Example #1
def build_java():
    """ Builds the example experiment in Java """
    global release
    amalgamate(core_files + ['code-experiments/src/coco_runtime_c.c'], 'code-experiments/build/java/coco.c', release)
    copy_file('code-experiments/src/coco.h', 'code-experiments/build/java/coco.h')
    write_file(git_revision(), "code-experiments/build/java/REVISION")
    write_file(git_version(), "code-experiments/build/java/VERSION")
    run('code-experiments/build/java', ['javac', 'CocoJNI.java'])
    run('code-experiments/build/java', ['javah', 'CocoJNI'])

    # Finds the path to the headers jni.h and jni_md.h (platform-dependent)
    # and compiles the CocoJNI library (compiler-dependent). So far, only
    # the following cases are covered:

    # 1. Windows with Cygwin (both 64-bit)
    # Note that 'win32' stands for both Windows 32-bit and 64-bit.
    # Since platform 'cygwin' does not work as expected, we need to look for it in the PATH.
    if ('win32' in sys.platform) and ('cygwin' in os.environ['PATH']):
        jdkpath = check_output(['where', 'javac'], stderr=STDOUT,
                               env=os.environ, universal_newlines=True)
        jdkpath1 = jdkpath.split("bin")[0] + 'include'
        jdkpath2 = jdkpath1 + '\\win32'

        if ('64' in platform.machine()):
            run('code-experiments/build/java', ['x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc', '-I', jdkpath1, '-I',
                                                jdkpath2, '-shared', '-o', 'CocoJNI.dll',

            # 2. Windows with Cygwin (both 32-bit)
        elif ('32' in platform.machine()) or ('x86' in platform.machine()):
            run('code-experiments/build/java', ['i686-w64-mingw32-gcc', '-Wl,--kill-at', '-I',
                                                jdkpath1, '-I', jdkpath2, '-shared', '-o',
                                                'CocoJNI.dll', 'CocoJNI.c'])

    # 3. Windows without Cygwin
    elif ('win32' in sys.platform) and ('cygwin' not in os.environ['PATH']):
        jdkpath = check_output(['where', 'javac'], stderr=STDOUT,
                               env=os.environ, universal_newlines=True)
        jdkpath1 = jdkpath.split("bin")[0] + 'include'
        jdkpath2 = jdkpath1 + '\\win32'
        run('code-experiments/build/java', ['gcc', '-Wl,--kill-at', '-I', jdkpath1, '-I', jdkpath2,
                                            '-shared', '-o', 'CocoJNI.dll', 'CocoJNI.c'])

    # 4. Linux
    elif ('linux' in sys.platform):
        jdkpath = check_output(['locate', 'jni.h'], stderr=STDOUT,
                               env=os.environ, universal_newlines=True)
        jdkpath1 = jdkpath.split("jni.h")[0]
        jdkpath2 = jdkpath1 + '/linux'
        run('code-experiments/build/java', ['gcc', '-I', jdkpath1, '-I', jdkpath2, '-c',
        run('code-experiments/build/java', ['gcc', '-I', jdkpath1, '-I', jdkpath2, '-o',
                                            'libCocoJNI.so', '-fPIC', '-shared', 'CocoJNI.c'])

    # 5. Mac
    elif ('darwin' in sys.platform):
        jdkversion = check_output(['javac', '-version'], stderr=STDOUT,
                                  env=os.environ, universal_newlines=True)
        jdkversion = jdkversion.split()[1]
        jdkpath = '/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Headers'
        jdkpath1 = '/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk' + jdkversion + '.jdk/Contents/Home/include'
        jdkpath2 = jdkpath1 + '/darwin'
        run('code-experiments/build/java', ['gcc', '-I', jdkpath, '-I', jdkpath1, '-I', jdkpath2, '-c', 'CocoJNI.c'])
        run('code-experiments/build/java', ['gcc', '-dynamiclib', '-o', 'libCocoJNI.jnilib',

    run('code-experiments/build/java', ['javac', 'Problem.java'])
    run('code-experiments/build/java', ['javac', 'Benchmark.java'])
    run('code-experiments/build/java', ['javac', 'Observer.java'])
    run('code-experiments/build/java', ['javac', 'Suite.java'])
    run('code-experiments/build/java', ['javac', 'ExampleExperiment.java'])
Example #2
File: do.py Project: ysakanaka/coco
def build_java():
    """ Builds the example experiment in Java """
    global RELEASE
    amalgamate(CORE_FILES + ['code-experiments/src/coco_runtime_c.c'],
               'code-experiments/build/java/coco.c', RELEASE,
               {"COCO_VERSION": git_version(pep440=True)})
    expand_file('code-experiments/src/coco.h', 'code-experiments/build/java/coco.h',
                {'COCO_VERSION': git_version(pep440=True)})
    write_file(git_revision(), "code-experiments/build/java/REVISION")
    write_file(git_version(), "code-experiments/build/java/VERSION")
    run('code-experiments/build/java', ['javac', 'CocoJNI.java'], verbose=_verbosity)
    run('code-experiments/build/java', ['javah', 'CocoJNI'], verbose=_verbosity)

    # Finds the path to the headers jni.h and jni_md.h (platform-dependent)
    # and compiles the CocoJNI library (compiler-dependent). So far, only
    # the following cases are covered:

    # 1. Windows with Cygwin (both 64-bit)
    # Note that 'win32' stands for both Windows 32-bit and 64-bit.
    # Since platform 'cygwin' does not work as expected, we need to look for it in the PATH.
    if ('win32' in sys.platform) and ('cygwin' in os.environ['PATH']):
        jdkpath = check_output(['where', 'javac'], stderr=STDOUT,
                               env=os.environ, universal_newlines=True)
        jdkpath1 = jdkpath.split("bin")[0] + 'include'
        jdkpath2 = jdkpath1 + '\\win32'

        if '64' in platform.machine():
            run('code-experiments/build/java', ['x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc', '-I', jdkpath1, '-I',
                                                jdkpath2, '-shared', '-o', 'CocoJNI.dll',
                                                'CocoJNI.c'], verbose=_verbosity)

            # 2. Windows with Cygwin (both 32-bit)
        elif '32' in platform.machine() or 'x86' in platform.machine():
            run('code-experiments/build/java', ['i686-w64-mingw32-gcc', '-Wl,--kill-at', '-I',
                                                jdkpath1, '-I', jdkpath2, '-shared', '-o',
                                                'CocoJNI.dll', 'CocoJNI.c'], verbose=_verbosity)

    # 3. Windows without Cygwin
    elif ('win32' in sys.platform) and ('cygwin' not in os.environ['PATH']):
        jdkpath = check_output(['where', 'javac'], stderr=STDOUT,
                               env=os.environ, universal_newlines=True)
        jdkpath1 = jdkpath.split("bin")[0] + 'include'
        jdkpath2 = jdkpath1 + '\\win32'
            ['gcc', '-Wl,--kill-at', '-I', jdkpath1, '-I', jdkpath2,
             '-shared', '-o', 'CocoJNI.dll', 'CocoJNI.c'],

    # 4. Linux
    elif 'linux' in sys.platform:
        jdkpath = check_output(['locate', 'jni.h'], stderr=STDOUT,
                               env=os.environ, universal_newlines=True)
        jdkpath1 = jdkpath.split("jni.h")[0]
        jdkpath2 = jdkpath1 + '/linux'
            ['gcc', '-I', jdkpath1, '-I', jdkpath2, '-c', 'CocoJNI.c'],
            ['gcc', '-I', jdkpath1, '-I', jdkpath2, '-o',
             'libCocoJNI.so', '-fPIC', '-shared', 'CocoJNI.c'],

    # 5. Mac
    elif 'darwin' in sys.platform:
        jdkversion = check_output(['javac', '-version'], stderr=STDOUT,
                                  env=os.environ, universal_newlines=True)
        jdkversion = jdkversion.split()[1]
        jdkpath = '/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Headers'
        jdkpath1 = ('/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk' +
                    jdkversion + '.jdk/Contents/Home/include')
        jdkpath2 = jdkpath1 + '/darwin'
            ['gcc', '-I', jdkpath, '-I', jdkpath1, '-I', jdkpath2, '-c', 'CocoJNI.c'],
            ['gcc', '-dynamiclib', '-o', 'libCocoJNI.jnilib', 'CocoJNI.o'],

    run('code-experiments/build/java', ['javac', 'Problem.java'], verbose=_verbosity)
    run('code-experiments/build/java', ['javac', 'Benchmark.java'], verbose=_verbosity)
    run('code-experiments/build/java', ['javac', 'Observer.java'], verbose=_verbosity)
    run('code-experiments/build/java', ['javac', 'Suite.java'], verbose=_verbosity)
    run('code-experiments/build/java', ['javac', 'ExampleExperiment.java'], verbose=_verbosity)