Example #1
    def read(self, address, sync=True):
        Read from an address.
        if sync:
            yield RisingEdge(self.clock)

        self.bus.ARADDR <= address
        self.bus.ARVALID <= 1

        while True:
            yield ReadOnly()
            if self.bus.ARREADY.value:
            yield RisingEdge(self.clock)

        yield RisingEdge(self.clock)
        self.bus.ARVALID <= 0

        while True:
            yield ReadOnly()
            if self.bus.RVALID.value and self.bus.RREADY.value:
                data = self.bus.RDATA.value
                result = self.bus.RRESP.value
            yield RisingEdge(self.clock)

        if int(result):
            raise AXIProtocolError("Read address 0x%08x failed with RRESP: %d" %
                               (address, int(result)))

        raise ReturnValue(data)
Example #2
 def _wait_ready(self):
     """Wait for the bus to be ready
     yield ReadOnly()
     while not self.bus.tready.value:
         yield RisingEdge(self.clock)
         yield ReadOnly()
Example #3
    def ping(self):
        timeout_count       =  0

        while timeout_count < self.timeout:
            yield RisingEdge(self.dut.clk)
            timeout_count   += 1
            yield ReadOnly()
            if self.master_ready.value.get_value() == 0:

        if timeout_count == self.timeout:
            self.dut.log.error("Timed out while waiting for master to be ready")

        yield ReadWrite()

        timeout_count       =  0

        while timeout_count < self.timeout:
            yield RisingEdge(self.dut.clk)
            timeout_count   += 1
            yield ReadOnly()
            #if self.dut.out_en.value.get_value() == 0:
            #   continue
            #    break

        if timeout_count == self.timeout:
            self.dut.log.error("Timed out while waiting for master to respond")
        self.dut.log.info("Master Responded to ping")
        self.dut.log.info("\t0x%08X" % self.out_status.value.get_value())
Example #4
 def derivative_producer( self ):
   Registering detected pulses for the
   derivative_peakfinder.vhd peak finder.
   TODO: Yield for something else than rising edge.
   TODO: "No coroutines waiting on trigger that fired: RisingEdge(peaks(1))" -> solved with yielding to ReadOnly after RisingEdge
   while True:
     yield [ RisingEdge(self.dut.peaks[i]) for i in range(self.dut.NPEAKSMAX) ]
     yield ReadOnly()
     if self.dut.peaks==3 or self.dut.peaks==5 or self.dut.peaks==6 or self.dut.peaks==7:
       self.dut._log.info( pfu.string_color("Dobule Pulse!", "yellow") )
     for i in range( self.dut.NPEAKSMAX ):
       detected_pulse = p.pulse( orbit=self.orb_cnt, bx=self.bx_cnt, amplitude=int(self.dut.peaks_val[i]), position=int(self.dut.peaks_pos[i]), tot=None )
       self.pulses.append( detected_pulse )
     trig = True
     while trig:
       yield RisingEdge( self.dut.clk )
       yield ReadOnly()
       if int(self.dut.peaks) > 0:
         for i in range( self.dut.NPEAKSMAX ):
           if self.dut.peaks[i]:
             # self.dut._log.info( pfu.string_color("CONSECUTIVE", "yellow") )
             self.consec_cnt += 1
             detected_pulse = p.pulse( orbit=self.orb_cnt, bx=self.bx_cnt, amplitude=int(self.dut.peaks_val[i]), position=int(self.dut.peaks_pos[i]), tot=None )
             self.pulses.append( detected_pulse )
         trig = True
         trig = False
Example #5
 def prallel_producer( self ):
   Registering detected pulses for the
   parallel_analyzer.vhd peak finder.
   Function yields for a rising edge in detected peaks and
   then checks if still asserted in next bx to count consecutive bx peaks.
   TODO: Yield for something else than rising edge in the first place
   while True:
     yield [ RisingEdge(self.dut.peaks[i]) for i in range(self.NSAMP) ]
     yield ReadOnly()
     detected_pulse = p.pulse( orbit=self.orb_cnt, bx=self.bx_cnt, amplitude=int(self.dut.local_maximum), position=int(math.log(int(self.dut.peaks),2)), tot=int(self.dut.time_over_threshold) )
     self.pulses.append( detected_pulse )
     trig = True
     while trig:
       yield RisingEdge( self.dut.bunch_clk )
       yield ReadOnly()
       if int(self.dut.peaks) > 0:
         # self.dut._log.info( pfu.string_color("CONSECUTIVE", "yellow") )
         self.consec_cnt += 1
         detected_pulse = p.pulse( orbit=self.orb_cnt, bx=self.bx_cnt, amplitude=int(self.dut.local_maximum), position=int(math.log(int(self.dut.peaks),2)), tot=int(self.dut.time_over_threshold) )
         self.pulses.append( detected_pulse )
         trig = True
         trig = False
Example #6
 def _wait_for_ack_nack(self):
     yield ReadOnly()
     while (self.bus.ack.value.integer !=
            1) and (self.bus.nack.value.integer != 1):
         yield [RisingEdge(self.bus.ack), RisingEdge(self.bus.nack)]
         #yield RisingEdge(self.bus.ack)
         yield ReadOnly()
     yield NextTimeStep()
Example #7
    def read(self, address, sync=True):
        Issue a request to the bus and block until this
        comes back. Simulation time still progresses
        but syntactically it blocks.
        See http://www.altera.com/literature/manual/mnl_avalon_spec_1_3.pdf
        if not self._can_read:
            self.log.error("Cannot read - have no read signal")
            raise TestError("Attempt to read on a write-only AvalonMaster")

        yield self._acquire_lock()

        # Apply values for next clock edge
        if sync:
            yield RisingEdge(self.clock)
        self.bus.address <= address
        self.bus.read <= 1
        if hasattr(self.bus, "byteenable"):
            self.bus.byteenable <= int("1" * len(self.bus.byteenable), 2)
        if hasattr(self.bus, "cs"):
            self.bus.cs <= 1

        # Wait for waitrequest to be low
        if hasattr(self.bus, "waitrequest"):
            yield self._wait_for_nsignal(self.bus.waitrequest)
        yield RisingEdge(self.clock)

        # Deassert read
        self.bus.read <= 0
        if hasattr(self.bus, "byteenable"):
            self.bus.byteenable <= 0
        if hasattr(self.bus, "cs"):
            self.bus.cs <= 0
        v = self.bus.address.value
        v.binstr = "x" * len(self.bus.address)
        self.bus.address <= v

        if hasattr(self.bus, "readdatavalid"):
            while True:
                yield ReadOnly()
                if int(self.bus.readdatavalid):
                yield RisingEdge(self.clock)
            # Assume readLatency = 1 if no readdatavalid
            # FIXME need to configure this,
            # should take a dictionary of Avalon properties.
            yield ReadOnly()

        # Get the data
        data = self.bus.readdata.value

        raise ReturnValue(data)
Example #8
 def append_channel(self):
     yield ReadOnly()
     while True:
         if self.dut.dac_0_valid.value:
             data = self.dut.dac_0_data.value.get_value()
             data = 0
         # print("append_channel")
         yield RisingEdge(self.dut.clock)
         yield ReadOnly()
Example #9
 def _wait_for_signal(self, signal):
     """This method will return with the specified signal
     has hit logic ``1``. The state will be in the :any:`ReadOnly` phase
     so sim will need to move to :any:`NextTimeStep` before
     registering more callbacks can occur.
     yield ReadOnly()
     while signal.value.integer != 1:
         yield RisingEdge(signal)
         yield ReadOnly()
     yield NextTimeStep()
Example #10
    def _wait_ready(self):
        """Wait for a ready cycle on the bus before continuing

            Can no longer drive values this cycle...

            FIXME assumes readyLatency of 0
        yield ReadOnly()
        while not self.bus.ready.value:
            yield RisingEdge(self.clock)
            yield ReadOnly()
Example #11
 def _wait_for_nsignal(self, signal):
     """This method will return with the specified signal
     has hit logic 0. The state will be in the ReadOnly phase
     so sim will need to move to NextTimeStep before
     registering more callbacks can occour
     yield ReadOnly()
     while signal.value.integer != 0:
         yield Edge(signal)
         yield ReadOnly()
     yield NextTimeStep()
Example #12
 def _wait_for_nsignal(self, signal):
     """This method will return when the specified signal
     has hit logic ``0``. The state will be in the 
     :class:`~cocotb.triggers.ReadOnly` phase so sim will need
     to move to :class:`~cocotb.triggers.NextTimeStep` before
     registering more callbacks can occur.
     yield ReadOnly()
     while signal.value.integer != 0:
         yield Edge(signal)
         yield ReadOnly()
     yield NextTimeStep()
Example #13
    def write(self, data=None):

        if data is None:
            #Generate a test image
            data = [[0] * width] * height
            for y in range(height):
                for x in range(width):
                    data[y][x] = i % 256

        yield self.busy.acquire()

        yield RisingEdge(self.clock)
        self.bus.SOF_STB <= 1
        yield RisingEdge(self.clock)
        self.bus.SOF_STB <= 0

        #Perform Y Front Porch Delay
        for i in range(self.y_fp):
            yield RisingEdge(self.clock)
            yield ReadOnly()

        for y in range(self.height):
            #Perform X Front Porch Delay
            for i in range(self.x_fp):
                yield RisingEdge(self.clock)
                yield ReadOnly()

            yield RisingEdge(self.clock)
            self.bus.SOF_STB <= 1
            yield RisingEdge(self.clock)
            self.bus.SOF_STB <= 0

            for x in range(self.width):
                yield RisingEdge()
                self.busy.HSYNC <= 1
                self.bus.RED <= (data[y][x] >> 5) & 0x5
                self.bus.GREEN <= (data[y][x] >> 2) & 0x5
                self.bus.BLUE <= (data[y][x] >> 0) & 0x3

            yield RisingEdge()
            self.busy.HSYNC <= 0

            #Perform X Back Porch Delay
            for i in range(self.x_bp):
                yield RisingEdge(self.clock)
                yield ReadOnly()

        #Perform Y Back Porch Delay
        for i in range(self.y_bp):
            yield RisingEdge(self.clock)
            yield ReadOnly()
Example #14
    def write(self, data, byte_enable=-1, keep=1, tid=0, dest=0, user=0):
        Send the write data, with optional delay
        yield self.write_data_busy.acquire()
        self.bus.tvalid <=  0
        self.bus.tlast  <=  0

        if hasattr(self.bus, 'tid'):
            self.bus.tid    <=  tid

        if hasattr(self.bus, 'tdest'):
            self.bus.tdest  <=  dest

        if hasattr(self.bus, 'tuser'):
            self.bus.tuser  <=  user

        if hasattr(self.bus, 'tstrb'):
            self.bus.tstrb  <=  (1 << self.strobe_width) - 1

        if byte_enable == -1:
            byte_enable = (self.width >> 3) - 1

        #Wait for the slave to assert tready
        while True:
            yield ReadOnly()
            if self.bus.tready.value:
            yield RisingEdge(self.clock)

        yield RisingEdge(self.clock)
        #every clock cycle update the data
        for i in range (len(data)):
            self.bus.tvalid <=  1
            self.bus.tdata  <= data[i]
            if i >= len(data) - 1:
                self.bus.tlast  <=  1;
            yield ReadOnly()
            if not self.bus.tready.value:
                while True:
                    yield RisingEdge(self.clock)
                    yield ReadOnly()
                    if self.bus.tready.value:
                        yield RisingEdge(self.clock)
            yield RisingEdge(self.clock)

        self.bus.tlast  <= 0;
        self.bus.tvalid <= 0;
        yield RisingEdge(self.clock)
Example #15
    def _read_data(self):
        clock_re = RisingEdge(self.clock)

        while True:
            while True:
                yield ReadOnly()
                if self.bus.ARVALID.value:
                yield clock_re

            yield ReadOnly()
            _araddr = int(self.bus.ARADDR)
            _arlen = int(self.bus.ARLEN)
            _arsize = int(self.bus.ARSIZE)
            _arburst = int(self.bus.ARBURST)
            _arprot = int(self.bus.ARPROT)

            burst_length = _arlen + 1
            bytes_in_beat = self._size_to_bytes_in_beat(_arsize)

            word = BinaryValue(n_bits=bytes_in_beat*8, bigEndian=self.big_endian)

            if __debug__:
                    "ARADDR  %d\n" % _araddr +
                    "ARLEN   %d\n" % _arlen +
                    "ARSIZE  %d\n" % _arsize +
                    "ARBURST %d\n" % _arburst +
                    "ARPROT %d\n" % _arprot +
                    "BURST_LENGTH %d\n" % burst_length +
                    "Bytes in beat %d\n" % bytes_in_beat)

            burst_count = burst_length

            yield clock_re

            while True:
                self.bus.RVALID <= 1
                yield ReadOnly()
                if self.bus.RREADY.value:
                    _burst_diff = burst_length - burst_count
                    _st = _araddr + (_burst_diff * bytes_in_beat)
                    _end = _araddr + ((_burst_diff + 1) * bytes_in_beat)
                    word.buff = self._memory[_st:_end].tobytes()
                    self.bus.RDATA <= word
                    if burst_count == 1:
                        self.bus.RLAST <= 1
                yield clock_re
                burst_count -= 1
                self.bus.RLAST <= 0
                if burst_count == 0:
Example #16
    def read(self, address, sync=True):
        Read from an address.
            address (int): The address to read from
            sync (bool, optional): Wait for rising edge on clock initially.
                Defaults to True.
            BinaryValue: The read data value
            AXIProtocolError: If read response from AXI is not ``OKAY``
        if sync:
            yield RisingEdge(self.clock)

        # self.bus.ARADDR <= address
        # self.bus.ARVALID <= 1
        self.bus.araddr <= address
        self.bus.arvalid <= 1

        while True:
            yield ReadOnly()
            # if self.bus.ARREADY.value:
            if self.bus.arready.value:
            yield RisingEdge(self.clock)

        yield RisingEdge(self.clock)
        # self.bus.ARVALID <= 0
        self.bus.arvalid <= 0

        while True:
            yield ReadOnly()
            # if self.bus.RVALID.value and self.bus.RREADY.value:
            if self.bus.rvalid.value and self.bus.rready.value:
                # data = self.bus.RDATA.value
                # result = self.bus.RRESP.value
                data = self.bus.rdata.value
                result = self.bus.rresp.value
            yield RisingEdge(self.clock)

        if int(result):
            raise AXIProtocolError("Read address 0x%08x failed with RRESP: %d" %
                               (address, int(result)))

        raise ReturnValue(data)
Example #17
    def _write_data(self):
        clock_re = RisingEdge(self.clock)

        while True:
            while True:
                self.bus.WREADY <= 0
                yield ReadOnly()
                if self.bus.AWVALID.value:
                    self.bus.WREADY <= 1
                yield clock_re

            yield ReadOnly()
            _awaddr = int(self.bus.AWADDR)
            _awlen = int(self.bus.AWLEN)
            _awsize = int(self.bus.AWSIZE)
            _awburst = int(self.bus.AWBURST)
            _awprot = int(self.bus.AWPROT)

            burst_length = _awlen + 1
            bytes_in_beat = self._size_to_bytes_in_beat(_awsize)

            word = BinaryValue(bits=bytes_in_beat*8, bigEndian=self.big_endain)

            if __debug__:
                    "AWADDR  %d\n" % _awaddr +
                    "AWLEN   %d\n" % _awlen +
                    "AWSIZE  %d\n" % _awsize +
                    "AWBURST %d\n" % _awburst +
                    "BURST_LENGTH %d\n" % burst_length +
                    "Bytes in beat %d\n" % bytes_in_beat)

            burst_count = burst_length

            yield clock_re

            while True:
                if self.bus.WVALID.value:
                    word = self.bus.WDATA.value
                    word.big_endian = self.big_endain
                    _burst_diff = burst_length - burst_count
                    _st = _awaddr + (_burst_diff * bytes_in_beat)  # start
                    _end = _awaddr + ((_burst_diff + 1) * bytes_in_beat)  # end
                    self._memory[_st:_end] = array.array('B', word.get_buff())
                    burst_count -= 1
                    if burst_count == 0:
                yield clock_re
Example #18
File: utils.py Project: powlib/sim
def start_reset(reset,
                wait_time=(50, "ns")):
    reset            = SimHandle of the reset.
    active_mode      = Specifies the active state of the reset.
    associated_clock = If set to the SimHandle of an associated clock, the
                       reset will become inactive after the specified amount
                       of wait cycles. If set to None, the reset will instead
                       become inactive after the specified amount of time.
    wait_cycles      = Specifies the amount of clock cycles needed before the 
                       reset becomes inactive.
    wait_time        = Specifies the amount of time needed before the reset
                       becomes inactive.

    reset.value = active_mode

    if associated_clock is not None:
        for each_cycle in range(wait_cycles):
            yield ReadOnly()
            yield RisingEdge(associated_clock)
        yield Timer(*wait_time)

    reset.value = 1 - active_mode
Example #19
    def write(self, address, value, sync=True):
        yield self._acquire_lock()

        if sync:
            yield RisingEdge(self.clock)
        self.bus.ABus <= address
        self.bus.select <= 1
        self.bus.RNW <= 0
        self.bus.BE <= 0xF
        self.bus.DBus_out <= value

        count = 0
        while not int(self.bus.xferAck.value):
            yield RisingEdge(self.clock)
            yield ReadOnly()
            if int(self.bus.toutSup.value):
                count = 0
                count += 1
            if count >= self._max_cycles:
                raise OPBException("Write took longer than 16 cycles")

        self.bus.select <= 0
Example #20
def read_ram(dut, address):
    """This coroutine performs a read of the RAM and returns a value"""
    yield RisingEdge(dut.clk_read)  # Synchronise to the read clock
    dut.address_read = address  # Drive the value onto the signal
    yield RisingEdge(dut.clk_read)  # Wait for 1 clock cycle
    yield ReadOnly()  # Wait until all events have executed for this timestep
    raise ReturnValue(int(dut.data_read.value))  # Read back the value
Example #21
    def write(self, address, value, byte_enable=0xf, address_latency=0,
        Write a value to an address.

        The *_latency KWargs allow control over the delta

        c_addr = cocotb.fork(self._send_write_address(address,
        c_data = cocotb.fork(self._send_write_data(value,

        if c_addr:
            yield c_addr.join()
        if c_data:
            yield c_data.join()

        # Wait for the response
        while True:
            yield ReadOnly()
            if self.bus.BVALID.value and self.bus.BREADY.value:
                result = self.bus.BRESP.value
            yield RisingEdge(self.clock)

        yield RisingEdge(self.clock)

        if int(result):
            raise AXIProtocolError("Write to address 0x%08x failed with BRESP: %d"
                               % (address, int(result)))

        raise ReturnValue(result)
Example #22
 def reset(self, duration=30000):
     yield Timer(5500)
     self.dut.reset_n <= 0
     yield Timer(duration)
     yield RisingEdge(self.dut.clk)
     self.dut.reset_n <= 1
     yield ReadOnly()
Example #23
File: opb.py Project: rtspk/cocotb
    def write(self, address: int, value: int, sync: bool = True) -> None:
        """Issue a write to the given address with the specified value.

            address: The address to read from.
            value: The data value to write.
            sync: Wait for rising edge on clock initially.
                Defaults to True.

            OPBException: If write took longer than 16 cycles.
        yield self._acquire_lock()

        if sync:
            yield RisingEdge(self.clock)
        self.bus.ABus <= address
        self.bus.select <= 1
        self.bus.RNW <= 0
        self.bus.BE <= 0xF
        self.bus.DBus_out <= value

        count = 0
        while not int(self.bus.xferAck.value):
            yield RisingEdge(self.clock)
            yield ReadOnly()
            if int(self.bus.toutSup.value):
                count = 0
                count += 1
            if count >= self._max_cycles:
                raise OPBException("Write took longer than 16 cycles")

        self.bus.select <= 0
Example #24
    def read_external(self, address):
        """Copied from silusb.sv testbench interface"""
        self.bus.RD_B <= 1
        self.bus.ADD <= self._x
        self.bus.BUS_DATA <= self._high_impedence
        for _ in range(5):
            yield RisingEdge(self.clock)

        yield RisingEdge(self.clock)
        self.bus.ADD <= address + 0x4000

        yield RisingEdge(self.clock)
        self.bus.RD_B <= 0
        yield RisingEdge(self.clock)
        self.bus.RD_B <= 0
        yield ReadOnly()
        result = self.bus.BUS_DATA.value.integer
        yield RisingEdge(self.clock)
        self.bus.RD_B <= 1

        yield RisingEdge(self.clock)
        self.bus.RD_B <= 1
        self.bus.ADD <= self._x

        yield RisingEdge(self.clock)

        for _ in range(5):
            yield RisingEdge(self.clock)

        raise ReturnValue(result)
Example #25
    def bcycle(self):
        Waits a single clock cycle.

        yield ReadOnly()
        yield RisingEdge(self.bclock)
Example #26
 def update(self):
     yield ReadOnly()
     self.empty = (self.dut.fifo_empty == 1)
     self.full = (self.dut.fifo_full == 1)
     self.threshold = (self.dut.fifo_threshold == 1)
     self.overflow = (self.dut.fifo_overflow == 1)
     self.underflow = (self.dut.fifo_underflow == 1)
Example #27
async def test_singleton_isinstance(dut):
    Test that the result of trigger expression have a predictable type
    assert isinstance(NextTimeStep(), NextTimeStep)
    assert isinstance(ReadOnly(), ReadOnly)
    assert isinstance(ReadWrite(), ReadWrite)
Example #28
    def read(self, address, sync=True):
        Issue a request to the bus and block until this
        comes back. Simulation time still progresses
        but syntactically it blocks.
        yield self._acquire_lock()

        # Apply values for next clock edge
        if sync:
            yield RisingEdge(self.clock)
        self.bus.ABus <= address
        self.bus.select <= 1
        self.bus.RNW <= 1
        self.bus.BE <= 0xF

        count = 0
        while not int(self.bus.xferAck.value):
            yield RisingEdge(self.clock)
            yield ReadOnly()
            if int(self.bus.toutSup.value):
                count = 0
                count += 1
            if count >= self._max_cycles:
                raise OPBException("Read took longer than 16 cycles")
        data = int(self.bus.DBus_out.value)

        # Deassert read
        self.bus.select <= 0
        self.log.info("Read of address 0x%x returned 0x%08x" % (address, data))
        raise ReturnValue(data)
Example #29
    def get_count(self):
        while True:
            yield ReadOnly()
            if self._entity.ld_cnt == 0:

        raise ReturnValue(self._entity.cntdwn)
Example #30
def do_test_readwrite_in_readonly(dut):
    global exited
    yield RisingEdge(dut.clk)
    yield ReadOnly()
    dut.clk <= 0
    yield ReadWrite()
    exited = True