log.debug("Stop time = %f"%tstop) log.debug("CFLs are = %s"%repr(CFLs)) log.debug("grids = %s"%repr(grids)) log.debug("speed = %s"%repr(speed)) ################################################################################ # Perform computation ################################################################################ log.info("Simulation configuration complete.") for i,system in enumerate(systems): #Construct Actions actionList = [] if display_output and mpi_comm.rank == 0: actionList += [gp_plotter.Plotter1D( system, *gnu_plot_settings,frequency = 1, delay = 0. )] if store_output and mpi_comm.rank == 0: actionList += [actions.SimOutput(\ hdf_file, solvers[i], system, grids[i], output_actions, overwrite = True, name = grids[i].name, cmp_ = grids[i].comparison )] log.info("Starting simulation %i with system %s"%(i,repr(system))) problem = ibvp.IBVP(solvers[i], system, grid = grids[i],
from coffee import ibvp, solvers, grid from coffee.actions import gp_plotter from OneDWave import OneDwave system = OneDwave() solver = solvers.RungeKutta4(system) grid = grid.UniformCart((200,), [(0, 4)]) plotter = gp_plotter.Plotter1D( system, 'set terminal qt', 'set yrange [-1:1]', 'set style data lines', ) problem = ibvp.IBVP(solver, system, grid=grid, action=[plotter]) problem.run(0, 3)