for gene_acid_base in record.attributes["amino_acid"].split("/"):

            # get amino acid change
            x = gene_acid_base.split(" ",1)
            gene = x[0]
            amino_acid_change_and_position = x[1]

            # starting with F123V, build a list of ways
            # this might appear in the PharmGKB data,
            # ie. F123V 123F/V Phe123Val 123Phe>Val

            acid_changes = []
            acid_changes.append(re.sub(r' .*',r'', amino_acid_change_and_position))
            acid_changes.append(re.sub(r'([A-Z])(\d+)([A-Z]+)', r'\2\1/\3', acid_changes[0]))
            for x in range(2):
                acid_changes.append(re.sub(r'[A-Z]', lambda x: codon_123(, acid_changes[x]))
            acid_changes[3] = re.sub(r'/', r'>', acid_changes[3])

            # query the database
            cursor.execute(query, (rs, alleles[0], alleles[1],
            data = cursor.fetchall()

            # if this gene/AA change caused a hit, stop here and report it
            if cursor.rowcount > 0:
def codon_1to3(aa):
    threeletter = codon_123(aa)
    if threeletter == "TERM":
        threeletter = "Stop"
    return threeletter

        if rs_number > 0:
            found_aa_for_rsid[rs_number] = 1

        for gene_acid_base in record.attributes["amino_acid"].split("/"):

            # get amino acid change
            x = gene_acid_base.split(" ", 1)
            gene = x[0]
            amino_acid_change_and_position = x[1]

            # convert to long form

            acid_change = re.sub(r" .*", r"", amino_acid_change_and_position)
            acid_change = re.sub(r"[A-Z]", lambda x: codon_123(, acid_change)
            acid_change = re.sub(r"TERM", "Stop", acid_change)

            # query the database
            cursor.execute(query_aa, (gene, acid_change))
            data = cursor.fetchall()

            # if this gene/AA change caused a hit, stop here and report it
            if cursor.rowcount > 0:

        if cursor.rowcount > 0:

            for d in data:
                inheritance = d[0]
                impact = d[1]
def codon_1to3(aa):
    threeletter = codon_123(aa)
    if (threeletter == "TERM"):
        threeletter = "Stop"
    return threeletter