def test_error_correction(arrEncoded, nErrorBits):
    # data1
    arrEncoded_1 = arrEncoded
    arrEncoded_bin_1 = ct.toBinaryArray(arrEncoded_1)

    # data2
    arrEncoded_bin_2 = np.copy(arrEncoded_bin_1)
    # introduce some errors
    arrErrorPos = np.random.choice(range(len(arrEncoded_bin_2)), nErrorBits,
    for i in arrErrorPos:
        arrEncoded_bin_2[i] = (arrEncoded_bin_2[i] + 1)%2
    # error correction
    n = 7
    k = 4
    lsh = LSHash(k, n)
    arrDecoded_bin_1 = lshDecode(ct.zeroPadding(arrEncoded_bin_1, n)[0], 
                                 lsh, n, k)
    arrDecoded_bin_2 = lshDecode(ct.zeroPadding(arrEncoded_bin_2, n)[0], 
                                 lsh, n, k)
    # BER
    nErrorBits, dBER = ct.computeBER(arrEncoded_bin_1, arrEncoded_bin_2)
    nErrorBits_ec, dBER_ec = ct.computeBER(arrDecoded_bin_1, arrDecoded_bin_2)
    return nErrorBits, dBER, nErrorBits_ec, dBER_ec
def test_reconciliation(nTrials, matlabEng, nKeySize, nErrorBits=1, 
                        n=7, k=4, m=3, strCoder='hamming/binary'):
        test the reconciliation method mentioned in 'proximate, mobisys'11'
    lsStat = []
    for i in xrange(nTrials):        
        # data 1
        arrData_1 = np.random.randint(0, 2, nKeySize)
        arrData_bin_1 = ct.toBinaryArray(arrData_1)
        # data2
        arrData_bin_2 = np.copy(arrData_bin_1)
        # introduce some errors
        arrErrorPos = np.random.choice(range(len(arrData_bin_2)), nErrorBits,
        for i in arrErrorPos:
            arrData_bin_2[i] = (arrData_bin_2[i] + 1)%2
        # padding
        nPaddingSize = m*n if strCoder == CODER_RS else n
        arrData_bin_1 = ct.zeroPadding(arrData_bin_1, nPaddingSize)[0]
        arrData_bin_2 = ct.zeroPadding(arrData_bin_2, nPaddingSize)[0]
        # compute the difference
        arrDelta = computeDelta(matlabEng, arrData_bin_1, n, k, m, strCoder)
        # reconciliation
        arrDeducedData_bin_1 = reconciliate(matlabEng, arrDelta,
                                            arrData_bin_2, n, k, m, strCoder)

        # compute the BER
        nMismatchedBits = np.size(arrData_bin_1) - \
        dBER = nMismatchedBits*1.0/np.size(arrData_bin_1)
        lsStat.append({'err_bits': nMismatchedBits, 'BER': dBER})
        if (nMismatchedBits != 0):
            print nMismatchedBits, arrErrorPos
#        print "error bit=", nMismatchedBits, ", BER=", dBER
    dAvgErrBits = np.mean([i['err_bits'] for i in lsStat ])  
    dAvgBER = np.mean([i['BER'] for i in lsStat ])  
    print "----\n AvgErrorBits=%.3f, BER=%.3f" % (dAvgErrBits, dAvgBER)
Example #3
def reconciliation(lsSrcCode_bin,
                   strCoder, n, k, m):
        Perform reconciliation
    dcReconciliation = {}
    # compute delta                         
    arrData_bin_user = lsSrcCode_bin[DATA_ID_USER]
    nPadding = n*m if strCoder==ecc.CODER_RS else n
    arrData_bin_user, nPd = ct.zeroPadding(arrData_bin_user, nPadding)
    arrDelta = ecc.computeDelta(eng, arrData_bin_user, 
                                n, k, m, strCoder)
    # reconciliation btw user & payend
    arrData_bin_payend = lsSrcCode_bin[DATA_ID_PAYEND]
    arrData_bin_payend, nPd = ct.zeroPadding(arrData_bin_payend, nPadding)
    arrDeduced_bin_user_payend = ecc.reconciliate(eng, arrDelta,
                                      n, k, m, strCoder)
    dcReconciliation[DATA_ID_USER] = {DATA_1: arrData_bin_user, 
                           DATA_2: arrData_bin_payend,
                           DEDUCED_D1: arrDeduced_bin_user_payend}
    # reconciliation btw attacker & payend
    arrData_bin_attacker = lsSrcCode_bin[DATA_ID_ATTACKER]
    arrData_bin_attacker, nPd = ct.zeroPadding(arrData_bin_attacker, nPadding)
    arrDeduced_bin_user_attacker = ecc.reconciliate(eng, arrDelta,
                                      n, k, m, strCoder)
    dcReconciliation[DATA_ID_ATTACKER] = {DATA_1: arrData_bin_user, 
                           DATA_2: arrData_bin_attacker,
                           DEDUCED_D1: arrDeduced_bin_user_attacker}
    return dcReconciliation
def repetitiveDecode(arrEncoded, k):
        error correction via repetive coding
    # zeroPadding
    arrEncoded, nPadding = ct.zeroPadding(arrEncoded, k)
    # decode
    lsDecoded = []
    for nStart in xrange(0, len(arrEncoded), k):
        arrBin = arrEncoded[nStart: nStart+k]
        dcValueCount = {}
        for i in arrBin:
            nCount = dcValueCount.get(i, 0)
            dcValueCount[i] = nCount + 1
        nCodeWord = max(dcValueCount.iteritems(), 
    return np.array(lsDecoded)
def interleave(eng, arrData_bin, nParam, strMethod=INTRLV_MATRIX):
        interleave data in a block way

    data_intrlv = None
    nPadding = None
    if(strMethod == INTRLV_MATRIX):
        nCols = nParam
        arrData_bin, nPadding = ct.zeroPadding(arrData_bin, nCols)   
        nRows = len(arrData_bin)/nCols
        data = matlab.int64(list(arrData_bin))
        data_intrlv = eng.matintrlv(data, nRows, nCols)
    elif(strMethod == INTRLV_RANDOM):
        nSeed = 4831
        data = matlab.int64(list(arrData_bin))
        data_intrlv = eng.randintrlv(data, nSeed)
        raise ValueError("Unsupported interleaving method: %s" % strMethod)
    arrData_intrlv = np.array([i for i in data_intrlv[0]])
    return arrData_intrlv, nPadding