Example #1
    def encode_password(password, salt, iterations=30000):
        Encode password using the PBKDF2 algorithm.

        :param password: raw password string
        :param salt: salt string
        :param iterations: number of iterations for algorithm
        assert password is not None
        assert salt and '$' not in salt
        hash = pbkdf2(password, salt, iterations)
        hash = base64.b64encode(hash).decode('ascii').strip()
        return "%s$%d$%s$%s" % ('pbkdf2_sha256', iterations, salt, hash)
Example #2
    def encode_password(password, salt, iterations=30000):
        Encode password using the PBKDF2 algorithm.

        :param password: raw password string
        :param salt: salt string
        :param iterations: number of iterations for algorithm
        assert password is not None
        assert salt and '$' not in salt
        hash = pbkdf2(password, salt, iterations)
        hash = base64.b64encode(hash).decode('ascii').strip()
        return "%s$%d$%s$%s" % ('pbkdf2_sha256', iterations, salt, hash)