Example #1
def record_correlation(s, t, overlap=300):
    """Return the correlation between the monthly anomalies of the two
    records, where they have common months."""

    assert s.first_year == t.first_year
    a = list(s.series)
    b = list(t.series)
    common = [(u,v) for u,v in zip(a, b) if valid(u) and valid(v)]
    if len(common) < overlap:
        return None

    return correlation.pearson(*zip(*common))
Example #2
def asdict(arg, inp, mode):
    """`arg` should be a list of 11-digit station identifiers or
    12-digit record identifiers.  The records from `inp` are extracted
    and returned as a dictionary (that maps identifiers to (data,begin)
    pair).  If `mode` is 'anom' then data are converted to monthly

    # Clear Climate Code, tool directory
    import v2index

    v2 = v2index.File(inp)

    table = {}
    for id in arg:
        for id12, series in v2.get(id):
            data, begin = from_lines(series)
            if mode == 'anom':
                # Clear Climate Code, code directory
                from code.series import anomalize
                anomalize(data, None)
            table[id12] = (data, begin)

    return table
Example #3
def asdict(arg, inp, mode, axes, offset=None, scale=None):
    """`arg` should be a list of 11-digit station identifiers or
    12-digit record identifiers.  The records from `inp` are extracted
    and returned as a dictionary (that maps identifiers to (data,begin)
    pair).  If `mode` is 'anom' then data are converted to monthly
    anomalies; if `mode` is 'annual' then data are converted to annual
    anomalies (using the GISTEMP algorithm that copes with missing
    months).  *offset* can be used to offset each station.  The first
    station in the *arg* list will have no offset, each subsequent
    station will have its data biased by adding *offset* (the offset
    increasing arithmetically for each station).  All of the duplicates
    for a given station will be offset by the same amount.  The visual
    effect is to displace stations upward (if the offset is positive).

    # Clear Climate Code, tool directory
    import ghcnm_index
    # Clear Climate Code
    from code import series

    v2 = ghcnm_index.File(inp)

    table = {}
    if not offset:
        offset = [0.0] * len(arg)
    for id,axis,off in zip(arg, axes, offset):
        for id12,rows in v2.get(id):
            data,begin = from_lines(rows, scale)
            if mode == 'anom':
                series.anomalize(data, None)
            if mode == 'annual':
                _, data = series.monthly_annual(data)
            data = apply_data_offset(data, off)
            table[id12] = (data,begin,axis)

    return table
Example #4
def asdict(arg, inp, mode, axes, offset=None, scale=0.1):
    """`arg` should be a list of 11-digit station identifiers or
    12-digit record identifiers.  The records from `inp` are extracted
    and returned as a dictionary (that maps identifiers to (data,begin)
    pair).  If `mode` is 'anom' then data are converted to monthly
    anomalies; if `mode` is 'annual' then data are converted to annual
    anomalies (using the GISTEMP algorithm that copes with missing
    months).  *offset* can be used to offset each station.  The first
    station in the *arg* list will have no offset, each subsequent
    station will have its data biased by adding *offset* (the offset
    increasing arithmetically for each station).  All of the duplicates
    for a given station will be offset by the same amount.  The visual
    effect is to displace stations upward (if the offset is positive).

    # Clear Climate Code, tool directory
    import v2index
    # Clear Climate Code
    from code import series

    v2 = v2index.File(inp)

    table = {}
    if not offset:
        offset = [0.0] * len(arg)
    for id,axis,off in zip(arg, axes, offset):
        for id12,rows in v2.get(id):
            data,begin = from_lines(rows, scale)
            if mode == 'anom':
                series.anomalize(data, None)
            if mode == 'annual':
                _, data = series.monthly_annual(data)
            data = apply_data_offset(data, off)
            table[id12] = (data,begin,axis)

    return table
Example #5
def asdict(arg, inp, mode):
    """`arg` should be a list of 11-digit station identifiers or
    12-digit record identifiers.  The records from `inp` are extracted
    and returned as a dictionary (that maps identifiers to (data,begin)
    pair).  If `mode` is 'anom' then data are converted to monthly

    # Clear Climate Code, tool directory
    import v2index

    v2 = v2index.File(inp)

    table = {}
    for id in arg:
        for id12,series in v2.get(id):
            data,begin = from_lines(series)
            if mode == 'anom':
                # Clear Climate Code, code directory
                from code.series import anomalize
                anomalize(data, None)
            table[id12] = (data,begin)

    return table