def completeOperations(self, shadow_oe=None): self.setStatusMessage("Running SHADOW") if self.trace_shadow: grabber = TTYGrabber() grabber.start() self.progressBarSet(50) ########################################### # TODO: TO BE ADDED JUST IN CASE OF BROKEN # ENVIRONMENT: MUST BE FOUND A PROPER WAY # TO TEST SHADOW self.fixWeirdShadowBug() ########################################### beam_out = ShadowBeam.traceFromOE(shadow_oe, self.input_beam) if self.trace_shadow: grabber.stop() for row in grabber.ttyData: self.writeStdOut(row) self.setStatusMessage("Plotting Results") self.plot_results(beam_out) self.setStatusMessage("") self.send("Beam", beam_out)
def setBeam(self, beam): if ShadowGui.checkEmptyBeam(beam): if ShadowGui.checkGoodBeam(beam): if self.keep_result == 1 and not self.input_beam is None: self.input_beam = ShadowBeam.mergeBeams(self.input_beam, beam) else: self.input_beam = beam if ShadowGui.checkEmptyBeam(self.input_beam): if (self.input_beam._oe_number == 0): # IS THE SOURCE self.image_plane = 0 self.set_ImagePlane() self.image_plane_combo.setEnabled(False) if self.is_automatic_run: self.plot_results() else: QtGui.QMessageBox.critical(self, "QMessageBox.critical()", "Data not displayable: No good rays or bad content", QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok)
def clearResults(self): if ConfirmDialog.confirmed(parent=self): self.input_beam = ShadowBeam() self.plot_canvas.clear()
class Histogram(ow_automatic_element.AutomaticElement): name = "Shadow Histogram" description = "Display Data Tools: Histogram" icon = "icons/histogram.png" maintainer = "Luca Rebuffi" maintainer_email = "luca.rebuffi(@at@)" priority = 2 category = "Display Data Tools" keywords = ["data", "file", "load", "read"] inputs = [("Input Beam", ShadowBeam, "setBeam")] IMAGE_WIDTH = 1100 IMAGE_HEIGHT = 650 want_main_area=1 plot_canvas=None input_beam=None image_plane=Setting(0) image_plane_new_position=Setting(10.0) image_plane_rel_abs_position=Setting(0) x_column_index=Setting(11) number_of_bins=Setting(100) title=Setting("Energy") keep_result=Setting(0) def __init__(self): super().__init__() tabs_setting = gui.tabWidget(self.controlArea) tabs_setting.setFixedWidth(450) gui.button(self.controlArea, self, "Refresh", callback=self.plot_results) # graph tab tab_gen = ShadowGui.createTabPage(tabs_setting, "Histogram") incremental_box = ShadowGui.widgetBox(tab_gen, "Incremental Result", addSpace=True, orientation="horizontal", height=80) gui.checkBox(incremental_box, self, "keep_result", "Keep Result") gui.button(incremental_box, self, "Clear", callback=self.clearResults) general_box = ShadowGui.widgetBox(tab_gen, "General Settings", addSpace=True, orientation="vertical", height=250) self.image_plane_combo = gui.comboBox(general_box, self, "image_plane", label="Position of the Image", items=["On Image Plane", "Retraced"], callback=self.set_ImagePlane, sendSelectedValue=False, orientation="horizontal") self.image_plane_box = ShadowGui.widgetBox(general_box, "", addSpace=True, orientation="vertical", height=110) self.image_plane_box_empty = ShadowGui.widgetBox(general_box, "", addSpace=True, orientation="vertical", height=110) ShadowGui.lineEdit(self.image_plane_box, self, "image_plane_new_position", "Image Plane new Position", labelWidth=220, valueType=float, orientation="horizontal") gui.comboBox(self.image_plane_box, self, "image_plane_rel_abs_position", label="Position Type", labelWidth=250, items=["Absolute", "Relative"], sendSelectedValue=False, orientation="horizontal") self.set_ImagePlane() self.x_column = gui.comboBox(general_box, self, "x_column_index", label="Column", labelWidth=80, items=["1: X", "2: Y", "3: Z", "4: X'", "5: Y'", "6: Z'", "7: Es X", "8: Es Y", "9: Es Z", "10: Ray Flag", "11: Energy", "12: Ray Index", "13: Optical Path", "14: Phase s", "15: Phase p", "16: Ep X", "17: Ep Y", "18: Ep Z", "19: Wavelength", "20: R = sqrt(X^2 + Y^2 + Z^2)", "21: Theta (angle from Y axis)", "22: Magnitude = |Es| + |Ep|", "23: Total Intensity = |Es|^2 + |Ep|^2", "24: S Intensity = |Es|^2", "25: P Intensity = |Ep|^2", "26: |K|", "27: K X", "28: K Y", "29: K Z", "30: S0-stokes = |Es|^2 + |Ep|^2", "31: S1-stokes = |Es|^2 - |Ep|^2", "32: S2-stokes = 2|Es||Ep|cos(Phase s-Phase p)", "33: S3-stokes = 2|Es||Ep|sin(Phase s-Phase p)", ], sendSelectedValue=False, orientation="horizontal") histograms_box = ShadowGui.widgetBox(tab_gen, "Histograms settings", addSpace=True, orientation="vertical", height=70) ShadowGui.lineEdit(histograms_box, self, "number_of_bins", "Number of Bins", labelWidth=250, valueType=int, orientation="horizontal") self.image_box = gui.widgetBox(self.mainArea, "Plot Result", addSpace=True, orientation="vertical") self.image_box.setFixedHeight(self.IMAGE_HEIGHT) self.image_box.setFixedWidth(self.IMAGE_WIDTH) self.shadow_output = QtGui.QTextEdit() self.shadow_output.setReadOnly(True) out_box = gui.widgetBox(self.mainArea, "System Output", addSpace=True, orientation="horizontal") out_box.layout().addWidget(self.shadow_output) out_box.setFixedWidth(self.IMAGE_WIDTH) self.shadow_output.setFixedHeight(100) self.shadow_output.setFixedWidth(self.IMAGE_WIDTH-50) def clearResults(self): if ConfirmDialog.confirmed(parent=self): self.input_beam = ShadowBeam() self.plot_canvas.clear() def set_ImagePlane(self): self.image_plane_box.setVisible(self.image_plane==1) self.image_plane_box_empty.setVisible(self.image_plane==0) def replace_fig(self, beam, var, title, xtitle, ytitle, xum): if self.plot_canvas is None: self.plot_canvas = ShadowPlot.DetailedHistoWidget() self.image_box.layout().addWidget(self.plot_canvas) try: self.plot_canvas.plot_histo(beam, var, 1, None, 23, title, xtitle, ytitle, nbins=self.number_of_bins, xum=xum) except Exception: raise Exception("Data not plottable: No good rays or bad content") def plot_histo(self, var_x, title, xtitle, ytitle, xum): beam_to_plot = self.input_beam._beam if self.image_plane == 1: new_shadow_beam = self.input_beam.duplicate(history=False) historyItem = self.input_beam.getOEHistory(oe_number=self.input_beam._oe_number) if historyItem is None: raise Exception("Calculation impossible: Beam has no history") dist = 0.0 if self.image_plane_rel_abs_position == 1: # relative image_plane = 0.0 if type(historyItem.shadow_oe_end) == ShadowOpticalElement: image_plane = historyItem.shadow_oe_end._oe.T_IMAGE elif type(historyItem.shadow_oe_end) == ShadowCompoundOpticalElement: image_plane = historyItem.shadow_oe_end._oe.list[historyItem.shadow_oe_end._oe.number_oe() - 1].T_IMAGE if self.image_plane_new_position < 0 and abs(self.image_plane_new_position) > image_plane: raise Exception("Image plane new position cannot be before the O.E.") dist = self.image_plane_new_position else: # absolute ShadowGui.checkPositiveNumber(self.image_plane_new_position, "Image Plane new Position") dist = self.image_plane_new_position - historyItem.shadow_oe_end._oe.T_IMAGE new_shadow_beam._beam.retrace(dist) beam_to_plot = new_shadow_beam._beam self.replace_fig(beam_to_plot, var_x, title, xtitle, ytitle, xum) def plot_results(self): self.error(self.error_id) try: sys.stdout = EmittingStream(textWritten=self.writeStdOut) if self.trace_shadow: grabber = TTYGrabber() grabber.start() if ShadowGui.checkEmptyBeam(self.input_beam): self.number_of_bins = ShadowGui.checkPositiveNumber(self.number_of_bins, "Number of Bins") auto_title = self.x_column.currentText().split(":", 2)[1] xum = auto_title + " " self.title = auto_title x = self.x_column_index + 1 if x == 1 or x == 2 or x == 3: xum = xum + "[" + u"\u03BC" + "m]" auto_title = auto_title + " [$\mu$m]" elif x == 4 or x == 5 or x == 6: xum = xum + "[" + u"\u03BC" + "rad]" auto_title = auto_title + " [$\mu$rad]" elif x == 11: xum = xum + "[eV]" auto_title = auto_title + " [eV]" elif x == 13: xum = xum + "[cm]" auto_title = auto_title + " [cm]" elif x == 14: xum = xum + "[rad]" auto_title = auto_title + " [rad]" elif x == 15: xum = xum + "[rad]" auto_title = auto_title + " [rad]" elif x == 19: xum = xum + "[Å]" auto_title = auto_title + " [Å]" elif x == 20: xum = xum + "[cm]" auto_title = auto_title + " [cm]" elif x == 21: xum = xum + "[rad]" auto_title = auto_title + " [rad]" elif x >= 25 and x <= 28: xum = xum + "[Å-1]" auto_title = auto_title + " [Å-1]" self.plot_histo(x, title=self.title, xtitle=auto_title, ytitle="Number of Rays", xum=xum) if self.trace_shadow: grabber.stop() for row in grabber.ttyData: self.writeStdOut(row) time.sleep(0.5) # prevents a misterious dead lock in the Orange cycle when refreshing the histogram except Exception as exception: QtGui.QMessageBox.critical(self, "QMessageBox.critical()", str(exception), QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok) self.error_id = self.error_id + 1 self.error(self.error_id, "Exception occurred: " + str(exception)) def setBeam(self, beam): if ShadowGui.checkEmptyBeam(beam): if ShadowGui.checkGoodBeam(beam): if self.keep_result == 1 and not self.input_beam is None: self.input_beam = ShadowBeam.mergeBeams(self.input_beam, beam) else: self.input_beam = beam if ShadowGui.checkEmptyBeam(self.input_beam): if (self.input_beam._oe_number == 0): # IS THE SOURCE self.image_plane = 0 self.set_ImagePlane() self.image_plane_combo.setEnabled(False) if self.is_automatic_run: self.plot_results() else: QtGui.QMessageBox.critical(self, "QMessageBox.critical()", "Data not displayable: No good rays or bad content", QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok) def writeStdOut(self, text): cursor = self.shadow_output.textCursor() cursor.movePosition(QtGui.QTextCursor.End) cursor.insertText(text) self.shadow_output.setTextCursor(cursor) self.shadow_output.ensureCursorVisible()
def traceFromOE(self, shadow_oe, input_shadow_beam): return ShadowBeam.traceFromOE(shadow_oe, input_shadow_beam)
def traceFromSource(self, shadow_source): return ShadowBeam.traceFromSource(shadow_source)