Example #1
    def get_accounts(self, session):

        org = BotoFactory().get_capability(boto3.client, session,
        accounts = dict()
        paginator = org.get_paginator('list_accounts')
        itr = paginator.paginate()
        for i in itr:
            for account in i['Accounts']:
                accounts[account['Id']] = account

        return accounts
class DDBToHTML():
    def __init__(self, session):
        self.ddb = BotoFactory().get_capability(boto3.client, session,

    def table_to_list(self):
        paginator = self.ddb.get_paginator('scan')
        itr = paginator.paginate(TableName=os.environ['TABLE_NAME'],
        all_items = list()
        for i in itr:
            all_items = i['Items'] + all_items

        return all_items

    def get_all_attributes(self, list_ddb_items):
        """expects a list of dictionaries where each dictionary is a single item
        from DynamoDB"""
        attributes = set()
        for i in list_ddb_items:
            attributes = attributes.union(i.keys())
        return attributes

    def make_order_of_columns(self, attributes, desired_order_list):
        """takes input of attributes set and a partial or complete list of
        attributes in the desired order for the columns, e.g. should AccountId
        be first column
        If the desired order has fewer items than the attributes they will be
        added randomly depending on the order of the set returns list of order
        which can be used for HTML table generation
        order_list = list()
        for attr in desired_order_list:
            except Exception as e:
                raise (e)

        if len(attributes) > 0:
            for i in range(len(attributes)):

        return order_list

    def make_table_head(self, ordered_list):
        thead = '<thead>\n\t\t\t<tr>\n'
        th_row = '\t\t\t\t<th>\n\t\t\t\t\t<p>%s\n\t\t\t\t</th>\n'
        for i in range(len(ordered_list)):
            thead += th_row % ordered_list[i]
        thead += '\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t</thead>\n'
        return thead

    def make_table_row(self, ordered_list, account_info):
        tr = '\t\t<tr>\n'
        tr_td = "\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t\t<p>%s\n\t\t\t</td>\n"
        for i in range(len(ordered_list)):
            data = account_info.get(ordered_list[i])['S']
            if data.startswith('https://'):
                data = "<a href=\"%s\" target=_blank>%s</a>" % (data, data)
            tr += tr_td % data
        tr += '\t\t</tr>\n'
        return tr

    def make_html_file(self, column_order='', filename=''):
        if column_order == '':
            self.logging.warning('No column order specified')
            column_order = []
        if filename == '':
            filename = os.environ['DEFAULT_FILENAME']

        items = self.table_to_list()
        attributes = self.get_all_attributes(items)

        ordered_list = self.make_order_of_columns(attributes, column_order)

        thead = self.make_table_head(ordered_list)
        html_rows = str()
        for item in items:
            html_rows += self.make_table_row(ordered_list, item)

        params = {
            'TITLE': 'Account Roleswitching and Metadata',
            'THEAD_VALS': thead,
            'TR_VALS': html_rows

        with open('html_templating/table_template.html', 'r') as f:
            template = f.read()

        path = filename
        with open(path, 'w') as out:
            out.write(template % params)
        return ({'Status': 'OK', 'Path': path})
Example #3
class OrgOps():

    def __init__(self, session):
        if os.environ.get('EXCLUDE_OUS'):
            self.blocklist = os.environ.get('EXCLUDE_OUS').split(',')
            log.info(f"Exclude OU:s: {self.blocklist}")
                f"No EXCLUDE_OUS present in ENV, all OUs can be traversed"
            self.blocklist = set()

        self.org = BotoFactory().get_capability(
            boto3.client, session, 'organizations'

    def get_active_accounts(self):
        accounts = dict()
        paginator = self.org.get_paginator('list_accounts')
        itr = paginator.paginate()
        for i in itr:
            for account in i['Accounts']:
                if account['Status'] == 'ACTIVE':
                    accounts[account['Id']] = account
        return accounts

    def get_all_children_ou(self, parent_ou):
        ous = set()
        log.info(f"Getting children OU for {parent_ou}")
        pgnt = self.org.get_paginator('list_organizational_units_for_parent')
        itr = pgnt.paginate(

        for i in itr:
            for ou in i['OrganizationalUnits']:
                if ou['Id'] not in self.blocklist:

        if ous:
            for ou in ous.copy():

        return ous

    def get_active_accounts_from_ous(self, ous):
        pgnt = self.org.get_paginator('list_accounts_for_parent')
        accounts = dict()
        for ou in ous:
            log.info(f"Getting accounts from {ou}")
            itr = pgnt.paginate(ParentId=ou)
            for i in itr:
                for account in i['Accounts']:
                    if account['Status'] == 'ACTIVE':
                        accounts[account['Id']] = account
        return accounts

    def get_accounts_from_root(self):
        root_ou = self.org.list_roots()['Roots'][0]['Id']
        return self.get_active_accounts_from_ous(