Example #1
    def Initialize(self, node):
            valueString = model.GetDataAsString(node.type, coda.fetch(node.cursor))
        except (coda.CodaError, coda.CodacError) as ex:
            raise RenderError("[CODA] %s" % (str(ex),))

Example #2
    def _read(self, path, fields="all", return_header=False):
        tmpdira = config.conf["main"]["tmpdir"]
        tmpdirb = config.conf["main"]["tmpdirb"]
        tmpdir = (tmpdira 
            if shutil.disk_usage(tmpdira).free > self.minspace
            else tmpdirb)
        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="wb", dir=tmpdir, delete=True) as tmpfile:
            with gzip.open(str(path), "rb") as gzfile:
                logging.debug("Decompressing {!s}".format(path))
                gzcont = gzfile.read()
                logging.debug("Writing decompressed file to {!s}".format(tmpfile.name))
                del gzcont

            # All the hard work is in coda
            logging.debug("Reading {!s}".format(tmpfile.name))
            cfp = coda.open(tmpfile.name)
            c = coda.fetch(cfp)
            logging.debug("Sorting info...")
            n_scanlines = c.MPHR.TOTAL_MDR
            start = datetime.datetime(*coda.time_double_to_parts_utc(c.MPHR.SENSING_START))
            has_mdr = numpy.array([hasattr(m, 'MDR') for m in c.MDR],
            bad = numpy.array([
                        if hasattr(m, 'MDR') else True
                        for m in c.MDR],
            dlt = numpy.concatenate(
                [m.MDR.OnboardUTC[:, numpy.newaxis]
                    for m in c.MDR
                    if hasattr(m, 'MDR')], 1) - c.MPHR.SENSING_START
            M = numpy.ma.zeros(
                shape=(n_scanlines, 30))
            M["time"][has_mdr] = numpy.datetime64(start, "ms") + numpy.array(dlt*1e3, "m8[ms]").T
            specall = self.__obtain_from_mdr(c, "GS1cSpect")
            M["spectral_radiance"][has_mdr] = specall
            locall = self.__obtain_from_mdr(c, "GGeoSondLoc")
            M["lon"][has_mdr] = locall[:, :, :, 0]
            M["lat"][has_mdr] = locall[:, :, :, 1]
            satangall = self.__obtain_from_mdr(c, "GGeoSondAnglesMETOP")
            M["satellite_zenith_angle"][has_mdr] = satangall[:, :, :, 0]
            M["satellite_azimuth_angle"][has_mdr] = satangall[:, :, :, 1]
            solangall = self.__obtain_from_mdr(c, "GGeoSondAnglesSUN")
            M["solar_zenith_angle"][has_mdr] = solangall[:, :, :, 0]
            M["solar_azimuth_angle"][has_mdr] = solangall[:, :, :, 1]
            for fld in M.dtype.names:
                M.mask[fld][~has_mdr, ...] = True
                M.mask[fld][bad, ...] = True
            m = c.MDR[0].MDR
            wavenumber = (m.IDefSpectDWn1b * numpy.arange(m.IDefNsfirst1b, m.IDefNslast1b+0.1) * (1/ureg.metre))
            if self.wavenumber is None:
                self.wavenumber = wavenumber
            elif abs(self.wavenumber - wavenumber).max() > (0.05 * 1/(ureg.centimetre)):
                raise ValueError("Inconsistent wavenumbers")
            return M
Example #3
    def Initialize(self, node):
        for i in range(0, len(node)):
            field = node[i]

            if not (coda.get_option_filter_record_fields() and (field.hidden or not field.available)):
                idx = self.InsertItem(i, str(i))
                self.SetItem(idx, 1, field.real_name, model.GetNodeIcon(field, model.iconDictionary))

                if field.available:
                    if field.type == model.TYPE_RECORD:
                        self.SetItem(idx, 2, "<record of %u field(s)>" % (len(field),))

                    elif field.type == model.TYPE_ARRAY:
                        if field.isRankZero():
                            self.SetItem(idx, 2, "<rank-0 array of %s>" % (model.GetTypeAsString(field.base),))

                            dimensionString = ""
                            for dim in field.dimensions[:-1]:
                                dimensionString += "%u x " % (dim,)
                            dimensionString += "%u" % (field.dimensions[-1],)

                            self.SetItem(idx, 2, "[%s %s]" % (dimensionString, model.GetTypeAsString(field.base)))

                        # a maximum size of _maxLineLength characters is specified, because
                        # GDK may crash if the length of a string item gets too long.
                        # also, if the line is really long the user will probably not want
                        # to view as a single line in a ListCtrl anyway.
                            data = coda.fetch(field.cursor)
                        except (coda.CodaError, coda.CodacError) as ex:
                            raise RenderError("[CODA] %s" % (str(ex),))

                        self.SetItem(idx, 2, model.GetDataAsString(field.type, data, frame._maxLineLength))
                    self.SetItem(idx, 2, "<unavailable>")

        # _AutoSize() sets the width of a column to the maximum of the
        # width of the longest item in the column and the width of the column
        # header.
        # I would like to _AutoSize() only column 0 and 1, and have column 2
        # take up the rest of the available space (maybe constrained to a
        # minimum width, i.e. the width of the smallest item in the column).
        # This would be desirable, because sometimes there can be very long
        # items, which result in very small scrollbars. However, there does not
        # seem to be an easy way to achieve this. (Note that if an item is
        # longer than the column width, it is automatically clipped and
        # padded with '...' by the ListCtrl.)
        # UPDATE: A specified maximum length (productbrowser.frame._maxLength) is
        # now used to avoid very long items. Therefore, we can now _AutoSize()
        # column 2 as well. However, _AutoSize()-ing only column 0 and 1, and
        # having column 2 take up the rest of the available space would still
        # be a better solution.
        self._AutoSize((0, 1, 2))
 def get_solar_zenith(self):
     fp = coda.open(self.in_file)
     angles = coda.fetch(fp, 'MDR', -1, 'MDR', 'GGeoSondAnglesSUN')
     zenith = np.array([])
     for i in angles:
         z = i.reshape(-1)[0::2]
         zenith = np.append(zenith, z)
     return zenith
Example #5
    def Initialize(self, node):
        assert node.type == model.TYPE_ARRAY, "PlotRenderer can only render node of type TYPE_ARRAY"
        assert not isinstance(
            node, model.ObjectArrayNode
        ), "PlotRenderer cannot render arrays of compound types"

        # coda.fetch() will promote a rank-0 array to a 1x1 array,
        # so a rank of 1 is the smallest possible rank.
            self.array = coda.fetch(node.cursor)
        except (coda.CodaError, coda.CodacError) as ex:
            raise RenderError("[CODA] %s" % (str(ex), ))

        # array sanity check
        ok = True
        if node.isRankZero():
            ok = (self.array.ndim == 1) and (self.array.shape[0] == 1)
            ok = (self.array.ndim == len(node.dimensions)) and (self.array.size
                                                                == len(node))
            i = 0
            while ok and i < len(node.dimensions):
                ok = ok and (self.array.shape[i] == node.dimensions[i])
                i += 1

        if not ok:
            raise RenderError(
                "[PlotRenderer] Array read from product does not match description."

        self.plot = PlotWindow(self, -1)

        sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
        sizer.Add(self.plot, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 5)
        if self.array.ndim > 1:
            self.slicer = NumpySlicer1D(self, -1, self.array, "select")
            sizer.Add(self.slicer, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT, 5)
            self.Bind(EVT_SLICE_CHANGED, self.OnSliceChanged)


        if self.array.ndim == 1:
            self.plot.AddDataSet(numpy.arange(self.array.shape[0]), self.array)
            slice = self.slicer.GetSlice()
            self.plot.AddDataSet(numpy.arange(slice.shape[0]), slice)
Example #6
    def Initialize(self, node):
            array = coda.fetch(node.cursor)
        except (coda.CodaError, coda.CodacError) as ex:
            raise RenderError("[CODA] %s" % (str(ex),))

        # array sanity check
        if not array.ndim == 1:
            raise RenderError("[BytesRenderer] Array read from product does not match description.")

        if array.size == 0:
            raise RenderError("[BytesRenderer] Array read from product is empty.")

        width, height = self.GetTextExtent("FF")
        self.SetDefaultColSize(width + 10)
        self.SetDefaultRowSize(height + 10)
        self.SetDefaultCellAlignment(wx.ALIGN_CENTRE, wx.ALIGN_CENTRE)
        self.SetTable(HexNumpyWrapper(array), True)
Example #7
    def get_sensor_azimuth(self):
        return sensor_azimuth
        if self.resolution == 40000:
            satellite_type1 = ['METOP-A', 'METOP-B']
            if self.satellite in satellite_type1:
                    fp = coda.open(self.in_file)
                    angle = coda.fetch(fp, 'MDR', -1, 'Earthshine',
                                       'GEO_EARTH', 'SAT_AZIMUTH')
                    # angle = 30*3*32 = 1440, 取30*1*32 = 960, 取前959个
                    data_size = self.data_shape[0]
                    data_row = angle.shape[0]
                    data_col = angle[0].shape[1]
                    data_pre = np.full(self.data_shape, -999.)

                    for i in xrange(data_size):
                        row, col = np.unravel_index(i, (data_row, data_col))
                        #                         print row, col, angle[row][1][col]
                        data_pre[i] = angle[row][1][col]

                    # 过滤无效值
                    invalid_index = np.logical_or(data_pre < 0, data_pre > 360)
                    data_pre = data_pre.astype(np.float32)
                    data_pre[invalid_index] = np.nan

                    data = data_pre

                except Exception as e:
                    print 'Open file error {}'.format(e)
                raise ValueError('Cant read this satellite`s data.: {}'.format(

            raise ValueError(
                'Cant read this data, please check its resolution: {}'.format(
        return data
Example #8
def get_footprint(product):
        import coda
    except ImportError:
        return None
    path = "/METADATA/EOP_METADATA/om_featureOfInterest/eop_multiExtentOf/gml_surfaceMembers/gml_exterior@gml_posList"
    pf = coda.open(product)
        coord = coda.fetch(pf, path).split(' ')
    except coda.CodacError:
        return None
    if len(coord) % 2 != 0:
        return None
    return Polygon([
            Point(float(lon), float(lat))
            for lat, lon in zip(coord[0::2], coord[1::2])
Example #9
import os

# Change this to the location of your AEOLUS codadef file
os.putenv('CODA_DEFINITION', '/usr/local/share/coda/definitions')
# You can also remove this line and set the CODA_DEFINITION environment variable globally on your system

import coda
import numpy

# change this to the full path of your Aeolus L1B DBL file
filename = "AE_OPER_AUX_MET_12_20071107T090000_20071108T150000_0001.DBL"

product = coda.open(filename)

num_records = coda.fetch(product, '/sph/num_records_in_ds1')
num_layers = coda.fetch(product, '/sph/num_of_model_layers')

assert (num_records > 0 and num_layers > 0)

amd_pnom = numpy.empty([num_records, num_layers])
amd_znom = numpy.empty([num_records, num_layers])
amd_t = numpy.empty([num_records, num_layers])
amd_u = numpy.empty([num_records, num_layers])

cursor = coda.Cursor()
coda.cursor_set_product(cursor, product)
coda.cursor_goto(cursor, '/met_off_nadir[0]')
for i in range(num_records):
    coda.cursor_goto(cursor, 'profile_data[0]')
    for j in range(num_layers - 1):
Example #10
filename = "/path/to/AE_OPER_ALD_U_N_1B_20151002T001857059_005787000_046339_0001.DBL"

product = coda.open(filename)

### Observation profiles ###

# Observation profiles provide a single profile per BRC.
# Reading all values will therefore return 'an array of arrays' (we will get an array for each '-1' in the coda.fetch()).
# The first array is the list of BRCs, and the second array the list of points in the profile.
# This array of arrays can be turned into a single 2D numpy array of shape [num_brc, num_vertical] by using 'vstack'.

# Mie observation wind profiles

print("Mie observation wind profiles")

latitude = coda.fetch(product, 'geolocation', -1, 'observation_geolocation/observation_mie_geolocation', -1, 'latitude_of_height_bin')
latitude = vstack(latitude)

longitude = coda.fetch(product, 'geolocation', -1, 'observation_geolocation/observation_mie_geolocation', -1, 'longitude_of_height_bin')
longitude = vstack(longitude)

altitude = coda.fetch(product, 'geolocation', -1, 'observation_geolocation/observation_mie_geolocation', -1, 'altitude_of_height_bin')
altitude = vstack(altitude)

wind_velocity = coda.fetch(product, 'wind_velocity', -1, 'observation_wind_profile/mie_altitude_bin_wind_info', -1, 'wind_velocity')
wind_velocity = vstack(wind_velocity)


# Rayleigh observation wind profiles
Example #11
os.putenv('CODA_DEFINITION', '/usr/local/share/coda/definitions')
# You can also remove this line and set the CODA_DEFINITION environment variable globally on your system

import coda
from numpy import hstack, vstack

# change this to the full path of your Aeolus L2A DBL file
filename = "/path/to/AE_OPER_ALD_U_N_2A_20071107T193753059_008688000_000578_0001.DBL"

product = coda.open(filename)

### Standard Correct Algorithm (SCA) at middle bins ###

if coda.get_field_available(product, 'sca_optical_properties'):
    print("SCA optical properties at middle bins")
    latitude = coda.fetch(product, 'sca_optical_properties', -1,
                          'geolocation_middle_bins', -1, 'latitude')
    latitude = vstack(latitude)

    longitude = coda.fetch(product, 'sca_optical_properties', -1,
                           'geolocation_middle_bins', -1, 'longitude')
    longitude = vstack(longitude)

    altitude = coda.fetch(product, 'sca_optical_properties', -1,
                          'geolocation_middle_bins', -1, 'altitude')
    altitude = vstack(altitude)

    extinction = coda.fetch(product, 'sca_optical_properties', -1,
                            'sca_optical_properties_mid_bins', -1,
    extinction = vstack(extinction)
Example #12
import os

# Change this to the location of your AEOLUS codadef file
os.putenv('CODA_DEFINITION', '/usr/local/share/coda/definitions')
# You can also remove this line and set the CODA_DEFINITION environment variable globally on your system

import coda
import numpy

# change this to the full path of your Aeolus L1B DBL file
filename = "AE_OPER_AUX_MET_12_20071107T090000_20071108T150000_0001.DBL"

product = coda.open(filename)

num_records = coda.fetch(product, '/sph/num_records_in_ds1')
num_layers = coda.fetch(product, '/sph/num_of_model_layers')

assert(num_records > 0 and num_layers > 0)

amd_pnom = numpy.empty([num_records, num_layers])
amd_znom = numpy.empty([num_records, num_layers])
amd_t = numpy.empty([num_records, num_layers])
amd_u = numpy.empty([num_records, num_layers])

cursor = coda.Cursor()
coda.cursor_set_product(cursor, product)
coda.cursor_goto(cursor, '/met_off_nadir[0]')
for i in range(num_records):
    coda.cursor_goto(cursor, 'profile_data[0]')
    for j in range(num_layers - 1):
def extract_grib_metadata(gribfile):
      this will return a tuple containing:
        - ecmwfmars properties struct
        - levtype_options struct (see set_remote_url())
    import coda

    def coda_open(filename):
        coda_handle = coda.open(filename)
            yield coda_handle

    ecmwfmars = Struct()
    levtype_options = {}  # TODO: add extraction of levtype_options

    with coda_open(gribfile) as coda_handle:
        cursor = coda.Cursor()
        coda.cursor_set_product(cursor, coda_handle)
        num_messages = coda.cursor_get_num_elements(cursor)
        for i in range(num_messages):
            index = coda.cursor_get_available_union_field_index(cursor)
            coda.cursor_goto_record_field_by_index(cursor, index)
            step = 0
            if index == 0:
                # grib1
                centuryOfReferenceTimeOfData = coda.fetch(
                    cursor, "centuryOfReferenceTimeOfData")
                yearOfCentury = coda.fetch(cursor, "yearOfCentury")
                month = coda.fetch(cursor, "month")
                day = coda.fetch(cursor, "day")
                date = "%02d%02d-%02d-%02d" % (centuryOfReferenceTimeOfData -
                                               1, yearOfCentury, month, day)
                hour = coda.fetch(cursor, "hour")
                minute = coda.fetch(cursor, "minute")
                time = "%02d:%02d:00" % (hour, minute)
                unitOfTimeRange = coda.fetch(cursor, "unitOfTimeRange")
                if unitOfTimeRange != 0:
                    P1 = coda.fetch(cursor, "P1")
                    if unitOfTimeRange == 1:
                        step = P1
                    elif unitOfTimeRange == 2:
                        step = 24 * P1
                    elif unitOfTimeRange == 10:
                        step = 3 * P1
                    elif unitOfTimeRange == 11:
                        step = 6 * P1
                    elif unitOfTimeRange == 13:
                        step = 12 * P1
                        raise Error("unsupported unitOfTimeRange: %d" %
                                    (unitOfTimeRange, ))
                local = coda.fetch(cursor, "local")
                    local = local[1:9].tobytes()
                except AttributeError:
                    # workaround for older numpy versions
                    local = local[1:9].tostring()
                marsclass, marstype, stream, expver = struct.unpack(
                    '>BBH4s', local)
                # grib2
                year = coda.fetch(cursor, "year")
                month = coda.fetch(cursor, "month")
                day = coda.fetch(cursor, "day")
                date = "%04d-%02d-%02d" % (year, month, day)
                hour = coda.fetch(cursor, "hour")
                minute = coda.fetch(cursor, "minute")
                second = coda.fetch(cursor, "second")
                time = "%02d:%02d:%02d" % (hour, minute, second)
                significanceOfReferenceTime = coda.fetch(
                    cursor, "significanceOfReferenceTime")
                local = coda.fetch(cursor, "local[0]")
                    local = local[2:12].tobytes()
                except AttributeError:
                    # workaround for older numpy versions
                    local = local[2:12].tostring()
                marsclass, marstype, stream, expver = struct.unpack(
                    '>HHH4s', local)
                coda.cursor_goto_record_field_by_name(cursor, "data")
                num_data = coda.cursor_get_num_elements(cursor)
                prev_step = None
                for j in range(num_data):
                    forecastTime = coda.fetch(cursor, "forecastTime")
                    if forecastTime != 0:
                        indicatorOfUnitOfTimeRange = coda.fetch(
                            cursor, "indicatorOfUnitOfTimeRange")
                        if indicatorOfUnitOfTimeRange == 0:
                            # minutes
                            step = 60 * forecastTime
                        elif indicatorOfUnitOfTimeRange == 1:
                            # hours
                            step = 60 * 60 * forecastTime
                        elif indicatorOfUnitOfTimeRange == 2:
                            # days
                            step = 24 * 60 * 60 * forecastTime
                        elif indicatorOfUnitOfTimeRange == 10:
                            # 3 hours
                            step = 3 * 60 * 60 * forecastTime
                        elif indicatorOfUnitOfTimeRange == 11:
                            # 6 hours
                            step = 6 * 60 * 60 * forecastTime
                        elif indicatorOfUnitOfTimeRange == 12:
                            # 12 hours
                            step = 12 * 60 * 60 * forecastTime
                        elif indicatorOfUnitOfTimeRange == 13:
                            # seconds
                            step = forecastTime
                        step = int(step / 3600.)  # convert seconds to hours
                        if prev_step is None:
                            prev_step = step
                        elif step != prev_step:
                            raise Error(
                                "not all data has the same 'step' time (%d) (%d)"
                                % (step, prev_step))
                    if j < num_data - 1:
            if marsclass not in MARSCLASSES:
                raise Error("unsupported MARS class (%d)" % (marsclass, ))
            marsclass = MARSCLASSES[marsclass]
            if marstype not in MARSTYPES:
                raise Error("unsupported MARS type (%d)" % (marstype, ))
            marstype = MARSTYPES[marstype]
            if stream not in MARSSTREAMS:
                raise Error("unsupported MARS stream (%d)" % (stream, ))
            stream = MARSSTREAMS[stream]
            if 'date' in ecmwfmars:
                if date != ecmwfmars.date:
                    raise Error("not all data is for the same date (%s) (%s)" %
                                (date, ecmwfmars.date))
                if time != ecmwfmars.time:
                    raise Error("not all data is for the same time (%s) (%s)" %
                                (time, ecmwfmars.time))
                if step != 0:
                    if 'step' in ecmwfmars:
                        if step != ecmwfmars.step:
                            raise Error(
                                "not all data has the same 'step' time (%d) (%d)"
                                % (step, ecmwfmars.step))
                        raise Error("not all data has the same 'step' time")
                    if 'step' in ecmwfmars and ecmwfmars.step != 0:
                        raise Error("not all data has the same 'step' time")
                if marsclass != ecmwfmars.marsclass:
                    raise Error(
                        "not all data has the same MARS class (%s) (%s)" %
                        (marsclass, ecmwfmars.marsclass))
                if marstype != ecmwfmars.type:
                    raise Error(
                        "not all data has the same MARS type (%s) (%s)" %
                        (marstype, ecmwfmars.type))
                if stream != ecmwfmars.stream:
                    raise Error(
                        "not all data has the same MARS stream (%s) (%s)" %
                        (stream, ecmwfmars.stream))
                if expver != ecmwfmars.expver:
                    raise Error(
                        "not all data has the same MARS experiment version (%s) (%s)"
                        % (expver, ecmwfmars.expver))
                ecmwfmars.date = date
                ecmwfmars.time = time
                if step != 0:
                    ecmwfmars.step = step
                ecmwfmars.marsclass = marsclass
                ecmwfmars.type = marstype
                ecmwfmars.stream = stream
                ecmwfmars.expver = expver
                if (marsclass, stream, expver, marstype) in PUBLIC_DATASETS:
                    ecmwfmars.dataset = PUBLIC_DATASETS[(marsclass, stream,
                                                         expver, marstype)]
            if i < num_messages - 1:

    return ecmwfmars, levtype_options
Example #14
os.putenv('CODA_DEFINITION', '/usr/local/share/coda/definitions')
# You can also remove this line and set the CODA_DEFINITION environment variable globally on your system

import coda
from numpy import hstack, vstack

# change this to the full path of your Aeolus L2A DBL file
filename = "/path/to/AE_OPER_ALD_U_N_2A_20071107T193753059_008688000_000578_0001.DBL"

product = coda.open(filename)

### Standard Correct Algorithm (SCA) at middle bins ###

if coda.get_field_available(product, 'sca_optical_properties'):
    print("SCA optical properties at middle bins")
    latitude = coda.fetch(product, 'sca_optical_properties', -1, 'geolocation_middle_bins', -1, 'latitude')
    latitude = vstack(latitude)

    longitude = coda.fetch(product, 'sca_optical_properties', -1, 'geolocation_middle_bins', -1, 'longitude')
    longitude = vstack(longitude)

    altitude = coda.fetch(product, 'sca_optical_properties', -1, 'geolocation_middle_bins', -1, 'altitude')
    altitude = vstack(altitude)

    extinction = coda.fetch(product, 'sca_optical_properties', -1, 'sca_optical_properties_mid_bins', -1, 'extinction')
    extinction = vstack(extinction)

    backscatter = coda.fetch(product, 'sca_optical_properties', -1, 'sca_optical_properties_mid_bins', -1, 'backscatter')
    backscatter = vstack(backscatter)
Example #15
import coda

pf = coda.open('/data/GOME2/GOME_xxx_1B/GOME_xxx_1B_M02_20100415122955Z_20100415123255Z_N_T_20100713095647Z')
cursor = coda.Cursor()
coda.cursor_set_product(cursor, pf)
coda.cursor_goto(cursor, '/MDR')
num_mdr = coda.cursor_get_num_elements(cursor)
if num_mdr > 0:
    for i in xrange(num_mdr):
        index = coda.cursor_get_available_union_field_index(cursor)
        if index == 0:
            # Earthshine MDR
            # Note that fetching the full MDR is rather slow, since it converts
            # the full MDR to a hierarchicel set of Python structures
            mdr = coda.fetch(cursor, 'Earthshine')
            print mdr
            # If you want e.g. just the wavelength and band data of band 1b, you could use:
            #   wavelength = coda.fetch(cursor, 'Earthshine', 'wavelength_1b')
            #   rad = coda.fetch(cursor, 'Earthshine', 'band_1b', [-1,-1], 'rad')
            #   err = coda.fetch(cursor, 'Earthshine', 'band_1b', [-1,-1], 'err_rad')
            # which will be much faster
        elif index == 1:
            # Calibration MDR
        elif index == 2:
            # Sun MDR
            mdr = coda.fetch(cursor, 'Sun')
            print mdr
        elif index == 3:
            # Moon MDR
Example #16
#print("Individual Mie HLOS wind points")

#latitude = coda.fetch(product, 'mie_geolocation', -1, 'windresult_geolocation/latitude_cog')
#longitude = coda.fetch(product, 'mie_geolocation', -1, 'windresult_geolocation/longitude_cog')
#altitude = coda.fetch(product, 'mie_geolocation', -1, 'windresult_geolocation/altitude_vcog')
#mie_wind_velocity = coda.fetch(product, 'mie_hloswind', -1, 'windresult/mie_wind_velocity')


### Rayleigh observation wind profiles points ###

print("Individual Rayleight HLOS wind points")

latitude = coda.fetch(product, 'rayleigh_geolocation', -1,
longitude = coda.fetch(product, 'rayleigh_geolocation', -1,
altitude = coda.fetch(product, 'rayleigh_geolocation', -1,
rayleigh_wind_velocity = coda.fetch(product, 'rayleigh_hloswind', -1,

Example #17
class CLASS_GOME_L1():

    def __init__(self, BandLst):

        self.k = 1.98644746103858e-9

        # 字典类型物理量
        self.Ref = {}

        # 二维矩阵
        self.Lons = []
        self.Lats = []
        self.Time = []

        self.satAzimuth = []
        self.satZenith = []
        self.sunAzimuth = []
        self.sunZenith = []

        # 光谱信息
        self.wavenumber = []
        self.radiance = []

    def Load(self, L1File):

        print u'读取 LEO所有数据信息......'
        if not os.path.isfile(L1File):
            print 'Error: %s not found' % L1File

            fp = coda.open(L1File)
        except Exception, e:
            print 'Open file error<%s> .' % (e)

            # EPS = EUMETSAT Polar System atmospheric products (GOME-2 and IASI)
            # EPS = EUMETSAT极地大气系统产品(GOME-2和IASI)'
            # 获取文件头信息
            product_class = coda.get_product_class(fp)
            product_type = coda.get_product_type(fp)
            product_version = coda.get_product_version(fp)
            product_format = coda.get_product_format(fp)
            product_size = coda.get_product_file_size(fp)
            print 'product_class ', product_class
            print 'product_type', product_type
            print 'product_version', product_version
            print 'product_format', product_format
            print 'product_size', product_size
            record = beatl2.ingest(L1File)

            WAVE_3 = coda.fetch(fp, 'MDR', -1, 'Earthshine', 'WAVELENGTH_3')
            WAVE_4 = coda.fetch(fp, 'MDR', -1, 'Earthshine', 'WAVELENGTH_4')

            LAMBDA_SMR = coda.fetch(fp, 'VIADR_SMR', -1, 'LAMBDA_SMR')
            SMR = coda.fetch(fp, 'VIADR_SMR', -1, 'SMR')

            print 'gome data is:'
            print record

            self.rec = record
            SUN_Z = coda.fetch(
                fp, 'MDR', -1, 'Earthshine', 'GEO_EARTH', 'SOLAR_ZENITH')
            SUN_A = coda.fetch(
                fp, 'MDR', -1, 'Earthshine', 'GEO_EARTH', 'SOLAR_AZIMUTH')
            SAT_Z = coda.fetch(
                fp, 'MDR', -1, 'Earthshine', 'GEO_EARTH', 'SAT_ZENITH')
            SAT_A = coda.fetch(
                fp, 'MDR', -1, 'Earthshine', 'GEO_EARTH', 'SAT_AZIMUTH')

            print '太阳方位角度长度', SUN_Z.shape, SUN_Z[0].shape

            # 数据观测总长度
            dataLen = record.latitude.size
            dataCol = SUN_Z[0].shape[1]
            dataRow = SUN_Z.shape[0]

            # 角度存放内存
            self.satZenith = np.full((dataLen, 1), -999.)
            self.satAzimuth = np.full((dataLen, 1), -999.)
            self.sunZenith = np.full((dataLen, 1), -999.)
            self.sunAzimuth = np.full((dataLen, 1), -999.)

            # 开始赋值
            for i in xrange(dataLen):
                row, col = np.unravel_index(i, (dataRow, dataCol))
                self.satAzimuth[i] = SAT_A[row][1][col]
                self.satZenith[i] = SAT_Z[row][1][col]
                self.sunAzimuth[i] = SUN_A[row][1][col]
                self.sunZenith[i] = SUN_Z[row][1][col]

            self.Lons = (record.longitude).reshape(dataLen, 1)
            self.Lats = (record.latitude).reshape(dataLen, 1)

            # 计算gome的辐亮度
            self.radiance = record.spectral_radiance[:, 2048:]
            for m in xrange(dataLen):
                row, col = np.unravel_index(m, (dataRow, dataCol))
                for i in xrange(2048):
                    if i < 1024:
                        self.radiance[m, i] = self.radiance[
                            m, i] * self.k / WAVE_3[row][i]
                        self.radiance[m, i] = self.radiance[
                            m, i] * self.k / WAVE_4[row][i - 1024]

            # 计算太阳辐亮度
            self.vec_Solar_L = np.zeros((2048,))  # 太阳辐亮度
            self.vec_Solar_WL = np.zeros((2048,))  # 太阳辐亮度对应的波长
            for i in xrange(2048):
                if i < 1024:
                    self.vec_Solar_L[i] = (
                        SMR[0][2][i] * self.k) / LAMBDA_SMR[0][2][i]
                    self.vec_Solar_WL[i] = LAMBDA_SMR[0][2][i]
                    self.vec_Solar_L[i] = (
                        SMR[0][3][i - 1024] * self.k) / LAMBDA_SMR[0][3][i - 1024]
                    self.vec_Solar_WL[i] = LAMBDA_SMR[0][3][i - 1024]

            print 'GOME数据观测长度 %d' % dataLen
            print '太阳辐亮度波长最小最大值'
            print np.min(self.vec_Solar_WL), self.vec_Solar_WL[0:3]
            print np.max(self.vec_Solar_WL)
            # 暂时取一个观测的光谱波数
            self.wavenumber = record.wavelength[0, 2048:]
            print 'GOME辐亮度波长最小最大值,取第一个观测点'
            print np.min(self.wavenumber), self.wavenumber[0:3]
            print np.max(self.wavenumber)
            self.wavenumber = record.wavelength[9, 2048:]
            print 'GOME辐亮度波长最小最大值,取第十个观测点'
            print np.min(self.wavenumber), self.wavenumber[0:3]
            print np.max(self.wavenumber)

            v_ymd2seconds = np.vectorize(metop_ymd2seconds)
            T1 = v_ymd2seconds(record.time)
            self.Time = T1.reshape(dataLen, 1)
#             print time.gmtime(self.Time[0, 0])

        except Exception as e:
            print str(e)
Example #18
    raise IOError(text)

# leaf albedo file generated from PROSPECT
# typical leaf level parameters generated based on metadata-analysis
# see spreadsheet in PROSPECT folder
l_lower = 580.  # limits for plotting purposes
l_upper = 800.
l_fn = 'leaf_spectrum.txt'
leaf_alb_arr = np.genfromtxt(l_fn)
leaf_alb_arr = leaf_alb_arr[np.intersect1d(np.array(np.where(leaf_alb_arr[:,0]\
leaf_lam = leaf_alb_arr[:, 0]
leaf_alb_arr = leaf_alb_arr[:, 1] + leaf_alb_arr[:, 2]

# reading solar wavelength and irradiance in band 4
sol_lam = coda.fetch(ef, 'VIADR_SMR', 0, 'LAMBDA_SMR')[3]
n_sol_lam = len(sol_lam)
sol_irr = coda.fetch(ef, 'VIADR_SMR', 0, 'SMR')[3]
sol_irr = phot_Watt(sol_irr, sol_lam)

# reading total number of scans
n_mdr = coda.fetch(ef, 'MPHR', 'TOTAL_MDR')

# list for point lat, lon, radiance, irradiance, spectrum etc.
Lat = []
Lon = []
Spec = []
Rad = []
Irr = []
Alb_sur = []
Alb_toa = []
Example #19
pf = coda.open(
cursor = coda.Cursor()
coda.cursor_set_product(cursor, pf)
coda.cursor_goto(cursor, '/MDR')
num_mdr = coda.cursor_get_num_elements(cursor)
if num_mdr > 0:
    for i in xrange(num_mdr):
        index = coda.cursor_get_available_union_field_index(cursor)
        if index == 0:
            # Earthshine MDR
            # Note that fetching the full MDR is rather slow, since it converts
            # the full MDR to a hierarchicel set of Python structures
            mdr = coda.fetch(cursor, 'Earthshine')
            print mdr
            # If you want e.g. just the wavelength and band data of band 1b, you could use:
            #   wavelength = coda.fetch(cursor, 'Earthshine', 'wavelength_1b')
            #   rad = coda.fetch(cursor, 'Earthshine', 'band_1b', [-1,-1], 'rad')
            #   err = coda.fetch(cursor, 'Earthshine', 'band_1b', [-1,-1], 'err_rad')
            # which will be much faster
        elif index == 1:
            # Calibration MDR
        elif index == 2:
            # Sun MDR
            mdr = coda.fetch(cursor, 'Sun')
            print mdr
        elif index == 3:
            # Moon MDR
Example #20
product = coda.open(filename)

# The L2B product stores all valid profile points (which are called 'results') as one big consecutive array
# in the datasets mie_hloswind and rayleigh_hloswind.
# The associated geolocation for those point results are stored in mie_geolocation and rayleigh_geolocation.
# The specification of which points belong together in which profile is kept in the mie_profile and rayleigh_profile
# datasets. These datasets contain indices into the mie_hloswind and rayleigh hloswind datasets to specify which point
# belongs at which level in a profile.

### Mie horizontal line of sight wind profile points ###

print("Individual Mie HLOS wind points")

latitude = coda.fetch(product, 'mie_geolocation', -1, 'windresult_geolocation/latitude_cog')

longitude = coda.fetch(product, 'mie_geolocation', -1, 'windresult_geolocation/longitude_cog')

altitude = coda.fetch(product, 'mie_geolocation', -1, 'windresult_geolocation/altitude_vcog')

mie_wind_velocity = coda.fetch(product, 'mie_hloswind', -1, 'windresult/mie_wind_velocity')


### Rayleigh observation wind profiles points ###

print("Individual Rayleight HLOS wind points")

latitude = coda.fetch(product, 'rayleigh_geolocation', -1, 'windresult_geolocation/latitude_cog')
Example #21
product = coda.open(filename)

### Observation profiles ###

# Observation profiles provide a single profile per BRC.
# Reading all values will therefore return 'an array of arrays' (we will get an array for each '-1' in the coda.fetch()).
# The first array is the list of BRCs, and the second array the list of points in the profile.
# This array of arrays can be turned into a single 2D numpy array of shape [num_brc, num_vertical] by using 'vstack'.

# Mie observation wind profiles

print("Mie observation wind profiles")

latitude = coda.fetch(product, 'geolocation', -1,
                      -1, 'latitude_of_height_bin')
latitude = vstack(latitude)

longitude = coda.fetch(product, 'geolocation', -1,
                       -1, 'longitude_of_height_bin')
longitude = vstack(longitude)

altitude = coda.fetch(product, 'geolocation', -1,
                      -1, 'altitude_of_height_bin')
altitude = vstack(altitude)

wind_velocity = coda.fetch(
    product, 'wind_velocity', -1,
Example #22
    def Initialize(self, node):
        assert node.type == model.TYPE_ARRAY, "ArrayRenderer can only render node of type TYPE_ARRAY"
        assert not isinstance(node, model.ObjectArrayNode), "ArrayRenderer cannot render arrays of compound types"

        # coda.fetch() will promote a rank-0 array to a 1x1 array,
        # so a rank of 1 is the smallest possible rank.
            self.array = coda.fetch(node.cursor)
        except (coda.CodaError, coda.CodacError) as ex:
            raise RenderError("[CODA] %s" % (str(ex),))

        # array sanity check
        ok = True
        if node.isRankZero():
            ok = (self.array.ndim == 1) and (self.array.shape[0] == 1)
            ok = (self.array.ndim == len(node.dimensions)) and (self.array.size == len(node))
            i = 0
            while ok and i < len(node.dimensions):
                ok = ok and (self.array.shape[i] == node.dimensions[i])
                i += 1

        if not ok:
            raise RenderError("[ArrayRenderer] Array read from product does not match description.")

        self.base = node.base
        self.slice = None

        # coda.fetch() will promote a rank-0 array to a 1x1 array,
        # so a rank of 1 is the smallest possible rank.
        if self.array.ndim == 1:
            self.array = self.array[:, numpy.newaxis]

        self.valueText = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, "")
        valueSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
        valueSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(self, -1, "Value:"), 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER, 0)
        valueSizer.Add((5, 5), 0, wx.EXPAND)
        valueSizer.Add(self.valueText, 1, 0, 0)

        self.sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
        self.grid = wx.grid.Grid(self, -1, style=wx.BORDER_SUNKEN)

        # TODO: use wxGrid::SetDefaultColSize() and row equiv. as an approx.
        # of AutoSize().
        if self.array.ndim > 2:
            self.slicer = NumpySlicer2D(self, -1, self.array, ("row", "col"))
            self.Bind(EVT_SLICE_CHANGED, self.OnSliceChanged)

        # _really_ slow, so only used for string data (which can require a large cell width).
        if self.base == model.TYPE_STRING:

        self.sizer.Add(valueSizer, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 5)
        self.sizer.Add(wx.StaticLine(self, -1, style=wx.LI_HORIZONTAL), 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT, 5)
        self.sizer.Add(self.grid, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 5)
        if self.array.ndim > 2:
            self.sizer.Add(self.slicer, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT, 5)

        self.Bind(wx.grid.EVT_GRID_SELECT_CELL, self.OnSelectCell)
Example #23
class CLASS_IASI_L1():
    def __init__(self, BandLst):

        # 字典类型物理量
        self.Tbb = {}
        self.Rad = {}

        # 二维矩阵
        self.Lons = []
        self.Lats = []
        self.Time = []

        self.satAzimuth = []
        self.satZenith = []
        self.sunAzimuth = []
        self.sunZenith = []

        # 光谱信息
        self.wavenumber = []
        self.radiance = []

    def Load(self, L1File):

        print u'读取 LEO所有数据信息......'
        if not os.path.isfile(L1File):
            print 'Error: %s not found' % L1File

            fp = coda.open(L1File)
        except Exception, e:
            print 'Open file error<%s> .' % (e)

            # EPS = EUMETSAT Polar System atmospheric products (GOME-2 and IASI)
            # EPS = EUMETSAT极地大气系统产品(GOME-2和IASI)'
            # 获取文件头信息
            product_class = coda.get_product_class(fp)
            product_type = coda.get_product_type(fp)
            product_version = coda.get_product_version(fp)
            product_format = coda.get_product_format(fp)
            product_size = coda.get_product_file_size(fp)
            print 'product_class ', product_class
            print 'product_type', product_type
            print 'product_version', product_version
            print 'product_format', product_format
            print 'product_size', product_size
            record = beatl2.ingest(L1File)
            print record

            SAT_angle = coda.fetch(fp, 'MDR', -1, 'MDR', 'GGeoSondAnglesMETOP')
            SUN_angle = coda.fetch(fp, 'MDR', -1, 'MDR', 'GGeoSondAnglesSUN')
            all_sun_angle = []
            all_sat_angle = []

            for i in xrange(len(SAT_angle)):
                tmp_sat = SAT_angle[i].reshape(-1)
                tmp_sun = SUN_angle[i].reshape(-1)
                if len(all_sat_angle) == 0:
                    all_sat_angle = tmp_sat
                    all_sun_angle = tmp_sun
                    all_sat_angle = np.concatenate((all_sat_angle, tmp_sat), 0)
                    all_sun_angle = np.concatenate((all_sun_angle, tmp_sun), 0)

            iasiLen = len(record.longitude)
            self.satZenith = (all_sat_angle[0::2]).reshape(iasiLen, 1)
            self.satAzimuth = (all_sat_angle[1::2]).reshape(iasiLen, 1)
            self.sunZenith = (all_sun_angle[0::2]).reshape(iasiLen, 1)
            self.sunAzimuth = (all_sun_angle[1::2]).reshape(iasiLen, 1)

            self.Lons = (record.longitude).reshape(iasiLen, 1)
            self.Lats = (record.latitude).reshape(iasiLen, 1)

            self.radiance = record.spectral_radiance * 10**7

            # 暂时取一个观测的光谱波数
            self.wavenumber = record.wavenumber[0, :]

            v_ymd2seconds = np.vectorize(metop_ymd2seconds)
            T1 = v_ymd2seconds(record.time)
            self.Time = T1.reshape(iasiLen, 1)

        except Exception as e:
            print str(e)
Example #24
    def get_spectral_response(self):
        return 光谱波数和响应值,1维,2维
        k = 1.98644746103858e-9
        if self.resolution == 40000:
            satellite_type1 = ['METOP-A', 'METOP-B']
            if self.satellite in satellite_type1:
                    fp = coda.open(self.in_file)
                    wave3 = coda.fetch(fp, 'MDR', -1, 'Earthshine',
                    wave4 = coda.fetch(fp, 'MDR', -1, 'Earthshine',
                    lambda_smr = coda.fetch(fp, 'VIADR_SMR', -1, 'LAMBDA_SMR')
                    smr = coda.fetch(fp, 'VIADR_SMR', -1, 'SMR')

                    sunz = coda.fetch(fp, 'MDR', -1, 'Earthshine', 'GEO_EARTH',

                    #  gome 959x4096 取后2048个点的辐射值
                    wavelens = self.record.wavelength[0, 2048:]
                    response = self.record.spectral_radiance[:, 2048:]

                    data_size = self.data_shape[0]
                    data_row = sunz.shape[0]
                    data_col = sunz[0].shape[1]
                    # gome的辐亮度计算 wave3 wave4  是30*1024

                    for m in xrange(data_size):
                        row, col = np.unravel_index(m, (data_row, data_col))
                        for i in xrange(2048):
                            if i < 1024:
                                         i] = response[m,
                                                       i] * k / wave3[row][i]
                                response[m, i] = response[
                                    m, i] * k / wave4[row][i - 1024]

                    # 计算太阳辐亮度
                    sol_wavelens = np.zeros((2048, ))  # 太阳辐亮度
                    sol_response = np.zeros((2048, ))  # 太阳辐亮度对应的波长
                    for i in xrange(2048):
                        if i < 1024:
                            sol_response[i] = (smr[0][2][i] *
                                               k) / lambda_smr[0][2][i]
                            sol_wavelens[i] = lambda_smr[0][2][i]
                            sol_response[i] = (smr[0][3][i - 1024] *
                                               k) / lambda_smr[0][3][i - 1024]
                            sol_wavelens[i] = lambda_smr[0][3][i - 1024]

                    idx = np.where(response < 0)
                    print len(idx[0])
                    if len(idx[0] > 0):
                        response[idx] = 0.
                    gome_wavelens, gome_response, solar_response = self.combine_gome_band34(
                        wavelens, response, sol_wavelens, sol_response)
                    s0, s1 = gome_response.shape
                    gome_response = gome_response.reshape(s0, 1, s1)
                    print gome_response.shape, solar_response.shape
                except Exception as e:
                    print 'Open file error {}'.format(e)
            self.solar_response = solar_response
        return gome_wavelens, gome_response
Example #25
    def read_file(self,
        """method to read an ESA binary data file entirely

        filename : str
            absolute path to filename to read
        vars_to_read : list
            list of str with variable names to read; defaults to ['od550aer']
        verbose : Bool
            set to True to increase verbosity

            dictionary (default):
                keys are 'time', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'altitude' and the variable names
                'ec550aer', 'bs550aer', 'sr', 'lod' if the whole file is read
                'time' is a 1d array, while the other dict values are a another dict with the
                time as keys (the same ret['time']) and a numpy array as values. These values represent the profile.
                Note 1: latitude and longitude are height dependent due to the tilt of the measurement.
                Note 2: negative values indicate a NaN

            2d ndarray of type float:
                representing a 'point cloud' with all points
                    column 1: time in seconds since the Unix epoch with ms accuracy (same time for every height
                    in a profile)
                    column 2: latitude
                    column 3: longitude
                    column 4: altitude
                    column 5: extinction
                    column 6: backscatter
                    column 7: sr
                    column 8: lod

                    Note: negative values are put to np.nan already

                    The indexes are noted in pyaerocom.io.read_aeolus_l2a_data.ReadAeolusL2aData.<index_name>
                    e.g. the time index is named pyaerocom.io.read_aeolus_l2a_data.ReadAeolusL2aData._TIMEINDEX
                    have a look at the example to access the values

        This is whats in one DBL file
        codadump list /lustre/storeA/project/aerocom/aerocom1/ADM_CALIPSO_TEST/download/AE_OPER_ALD_U_N_2A_20070101T002249149_002772000_003606_0001.DBL


        The question mark indicates a variable size array

        It is not entirely clear what we actually have to look at.
        For simplicity the data of the group 'sca_optical_properties' is returned at this point

        >>> import pyaerocom.io.read_aeolus_l2a_data
        >>> obj = pyaerocom.io.read_aeolus_l2a_data.ReadAeolusL2aData(verbose=True)
        >>> import os
        >>> os.environ['CODA_DEFINITION']='/lustre/storeA/project/aerocom/aerocom1/ADM_CALIPSO_TEST/'
        >>> filename = '/lustre/storeA/project/aerocom/aerocom1/ADM_CALIPSO_TEST/download/AE_OPER_ALD_U_N_2A_20070101T002249149_002772000_003606_0001.DBL'
        >>> # read returning a ndarray
        >>> filedata_numpy = obj.read_file(filename, vars_to_read=['ec550aer'], return_as='numpy')
        >>> time_as_numpy_datetime64 = filedata_numpy[0,obj._TIMEINDEX].astype('datetime64[s]')
        >>> print('time: {}'.format(time_as_numpy_datetime64))
        >>> print('latitude: {}'.format(filedata_numpy[1,obj._LATINDEX]))
        >>> # read returning a dictionary
        >>> filedata = obj.read_file(filename, vars_to_read=['ec550aer'])
        >>> print('time: {}'.format(filedata['time'][0].astype('datetime64[s]')))
        >>> print('all latitudes of 1st time step: {}'.format(filedata['latitude'][filedata['time'][0]]))

        import time
        import coda

        # coda uses 2000-01-01T00:00:00 as epoch unfortunately.
        # so calculate the difference in seconds to the Unix epoch
        seconds_to_add = np.datetime64('2000-01-01T00:00:00') - np.datetime64(
        seconds_to_add = seconds_to_add.astype(np.float_)

        # the same can be achieved using pandas, but we stick to numpy here
        # base_time = pd.DatetimeIndex(['2000-01-01'])
        # seconds_to_add = (base_time.view('int64') // pd.Timedelta(1, unit='s'))[0]

        start = time.perf_counter()
        file_data = {}

        self.logger.info('reading file {}'.format(filename))
        # read file
        product = coda.open(filename)
        if vars_to_read is None:
            # read all variables
            vars_to_read = list(self.DATA_COLNAMES.keys())

        # read data
        # start with the time because it is only stored once
        groups = self.TIME_PATH.split(self.GROUP_DELIMITER)
        file_data[self._TIME_NAME] = coda.fetch(product, groups[0], -1,
        # epoch is 1 January 2000 at ESA
        # so add offset to move that to 1 January 1970
        # and save it into a np.datetime64[ms] object

        file_data[self._TIME_NAME] = \
            ((file_data[self._TIME_NAME] + seconds_to_add) * 1.E3).astype(np.int).astype('datetime64[ms]')

        # read data in a simple dictionary
        for var in vars_to_read:
            groups = self._COLNAMES[var].split(self.GROUP_DELIMITER)
            if len(groups) == 3:
                file_data[var] = {}
                for idx, key in enumerate(file_data[self._TIME_NAME]):
                    file_data[var][key] = coda.fetch(product, groups[0], idx,
                                                     groups[1], -1, groups[2])

            elif len(groups) == 2:
                file_data[var] = {}
                for idx, key in enumerate(file_data[self._TIME_NAME]):
                    file_data[var][key] = coda.fetch(product, groups[0], -1,
                file_data[var] = {}
                for idx, key in enumerate(file_data[self._TIME_NAME]):
                    file_data[var][key] = coda.fetch(product, groups[0])
        if return_as == 'numpy':
            # return as one multidimensional numpy array that can be put into self.data directly
            # (column wise because the column numbers do not match)
            index_pointer = 0
            data = np.empty([self._ROWNO, self._COLNO], dtype=np.float_)

            for idx, _time in enumerate(file_data['time'].astype(np.float_) /
                # file_data['time'].astype(np.float_) is milliseconds after the (Unix) epoch
                # but we want to save the time as seconds since the epoch
                for _index in range(
                    # this works because all variables have to have the same size
                    # (aka same number of height levels)
                    # This loop could be avoided using numpy index slicing
                    # do that in case we need more optimisations
                    data[index_pointer, self._TIMEINDEX] = _time
                    for var in vars_to_read:
                             self.INDEX_DICT[var]] = file_data[var][
                        # put negative values to np.nan if the variable is not a metadata variable
                        if data[index_pointer,
                                self.INDEX_DICT[var]] == self.NAN_DICT[var]:
                            data[index_pointer, self.INDEX_DICT[var]] = np.nan

                    index_pointer += 1
                    if index_pointer >= self._ROWNO:
                        # add another array chunk to self.data
                        data = np.append(data,
                                             [self._CHUNKSIZE, self._COLNO],
                        self._ROWNO += self._CHUNKSIZE

            # return only the needed elements...
            file_data = data[0:index_pointer]

        end_time = time.perf_counter()
        elapsed_sec = end_time - start
        temp = 'time for single file read [s]: {:.3f}'.format(elapsed_sec)
        # self.logger.info('{} points read'.format(index_pointer))
        return file_data
class GOME_COMM():
    def __init__(self):

        self.k = 1.98644746103858e-9

        # 中心 纬度 经度
        self.centre_lat = np.zeros((30, 24))
        self.centre_lon = np.zeros((30, 24))
        self.centre_row = np.zeros((30, 24))
        self.centre_col = np.zeros((30, 24))
        # 角点 纬度 经度
        self.corner_lat = np.zeros((30, 24, 4))
        self.corner_lon = np.zeros((30, 24, 4))
        self.corner_row = np.zeros((30, 24, 4))
        self.corner_col = np.zeros((30, 24, 4))

        self.sun_Z = np.zeros((30, 24))  # 太阳天顶角
        self.sun_A = np.zeros((30, 24))  # 太阳方位角
        self.sat_Z = np.zeros((30, 24))  # 卫星天顶角
        self.sat_A = np.zeros((30, 24))  # 卫星方位角

        self.band3 = np.zeros((30, 24, 1024))  # 辐射值
        self.band4 = np.zeros((30, 24, 1024))
        self.band3_ERR_RAD = np.zeros((30, 24, 1024))
        self.band3_STOKES_FRACTION = np.zeros((30, 24, 1024))
        self.band4_ERR_RAD = np.zeros((30, 24, 1024))
        self.band4_STOKES_FRACTION = np.zeros((30, 24, 1024))
        self.wave3 = np.zeros((30, 1024))  # 波长
        self.wave4 = np.zeros((30, 1024))

        #         self.LAMBDA_SMR3 = np.zeros((1, 1024))
        #         self.LAMBDA_SMR4 = np.zeros((1, 1024))
        #         self.SMR3 = np.zeros((1, 1024))
        #         self.SMR4 = np.zeros((1, 1024))
        #         self.E_SMR3 = np.zeros((1, 1024))
        #         self.E_SMR4 = np.zeros((1, 1024))
        #         self.E_REL_SUN3 = np.zeros((1, 1024))
        #         self.E_REL_SUN4 = np.zeros((1, 1024))

        self.E_SMR3 = np.zeros((1024))
        self.E_SMR4 = np.zeros((1024))
        self.E_REL_SUN3 = np.zeros((1024))
        self.E_REL_SUN4 = np.zeros((1024))

        self.arr_GOME_L = np.zeros((2048, 30, 24))  # 辐亮度
        self.arr_GOME_WL = np.zeros((2048, 30, 24))  # 辐亮度对应的波长

        self.vec_Solar_L = np.zeros((2, 1024))  # 太阳辐亮度
        self.vec_Solar_WL = np.zeros((2, 1024))  # 太阳辐亮度对应的波长

        # 如下变量是通过卷积计算的
        self.vec_Radiance_Solar = np.zeros(15)
        self.vec_Radiance = np.zeros((15, 30, 24))
        self.arr_Ref = np.zeros((15, 30, 24))

    def init_gome(self, in_proj_cfg, des_sensor):
        if not os.path.isfile(in_proj_cfg):
            print 'Not Found %s' % in_proj_cfg

        with open(in_proj_cfg, 'r') as stream:
            cfg = yaml.load(stream)

        self.sat1 = cfg['INFO']['sat']
        self.sensor1 = cfg['INFO']['sensor']
        self.sensor2 = des_sensor
        self.ymd = cfg['INFO']['ymd']

        self.ifile = cfg['PATH']['ipath']
        self.ofile = cfg['PATH']['opath']

        self.cmd = cfg['PROJ']['cmd']
        self.col = cfg['PROJ']['col']
        self.row = cfg['PROJ']['row']
        self.res = cfg['PROJ']['res']

    def read_gome(self, infile):
        # 打开gome文件
            fp = coda.open(infile)
        except Exception, e:
            print 'Open file error<%s> .' % (e)
        # 获取文件头信息
        product_class = coda.get_product_class(fp)
        product_type = coda.get_product_type(fp)
        product_version = coda.get_product_version(fp)
        product_format = coda.get_product_format(fp)
        product_size = coda.get_product_file_size(fp)
        # EPS = EUMETSAT Polar System atmospheric products (GOME-2 and IASI)
        # EUMETSAT极地大气系统产品(GOME-2和IASI)'
        print 'product_class ', product_class
        print 'product_type', product_type
        print 'product_version', product_version
        print 'product_format', product_format
        print 'product_size', product_size

        CENTRE = coda.fetch(fp, 'MDR', -1, 'Earthshine', 'GEO_EARTH', 'CENTRE')
        CORNER = coda.fetch(fp, 'MDR', -1, 'Earthshine', 'GEO_EARTH', 'CORNER')
        SUN_Z = coda.fetch(fp, 'MDR', -1, 'Earthshine', 'GEO_EARTH',
        SUN_A = coda.fetch(fp, 'MDR', -1, 'Earthshine', 'GEO_EARTH',
        SAT_Z = coda.fetch(fp, 'MDR', -1, 'Earthshine', 'GEO_EARTH',
        SAT_A = coda.fetch(fp, 'MDR', -1, 'Earthshine', 'GEO_EARTH',
        BAND_3 = coda.fetch(fp, 'MDR', -1, 'Earthshine', 'BAND_3')
        BAND_4 = coda.fetch(fp, 'MDR', -1, 'Earthshine', 'BAND_4')
        WAVE_3 = coda.fetch(fp, 'MDR', -1, 'Earthshine', 'WAVELENGTH_3')
        WAVE_4 = coda.fetch(fp, 'MDR', -1, 'Earthshine', 'WAVELENGTH_4')
        LAMBDA_SMR = coda.fetch(fp, 'VIADR_SMR', -1, 'LAMBDA_SMR')
        SMR = coda.fetch(fp, 'VIADR_SMR', -1, 'SMR')
        E_SMR = coda.fetch(fp, 'VIADR_SMR', -1, 'E_SMR')
        E_REL_SUN = coda.fetch(fp, 'VIADR_SMR', -1, 'E_REL_SUN')

        #         fp.close()

        #         print 'CENTRE', CENTRE.shape, CENTRE[0].shape
        #         print 'CORNER', CORNER.shape, CORNER[0].shape
        #         print 'SUN_Z', SUN_Z.shape, SUN_Z[0].shape
        #         print 'SUN_A', SUN_A.shape, SUN_A[0].shape
        #         print 'SAT_Z', SAT_Z.shape, SAT_Z[0].shape
        #         print 'SAT_A', SAT_A.shape, SAT_A[0].shape
        #         print 'BAND_3', BAND_3.shape, BAND_3[0].shape
        #         print 'BAND_4', BAND_4.shape, BAND_4[0].shape
        #         print 'WAVE_3', WAVE_3.shape, WAVE_3[0].shape
        #         print 'WAVE_4', WAVE_4.shape, WAVE_4[0].shape
        #         print 'LAMBDA_SMR', LAMBDA_SMR.shape, LAMBDA_SMR[0].shape
        #         print 'SMR', SMR.shape, SMR[0].shape
        #         print 'E_SMR', E_SMR.shape, E_SMR[0].shape
        #         print 'E_REL_SUN', E_REL_SUN.shape, E_REL_SUN[0].shape
        #         print LAMBDA_SMR[0][0][1023]
        #         print BAND_3[0][23][1023].RAD
        #         print self.band3.shape

        for i in range(30):
            count = coda.get_size(fp, 'MDR', i, 'Earthshine', 'BAND_3')
            for j in range(int(count[0] * 0.75)):
                for m in range(1024):

                    self.band3[i][j][m] = BAND_3[i][j][m].RAD
                    self.band3_ERR_RAD[i][j][m] = BAND_3[i][j][m].ERR_RAD
                    self.band3_STOKES_FRACTION[i][j][m] = BAND_3[i][j][
                    self.band4[i][j][m] = BAND_4[i][j][m].RAD
                    self.band4_ERR_RAD[i][j][m] = BAND_4[i][j][m].ERR_RAD
                    self.band4_STOKES_FRACTION[i][j][m] = BAND_4[i][j][

        for m in range(2048):
            for i in range(30):
                count = coda.get_size(fp, 'MDR', i, 'Earthshine', 'BAND_3')
                for j in range(int(count[0] * 0.75)):
                    if m < 1024:
                        if BAND_3[i][j][m].RAD < 0:
                            BAND_3[i][j][m].RAD = 0
                        self.arr_GOME_L[m][i][j] = (BAND_3[i][j][m].RAD *
                                                    self.k) / WAVE_3[i][m]
                        self.arr_GOME_WL[m][i][j] = WAVE_3[i][m]

                        if BAND_4[i][j][m - 1024].RAD < 0:
                            BAND_4[i][j][m - 1024].RAD = 0
                        self.arr_GOME_L[m][i][j] = (
                            BAND_4[i][j][m - 1024].RAD *
                            self.k) / WAVE_4[i][m - 1024]
                        self.arr_GOME_WL[m][i][j] = WAVE_4[i][m - 1024]

        for i in range(2):
            for j in range(1024):
                if i == 0:
                    self.vec_Solar_L[i][j] = (
                        SMR[0][2][j] * self.k) / LAMBDA_SMR[0][2][j]  # 太阳辐亮度
                    self.vec_Solar_WL[i][j] = LAMBDA_SMR[0][2][j]
                    self.E_SMR3[j] = E_SMR[0][2][j]
                    self.E_REL_SUN3[j] = E_REL_SUN[0][2][j]
                elif i == 1:
                    self.vec_Solar_L[i][j] = (
                        SMR[0][3][j] * self.k) / LAMBDA_SMR[0][3][j]  # 太阳辐亮度
                    self.vec_Solar_WL[i][j] = LAMBDA_SMR[0][3][j]
                    self.E_SMR4[j] = E_SMR[0][3][j]
                    self.E_REL_SUN4[j] = E_REL_SUN[0][3][j]

        for i in range(30):
            for j in range(24):
                self.sun_A[i][j] = SUN_A[i][1][j]
                self.sun_Z[i][j] = SUN_Z[i][1][j]
                self.sat_A[i][j] = SAT_A[i][1][j]
                self.sun_Z[i][j] = SAT_Z[i][1][j]
                self.centre_lat[i][j] = CENTRE[i][j].latitude
                self.centre_lon[i][j] = CENTRE[i][j].longitude

        for i in range(30):
            for j in range(24):
                for m in range(4):
                    self.corner_lat[i][j][m] = CORNER[i][m][j].latitude
                    self.corner_lon[i][j][m] = CORNER[i][m][j].longitude
Example #27
    def _read(self, path, fields="all", return_header=False):
        tmpdira = config.conf["main"]["tmpdir"]
        tmpdirb = config.conf["main"]["tmpdirb"]
        tmpdir = (tmpdira 
            if shutil.disk_usage(tmpdira).free > self.minspace
            else tmpdirb)
        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="wb", dir=tmpdir, delete=True) as tmpfile:
            with gzip.open(str(path), "rb") as gzfile:
                logging.debug("Decompressing {!s}".format(path))
                gzcont = gzfile.read()
                logging.debug("Writing decompressed file to {!s}".format(tmpfile.name))
                del gzcont

            # All the hard work is in coda
            logging.debug("Reading {!s}".format(tmpfile.name))
            cfp = coda.open(tmpfile.name)
            c = coda.fetch(cfp)
            logging.debug("Sorting info...")
            n_scanlines = c.MPHR.TOTAL_MDR
            start = datetime.datetime(*coda.time_double_to_parts_utc(c.MPHR.SENSING_START))
            has_mdr = numpy.array([hasattr(m, 'MDR') for m in c.MDR],
            bad = numpy.array([
                        if hasattr(m, 'MDR') else True
                        for m in c.MDR],
            dlt = numpy.concatenate(
                [m.MDR.OnboardUTC[:, numpy.newaxis]
                    for m in c.MDR
                    if hasattr(m, 'MDR')], 1) - c.MPHR.SENSING_START
            M = numpy.ma.zeros(
                shape=(n_scanlines, 30))
            M["time"][has_mdr] = numpy.datetime64(start, "ms") + numpy.array(dlt*1e3, "m8[ms]").T
            specall = self.__obtain_from_mdr(c, "GS1cSpect").astype("f8")
            # apply scale factors
            first = c.MDR[0].MDR.IDefNsfirst1b
            last = c.MDR[0].MDR.IDefNslast1b
            for (slc_st, slc_fi, fact) in zip(
                    filter(None, c.GIADR_ScaleFactors.IDefScaleSondNsfirst),
                # Documented intervals are closed [a, b]; Python uses
                # half-open [a, b).
                specall[..., (slc_st-first):(slc_fi-first+1)] *= pow(10.0, -fact)
            M["spectral_radiance"][has_mdr] = specall
            locall = self.__obtain_from_mdr(c, "GGeoSondLoc")
            M["lon"][has_mdr] = locall[:, :, :, 0]
            M["lat"][has_mdr] = locall[:, :, :, 1]
            satangall = self.__obtain_from_mdr(c, "GGeoSondAnglesMETOP")
            M["satellite_zenith_angle"][has_mdr] = satangall[:, :, :, 0]
            M["satellite_azimuth_angle"][has_mdr] = satangall[:, :, :, 1]
            solangall = self.__obtain_from_mdr(c, "GGeoSondAnglesSUN")
            M["solar_zenith_angle"][has_mdr] = solangall[:, :, :, 0]
            M["solar_azimuth_angle"][has_mdr] = solangall[:, :, :, 1]
            for fld in M.dtype.names:
                M.mask[fld][~has_mdr, ...] = True
                M.mask[fld][bad, ...] = True
            m = c.MDR[0].MDR
            wavenumber = (m.IDefSpectDWn1b * numpy.arange(m.IDefNsfirst1b, m.IDefNslast1b+0.1) * (1/ureg.metre))
            if self.wavenumber is None:
                self.wavenumber = wavenumber
            elif abs(self.wavenumber - wavenumber).max() > (0.05 * 1/(ureg.centimetre)):
                raise ValueError("Inconsistent wavenumbers")
            return M
Example #28
    def get_solar_zenith(self):
        return solar_zenith
        if self.resolution == 24000:
            satellite_type1 = ['METOP-A', 'METOP-B']
            if self.satellite in satellite_type1:

                    fp = coda.open(self.in_file)
                    angle = coda.fetch(fp, 'MDR', -1, 'MDR',

                    all_angle = []

                    for i in xrange(len(angle)):
                        tmp_angle = angle[i].reshape(-1)
                        if len(all_angle) == 0:
                            all_angle = tmp_angle
                            all_angle = np.concatenate((all_angle, tmp_angle))

                    s0 = self.data_shape[0]
                    # 开始间隔一个取一个值,取偶数位
                    data_pre = (all_angle[0::2]).reshape(s0, 1)

                    # 过滤无效值
                    invalid_index = np.logical_or(data_pre < 0, data_pre > 180)
                    data_pre = data_pre.astype(np.float32)
                    data_pre[invalid_index] = np.nan

                    data = data_pre

                except Exception as e:
                    print 'Open file error {}'.format(e)
                raise ValueError('Cant read this satellite`s data.: {}'.format(
        elif self.resolution == 24001:
            satellite_type1 = ['METOP-A', 'METOP-B']
            if self.satellite in satellite_type1:

                    ncr = Dataset(self.in_file, 'r', format='NETCDF3_CLASSIC')
                    data_pre = ncr.variables['solar_zenith_angle'][:]

                    # 过滤无效值
                    invalid_index = np.logical_or(data_pre < 0, data_pre > 180)
                    data_pre = data_pre.astype(np.float32)
                    data_pre[invalid_index] = np.nan

                    data = data_pre.reshape(self.data_shape)

                except Exception as e:
                    print 'Open file error {}'.format(e)
                raise ValueError('Cant read this satellite`s data.: {}'.format(
            raise ValueError(
                'Cant read this data, please check its resolution: {}'.format(
        return data
Example #29
def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        'Read star reference spectra from a folder,'
        ' calculate mean, std, and quantiles (0.05, 0.50, 0.95),'
        ' save into a file in numpy format')
    parser.add_argument('--path', help="input folder")
    parser.add_argument('--out', help="output file")
        help="use measurement data instead of the reference star spectrum")
                        help="plot all spectra and also the result")
    parser.add_argument('--plot', action="store_true", help="plot the result")
    args = parser.parse_args()

    spectra = []
    for file in os.listdir(args.path):
        if file[-3:] != '.N1':

        #   - see https://github.com/stcorp/codadef-documentation for product_class, product_type, version
        #   - to list field names: coda.get_field_names(h,""): [
        #       'mph', 'sph', 'dsd', 'tra_summary_quality', 'tra_occultation_data',
        #       'tra_nom_wav_assignment', 'tra_ref_star_spectrum', 'tra_ref_atm_dens_profile',
        #       'tra_transmission', 'tra_satu_and_sfa_data', 'tra_auxiliary_data',
        #       'tra_geolocation'
        #     ]
        #   - meanings of the fields: http://envisat.esa.int/handbooks/gomos/CNTR2-2-3.html

        # file, product_class, product_type, version
        h = coda.open_as(os.path.join(args.path, file), 'ENVISAT_GOMOS',
                         'GOM_TRA_1P', 1)

        v = coda.fetch(h, 'sph')
        m = re.match(r'\d*(.*)', v[12].strip())
        bayer = m[1] if m else v[12].strip()

        v = coda.fetch(h, 'tra_ref_star_spectrum')
        spe_ref_raw = np.array(v[0][1]).reshape(
            (1, -1))  # in electrons/pixel/0.5s

        if args.use_measures:
            # the actual measurement data:
            n = 10
            v = coda.fetch(h, 'tra_transmission')
            spe_ref_raw = np.stack([np.array(r[2])
                                    for r in v], axis=0)[:n, :] * spe_ref_raw

        v = coda.fetch(h, 'tra_nom_wav_assignment')
        lam = np.array(v[0][0])  # in nm

        v = coda.fetch(h, 'tra_occultation_data')
        sens_len = v[0][10]  # how many elements the curve has
        sens_lam = np.array(v[0][11])[0:sens_len]  # in nm
        sens_val = np.array(v[0][12])[
            0:sens_len]  # in (photons/s/cm2/nm) / (electrons/pixel/0.5s)


        # hack to alleviate a problem arising from interpolation and a sharp fall in sensitivity around 389nm
        dl = np.array([-0.3, 0, 0.3])
        sens_lam = np.concatenate(
            (sens_lam[:12], sens_lam[12:13] + dl, sens_lam[13:]))
        sens_val = np.concatenate(
            (sens_val[:12], sens_val[11:14], sens_val[13:]))

        interp = interp1d(sens_lam, sens_val, kind='linear')
        spe_ref = spe_ref_raw * interp(lam).reshape((1, -1))


        if args.plot_all:
                lam.reshape((1, -1)).repeat(len(spe_ref), axis=0), spe_ref)
            # plt.plot(lam, spe_ref_raw)
            # plt.plot(sens_lam, sens_val * 0.8*np.max(spe_ref)/np.max(sens_val), 'x-')
            plt.xlabel('Wavelenth [nm]')
            plt.ylabel('Photon flux density [ph/s/cm2/nm]')

    if len(spectra) == 0:
        raise Exception('no spectra found in folder %s' % args.path)

    spectra = np.concatenate(spectra, axis=0)
    quantiles = np.quantile(spectra, (0.05, 0.50, 0.95), axis=0)
    mean = np.mean(spectra, axis=0)
    std = np.std(spectra, axis=0)

    outfile = args.out.replace('{{bayer}}', bayer.lower().replace(' ', '_'))
    if outfile[-4:] != '.npz':
        outfile = outfile + '.npz'
             q05=quantiles[0, :],
             q50=quantiles[1, :],
             q95=quantiles[2, :])

    if args.plot or args.plot_all:
        plt.plot(lam, quantiles[1, :], 'C0-')
        plt.plot(lam, quantiles[0, :], 'C1:')
        plt.plot(lam, quantiles[2, :], 'C1:')
        plt.title('Median spectrum of star %s' % (bayer, ))
        plt.xlabel('Wavelength [nm]')
        plt.ylabel('Photon flux density [ph/s/cm2/nm]')