Example #1
	or 		'!cody f**k off' 	in data 	\
	or 		'!cody beat it' 	in data 	\
	or 		'!cody gtfo'		in data 	\
	and 	connected 			== True 	:

		if 	HOST.lower() == '*****@*****.**' 				\
		or 	HOST.lower() == '*****@*****.**' 	\
		or 	HOST.lower() == '*****@*****.**'			   	:
			irc.send      (		'PRIVMSG #code :Fine, whatever\r\n' 		)
			irc.send 	  ( 	'QUIT :I never liked you guys anyway\r\n' 	)
			codyAlive = False

	if 		'!python.problem' 	in MESSAGE.lower()  \
	and 	connected 			== True 			:
		randomPythonProblem = noRepeatRandom(4)
		if (randomPythonProblem == 0):
			irc.send ( 'PRIVMSG #code :Make a guessing game. The computer picks a random number between 1 and 2. The purpose of the game is to guess the number that the computer has picked in as few tries as possible. \r\n' )
		elif (randomPythonProblem == 1):
			irc.send ( 'PRIVMSG #code :Make a math quiz. The computer generates a random multiplication question, and checks whether or not the input the user gives is correct. \r\n')
		elif (randomPythonProblem == 2):
			irc.send ( 'PRIVMSG #code :Print the Fibonacci sequence up to 100. c = a + b. \r\n')
		elif (randomPythonProblem ==  3):
			irc.send ( 'PRIVMSG #code :There are two monkeys. If neither of them are smiling, we have Monkey Trouble.	If both of them are smiling, we have Monkey Trouble. If only one of them is smiling, you are the new president and you receive 1 gorillian dollars. Create booleans for these three possibilities, assign random integers, and test whether or not we\'re in Monkey Deep Shit \r\n')
		elif (randomPythonProblem ==  4):
			irc.send ( 'PRIVMSG #code :Check whether or not a number input by the user between 1 and 100 is a prime number.\r\n')
Example #2
	for quitTrigger in codyQuitTriggers:
		if 		'Cody, '+quitTrigger 	in data 	\
		and 	connected 				== True 	:

			if 	authenticateHost():
				irc.send      (		'PRIVMSG '+CHANNEL+' :I guess I don\'t really have a choice\r\n' 		)
				irc.send 	  ( 	'QUIT :I never liked you guys anyway\r\n' 	)
				codyAlive = False

	if 		'!cody.problem' 	in MESSAGE.lower()  \
	and 	connected 			== True :
		irc.send 				( 'PRIVMSG '+CHANNEL+' :'+randomPythonProblem[noRepeatRandom(len(randomPythonProblem), 'pythonProblem')] +'\r\n' )

	if 		'!cody.join' 	in MESSAGE.lower()  \
	and 	connected 		== True             \
	and 	authenticateHost():

		if len(MESSAGE) > len('!cody.join\r\n') \
		and '#' in MESSAGE :
			irc.send 				( 'PRIVMSG '+CHANNEL+' :Joining channel:'+MESSAGE[len('!cody.join'):]+'\r\n')
			irc.send 				( 'JOIN '+MESSAGE[len('!cody.join'):]+'\r\n' )
			irc.send('PRIVMSG '+CHANNEL+' :Usage: !cody.join [#channel] ' + '\r\n' )	
Example #3
    for quitTrigger in codyQuitTriggers:
        if   'Cody, '+quitTrigger  in data 	\
        and  connected     == True  :

            if authenticateHost():
                irc.send('PRIVMSG ' + CHANNEL +
                         ' :I guess I don\'t really have a choice\r\n')
                irc.send('QUIT :I never liked you guys anyway\r\n')
                codyAlive = False

    if   '!cody.problem'  in MESSAGE.lower()  \
    and  connected    == True :

        irc.send('PRIVMSG ' + CHANNEL +
                 ' :' + randomPythonProblem[noRepeatRandom(
                     len(randomPythonProblem), 'pythonProblem')] + '\r\n')

    if   '!cody.join'  in MESSAGE.lower()  \
    and  connected   == True             \
    and  authenticateHost():

        irc.send('PRIVMSG ' + CHANNEL + ' :Joining channel:' +
                 MESSAGE[len('!cody.join'):] + '\r\n')
        irc.send('JOIN ' + MESSAGE[len('!cody.join'):] + '\r\n')

    if   '!cody.part'  in MESSAGE.lower()  \
    and  connected    == True        \
    and  authenticateHost():
Example #4
		MSG_TYPE 		= parsedMessage[2]
		CHANNEL 		= parsedMessage[3]
		MESSAGE 		= parsedMessage[4]
	if data.find ( '!cody quit' ) != -1 or data.find ( '!cody f**k off' ) != -1 or data.find ( '!cody beat it' ) != -1 or data.find ( '!cody gtfo' ) != -1 and connected == True:
		bangPos 		= data.find('!')
		reloaderNick 	= data[1:bangPos]
		if(NICK == 'lmn' or NICK == 'Inveracity' or NICK == 'Stoy'):
			irc.send ( 'PRIVMSG #code :Fine, whatever\r\n' )
			irc.send ( 'QUIT :I never liked you guys anyway\r\n' )

	if '!python.problem' in data.lower() and connected == True:
		randomPythonProblem = noRepeatRandom(4)
		if (randomPythonProblem == 0):
			irc.send ( 'PRIVMSG #code :Make a guessing game. The computer picks a random number between 1 and 2. The purpose of the game is to guess the number that the computer has picked in as few tries as possible. \r\n' )
		elif (randomPythonProblem == 1):
			irc.send ( 'PRIVMSG #code :Make a math quiz. The computer generates a random multiplication question (n1 = randint(1, 10) - n2 = randint(1, 10) -- input("What is %d times %d? " % (n1, n2)), and checks whether ) != -1 or data.find ( not the input the user gives is correct. \r\n')
		elif (randomPythonProblem == 2):
			irc.send ( 'PRIVMSG #code :Print the Fibonacci sequence up to 100. c = a + b. \r\n')
		elif (randomPythonProblem ==  3):
			irc.send ( 'PRIVMSG #code :There are two monkeys. If neither of them are smiling, we have Monkey Trouble. If both of them are smiling, we have Monkey Trouble. If only one of them is smiling, you are the new president and you receive 1 million dollars in prize money. Create booleans for these three possibilities, assign random integers with randint (0, 1), and test whether ) != -1 or data.find ( not we\'re in Monkey Deep Shit \r\n')
		elif (randomPythonProblem ==  4):
			irc.send ( 'PRIVMSG #code :Check if a number input by the user between 1 and 20 is a prime number ) != -1 or data.find ( not.\r\n')
Example #5
    if data.find('!cody quit') != -1 or data.find(
            '!cody f**k off') != -1 or data.find(
                '!cody beat it'
            ) != -1 or data.find('!cody gtfo') != -1 and connected == True:
        bangPos = data.find('!')
        reloaderNick = data[1:bangPos]

        if (NICK == 'lmn' or NICK == 'Inveracity' or NICK == 'Stoy'):
            irc.send('PRIVMSG #code :Fine, whatever\r\n')
            irc.send('QUIT :I never liked you guys anyway\r\n')

    if '!python.problem' in data.lower() and connected == True:
        randomPythonProblem = noRepeatRandom(4)

        if (randomPythonProblem == 0):
                'PRIVMSG #code :Make a guessing game. The computer picks a random number between 1 and 2. The purpose of the game is to guess the number that the computer has picked in as few tries as possible. \r\n'

        elif (randomPythonProblem == 1):
                'PRIVMSG #code :Make a math quiz. The computer generates a random multiplication question (n1 = randint(1, 10) - n2 = randint(1, 10) -- input("What is %d times %d? " % (n1, n2)), and checks whether ) != -1 or data.find ( not the input the user gives is correct. \r\n'

        elif (randomPythonProblem == 2):
                'PRIVMSG #code :Print the Fibonacci sequence up to 100. c = a + b. \r\n'