth_medium
from cobra.test import salmonella_pickle #This is the name of the test file
with open(salmonella_pickle) as in_file:
    cobra_model = load(in_file)

initialize_growth_medium(cobra_model, 'LB')
#Expected growth rates for the salmonella model with deletions in LB medium
the_loci =  ['STM4081', 'STM0247', 'STM3867', 'STM2952']
the_genes = tpiA, metN, atpA, eno = map(cobra_model.genes.get_by_id, the_loci)
id_to_name = dict([(, for x in the_genes])
the_growth_rates = {,,,} #expected growth rates after deletion

#Perform a single gene deletion
the_results = single_deletion(cobra_model, [tpiA])

gene_list = the_growth_rates.keys()
#Perform deletions for all genes in the list
start_time = time()

rates, statuses, problems = single_deletion(cobra_model,
for the_gene, v in statuses.items():
    if v != 'optimal':
        print '\t\tdeletion %s was not optimal'%the_gene
for the_gene, v in rates.items():
    v = floor(100*v)/100
    if v != the_growth_rates[the_gene]:
        print '\t\tFAILED: %s simulation (%1.3f) != expectation (%1.2f)'%(id_to_name[the_gene],
Example #6
cobra_model = create_test_model(salmonella_pickle)
initialize_growth_medium(cobra_model, 'LB')

target_genes = ['STM4081', 'STM0247', 'STM3867', 'STM2952']
# Expected growth rates for the salmonella model after a deletions in LB medium
expected_growth_rates = {
    "STM4081": 2.41,
    "STM0247": 2.43,
    "STM3867": 1.87,
    "STM2952": 1.81}

start_time = time()  # start timer

# Perform deletions for all genes in the list
rates, statuses, problems = single_deletion(cobra_model, target_genes)

total_time = time() - start_time  # stop timer

# print out results
passed_string = 'PASSED: %s simulation (%1.3f) ~= expectation (%1.2f)'
failed_string = 'FAILED: %s simulation (%1.3f) != expectation (%1.2f)'
for gene_locus, rate in rates.items():
    # get gene name from gene locus (i.e. STM4081 -> tpiA)
    name = cobra_model.genes.get_by_id(gene_locus).name
    # test if the simulation failed
    if statuses[gene_locus] != "optimal":
        print "deletion failed for %s (%s)" % (name, gene_locus)
    if abs(rate - expected_growth_rates[gene_locus]) > 0.01:
        print failed_string % (name, rate, expected_growth_rates[gene_locus])
Example #7
cobra_model = create_test_model(salmonella_pickle)
initialize_growth_medium(cobra_model, 'LB')

target_genes = ['STM4081', 'STM0247', 'STM3867', 'STM2952']
# Expected growth rates for the salmonella model after a deletions in LB medium
expected_growth_rates = {
    "STM4081": 2.41,
    "STM0247": 2.43,
    "STM3867": 1.87,
    "STM2952": 1.81

start_time = time()  # start timer

# Perform deletions for all genes in the list
rates, statuses, problems = single_deletion(cobra_model, target_genes)

total_time = time() - start_time  # stop timer

# print out results
passed_string = 'PASSED: %s simulation (%1.3f) ~= expectation (%1.2f)'
failed_string = 'FAILED: %s simulation (%1.3f) != expectation (%1.2f)'
for gene_locus, rate in rates.items():
    # get gene name from gene locus (i.e. STM4081 -> tpiA)
    name = cobra_model.genes.get_by_id(gene_locus).name
    # test if the simulation failed
    if statuses[gene_locus] != "optimal":
        print "deletion failed for %s (%s)" % (name, gene_locus)
    if abs(rate - expected_growth_rates[gene_locus]) > 0.01:
        print failed_string % (name, rate, expected_growth_rates[gene_locus])
 def SingleDeletion(self, element_list=None,method='fba', element_type='gene', solver=None):
     return single_deletion(self, element_list=element_list, method=method, element_type=element_type, solver=solver)
Example #9
# .

from time import time

from cobra.test import create_test_model, salmonella_pickle, ecoli_pickle
from cobra.flux_analysis import single_deletion
from cobra.flux_analysis import double_deletion

cobra_model = create_test_model(salmonella_pickle)

### Single Deletions

# Perform all single gene deletions on a model

start = time()  # start timer()
growth_rates, statuses = single_deletion(cobra_model)
print("All single gene deletions completed in %.2f sec" % (time() - start))
# Prints:
# All single gene deletions completed in 4.01 sec

# These can also be done for only a subset of genes

single_deletion(cobra_model, element_list=cobra_model.genes[:100])

# Single deletions can also be run on reactions

start = time()  # start timer()
growth_rates, statuses = single_deletion(cobra_model, element_type="reaction")
print("All single reaction deletions completed in %.2f sec" % (time() - start))
# Prints:
# All single reaction deletions completed in 7.41 sec