Example #1
    def render(self, name, value, attrs=None, choices=()):
        # Initialization
        # required=self.attrs.get('ng-required','false')
        vmodel = self.field_name
        # vid=attrs.get('id','id_{0}'.format(name))
        # vstyle=attrs.get('style','')
        vform = self.form_name
        if self.static:
            placeholder = escapejs(_('Press * and select an option'))
            placeholder = _('Press * or start typing')

            if not self.autofill_url:
                raise IOError("autofill_url not defined")

            vurl = reverse(self.autofill_url, kwargs={'search': 'a'})[:-1]
            # Get access to the get_label() method and request for the label of the bound input
            if value:
                func = resolve(vurl + '*').func
                clss = get_class(func)
                if self.__language:
                    clss.language = self.__language
                label = clss().get_label(value)

        if value is None:
            value = []

        valuejs = []

        if self.static:
            init = ''
            if not value:
                value = []
            if hasattr(self, "field"):
                for (key, label) in self.field.choices:
                    if value == key:
                            key, escapejs(smart_text(label))))
                    init += u'{{"id":"{0}","label":"{1}"}},'.format(
                        key, escapejs(smart_text(label)))
            elif type(self.choices) == list:

                for (key, label) in self.choices:
                    if value == key:
                            key, escapejs(smart_text(label))))
                    init += u'{{"id":"{0}","label":"{1}"}},'.format(
                        key, escapejs(smart_text(label)))
                # FORCE RELOAD DATAS
                elements = self.choices.queryset
                elements._result_cache = None
                for choice in elements:
                    init += u'{{"id":"{0}","label":"{1}"}},'.format(
                        choice.pk, escapejs(smart_text(choice)))
                    if value and (type(value) is list) and (choice.pk
                                                            in value):
                            int(choice.pk), escapejs(smart_text(choice))))
            init = "getForeignKeys(http,'{0}',amc_items,{{".format(vurl)
            comma = False
            for field in self.autofill:
                if comma:
                    init += ","
                    comma = True
                init += "'{0}':{1}.{0}".format(field, vform)
            init += "}},'{0}',{0},$select.search,{1})\"".format(
                vmodel, self.autofill_deepness)

        html = u'<md-chips ng-model="amc_select.{0}" md-autocomplete-snap id="{0}" name="{0}" '.format(
        html += u'    md-transform-chip="amc_transformChip($chip)"'
        # html += u'    initial = "loadVegetables()"'
        html += u"    ng-init = 'amc_items.{0} = [".format(vmodel)
        #        {"name":"Broccoli","type":"Brassica","_lowername":"broccoli","_lowertype":"brassica"}
        html += init
        if valuejs:
            # html += u" ng-init = 'amc_select.{0} = [".format(vmodel)
            html += u"]; amc_select.{0} = [".format(vmodel)
            html += ''.join(valuejs)
            html += u"]'"
        html += u"]'"
        html += u'    md-require-match="amc_autocompleteDemoRequireMatch">'
        html += u'    <md-autocomplete'
        html += u'            md-selected-item="amc_selectedItem.{}"'.format(
        html += u'            md-search-text="amc_searchText.{}"'.format(
        html += u'            md-items="item in amc_querySearch(amc_searchText.{0}, \'{0}\', \'{0}\')"'.format(
        html += u'            md-item-text="item.id"'
        html += u'            placeholder="{}">'.format(placeholder)
        html += u'        <span md-highlight-text="amc_searchText.{}">'.format(
        html += u'            {{item.label}}</span>'
        html += u'    </md-autocomplete>'
        html += u'    <md-chip-template>'
        html += u'        <span>'
        html += u'        {{$chip.label}}'
        html += u'        </span>'
        html += u'    </md-chip-template>'
        html += u'</md-chips>'
        return html
Example #2
    def render(self, name, value, attrs=None, choices=()):
        if not self.autofill_url:
            raise IOError("autofill_url not defined")
        # Initialization
        required = self.attrs.get('ng-required', 'false')
        change = self.attrs.get('ng-change',
                                                     "'").replace("'", "\\'")
        if change != "undefined":
            change = "'{}'".format(change)
        vmodel = self.field_name
        vid = attrs.get('id', 'id_{0}'.format(name))
        vstyle = attrs.get('style', '')
        vform = smart_text(self.form_name)
        vurl = reverse(self.autofill_url, kwargs={'search': 'a'})[:-1]
        # Get access to the get_label() method and request for the label of the bound input
        if value:
            func = resolve(vurl + '*').func
            clss = get_class(func)
            if self.__language:
                clss.language = self.__language
            label = clss().get_label(value)

        placeholder = _('Press * or start typing')

        # Render
        html = u"<input name='{0}' ng-required='{1}' ng-model='{0}' id='{0}' type='hidden'".format(
            vmodel, required)
        # Set initial value
        if value:
            html += u" ng-init=\"{0}={1}\"".format(vmodel, value, vform)
        html += ">"
        html += '<ui-select'
        if hasattr(self, "multiple") and self.multiple:
            html += ' multiple '
        if value:
            html += u" ng-init=\"options.{0}=[{{'id':null,'label':'{3}'}},{{'id':{1},'label':'{2}'}}]; $select.selected=options.{0}[1];".format(
                vmodel, value, escapejs(label), placeholder)
            html += u" option_default={}; options.{}=option_default['rows']".format(
                self.__get_foreign(vurl, vform, vmodel, "'*'"), vmodel)
            # init options for form modal
            html += u" ng-init=\"options.{0}=[{{'id':null,'label':'{1}'}}]; \"".format(
                vmodel, placeholder)
        html += u" ng-click=\"option_default={}; options.{}=option_default['rows']".format(
            self.__get_foreign(vurl, vform, vmodel, "'*'"), vmodel)

        html += u" id=\"{0}\"".format(vid)
        html += u" ng-model=\"$parent.{0}\"".format(vmodel)
        html += u" on-select=\"selectedOptionSelect({0}.{1},{2},{3})\"".format(
            vform, vmodel, value, change)
        html += ' theme="bootstrap"'
        html += ' ng-disabled="disabled"'
        html += ' reset-search-input="false"'
        html += '>'
        html += u' <ui-select-match placeholder="{}">'.format(placeholder)
        html += ' <div ng-bind-html="$select.selected.label"></div>'
        html += ' </ui-select-match>'
        html += ' <ui-select-choices'
        html += u"     style=\"{0}\"".format(vstyle)
        html += u"     repeat=\"value.id as value in options.{0}\"".format(
        html += u"     refresh=\"{}\"".format(
            self.__get_foreign(vurl, vform, vmodel, "$select.search"))
        html += '     refresh-delay="0">'
        html += '     <div ng-bind-html="value.label| highlightSelect: $select.search"></div>'
        html += ' </ui-select-choices>'
        html += '</ui-select>'
        return html