Example #1
 def checkEdges(self):
     conf = Configuration.load(self.codeface_conf, self.project_conf)
     dbm = DBManager(conf)
     project_id = dbm.getProjectID(conf["project"], self.tagging)
     persons  = dbm.get_project_persons(project_id)
     # Create map from id to name
     person_map = {person[0] : person[1] for person in persons}
     given_correct_edges = self.correct_edges
     if given_correct_edges[0][0] is str:
         # simply check the first range
         given_correct_edges = [self.correct_edges]
     release_ranges = dbm.get_release_ranges(project_id)
     i = -1
     for correct_edges in given_correct_edges:
         i += 1
         release_range = release_ranges[i]
         cluster_id = dbm.get_cluster_id(project_id, release_range)
         edgelist = dbm.get_edgelist(cluster_id)
         # Create edge list with developer names
         test_edges = [[person_map[edge[0]], person_map[edge[1]], edge[2]] for edge in edgelist]
         ## Check number of matches with known correct edges
         match_count = 0
         for test_edge in test_edges:
             if test_edge in correct_edges:
                 match_count += 1
         res = (match_count == len(correct_edges))
             msg="Project edgelist is incorrect for the v{}_release "
                 "to v{}_release analysis!"
             .format(i, i+1))
Example #2
    def check_commit_dependency(self, commit_dependency_data):
        Checks if the commit_dependency table contains the expected data
        given by self.commit_dependency in the unit test.
        :param commit_dependency_data:
        The data of the actual table:
        | id  | commitId | file | entityId | entityType | size | impl |
        if self.commit_dependency is None:

        conf = Configuration.load(self.codeface_conf, self.project_conf)
        dbm = DBManager(conf)
        project_id = dbm.getProjectID(conf["project"], self.tagging)

        def get_commit_id(commit_hash):
            return dbm.getCommitId(project_id, commit_hash)

        # remove the "id" column
        # so we have (commit_id, file, entityId, type, size, impl) tuples
        data = [(res[1], res[2], res[3], res[4], res[5], res[6])
                for res in commit_dependency_data]
        data_no_impl = [res[0:5] for res in data]

        expected_data = [(get_commit_id(res[0]), res[1], res[2], res[3],
                          res[4], res[5]) for res in self.commit_dependency]
        for expected in expected_data:
            if expected[5] is None:
                # don't check the impl
                self.assertIn(expected[0:5], data_no_impl)
                self.assertIn(expected, data)

        self.assertEqual(len(data), len(expected_data))
Example #3
 def checkEdges(self):
     conf = Configuration.load(self.codeface_conf, self.project_conf)
     dbm = DBManager(conf)
     project_id = dbm.getProjectID(conf["project"], self.tagging)
     persons = dbm.get_project_persons(project_id)
     # Create map from id to name
     person_map = {person[0]: person[1] for person in persons}
     given_correct_edges = self.correct_edges
     if given_correct_edges[0][0] is str:
         # simply check the first range
         given_correct_edges = [self.correct_edges]
     release_ranges = dbm.get_release_ranges(project_id)
     i = -1
     for correct_edges in given_correct_edges:
         i += 1
         release_range = release_ranges[i]
         cluster_id = dbm.get_cluster_id(project_id, release_range)
         edgelist = dbm.get_edgelist(cluster_id)
         # Create edge list with developer names
         test_edges = [[person_map[edge[0]], person_map[edge[1]], edge[2]]
                       for edge in edgelist]
         ## Check number of matches with known correct edges
         match_count = 0
         for test_edge in test_edges:
             if test_edge in correct_edges:
                 match_count += 1
         res = (match_count == len(correct_edges))
             msg="Project edgelist is incorrect for the v{}_release "
             "to v{}_release analysis!".format(i, i + 1))
Example #4
 def getResults(self):
     conf = Configuration.load(self.codeface_conf, self.project_conf)
     dbm = DBManager(conf)
     project_id = dbm.getProjectID(conf["project"], self.tagging)
     self.assertGreaterEqual(project_id, 0)
     results = {}
     for table in self.result_tables:
         dbm.doExec("SELECT * FROM {table}".format(table=table))
         results[table] = dbm.doFetchAll()
     return results
Example #5
 def getResults(self):
     conf = Configuration.load(self.codeface_conf, self.project_conf)
     dbm = DBManager(conf)
     project_id = dbm.getProjectID(conf["project"], self.tagging)
     self.assertGreaterEqual(project_id, 0)
     results = {}
     for table in self.result_tables:
         dbm.doExec("SELECT * FROM {table}".format(table=table))
         results[table] = dbm.doFetchAll()
     return results
Example #6
 def checkClean(self):
     conf = Configuration.load(self.codeface_conf, self.project_conf)
     dbm = DBManager(conf)
     project_id = dbm.getProjectID(conf["project"], self.tagging)
     dbm.doExecCommit("DELETE FROM project WHERE id={}".format(project_id))
     for table in pid_tables:
         res = dbm.doExec("SELECT * FROM {table} WHERE projectId={pid}".
                          format(table=table, pid=project_id))
         self.assertEqual(res, 0, msg="Table '{}' still dirty!".
     for table in other_tables:
         res = dbm.doExec("SELECT * FROM {table}".format(table=table))
         self.assertEqual(res, 0,  msg="Table '{}' still dirty!".format(table))
 def checkClean(self):
     conf = Configuration.load(self.codeface_conf, self.project_conf)
     dbm = DBManager(conf)
     project_id = dbm.getProjectID(conf["project"], self.tagging)
     dbm.doExecCommit("DELETE FROM project WHERE id={}".format(project_id))
     for table in pid_tables:
         res = dbm.doExec("SELECT * FROM {table} WHERE projectId={pid}".
                          format(table=table, pid=project_id))
         self.assertEqual(res, 0, msg="Table '{}' still dirty!".
     for table in other_tables:
         res = dbm.doExec("SELECT * FROM {table}".format(table=table))
         self.assertEqual(res, 0,  msg="Table '{}' still dirty!".format(table))
 def checkEdges(self):
     conf = Configuration.load(self.codeface_conf, self.project_conf)
     dbm = DBManager(conf)
     project_id = dbm.getProjectID(conf["project"], self.tagging)
     cluster_id = dbm.get_cluster_id(project_id)
     edgelist = dbm.get_edgelist(cluster_id)
     persons  = dbm.get_project_persons(project_id)
     # Create map from id to name
     person_map = {person[0] : person[1] for person in persons}
     # Create edge list with developer names
     test_edges = [[person_map[edge[0]], person_map[edge[1]], edge[2]] for edge in edgelist]
     ## Check number of matches with known correct edges
     match_count = 0
     for test_edge in test_edges:
         if test_edge in self.correct_edges:
             match_count += 1
     res = (match_count == len(self.correct_edges))
     self.assertTrue(res, msg="Project edgelist is incorrect!")
Example #9
    def check_commit_dependency(self, commit_dependency_data):
        Checks if the commit_dependency table contains the expected data
        given by self.commit_dependency in the unit test.
        :param commit_dependency_data:
        The data of the actual table:
        | id  | commitId | file | entityId | entityType | size | impl |
        if self.commit_dependency is None:

        conf = Configuration.load(self.codeface_conf, self.project_conf)
        dbm = DBManager(conf)
        project_id = dbm.getProjectID(conf["project"], self.tagging)

        def get_commit_id(commit_hash):
            return dbm.getCommitId(project_id, commit_hash)

        # remove the "id" column
        # so we have (commit_id, file, entityId, type, size, impl) tuples
        data = [(res[1], res[2], res[3], res[4], res[5], res[6])
                for res in commit_dependency_data]
        data_no_impl = [res[0:5] for res in data]

        expected_data = [(get_commit_id(res[0]), res[1], res[2], res[3],
                          res[4], res[5])
                         for res in self.commit_dependency]
        for expected in expected_data:
            if expected[5] is None:
                # don't check the impl
                self.assertIn(expected[0:5], data_no_impl)
                self.assertIn(expected, data)

        self.assertEqual(len(data), len(expected_data))