def main(args): """ List the analyzers' basic information supported by CodeChecker. """ logger.setup_logger(args.verbose if 'verbose' in args else None) context = analyzer_context.get_context() working, errored = \ analyzer_types.check_supported_analyzers( analyzer_types.supported_analyzers, context) if args.dump_config: binary = context.analyzer_binaries.get(args.dump_config) if args.dump_config == 'clang-tidy':[binary, '-dump-config', '-checks=*']) elif args.dump_config == 'clangsa': # TODO: Not supported by ClangSA yet! LOG.warning("'--dump-config clangsa' is not supported yet.") return if args.output_format not in ['csv', 'json']: if 'details' not in args: header = ['Name'] else: header = ['Name', 'Path', 'Version'] else: if 'details' not in args: header = ['name'] else: header = ['name', 'path', 'version_string'] rows = [] for analyzer in working: if 'details' not in args: rows.append([analyzer]) else: binary = context.analyzer_binaries.get(analyzer) try: version = subprocess.check_output([binary, '--version']) except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, OSError): version = 'ERROR' rows.append([analyzer, binary, version]) if 'all' in args: for analyzer, err_reason in errored: if 'details' not in args: rows.append([analyzer]) else: rows.append([ analyzer, context.analyzer_binaries.get(analyzer), err_reason ]) if len(rows) > 0: print(output_formatters.twodim_to_str(args.output_format, header, rows))
def main(args): """ Generates a build log by running the original build command. No analysis is done. """ logger.setup_logger(args.verbose if 'verbose' in args else None) args.logfile = os.path.realpath(args.logfile) # It is possible that the log file will not be created or it will be empty # for example when the build command is an empty string or when there is no # compiler command to log. For this reason we will create this log file if # it does not exist and we will insert an empty array to it, so it will be # a valid json file. with open(args.logfile, 'w', encoding="utf-8", errors="ignore") as logfile: logfile.write("[\n]") context = analyzer_context.get_context() verbose = args.verbose if 'verbose' in args else None build_manager.perform_build_command(args.logfile, args.command, context, 'keep_link' in args, silent='quiet' in args, verbose=verbose)
def main(args): """ Get and print the version information from the version config file and Thrift API definition. """ logger.setup_logger(args.verbose if 'verbose' in args else None) output_format = args.output_format has_analyzer_version = False try: from codechecker_analyzer.cmd import analyzer_version has_analyzer_version = True # Print analyzer version information. print("CodeChecker analyzer version:") analyzer_version.print_version(output_format) except Exception: pass try: from codechecker_web.cmd import web_version if has_analyzer_version: print() # Print a new line to separate version information. # Print web server version information. print("CodeChecker web version:") web_version.print_version(output_format) except Exception: pass
def main(args): """ Get and print the version information from the version config file and Thrift API definition. """ logger.setup_logger(args.verbose if 'verbose' in args else None) print_version(args.output_format)
def main(args): """ Get and print the version information from the version config file and Thrift API definition. """ # If the given output format is not 'table', redirect logger's output to # the stderr. stream = None if 'output_format' in args and args.output_format != 'table': stream = 'stderr' logger.setup_logger(args.verbose if 'verbose' in args else None, stream) print_version(args.output_format)
def main(args): """ Generates a build log by running the original build command. No analysis is done. """ logger.setup_logger(args.verbose if 'verbose' in args else None) args.logfile = os.path.realpath(args.logfile) if os.path.exists(args.logfile): os.remove(args.logfile) context = analyzer_context.get_context() build_manager.perform_build_command(args.logfile, args.command, context, 'keep_link' in args, silent='quiet' in args)
def main(args): """ Get and print the version information from the version config file and Thrift API definition. """ logger.setup_logger(args.verbose if 'verbose' in args else None) output_format = args.output_format # Get analyzer version information if the module is available. analyzer_version = None try: from codechecker_analyzer.cmd.analyzer_version import Version analyzer_version = Version() except Exception: pass # Get web version information if the module is available. web_version = None try: from codechecker_web.cmd.web_version import Version web_version = Version() except Exception: pass # Print the version information. if output_format == "json": print( json.dumps({ "analyzer": analyzer_version.to_dict() if analyzer_version else None, "web": web_version.to_dict() if web_version else None })) else: if analyzer_version: analyzer_version.print(output_format) print() if web_version: web_version.print(output_format)
def main(args): """ List the checkers available in the specified (or all supported) analyzers alongside with their description or enabled status in various formats. """ # If the given output format is not 'table', redirect logger's output to # the stderr. logger.setup_logger(args.verbose if 'verbose' in args else None, None if args.output_format == 'table' else 'stderr') cl = analyzer_context.get_context().checker_labels if 'profile' in args and not args.profile: __print_profiles(args, cl) return if 'severity' in args and not args.severity: __print_severities(args, cl) return if 'guideline' in args and not args.guideline: __print_guidelines(args, cl) return if 'label' in args and not args.label: __print_labels(args, cl) return if 'label' in args and ':' not in args.label: __print_label_values(args, cl) return if 'checker_config' in args: __print_checker_config(args) return __print_checkers(args, cl)
def main(args): """ List the checkers available in the specified (or all supported) analyzers alongside with their description or enabled status in various formats. """ # If the given output format is not 'table', redirect logger's output to # the stderr. logger.setup_logger(args.verbose if 'verbose' in args else None, None if args.output_format == 'table' else 'stderr') context = analyzer_context.get_context() working_analyzers, errored = analyzer_types.check_supported_analyzers( args.analyzers, context) analyzer_environment = env.extend(context.path_env_extra, context.ld_lib_path_extra) analyzer_config_map = analyzer_types.build_config_handlers( args, context, working_analyzers) def uglify(text): """ csv and json format output contain this non human readable header string: no CamelCase and no space. """ return text.lower().replace(' ', '_') def match_guideline(checker_name, selected_guidelines): """ Returns True if checker_name gives reports related to any of the selected guideline rule. checker_name -- A full checker name. selected_guidelines -- A list of guideline names or guideline rule IDs. """ guideline = context.guideline_map.get(checker_name, {}) guideline_set = set(guideline) for value in guideline.values(): guideline_set |= set(value) return any(g in guideline_set for g in selected_guidelines) def format_guideline(guideline): """ Convert guideline rules to human-readable format. guideline -- Dictionary in the following format: {"guideline_1": ["rule_1", "rule_2"]} """ return ' '.join('Related {} rules: {}'.format(g, ', '.join(r)) for g, r in guideline.items()) # List available checker profiles. if 'profile' in args and args.profile == 'list': if 'details' in args: header = ['Profile name', 'Description'] rows = context.available_profiles.items() else: header = ['Profile name'] rows = [(key, "") for key in context.available_profiles.keys()] if args.output_format in ['csv', 'json']: header = list(map(uglify, header)) print(output_formatters.twodim_to_str(args.output_format, header, rows)) return # List checker config options. if 'checker_config' in args: if 'details' in args: header = ['Option', 'Description'] else: header = ['Option'] if args.output_format in ['csv', 'json']: header = list(map(uglify, header)) rows = [] for analyzer in working_analyzers: config_handler = analyzer_config_map.get(analyzer) analyzer_class = analyzer_types.supported_analyzers[analyzer] configs = analyzer_class.get_checker_config( config_handler, analyzer_environment) rows.extend( (':'.join((analyzer, c[0])), c[1]) if 'details' in args else (':'.join((analyzer, c[0])), ) for c in configs) print(output_formatters.twodim_to_str(args.output_format, header, rows)) return if args.guideline is not None and len(args.guideline) == 0: result = defaultdict(set) for _, guidelines in context.guideline_map.items(): for guideline, rules in guidelines.items(): result[guideline] |= set(rules) header = ['Guideline', 'Rules'] if args.output_format in ['csv', 'json']: header = list(map(uglify, header)) if args.output_format == 'json': rows = [(g, sorted(list(r))) for g, r in result.items()] else: rows = [(g, ', '.join(sorted(r))) for g, r in result.items()] if args.output_format == 'rows': for row in rows: print('Guideline: {}'.format(row[0])) print('Rules: {}'.format(row[1])) else: print( output_formatters.twodim_to_str(args.output_format, header, rows)) return # List available checkers. if 'details' in args: header = [ 'Enabled', 'Name', 'Analyzer', 'Severity', 'Guideline', 'Description' ] else: header = ['Name'] if args.output_format in ['csv', 'json']: header = list(map(uglify, header)) rows = [] for analyzer in working_analyzers: config_handler = analyzer_config_map.get(analyzer) analyzer_class = analyzer_types.supported_analyzers[analyzer] checkers = analyzer_class.get_analyzer_checkers( config_handler, analyzer_environment) default_checker_cfg = context.checker_config.get(analyzer + '_checkers') profile_checkers = None if 'profile' in args: if args.profile not in context.available_profiles: LOG.error("Checker profile '%s' does not exist!", args.profile) LOG.error("To list available profiles, use '--profile list'.") sys.exit(1) profile_checkers = [(args.profile, True)] config_handler.initialize_checkers(context.available_profiles, context.package_root, checkers, default_checker_cfg, profile_checkers) for checker_name, value in config_handler.checks().items(): state, description = value if state != CheckerState.enabled and 'profile' in args: continue if state == CheckerState.enabled and 'only_disabled' in args: continue elif state != CheckerState.enabled and 'only_enabled' in args: continue if args.output_format == 'json': state = state == CheckerState.enabled else: state = '+' if state == CheckerState.enabled else '-' if args.guideline is not None: if not match_guideline(checker_name, args.guideline): continue if 'details' in args: severity = context.severity_map.get(checker_name) guideline = context.guideline_map.get(checker_name, {}) if args.output_format != 'json': guideline = format_guideline(guideline) rows.append([ state, checker_name, analyzer, severity, guideline, description ]) else: rows.append([checker_name]) if 'show_warnings' in args: severity = context.severity_map.get('clang-diagnostic-') for warning in get_warnings(analyzer_environment): warning = 'clang-diagnostic-' + warning[2:] if 'guideline' in args: if not match_guideline(warning, args.guideline): continue guideline = context.guideline_map.get(warning, {}) if args.output_format != 'json': guideline = format_guideline(guideline) if 'details' in args: rows.append(['', warning, '-', severity, guideline, '-']) else: rows.append([warning]) if rows: print(output_formatters.twodim_to_str(args.output_format, header, rows)) for analyzer_binary, reason in errored: LOG.error( "Failed to get checkers for '%s'!" "The error reason was: '%s'", analyzer_binary, reason) LOG.error("Please check your installation and the " "'config/package_layout.json' file!")
def main(args): """ Execute a wrapper over log-analyze-parse, aka 'check'. """ logger.setup_logger(args.verbose if 'verbose' in args else None) if 'ctu_ast_mode' in args and 'ctu_phases' not in args: LOG.error("Analyzer option 'ctu-ast-mode' requires CTU mode enabled") sys.exit(1) def __update_if_key_exists(source, target, key): """Append the source Namespace's element with 'key' to target with the same key, but only if it exists.""" if key in source: setattr(target, key, getattr(source, key)) # If no output directory is given then the checker results go to a # temporary directory. This way the subsequent "quick" checks don't pollute # the result list of a previous check. If the detection status function is # intended to be used (i.e. by keeping the .plist files) then the output # directory has to be provided explicitly. if 'output_dir' in args: output_dir = args.output_dir else: output_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() output_dir = os.path.abspath(output_dir) if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) logfile = None try: # --- Step 1.: Perform logging if build command was specified. if 'command' in args: logfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile().name # Translate the argument list between check and log. log_args = argparse.Namespace(command=args.command, logfile=logfile) __update_if_key_exists(args, log_args, 'quiet') __update_if_key_exists(args, log_args, 'verbose') import codechecker_analyzer.cmd.log as log_module LOG.debug("Calling LOG with args:") LOG.debug(log_args) # If not explicitly given the debug log file of ld_logger is placed # in report directory if any. Otherwise parallel "CodeChecker # check" commands would overwrite each other's log files under /tmp # which is the default location for "CodeChecker check". if 'CC_LOGGER_DEBUG_FILE' not in os.environ: os.environ['CC_LOGGER_DEBUG_FILE'] = \ os.path.join(output_dir, 'codechecker.logger.debug') log_module.main(log_args) elif 'logfile' in args: logfile = args.logfile # --- Step 2.: Perform the analysis. analyze_args = argparse.Namespace( logfile=logfile, output_path=output_dir, output_format='plist',, keep_gcc_include_fixed=args.keep_gcc_include_fixed, keep_gcc_intrin=args.keep_gcc_intrin) # Some arguments don't have default values. # We can't set these keys to None because it would result in an error # after the call. args_to_update = [ 'quiet', 'skipfile', 'files', 'analyzers', 'add_compiler_defaults', 'clangsa_args_cfg_file', 'tidy_args_cfg_file', 'tidy_config', 'analyzer_config', 'checker_config', 'capture_analysis_output', 'config_file', 'ctu_phases', 'ctu_reanalyze_on_failure', 'stats_output', 'stats_dir', 'stats_enabled', 'stats_relevance_threshold', 'stats_min_sample_count', 'enable_all', 'ordered_checkers', # --enable and --disable. 'timeout', 'compile_uniqueing', 'report_hash', 'enable_z3', 'enable_z3_refutation' ] for key in args_to_update: __update_if_key_exists(args, analyze_args, key) if 'clean' in args: setattr(analyze_args, 'clean', True) __update_if_key_exists(args, analyze_args, 'verbose') import codechecker_analyzer.cmd.analyze as analyze_module LOG.debug("Calling ANALYZE with args:") LOG.debug(analyze_args) analysis_exit_status = analyze_module.main(analyze_args) # --- Step 3.: Print to stdout. parse_args = argparse.Namespace(input=[output_dir], input_format='plist') __update_if_key_exists(args, parse_args, 'print_steps') __update_if_key_exists(args, parse_args, 'review_status') __update_if_key_exists(args, parse_args, 'verbose') __update_if_key_exists(args, parse_args, 'skipfile') __update_if_key_exists(args, parse_args, 'suppress') import codechecker_analyzer.cmd.parse as parse_module LOG.debug("Calling PARSE with args:") LOG.debug(parse_args) parse_module.main(parse_args) except ImportError: LOG.error("Check failed: couldn't import a library.") except Exception: LOG.exception("Running check failed.") import traceback traceback.print_exc() finally: if 'output_dir' not in args: shutil.rmtree(output_dir) if 'command' in args: os.remove(logfile) LOG.debug("Check finished.") return analysis_exit_status
def main(args): """ Store the defect results in the specified input list as bug reports in the database. """ logger.setup_logger(args.verbose if 'verbose' in args else None) try: cmd_config.check_config_file(args) except FileNotFoundError as fnerr: LOG.error(fnerr) sys.exit(1) if not host_check.check_zlib(): raise Exception("zlib is not available on the system!") # To ensure the help message prints the default folder properly, # the 'default' for 'args.input' is a string, not a list. # But we need lists for the foreach here to work. if isinstance(args.input, str): args.input = [args.input] if 'name' not in args: LOG.debug("Generating name for analysis...") generated = __get_run_name(args.input) if generated: setattr(args, 'name', generated) else: LOG.error("No suitable name was found in the inputs for the " "analysis run. Please specify one by passing argument " "--name run_name in the invocation.") sys.exit(2) # argparse returns error code 2 for bad invocations."Storing analysis results for run '" + + "'") if 'force' in args:"argument --force was specified: the run with name '" + + "' will be deleted.") # Setup connection to the remote server. client = libclient.setup_client(args.product_url) _, zip_file = tempfile.mkstemp('.zip') LOG.debug("Will write mass store ZIP to '%s'...", zip_file) try: LOG.debug("Assembling zip file.") try: assemble_zip(args.input, zip_file, client) except Exception as ex: print(ex) import traceback traceback.print_stack() zip_size = os.stat(zip_file).st_size LOG.debug("Assembling zip done, size is %s", sizeof_fmt(zip_size)) if zip_size > MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE: LOG.error("The result list to upload is too big (max: %s).", sizeof_fmt(MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE)) sys.exit(1) with open(zip_file, 'rb') as zf: b64zip = base64.b64encode("utf-8") context = webserver_context.get_context() trim_path_prefixes = args.trim_path_prefix if \ 'trim_path_prefix' in args else None description = args.description if 'description' in args else None"Storing results to the server...") client.massStoreRun(, args.tag if 'tag' in args else None, str(context.version), b64zip, 'force' in args, trim_path_prefixes, description) # Storing analysis statistics if the server allows them. if client.allowsStoringAnalysisStatistics(): storing_analysis_statistics(client, args.input,"Storage finished successfully.") except RequestFailed as reqfail: if reqfail.errorCode == ErrorCode.SOURCE_FILE: header = ['File', 'Line', 'Checker name'] table = twodim_to_str('table', header, [c.split('|') for c in reqfail.extraInfo]) LOG.warning("Setting the review statuses for some reports failed " "because of non valid source code comments: " "%s\n %s", reqfail.message, table) sys.exit(1) except Exception as ex: import traceback traceback.print_stack()"Storage failed: %s", str(ex)) sys.exit(1) finally: os.remove(zip_file)
def main(args): """ Perform analysis on the given logfiles and store the results in a machine- readable format. """ logger.setup_logger(args.verbose if 'verbose' in args else None) if len(args.logfile) != 1: LOG.warning("Only one log file can be processed right now!") sys.exit(1) args.output_path = os.path.abspath(args.output_path) if os.path.exists(args.output_path) and \ not os.path.isdir(args.output_path): LOG.error("The given output path is not a directory: " + args.output_path) sys.exit(1) if 'enable_all' in args:"'--enable-all' was supplied for this analysis.") # We clear the output directory in the following cases. ctu_dir = os.path.join(args.output_path, 'ctu-dir') if 'ctu_phases' in args and args.ctu_phases[0] and \ os.path.isdir(ctu_dir): # Clear the CTU-dir if the user turned on the collection phase. LOG.debug("Previous CTU contents have been deleted.") shutil.rmtree(ctu_dir) if 'clean' in args and os.path.isdir(args.output_path): "Previous analysis results in '%s' have been removed, " "overwriting with current result", args.output_path) shutil.rmtree(args.output_path) if not os.path.exists(args.output_path): os.makedirs(args.output_path) LOG.debug("args: " + str(args)) LOG.debug("Output will be stored to: '" + args.output_path + "'") # Process the skip list if present. skip_handler = __get_skip_handler(args) # Parse the JSON CCDBs and retrieve the compile commands. actions = [] for log_file in args.logfile: if not os.path.exists(log_file): LOG.error("The specified logfile '%s' does not exist!", log_file) continue actions += log_parser.parse_log( load_json_or_empty(log_file), skip_handler, os.path.join(args.output_path, 'compiler_info.json')) if not actions:"None of the specified build log files contained " "valid compilation commands. No analysis needed...") sys.exit(1) context = analyzer_context.get_context() metadata = { 'action_num': len(actions), 'command': sys.argv, 'versions': { 'codechecker': "{0} ({1})".format(context.package_git_tag, context.package_git_hash) }, 'working_directory': os.getcwd(), 'output_path': args.output_path, 'result_source_files': {} } if 'name' in args: metadata['name'] = # Update metadata dictionary with old values. metadata_file = os.path.join(args.output_path, 'metadata.json') if os.path.exists(metadata_file): metadata_prev = load_json_or_empty(metadata_file) metadata['result_source_files'] = \ metadata_prev['result_source_files'] analyzer.perform_analysis(args, skip_handler, context, actions, metadata) __update_skip_file(args) LOG.debug("Analysis metadata write to '%s'", metadata_file) with open(metadata_file, 'w') as metafile: json.dump(metadata, metafile) # WARN: store command will search for this file!!!! compile_cmd_json = os.path.join(args.output_path, 'compile_cmd.json') try: source = os.path.abspath(args.logfile[0]) target = os.path.abspath(compile_cmd_json) if source != target: shutil.copyfile(source, target) except shutil.Error: LOG.debug("Compilation database JSON file is the same.") except Exception: LOG.debug("Copying compilation database JSON file failed.") try: from codechecker_analyzer import analyzer_statistics analyzer_statistics.collect(metadata, "analyze") except Exception: pass
def main(args): """ Execute a wrapper over log-analyze-parse, aka 'check'. """ logger.setup_logger(args.verbose if 'verbose' in args else None) def __update_if_key_exists(source, target, key): """Append the source Namespace's element with 'key' to target with the same key, but only if it exists.""" if key in source: setattr(target, key, getattr(source, key)) # If no output directory is given then the checker results go to a # temporary directory. This way the subsequent "quick" checks don't pollute # the result list of a previous check. If the detection status function is # intended to be used (i.e. by keeping the .plist files) then the output # directory has to be provided explicitly. is_temp_output = False if 'output_dir' in args: output_dir = args.output_dir else: output_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() is_temp_output = True output_dir = os.path.abspath(output_dir) if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) logfile = None is_command = False try: # --- Step 1.: Perform logging if build command was specified. if 'command' in args: logfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile().name is_command = True # Translate the argument list between check and log. log_args = argparse.Namespace( command=args.command, logfile=logfile ) __update_if_key_exists(args, log_args, 'quiet') __update_if_key_exists(args, log_args, 'verbose') import codechecker_analyzer.cmd.log as log_module LOG.debug("Calling LOG with args:") LOG.debug(log_args) log_module.main(log_args) elif 'logfile' in args: logfile = args.logfile # --- Step 2.: Perform the analysis. if not os.path.exists(logfile): raise OSError("The specified logfile '" + logfile + "' does not " "exist.") analyze_args = argparse.Namespace( logfile=[logfile], output_path=output_dir, output_format='plist', ) # Some arguments don't have default values. # We can't set these keys to None because it would result in an error # after the call. args_to_update = ['quiet', 'skipfile', 'analyzers', 'add_compiler_defaults', 'clangsa_args_cfg_file', 'tidy_args_cfg_file', 'tidy_config', 'capture_analysis_output', 'ctu_phases', 'stats_output', 'stats_dir', 'stats_enabled', 'stats_relevance_threshold', 'stats_min_sample_count', 'enable_all', 'ordered_checkers', # --enable and --disable. 'timeout', 'compile_uniqueing', 'report_hash' ] for key in args_to_update: __update_if_key_exists(args, analyze_args, key) if 'force' in args or 'clean' in args: setattr(analyze_args, 'clean', True) __update_if_key_exists(args, analyze_args, 'verbose') import codechecker_analyzer.cmd.analyze as analyze_module LOG.debug("Calling ANALYZE with args:") LOG.debug(analyze_args) analyze_module.main(analyze_args) # --- Step 3.: Print to stdout. parse_args = argparse.Namespace( input=[output_dir], input_format='plist' ) __update_if_key_exists(args, parse_args, 'print_steps') __update_if_key_exists(args, parse_args, 'verbose') __update_if_key_exists(args, parse_args, 'skipfile') import codechecker_analyzer.cmd.parse as parse_module LOG.debug("Calling PARSE with args:") LOG.debug(parse_args) parse_module.main(parse_args) except ImportError: LOG.error("Check failed: couldn't import a library.") except Exception as ex: LOG.exception("Running check failed.") import traceback traceback.print_exc() finally: if is_temp_output: shutil.rmtree(output_dir) if is_command: os.remove(logfile) LOG.debug("Check finished.")
def main(args): """ Perform analysis on the given logfiles and store the results in a machine- readable format. """ logger.setup_logger(args.verbose if 'verbose' in args else None) check_config_file(args) if not os.path.exists(args.logfile): LOG.error("The specified logfile '%s' does not exist!", args.logfile) sys.exit(1) args.output_path = os.path.abspath(args.output_path) if os.path.exists(args.output_path) and \ not os.path.isdir(args.output_path): LOG.error("The given output path is not a directory: " + args.output_path) sys.exit(1) if 'enable_all' in args:"'--enable-all' was supplied for this analysis.") # We clear the output directory in the following cases. ctu_dir = os.path.join(args.output_path, 'ctu-dir') if 'ctu_phases' in args and args.ctu_phases[0] and \ os.path.isdir(ctu_dir): # Clear the CTU-dir if the user turned on the collection phase. LOG.debug("Previous CTU contents have been deleted.") shutil.rmtree(ctu_dir) if 'clean' in args and os.path.isdir(args.output_path): "Previous analysis results in '%s' have been removed, " "overwriting with current result", args.output_path) shutil.rmtree(args.output_path) if not os.path.exists(args.output_path): os.makedirs(args.output_path) LOG.debug("args: " + str(args)) LOG.debug("Output will be stored to: '" + args.output_path + "'") config_option_re = re.compile(r'^({}):.+=.+$'.format('|'.join( analyzer_types.supported_analyzers))) # Check the format of analyzer options. if 'analyzer_config' in args: for config in args.analyzer_config: if not re.match(config_option_re, config): LOG.error("Analyzer option in wrong format: %s", config) sys.exit(1) # Check the format of checker options. if 'checker_config' in args: for config in args.checker_config: if not re.match(config_option_re, config): LOG.error("Checker option in wrong format: %s", config) sys.exit(1) compile_commands = load_json_or_empty(args.logfile, default={}) # Process the skip list if present. skip_handler = __get_skip_handler(args, compile_commands) # Enable alpha uniqueing by default if ctu analysis is used. if 'none' in args.compile_uniqueing and 'ctu_phases' in args: args.compile_uniqueing = "alpha" compiler_info_file = None if 'compiler_info_file' in args: LOG.debug("Compiler info is read from: %s", args.compiler_info_file) if not os.path.exists(args.compiler_info_file): LOG.error("Compiler info file %s does not exist", args.compiler_info_file) sys.exit(1) compiler_info_file = args.compiler_info_file ctu_or_stats_enabled = False # Skip list is applied only in pre-analysis # if --ctu-collect was called explicitly. pre_analysis_skip_handler = None if 'ctu_phases' in args: ctu_collect = args.ctu_phases[0] ctu_analyze = args.ctu_phases[1] if ctu_collect and not ctu_analyze: pre_analysis_skip_handler = skip_handler if ctu_collect or ctu_analyze: ctu_or_stats_enabled = True # Skip list is applied only in pre-analysis # if --stats-collect was called explicitly. if 'stats_output' in args and args.stats_output: pre_analysis_skip_handler = skip_handler ctu_or_stats_enabled = True if 'stats_enabled' in args and args.stats_enabled: ctu_or_stats_enabled = True context = analyzer_context.get_context() analyzer_env = env.extend(context.path_env_extra, context.ld_lib_path_extra) # Number of all the compilation commands in the parsed log files, # logged by the logger. all_cmp_cmd_count = len(compile_commands) actions, skipped_cmp_cmd_count = log_parser.parse_unique_log( compile_commands, args.output_path, args.compile_uniqueing, compiler_info_file, args.keep_gcc_include_fixed, args.keep_gcc_intrin, skip_handler, pre_analysis_skip_handler, ctu_or_stats_enabled, analyzer_env) if not actions:"No analysis is required.\nThere were no compilation " "commands in the provided compilation database or " "all of them were skipped.") sys.exit(0) uniqued_compilation_db_file = os.path.join(args.output_path, "unique_compile_commands.json") with open(uniqued_compilation_db_file, 'w', encoding="utf-8", errors="ignore") as f: json.dump(actions, f, cls=log_parser.CompileCommandEncoder) metadata = { 'version': 2, 'tools': [{ 'name': 'codechecker', 'action_num': len(actions), 'command': sys.argv, 'version': "{0} ({1})".format(context.package_git_tag, context.package_git_hash), 'working_directory': os.getcwd(), 'output_path': args.output_path, 'result_source_files': {}, 'analyzers': {} }] } metadata_tool = metadata['tools'][0] if 'name' in args: metadata_tool['run_name'] = # Update metadata dictionary with old values. metadata_file = os.path.join(args.output_path, 'metadata.json') metadata_prev = None if os.path.exists(metadata_file): metadata_prev = load_json_or_empty(metadata_file) metadata_tool['result_source_files'] = \ __get_result_source_files(metadata_prev) CompileCmdParseCount = \ collections.namedtuple('CompileCmdParseCount', 'total, analyze, skipped, removed_by_uniqueing') cmp_cmd_to_be_uniqued = all_cmp_cmd_count - skipped_cmp_cmd_count # Number of compile commands removed during uniqueing. removed_during_uniqueing = cmp_cmd_to_be_uniqued - len(actions) all_to_be_analyzed = cmp_cmd_to_be_uniqued - removed_during_uniqueing compile_cmd_count = CompileCmdParseCount( total=all_cmp_cmd_count, analyze=all_to_be_analyzed, skipped=skipped_cmp_cmd_count, removed_by_uniqueing=removed_during_uniqueing) LOG.debug_analyzer( "Total number of compile commands without " "skipping or uniqueing: %d", LOG.debug_analyzer("Compile commands removed by uniqueing: %d", compile_cmd_count.removed_by_uniqueing) LOG.debug_analyzer("Compile commands skipped during log processing: %d", compile_cmd_count.skipped) LOG.debug_analyzer("Compile commands forwarded for analysis: %d", compile_cmd_count.analyze) analyzer.perform_analysis(args, skip_handler, context, actions, metadata_tool, compile_cmd_count) __update_skip_file(args) __cleanup_metadata(metadata_prev, metadata) LOG.debug("Analysis metadata write to '%s'", metadata_file) with open(metadata_file, 'w', encoding="utf-8", errors="ignore") as metafile: json.dump(metadata, metafile) # WARN: store command will search for this file!!!! compile_cmd_json = os.path.join(args.output_path, 'compile_cmd.json') try: source = os.path.abspath(args.logfile) target = os.path.abspath(compile_cmd_json) if source != target: shutil.copyfile(source, target) except shutil.Error: LOG.debug("Compilation database JSON file is the same.") except Exception: LOG.debug("Copying compilation database JSON file failed.") try: # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module from codechecker_analyzer import analyzer_statistics analyzer_statistics.collect(metadata, "analyze") except Exception: pass
def main(args): """ List the checkers available in the specified (or all supported) analyzers alongside with their description or enabled status in various formats. """ # If the given output format is not 'table', redirect logger's output to # the stderr. logger.setup_logger(args.verbose if 'verbose' in args else None, None if args.output_format == 'table' else 'stderr') context = analyzer_context.get_context() working_analyzers, errored = analyzer_types.check_supported_analyzers( args.analyzers, context) analyzer_environment = env.extend(context.path_env_extra, context.ld_lib_path_extra) analyzer_config_map = analyzer_types.build_config_handlers( args, context, working_analyzers) def uglify(text): """ csv and json format output contain this non human readable header string: no CamelCase and no space. """ return text.lower().replace(' ', '_') # List available checker profiles. if 'profile' in args and args.profile == 'list': if 'details' in args: header = ['Profile name', 'Description'] rows = context.available_profiles.items() else: header = ['Profile name'] rows = [(key, "") for key in context.available_profiles.keys()] if args.output_format in ['csv', 'json']: header = list(map(uglify, header)) print(output_formatters.twodim_to_str(args.output_format, header, rows)) return # List checker config options. if 'checker_config' in args: if 'details' in args: header = ['Option', 'Description'] else: header = ['Option'] if args.output_format in ['csv', 'json']: header = list(map(uglify, header)) rows = [] for analyzer in working_analyzers: config_handler = analyzer_config_map.get(analyzer) analyzer_class = analyzer_types.supported_analyzers[analyzer] configs = analyzer_class.get_checker_config( config_handler, analyzer_environment) rows.extend( (':'.join((analyzer, c[0])), c[1]) if 'details' in args else (':'.join((analyzer, c[0])), ) for c in configs) print(output_formatters.twodim_to_str(args.output_format, header, rows)) return # List available checkers. if 'details' in args: header = ['Enabled', 'Name', 'Analyzer', 'Severity', 'Description'] else: header = ['Name'] if args.output_format in ['csv', 'json']: header = list(map(uglify, header)) rows = [] for analyzer in working_analyzers: config_handler = analyzer_config_map.get(analyzer) analyzer_class = analyzer_types.supported_analyzers[analyzer] checkers = analyzer_class.get_analyzer_checkers( config_handler, analyzer_environment) default_checker_cfg = context.checker_config.get(analyzer + '_checkers') profile_checkers = None if 'profile' in args: if args.profile not in context.available_profiles: LOG.error("Checker profile '%s' does not exist!", args.profile) LOG.error("To list available profiles, use '--profile list'.") sys.exit(1) profile_checkers = [(args.profile, True)] config_handler.initialize_checkers(context.available_profiles, context.package_root, checkers, default_checker_cfg, profile_checkers) for checker_name, value in config_handler.checks().items(): state, description = value if state != CheckerState.enabled and 'profile' in args: continue if state == CheckerState.enabled and 'only_disabled' in args: continue elif state != CheckerState.enabled and 'only_enabled' in args: continue if args.output_format == 'json': state = state == CheckerState.enabled else: state = '+' if state == CheckerState.enabled else '-' if 'details' in args: severity = context.severity_map.get(checker_name) rows.append( [state, checker_name, analyzer, severity, description]) else: rows.append([checker_name]) if 'show_warnings' in args: severity = context.severity_map.get('clang-diagnostic-') for warning in get_warnings(analyzer_environment): if 'details' in args: rows.append(['', warning, '-', severity, '-']) else: rows.append([warning]) if rows: print(output_formatters.twodim_to_str(args.output_format, header, rows)) for analyzer_binary, reason in errored: LOG.error( "Failed to get checkers for '%s'!" "The error reason was: '%s'", analyzer_binary, reason) LOG.error("Please check your installation and the " "'config/package_layout.json' file!")
def init_logger(level, logger_name='system'): logger.setup_logger(level) global LOG LOG = logger.get_logger(logger_name)
def main(args): """ Execute a wrapper over log-analyze-parse, aka 'check'. """ logger.setup_logger(args.verbose if 'verbose' in args else None) def __update_if_key_exists(source, target, key): """Append the source Namespace's element with 'key' to target with the same key, but only if it exists.""" if key in source: setattr(target, key, getattr(source, key)) if 'force' in args: LOG.warning('"--force" option has been deprecated and it will be ' 'removed in the future version of CodeChecker. Use the ' '"--clean" option to delete analysis reports stored in ' 'the output directory.') # If no output directory is given then the checker results go to a # temporary directory. This way the subsequent "quick" checks don't pollute # the result list of a previous check. If the detection status function is # intended to be used (i.e. by keeping the .plist files) then the output # directory has to be provided explicitly. is_temp_output = False if 'output_dir' in args: output_dir = args.output_dir else: output_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() is_temp_output = True output_dir = os.path.abspath(output_dir) if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) logfile = None is_command = False try: # --- Step 1.: Perform logging if build command was specified. if 'command' in args: logfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile().name is_command = True # Translate the argument list between check and log. log_args = argparse.Namespace(command=args.command, logfile=logfile) __update_if_key_exists(args, log_args, 'quiet') __update_if_key_exists(args, log_args, 'verbose') import codechecker_analyzer.cmd.log as log_module LOG.debug("Calling LOG with args:") LOG.debug(log_args) log_module.main(log_args) elif 'logfile' in args: logfile = args.logfile # --- Step 2.: Perform the analysis. if not os.path.exists(logfile): raise OSError("The specified logfile '" + logfile + "' does not " "exist.") analyze_args = argparse.Namespace(logfile=[logfile], output_path=output_dir, output_format='plist', # Some arguments don't have default values. # We can't set these keys to None because it would result in an error # after the call. args_to_update = [ 'quiet', 'skipfile', 'analyzers', 'add_compiler_defaults', 'clangsa_args_cfg_file', 'tidy_args_cfg_file', 'tidy_config', 'capture_analysis_output', 'ctu_phases', 'stats_output', 'stats_dir', 'stats_enabled', 'stats_relevance_threshold', 'stats_min_sample_count', 'enable_all', 'ordered_checkers', # --enable and --disable. 'timeout', 'compile_uniqueing', 'report_hash', 'enable_z3', 'enable_z3_refutation' ] for key in args_to_update: __update_if_key_exists(args, analyze_args, key) if 'clean' in args: setattr(analyze_args, 'clean', True) __update_if_key_exists(args, analyze_args, 'verbose') import codechecker_analyzer.cmd.analyze as analyze_module LOG.debug("Calling ANALYZE with args:") LOG.debug(analyze_args) analyze_module.main(analyze_args) # --- Step 3.: Print to stdout. parse_args = argparse.Namespace(input=[output_dir], input_format='plist') __update_if_key_exists(args, parse_args, 'print_steps') __update_if_key_exists(args, parse_args, 'verbose') __update_if_key_exists(args, parse_args, 'skipfile') import codechecker_analyzer.cmd.parse as parse_module LOG.debug("Calling PARSE with args:") LOG.debug(parse_args) parse_module.main(parse_args) except ImportError: LOG.error("Check failed: couldn't import a library.") except Exception: LOG.exception("Running check failed.") import traceback traceback.print_exc() finally: if is_temp_output: shutil.rmtree(output_dir) if is_command: os.remove(logfile) LOG.debug("Check finished.")
def main(args): """ Entry point for parsing some analysis results and printing them to the stdout in a human-readable format. """ logger.setup_logger(args.verbose if 'verbose' in args else None) context = analyzer_context.get_context() # To ensure the help message prints the default folder properly, # the 'default' for 'args.input' is a string, not a list. # But we need lists for the foreach here to work. if isinstance(args.input, str): args.input = [args.input] original_cwd = os.getcwd() suppr_handler = None if 'suppress' in args: __make_handler = False if not os.path.isfile(args.suppress): if 'create_suppress' in args: with open(args.suppress, 'w') as _: # Just create the file. __make_handler = True"Will write source-code suppressions to " "suppress file.") else: LOG.warning("Suppress file '%s' given, but it does not exist" " -- will not suppress anything.", args.suppress) else: __make_handler = True if __make_handler: suppr_handler = suppress_handler.\ GenericSuppressHandler(args.suppress, 'create_suppress' in args) elif 'create_suppress' in args: LOG.error("Can't use '--export-source-suppress' unless '--suppress " "SUPPRESS_FILE' is also given.") sys.exit(2) processed_path_hashes = set() skip_handler = None if 'skipfile' in args: with open(args.skipfile, 'r') as skip_file: skip_handler = SkipListHandler( trim_path_prefixes = args.trim_path_prefix if \ 'trim_path_prefix' in args else None def trim_path_prefixes_handler(source_file): """ Callback to util.trim_path_prefixes to prevent module dependency of plist_to_html """ return util.trim_path_prefixes(source_file, trim_path_prefixes) html_builder = None def skip_html_report_data_handler(report_hash, source_file, report_line, checker_name, diag, files): """ Report handler which skips bugs which were suppressed by source code comments. """ report = Report(None, diag['path'], files) path_hash = get_report_path_hash(report, files) if path_hash in processed_path_hashes: LOG.debug("Skip report because it is a deduplication of an " "already processed report!") LOG.debug("Path hash: %s", path_hash) LOG.debug(diag) return True skip = plist_parser.skip_report(report_hash, source_file, report_line, checker_name, suppr_handler) if skip_handler: skip |= skip_handler.should_skip(source_file) if not skip: processed_path_hashes.add(path_hash) return skip for input_path in args.input: input_path = os.path.abspath(input_path) os.chdir(original_cwd) LOG.debug("Parsing input argument: '%s'", input_path) export = args.export if 'export' in args else None if export is not None and export == 'html': output_path = os.path.abspath(args.output_path) if not html_builder: html_builder = \ PlistToHtml.HtmlBuilder(context.path_plist_to_html_dist, context.severity_map)"Generating html output files:") PlistToHtml.parse(input_path, output_path, context.path_plist_to_html_dist, skip_html_report_data_handler, html_builder, trim_path_prefixes_handler) continue files = [] metadata_dict = {} if os.path.isfile(input_path): files.append(input_path) elif os.path.isdir(input_path): metadata_file = os.path.join(input_path, "metadata.json") if os.path.exists(metadata_file): metadata_dict = util.load_json_or_empty(metadata_file) LOG.debug(metadata_dict) if 'working_directory' in metadata_dict: working_dir = metadata_dict['working_directory'] try: os.chdir(working_dir) except OSError as oerr: LOG.debug(oerr) LOG.error("Working directory %s is missing.\n" "Can not parse reports safely.", working_dir) sys.exit(1) _, _, file_names = next(os.walk(input_path), ([], [], [])) files = [os.path.join(input_path, file_name) for file_name in file_names] file_change = set() file_report_map = defaultdict(list) rh = plist_parser.PlistToPlaintextFormatter(suppr_handler, skip_handler, context.severity_map, processed_path_hashes, trim_path_prefixes) rh.print_steps = 'print_steps' in args for file_path in files: f_change = parse(file_path, metadata_dict, rh, file_report_map) file_change = file_change.union(f_change) report_stats = rh.write(file_report_map) severity_stats = report_stats.get('severity') file_stats = report_stats.get('files') reports_stats = report_stats.get('reports') print("\n----==== Summary ====----") if file_stats: vals = [[os.path.basename(k), v] for k, v in dict(file_stats).items()] keys = ['Filename', 'Report count'] table = twodim_to_str('table', keys, vals, 1, True) print(table) if severity_stats: vals = [[k, v] for k, v in dict(severity_stats).items()] keys = ['Severity', 'Report count'] table = twodim_to_str('table', keys, vals, 1, True) print(table) report_count = reports_stats.get("report_count", 0) print("----=================----") print("Total number of reports: {}".format(report_count)) print("----=================----") if file_change: changed_files = '\n'.join([' - ' + f for f in file_change]) LOG.warning("The following source file contents changed since the " "latest analysis:\n%s\nMultiple reports were not " "shown and skipped from the statistics. Please " "analyze your project again to update the " "reports!", changed_files) os.chdir(original_cwd) # Create index.html and statistics.html for the generated html files. if html_builder: html_builder.create_index_html(args.output_path) html_builder.create_statistics_html(args.output_path) print('\nTo view statistics in a browser run:\n> firefox {0}'.format( os.path.join(args.output_path, 'statistics.html'))) print('\nTo view the results in a browser run:\n> firefox {0}'.format( os.path.join(args.output_path, 'index.html')))
def main(args): """ List the analyzers' basic information supported by CodeChecker. """ logger.setup_logger(args.verbose if 'verbose' in args else None) context = analyzer_context.get_context() working, errored = \ analyzer_types.check_supported_analyzers( analyzer_types.supported_analyzers, context) if args.dump_config: binary = context.analyzer_binaries.get(args.dump_config) if args.dump_config == 'clang-tidy':[binary, '-dump-config', '-checks=*']) elif args.dump_config == 'clangsa': # TODO: Not supported by ClangSA yet! LOG.warning("'--dump-config clangsa' is not supported yet.") return if args.output_format not in ['csv', 'json']: if 'details' not in args: header = ['Name'] else: header = ['Name', 'Path', 'Version'] else: if 'details' not in args: header = ['name'] else: header = ['name', 'path', 'version_string'] rows = [] for analyzer in working: if 'details' not in args: rows.append([analyzer]) else: binary = context.analyzer_binaries.get(analyzer) try: version = subprocess.check_output([binary, '--version']) except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, OSError): version = 'ERROR' rows.append([analyzer, binary, version]) if 'all' in args: for analyzer, err_reason in errored: if 'details' not in args: rows.append([analyzer]) else: rows.append([analyzer, context.analyzer_binaries.get(analyzer), err_reason]) if len(rows) > 0: print(output_formatters.twodim_to_str(args.output_format, header, rows))
def main(args): """ Perform analysis on the given logfiles and store the results in a machine- readable format. """ logger.setup_logger(args.verbose if 'verbose' in args else None) if len(args.logfile) != 1: LOG.warning("Only one log file can be processed right now!") sys.exit(1) args.output_path = os.path.abspath(args.output_path) if os.path.exists(args.output_path) and \ not os.path.isdir(args.output_path): LOG.error("The given output path is not a directory: " + args.output_path) sys.exit(1) if 'enable_all' in args:"'--enable-all' was supplied for this analysis.") # We clear the output directory in the following cases. ctu_dir = os.path.join(args.output_path, 'ctu-dir') if 'ctu_phases' in args and args.ctu_phases[0] and \ os.path.isdir(ctu_dir): # Clear the CTU-dir if the user turned on the collection phase. LOG.debug("Previous CTU contents have been deleted.") shutil.rmtree(ctu_dir) if 'clean' in args and os.path.isdir(args.output_path):"Previous analysis results in '%s' have been removed, " "overwriting with current result", args.output_path) shutil.rmtree(args.output_path) if not os.path.exists(args.output_path): os.makedirs(args.output_path) LOG.debug("args: " + str(args)) LOG.debug("Output will be stored to: '" + args.output_path + "'") # Process the skip list if present. skip_handler = __get_skip_handler(args) # Enable alpha uniqueing by default if ctu analysis is used. if 'none' in args.compile_uniqueing and 'ctu_phases' in args: args.compile_uniqueing = "alpha" compiler_info_file = None if 'compiler_info_file' in args: LOG.debug("Compiler info is read from: %s", args.compiler_info_file) if not os.path.exists(args.compiler_info_file): LOG.error("Compiler info file %s does not exist", args.compiler_info_file) sys.exit(1) compiler_info_file = args.compiler_info_file report_dir = args.output_path # Skip list is applied only in pre-analysis # if --ctu-collect or --stats-collect was called explicitly. pre_analysis_skip_handler = None if 'ctu_phases' in args: ctu_collect = args.ctu_phases[0] ctu_analyze = args.ctu_phases[1] if ((ctu_collect and not ctu_analyze) or ("stats_output" in args and args.stats_output)): pre_analysis_skip_handler = skip_handler # Parse the JSON CCDBs and retrieve the compile commands. actions = [] for log_file in args.logfile: if not os.path.exists(log_file): LOG.error("The specified logfile '%s' does not exist!", log_file) continue actions += log_parser.parse_unique_log( load_json_or_empty(log_file), report_dir, args.compile_uniqueing, compiler_info_file, args.keep_gcc_include_fixed, skip_handler, pre_analysis_skip_handler) if not actions:"No analysis is required.\nThere were no compilation " "commands in the provided compilation database or " "all of them were skipped.") sys.exit(0) uniqued_compilation_db_file = os.path.join( args.output_path, "unique_compile_commands.json") with open(uniqued_compilation_db_file, 'w') as f: json.dump(actions, f, cls=log_parser.CompileCommandEncoder) context = analyzer_context.get_context() metadata = {'action_num': len(actions), 'command': sys.argv, 'versions': { 'codechecker': "{0} ({1})".format( context.package_git_tag, context.package_git_hash)}, 'working_directory': os.getcwd(), 'output_path': args.output_path, 'result_source_files': {}} if 'name' in args: metadata['name'] = # Update metadata dictionary with old values. metadata_file = os.path.join(args.output_path, 'metadata.json') if os.path.exists(metadata_file): metadata_prev = load_json_or_empty(metadata_file) metadata['result_source_files'] = \ metadata_prev['result_source_files'] analyzer.perform_analysis(args, skip_handler, context, actions, metadata) __update_skip_file(args) LOG.debug("Analysis metadata write to '%s'", metadata_file) with open(metadata_file, 'w') as metafile: json.dump(metadata, metafile) # WARN: store command will search for this file!!!! compile_cmd_json = os.path.join(args.output_path, 'compile_cmd.json') try: source = os.path.abspath(args.logfile[0]) target = os.path.abspath(compile_cmd_json) if source != target: shutil.copyfile(source, target) except shutil.Error: LOG.debug("Compilation database JSON file is the same.") except Exception: LOG.debug("Copying compilation database JSON file failed.") try: from codechecker_analyzer import analyzer_statistics analyzer_statistics.collect(metadata, "analyze") except Exception: pass
def main(args): """ List the checkers available in the specified (or all supported) analyzers alongside with their description or enabled status in various formats. """ logger.setup_logger(args.verbose if 'verbose' in args else None) # If nothing is set, list checkers for all supported analyzers. analyzers = args.analyzers \ if 'analyzers' in args \ else analyzer_types.supported_analyzers context = analyzer_context.get_context() working, errored = analyzer_types.check_supported_analyzers(analyzers, context) analyzer_environment = get_check_env(context.path_env_extra, context.ld_lib_path_extra) analyzer_config_map = analyzer_types.build_config_handlers(args, context, working) # List available checker profiles. if 'profile' in args and args.profile == 'list': if 'details' not in args: if args.output_format not in ['csv', 'json']: header = ['Profile name'] else: header = ['profile_name'] else: if args.output_format not in ['csv', 'json']: header = ['Profile name', 'Description'] else: header = ['profile_name', 'description'] rows = [] for (profile, description) in context.available_profiles.items(): if 'details' not in args: rows.append([profile]) else: rows.append([profile, description]) print(output_formatters.twodim_to_str(args.output_format, header, rows)) return # Use good looking different headers based on format. if 'details' not in args: if args.output_format not in ['csv', 'json']: header = ['Name'] else: header = ['name'] else: if args.output_format not in ['csv', 'json']: header = ['', 'Name', 'Analyzer', 'Severity', 'Description'] else: header = ['enabled', 'name', 'analyzer', 'severity', 'description'] rows = [] for analyzer in working: config_handler = analyzer_config_map.get(analyzer) analyzer_class = \ analyzer_types.supported_analyzers[analyzer] checkers = analyzer_class.get_analyzer_checkers(config_handler, analyzer_environment) default_checker_cfg = context.checker_config.get( analyzer + '_checkers') profile_checkers = None if 'profile' in args: if args.profile not in context.available_profiles: LOG.error("Checker profile '%s' does not exist!", args.profile) LOG.error("To list available profiles, use '--profile list'.") sys.exit(1) profile_checkers = [(args.profile, True)] config_handler.initialize_checkers(context.available_profiles, context.package_root, checkers, default_checker_cfg, profile_checkers) for checker_name, value in config_handler.checks().items(): enabled, description = value if not enabled and 'profile' in args: continue if enabled and 'only_disabled' in args: continue elif not enabled and 'only_enabled' in args: continue if args.output_format != 'json': enabled = '+' if enabled else '-' if 'details' not in args: rows.append([checker_name]) else: severity = context.severity_map.get(checker_name) rows.append([enabled, checker_name, analyzer, severity, description]) if len(rows) > 0: print(output_formatters.twodim_to_str(args.output_format, header, rows)) for analyzer_binary, reason in errored: LOG.error("Failed to get checkers for '%s'!" "The error reason was: '%s'", analyzer_binary, reason) LOG.error("Please check your installation and the " "'config/package_layout.json' file!")
def main(args): """ List the analyzers' basic information supported by CodeChecker. """ # If the given output format is not 'table', redirect logger's output to # the stderr. stream = None if 'output_format' in args and args.output_format != 'table': stream = 'stderr' logger.setup_logger(args.verbose if 'verbose' in args else None, stream) context = analyzer_context.get_context() working_analyzers, errored = \ analyzer_types.check_supported_analyzers( analyzer_types.supported_analyzers, context) if args.dump_config: binary = context.analyzer_binaries.get(args.dump_config) if args.dump_config == 'clang-tidy':[binary, '-dump-config', '-checks=*'], encoding="utf-8", errors="ignore") elif args.dump_config == 'clangsa': ret =[binary, '-cc1', '-analyzer-checker-option-help', '-analyzer-checker-option-help-alpha'], stderr=subprocess.PIPE, encoding="utf-8", errors="ignore") if ret: # This flag is supported from Clang 9. LOG.warning("'--dump-config clangsa' is not supported yet. " "Please make sure that you are using Clang 9 or " "newer.") return analyzer_environment = env.extend(context.path_env_extra, context.ld_lib_path_extra) analyzer_config_map = analyzer_types.build_config_handlers( args, context, working_analyzers) def uglify(text): """ csv and json format output contain this non human readable header string: no CamelCase and no space. """ return text.lower().replace(' ', '_') if 'analyzer_config' in args: if 'details' in args: header = ['Option', 'Description'] else: header = ['Option'] if args.output_format in ['csv', 'json']: header = list(map(uglify, header)) analyzer = args.analyzer_config config_handler = analyzer_config_map.get(analyzer) analyzer_class = analyzer_types.supported_analyzers[analyzer] configs = analyzer_class.get_analyzer_config(config_handler, analyzer_environment) rows = [(':'.join((analyzer, c[0])), c[1]) if 'details' in args else (':'.join((analyzer, c[0])),) for c in configs] print(output_formatters.twodim_to_str(args.output_format, header, rows)) return if 'details' in args: header = ['Name', 'Path', 'Version'] else: header = ['Name'] if args.output_format in ['csv', 'json']: header = list(map(uglify, header)) rows = [] for analyzer in working_analyzers: if 'details' not in args: rows.append([analyzer]) else: binary = context.analyzer_binaries.get(analyzer) try: version = subprocess.check_output( [binary, '--version'], encoding="utf-8", errors="ignore") except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, OSError): version = 'ERROR' rows.append([analyzer, binary, version]) if 'all' in args: for analyzer, err_reason in errored: if 'details' not in args: rows.append([analyzer]) else: rows.append([analyzer, context.analyzer_binaries.get(analyzer), err_reason]) if rows: print(output_formatters.twodim_to_str(args.output_format, header, rows))
def init_logger(level, stream=None, logger_name='system'): logger.setup_logger(level, stream) global LOG LOG = logger.get_logger(logger_name)
def main(): """ CodeChecker main command line. """ os.environ['CC_LIB_DIR'] = os.path.dirname( os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) data_files_dir_path = get_data_files_dir_path() os.environ['CC_DATA_FILES_DIR'] = data_files_dir_path # Load the available CodeChecker subcommands. # This list is generated dynamically by scripts/, and is # always meant to be available alongside the commands_cfg = os.path.join(data_files_dir_path, "config", "commands.json") with open(commands_cfg, encoding="utf-8", errors="ignore") as cfg_file: subcommands = json.load(cfg_file) def signal_handler(signum, frame): """ Without this handler the PostgreSQL server does not terminate at signal. """ sys.exit(128 + signum) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal_handler) try: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog="CodeChecker", formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, description="""Run the CodeChecker sourcecode analyzer framework. Please specify a subcommand to access individual features.""", epilog="""Example scenario: Analyzing, and storing results ------------------------------------------------ Start the server where the results will be stored and can be viewed after the analysis is done: CodeChecker server Analyze a project with default settings: CodeChecker check -b "cd ~/myproject && make" -o "~/results" Store the analyzer results to the server: CodeChecker store "~/results" -n myproject The results can be viewed: * In a web browser: http://localhost:8001 * In the command line: CodeChecker cmd results myproject Example scenario: Analyzing, and printing results to Terminal (no storage) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In this case, no database is used, and the results are printed on the standard output. CodeChecker check -b "cd ~/myproject && make\" """) subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(help='commands') if subcommands: # Try to check if the user has already given us a subcommand to # execute. If so, don't load every available parts of CodeChecker # to ensure a more optimised run. if len(sys.argv) > 1: first_command = sys.argv[1] if first_command in subcommands: # Consider only the given command as an available one. subcommands = {first_command: subcommands[first_command]} lib_dir_path = os.environ.get('CC_LIB_DIR') for subcommand in subcommands: try: add_subcommand(subparsers, subcommand, subcommands[subcommand], lib_dir_path) except (IOError, ImportError): print("Couldn't import module for subcommand '" + subcommand + "'... ignoring.") import traceback traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) args = parser.parse_args() # Call handler function to process configuration files. If there are # any configuration options available in one of the given file than # extend the system argument list with these options and try to parse # the argument list again to validate it. if 'func_process_config_file' in args: # Import logger module here after 'CC_DATA_FILES_DIR' environment # variable is set, so 'setup_logger' will be able to initialize # the logger properly. from codechecker_common import logger logger.setup_logger(args.verbose if 'verbose' in args else None, 'stderr') if len(sys.argv) > 1: called_sub_command = sys.argv[1] cfg_args = args.func_process_config_file(args, called_sub_command) if cfg_args: # Expand environment variables in the arguments. cfg_args = [os.path.expandvars(cfg) for cfg in cfg_args] # Replace --config option with the options inside the config # file. cfg_idx = sys.argv.index("--config") sys.argv = sys.argv[:cfg_idx] + cfg_args + \ sys.argv[cfg_idx + 2:] args = parser.parse_args() if 'func' in args: sys.exit(args.func(args)) else: # Print the help message of the current command if no subcommand # is given. sys.argv.append("--help") args = parser.parse_args() args.func(args) except KeyboardInterrupt as kb_err: print(str(kb_err)) print("Interrupted by user...") sys.exit(1) # Handle all exception, but print stacktrace. It is needed for atexit. # atexit does not work correctly when an unhandled exception occurred. # So in this case, the servers left running when the script exited. except Exception: import traceback traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) sys.exit(1)
def main(args): """ Entry point for parsing some analysis results and printing them to the stdout in a human-readable format. """ logger.setup_logger(args.verbose if 'verbose' in args else None) context = analyzer_context.get_context() # To ensure the help message prints the default folder properly, # the 'default' for 'args.input' is a string, not a list. # But we need lists for the foreach here to work. if isinstance(args.input, str): args.input = [args.input] original_cwd = os.getcwd() suppr_handler = None if 'suppress' in args: __make_handler = False if not os.path.isfile(args.suppress): if 'create_suppress' in args: with open(args.suppress, 'w') as _: # Just create the file. __make_handler = True"Will write source-code suppressions to " "suppress file: %s", args.suppress) else: LOG.warning("Suppress file '%s' given, but it does not exist" " -- will not suppress anything.", args.suppress) else: __make_handler = True if __make_handler: suppr_handler = suppress_handler.\ GenericSuppressHandler(args.suppress, 'create_suppress' in args) elif 'create_suppress' in args: LOG.error("Can't use '--export-source-suppress' unless '--suppress " "SUPPRESS_FILE' is also given.") sys.exit(2) processed_path_hashes = set() skip_handler = None if 'skipfile' in args: with open(args.skipfile, 'r') as skip_file: skip_handler = SkipListHandler( trim_path_prefixes = args.trim_path_prefix if \ 'trim_path_prefix' in args else None def trim_path_prefixes_handler(source_file): """ Callback to util.trim_path_prefixes to prevent module dependency of plist_to_html """ return util.trim_path_prefixes(source_file, trim_path_prefixes) html_builder = None def skip_html_report_data_handler(report_hash, source_file, report_line, checker_name, diag, files): """ Report handler which skips bugs which were suppressed by source code comments. """ report = Report(None, diag['path'], files) path_hash = get_report_path_hash(report, files) if path_hash in processed_path_hashes: LOG.debug("Skip report because it is a deduplication of an " "already processed report!") LOG.debug("Path hash: %s", path_hash) LOG.debug(diag) return True skip = skip_report(report_hash, source_file, report_line, checker_name, suppr_handler) if skip_handler: skip |= skip_handler.should_skip(source_file) if not skip: processed_path_hashes.add(path_hash) return skip file_change = set() severity_stats = defaultdict(int) file_stats = defaultdict(int) report_count = 0 for input_path in args.input: input_path = os.path.abspath(input_path) os.chdir(original_cwd) LOG.debug("Parsing input argument: '%s'", input_path) export = args.export if 'export' in args else None if export is not None and export == 'html': output_path = os.path.abspath(args.output_path) if not html_builder: html_builder = \ PlistToHtml.HtmlBuilder(context.path_plist_to_html_dist, context.severity_map)"Generating html output files:") PlistToHtml.parse(input_path, output_path, context.path_plist_to_html_dist, skip_html_report_data_handler, html_builder, trim_path_prefixes_handler) continue files = [] metadata_dict = {} if os.path.isfile(input_path): files.append(input_path) elif os.path.isdir(input_path): metadata_file = os.path.join(input_path, "metadata.json") if os.path.exists(metadata_file): metadata_dict = util.load_json_or_empty(metadata_file) LOG.debug(metadata_dict) if 'working_directory' in metadata_dict: working_dir = metadata_dict['working_directory'] try: os.chdir(working_dir) except OSError as oerr: LOG.debug(oerr) LOG.error("Working directory %s is missing.\n" "Can not parse reports safely.", working_dir) sys.exit(1) _, _, file_names = next(os.walk(input_path), ([], [], [])) files = [os.path.join(input_path, file_name) for file_name in file_names] file_report_map = defaultdict(list) rh = PlistToPlaintextFormatter(suppr_handler, skip_handler, context.severity_map, processed_path_hashes, trim_path_prefixes) rh.print_steps = 'print_steps' in args for file_path in files: f_change = parse(file_path, metadata_dict, rh, file_report_map) file_change = file_change.union(f_change) report_stats = rh.write(file_report_map) sev_stats = report_stats.get('severity') for severity in sev_stats: severity_stats[severity] += sev_stats[severity] f_stats = report_stats.get('files') for file_path in f_stats: file_stats[file_path] += f_stats[file_path] rep_stats = report_stats.get('reports') report_count += rep_stats.get("report_count", 0) print("\n----==== Summary ====----") if file_stats: vals = [[os.path.basename(k), v] for k, v in dict(file_stats).items()] keys = ['Filename', 'Report count'] table = twodim_to_str('table', keys, vals, 1, True) print(table) if severity_stats: vals = [[k, v] for k, v in dict(severity_stats).items()] keys = ['Severity', 'Report count'] table = twodim_to_str('table', keys, vals, 1, True) print(table) print("----=================----") print("Total number of reports: {}".format(report_count)) print("----=================----") if file_change: changed_files = '\n'.join([' - ' + f for f in file_change]) LOG.warning("The following source file contents changed since the " "latest analysis:\n%s\nMultiple reports were not " "shown and skipped from the statistics. Please " "analyze your project again to update the " "reports!", changed_files) os.chdir(original_cwd) # Create index.html and statistics.html for the generated html files. if html_builder: html_builder.create_index_html(args.output_path) html_builder.create_statistics_html(args.output_path) print('\nTo view statistics in a browser run:\n> firefox {0}'.format( os.path.join(args.output_path, 'statistics.html'))) print('\nTo view the results in a browser run:\n> firefox {0}'.format( os.path.join(args.output_path, 'index.html')))
def main(args): """ Entry point for parsing some analysis results and printing them to the stdout in a human-readable format. """ logger.setup_logger(args.verbose if 'verbose' in args else None) try: cmd_config.check_config_file(args) except FileNotFoundError as fnerr: LOG.error(fnerr) sys.exit(1) export = args.export if 'export' in args else None if export == 'html' and 'output_path' not in args: LOG.error("Argument --export not allowed without argument --output " "when exporting to HTML.") sys.exit(1) if export == 'gerrit' and not gerrit.mandatory_env_var_is_set(): sys.exit(1) context = analyzer_context.get_context() # To ensure the help message prints the default folder properly, # the 'default' for 'args.input' is a string, not a list. # But we need lists for the foreach here to work. if isinstance(args.input, str): args.input = [args.input] original_cwd = os.getcwd() src_comment_status_filter = args.review_status suppr_handler = None if 'suppress' in args: __make_handler = False if not os.path.isfile(args.suppress): if 'create_suppress' in args: with open(args.suppress, 'w', encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore') as _: # Just create the file. __make_handler = True "Will write source-code suppressions to " "suppress file: %s", args.suppress) else: LOG.warning( "Suppress file '%s' given, but it does not exist" " -- will not suppress anything.", args.suppress) else: __make_handler = True if __make_handler: suppr_handler = suppress_handler.\ GenericSuppressHandler(args.suppress, 'create_suppress' in args, src_comment_status_filter) elif 'create_suppress' in args: LOG.error("Can't use '--export-source-suppress' unless '--suppress " "SUPPRESS_FILE' is also given.") sys.exit(2) processed_path_hashes = set() skip_handler = None if 'skipfile' in args: with open(args.skipfile, 'r', encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore') as skip_file: skip_handler = SkipListHandler( trim_path_prefixes = args.trim_path_prefix if \ 'trim_path_prefix' in args else None if export: if export not in EXPORT_TYPES: LOG.error(f"Unknown export format: {export}") return # The HTML part will be handled separately below. if export != 'html': try: res = parse_convert_reports(args.input, export, context.severity_map, trim_path_prefixes) if 'output_path' in args: output_path = os.path.abspath(args.output_path) if not os.path.exists(output_path): os.mkdir(output_path) reports_json = os.path.join(output_path, 'reports.json') with open(reports_json, mode='w', encoding='utf-8', errors="ignore") as output_f: output_f.write(json.dumps(res)) return print(json.dumps(res)) except Exception as ex: LOG.error(ex) sys.exit(1) def trim_path_prefixes_handler(source_file): """ Callback to util.trim_path_prefixes to prevent module dependency of plist_to_html """ return util.trim_path_prefixes(source_file, trim_path_prefixes) html_builder = None def skip_html_report_data_handler(report_hash, source_file, report_line, checker_name, diag, files): """ Report handler which skips bugs which were suppressed by source code comments. This function will return a tuple. The first element will decide whether the report should be skipped or not and the second element will be a list of source code comments related to the actual report. """ files_dict = {k: v for k, v in enumerate(files)} report = Report({'check_name': checker_name}, diag['path'], files_dict, metadata=None) path_hash = get_report_path_hash(report) if path_hash in processed_path_hashes: LOG.debug("Skip report because it is a deduplication of an " "already processed report!") LOG.debug("Path hash: %s", path_hash) LOG.debug(diag) return True, [] skip, source_code_comments = skip_report(report_hash, source_file, report_line, checker_name, suppr_handler, src_comment_status_filter) if skip_handler: skip |= skip_handler.should_skip(source_file) if not skip: processed_path_hashes.add(path_hash) return skip, source_code_comments file_change = set() severity_stats = defaultdict(int) file_stats = defaultdict(int) report_count = 0 for input_path in args.input: input_path = os.path.abspath(input_path) os.chdir(original_cwd) LOG.debug("Parsing input argument: '%s'", input_path) if export == 'html': output_path = os.path.abspath(args.output_path) if not html_builder: html_builder = \ PlistToHtml.HtmlBuilder(context.path_plist_to_html_dist, context.severity_map)"Generating html output files:") PlistToHtml.parse(input_path, output_path, context.path_plist_to_html_dist, skip_html_report_data_handler, html_builder, trim_path_prefixes_handler) continue files = [] metadata_dict = {} if os.path.isfile(input_path): files.append(input_path) elif os.path.isdir(input_path): metadata_file = os.path.join(input_path, "metadata.json") if os.path.exists(metadata_file): metadata_dict = util.load_json_or_empty(metadata_file) LOG.debug(metadata_dict) if 'working_directory' in metadata_dict: working_dir = metadata_dict['working_directory'] try: os.chdir(working_dir) except OSError as oerr: LOG.debug(oerr) LOG.error( "Working directory %s is missing.\n" "Can not parse reports safely.", working_dir) sys.exit(1) _, _, file_names = next(os.walk(input_path), ([], [], [])) files = [ os.path.join(input_path, file_name) for file_name in file_names ] file_report_map = defaultdict(list) plist_pltf = PlistToPlaintextFormatter(suppr_handler, skip_handler, context.severity_map, processed_path_hashes, trim_path_prefixes, src_comment_status_filter) plist_pltf.print_steps = 'print_steps' in args for file_path in files: f_change = parse_with_plt_formatter(file_path, metadata_dict, plist_pltf, file_report_map) file_change = file_change.union(f_change) report_stats = plist_pltf.write(file_report_map) sev_stats = report_stats.get('severity') for severity in sev_stats: severity_stats[severity] += sev_stats[severity] f_stats = report_stats.get('files') for file_path in f_stats: file_stats[file_path] += f_stats[file_path] rep_stats = report_stats.get('reports') report_count += rep_stats.get("report_count", 0) # Create index.html and statistics.html for the generated html files. if html_builder: html_builder.create_index_html(args.output_path) html_builder.create_statistics_html(args.output_path) print('\nTo view statistics in a browser run:\n> firefox {0}'.format( os.path.join(args.output_path, 'statistics.html'))) print('\nTo view the results in a browser run:\n> firefox {0}'.format( os.path.join(args.output_path, 'index.html'))) else: print("\n----==== Summary ====----") if file_stats: vals = [[os.path.basename(k), v] for k, v in dict(file_stats).items()] vals.sort(key=itemgetter(0)) keys = ['Filename', 'Report count'] table = twodim.to_str('table', keys, vals, 1, True) print(table) if severity_stats: vals = [[k, v] for k, v in dict(severity_stats).items()] vals.sort(key=itemgetter(0)) keys = ['Severity', 'Report count'] table = twodim.to_str('table', keys, vals, 1, True) print(table) print("----=================----") print("Total number of reports: {}".format(report_count)) print("----=================----") if file_change: changed_files = '\n'.join([' - ' + f for f in file_change]) LOG.warning( "The following source file contents changed since the " "latest analysis:\n%s\nMultiple reports were not " "shown and skipped from the statistics. Please " "analyze your project again to update the " "reports!", changed_files) os.chdir(original_cwd) if report_count != 0: sys.exit(2)
def main(args): """ List the analyzers' basic information supported by CodeChecker. """ # If the given output format is not 'table', redirect logger's output to # the stderr. stream = None if 'output_format' in args and args.output_format != 'table': stream = 'stderr' logger.setup_logger(args.verbose if 'verbose' in args else None, stream) context = analyzer_context.get_context() working, errored = \ analyzer_types.check_supported_analyzers( analyzer_types.supported_analyzers, context) if args.dump_config: binary = context.analyzer_binaries.get(args.dump_config) if args.dump_config == 'clang-tidy':[binary, '-dump-config', '-checks=*']) elif args.dump_config == 'clangsa': ret =[binary, '-cc1', '-analyzer-checker-option-help', '-analyzer-checker-option-help-alpha'], stderr=subprocess.PIPE) if ret: # This flag is supported from Clang 9. LOG.warning("'--dump-config clangsa' is not supported yet. " "Please make sure that you are using Clang 9 or " "newer.") return if args.output_format not in ['csv', 'json']: if 'details' not in args: header = ['Name'] else: header = ['Name', 'Path', 'Version'] else: if 'details' not in args: header = ['name'] else: header = ['name', 'path', 'version_string'] rows = [] for analyzer in working: if 'details' not in args: rows.append([analyzer]) else: binary = context.analyzer_binaries.get(analyzer) try: version = subprocess.check_output([binary, '--version']) except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, OSError): version = 'ERROR' rows.append([analyzer, binary, version]) if 'all' in args: for analyzer, err_reason in errored: if 'details' not in args: rows.append([analyzer]) else: rows.append([analyzer, context.analyzer_binaries.get(analyzer), err_reason]) if rows: print(output_formatters.twodim_to_str(args.output_format, header, rows))
def main(args): """ Store the defect results in the specified input list as bug reports in the database. """ logger.setup_logger(args.verbose if 'verbose' in args else None) if not host_check.check_zlib(): raise Exception("zlib is not available on the system!") # To ensure the help message prints the default folder properly, # the 'default' for 'args.input' is a string, not a list. # But we need lists for the foreach here to work. if isinstance(args.input, str): args.input = [args.input] if 'name' not in args: LOG.debug("Generating name for analysis...") generated = __get_run_name(args.input) if generated: setattr(args, 'name', generated) else: LOG.error("No suitable name was found in the inputs for the " "analysis run. Please specify one by passing argument " "--name run_name in the invocation.") sys.exit(2) # argparse returns error code 2 for bad invocations."Storing analysis results for run '" + + "'") if 'force' in args:"argument --force was specified: the run with name '" + + "' will be deleted.") protocol, host, port, product_name = split_product_url(args.product_url) # Before any transmission happens, check if we have the PRODUCT_STORE # permission to prevent a possibly long ZIP operation only to get an # error later on. product_client = libclient.setup_product_client(protocol, host, port, product_name) product_id = product_client.getCurrentProduct().id auth_client, _ = libclient.setup_auth_client(protocol, host, port) has_perm = libclient.check_permission( auth_client, Permission.PRODUCT_STORE, {'productID': product_id}) if not has_perm: LOG.error("You are not authorised to store analysis results in " "product '%s'", product_name) sys.exit(1) # Setup connection to the remote server. client = libclient.setup_client(args.product_url, product_client=False) LOG.debug("Initializing client connecting to %s:%d/%s done.", host, port, product_name) _, zip_file = tempfile.mkstemp('.zip') LOG.debug("Will write mass store ZIP to '%s'...", zip_file) try: assemble_zip(args.input, zip_file, client) if os.stat(zip_file).st_size > MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE: LOG.error("The result list to upload is too big (max: %s).", sizeof_fmt(MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE)) sys.exit(1) with open(zip_file, 'rb') as zf: b64zip = base64.b64encode( context = webserver_context.get_context() trim_path_prefixes = args.trim_path_prefix if \ 'trim_path_prefix' in args else None client.massStoreRun(, args.tag if 'tag' in args else None, str(context.version), b64zip, 'force' in args, trim_path_prefixes) # Storing analysis statistics if the server allows them. if client.allowsStoringAnalysisStatistics(): storing_analysis_statistics(client, args.input,"Storage finished successfully.") except RequestFailed as reqfail: if reqfail.errorCode == ErrorCode.SOURCE_FILE: header = ['File', 'Line', 'Checker name'] table = twodim_to_str('table', header, [c.split('|') for c in reqfail.extraInfo]) LOG.warning("Setting the review statuses for some reports failed " "because of non valid source code comments: " "%s\n %s", reqfail.message, table) sys.exit(1) except Exception as ex:"Storage failed: %s", str(ex)) sys.exit(1) finally: os.remove(zip_file)
def main(args): """ Perform analysis on the given logfiles and store the results in a machine- readable format. """ logger.setup_logger(args.verbose if 'verbose' in args else None) if len(args.logfile) != 1: LOG.warning("Only one log file can be processed right now!") sys.exit(1) args.output_path = os.path.abspath(args.output_path) if os.path.exists(args.output_path) and \ not os.path.isdir(args.output_path): LOG.error("The given output path is not a directory: " + args.output_path) sys.exit(1) if 'enable_all' in args:"'--enable-all' was supplied for this analysis.") # We clear the output directory in the following cases. ctu_dir = os.path.join(args.output_path, 'ctu-dir') if 'ctu_phases' in args and args.ctu_phases[0] and \ os.path.isdir(ctu_dir): # Clear the CTU-dir if the user turned on the collection phase. LOG.debug("Previous CTU contents have been deleted.") shutil.rmtree(ctu_dir) if 'clean' in args and os.path.isdir(args.output_path):"Previous analysis results in '%s' have been removed, " "overwriting with current result", args.output_path) shutil.rmtree(args.output_path) if not os.path.exists(args.output_path): os.makedirs(args.output_path) LOG.debug("args: " + str(args)) LOG.debug("Output will be stored to: '" + args.output_path + "'") # Process the skip list if present. skip_handler = __get_skip_handler(args) # Enable alpha uniqueing by default if ctu analysis is used. if 'none' in args.compile_uniqueing and 'ctu_phases' in args: args.compile_uniqueing = "alpha" compiler_info_file = None if 'compiler_info_file' in args: LOG.debug("Compiler info is read from: %s", args.compiler_info_file) if not os.path.exists(args.compiler_info_file): LOG.error("Compiler info file %s does not exist", args.compiler_info_file) sys.exit(1) compiler_info_file = args.compiler_info_file report_dir = args.output_path # Parse the JSON CCDBs and retrieve the compile commands. actions = [] for log_file in args.logfile: if not os.path.exists(log_file): LOG.error("The specified logfile '%s' does not exist!", log_file) continue actions += log_parser.parse_unique_log( load_json_or_empty(log_file), report_dir, args.compile_uniqueing, skip_handler, compiler_info_file ) if not actions:"None of the specified build log files contained " "valid compilation commands. No analysis needed...") sys.exit(1) uniqued_compilation_db_file = os.path.join( args.output_path, "unique_compile_commands.json") with open(uniqued_compilation_db_file, 'w') as f: json.dump(actions, f, cls=log_parser.CompileCommandEncoder) context = analyzer_context.get_context() metadata = {'action_num': len(actions), 'command': sys.argv, 'versions': { 'codechecker': "{0} ({1})".format( context.package_git_tag, context.package_git_hash)}, 'working_directory': os.getcwd(), 'output_path': args.output_path, 'result_source_files': {}} if 'name' in args: metadata['name'] = # Update metadata dictionary with old values. metadata_file = os.path.join(args.output_path, 'metadata.json') if os.path.exists(metadata_file): metadata_prev = load_json_or_empty(metadata_file) metadata['result_source_files'] = \ metadata_prev['result_source_files'] analyzer.perform_analysis(args, skip_handler, context, actions, metadata) __update_skip_file(args) LOG.debug("Analysis metadata write to '%s'", metadata_file) with open(metadata_file, 'w') as metafile: json.dump(metadata, metafile) # WARN: store command will search for this file!!!! compile_cmd_json = os.path.join(args.output_path, 'compile_cmd.json') try: source = os.path.abspath(args.logfile[0]) target = os.path.abspath(compile_cmd_json) if source != target: shutil.copyfile(source, target) except shutil.Error: LOG.debug("Compilation database JSON file is the same.") except Exception: LOG.debug("Copying compilation database JSON file failed.") try: from codechecker_analyzer import analyzer_statistics analyzer_statistics.collect(metadata, "analyze") except Exception: pass
def main(args): """ List the checkers available in the specified (or all supported) analyzers alongside with their description or enabled status in various formats. """ logger.setup_logger(args.verbose if 'verbose' in args else None) # If nothing is set, list checkers for all supported analyzers. analyzers = args.analyzers \ if 'analyzers' in args \ else analyzer_types.supported_analyzers context = analyzer_context.get_context() working, errored = analyzer_types.check_supported_analyzers(analyzers, context) analyzer_environment = get_check_env(context.path_env_extra, context.ld_lib_path_extra) analyzer_config_map = analyzer_types.build_config_handlers(args, context, working) # List available checker profiles. if 'profile' in args and args.profile == 'list': if 'details' not in args: if args.output_format not in ['csv', 'json']: header = ['Profile name'] else: header = ['profile_name'] else: if args.output_format not in ['csv', 'json']: header = ['Profile name', 'Description'] else: header = ['profile_name', 'description'] rows = [] for (profile, description) in context.available_profiles.items(): if 'details' not in args: rows.append([profile]) else: rows.append([profile, description]) print(output_formatters.twodim_to_str(args.output_format, header, rows)) return # Use good looking different headers based on format. if 'details' not in args: if args.output_format not in ['csv', 'json']: header = ['Name'] else: header = ['name'] else: if args.output_format not in ['csv', 'json']: header = ['', 'Name', 'Analyzer', 'Severity', 'Description'] else: header = ['enabled', 'name', 'analyzer', 'severity', 'description'] rows = [] for analyzer in working: config_handler = analyzer_config_map.get(analyzer) analyzer_class = \ analyzer_types.supported_analyzers[analyzer] checkers = analyzer_class.get_analyzer_checkers(config_handler, analyzer_environment) default_checker_cfg = context.checker_config.get( analyzer + '_checkers') profile_checkers = None if 'profile' in args: if args.profile not in context.available_profiles: LOG.error("Checker profile '%s' does not exist!", args.profile) LOG.error("To list available profiles, use '--profile list'.") return profile_checkers = [(args.profile, True)] config_handler.initialize_checkers(context.available_profiles, context.package_root, checkers, default_checker_cfg, profile_checkers) for checker_name, value in config_handler.checks().items(): enabled, description = value if not enabled and 'profile' in args: continue if enabled and 'only_disabled' in args: continue elif not enabled and 'only_enabled' in args: continue if args.output_format != 'json': enabled = '+' if enabled else '-' if 'details' not in args: rows.append([checker_name]) else: severity = context.severity_map.get(checker_name) rows.append([enabled, checker_name, analyzer, severity, description]) if len(rows) > 0: print(output_formatters.twodim_to_str(args.output_format, header, rows)) for analyzer_binary, reason in errored: LOG.error("Failed to get checkers for '%s'!" "The error reason was: '%s'", analyzer_binary, reason) LOG.error("Please check your installation and the " "'config/package_layout.json' file!")