Example #1
def validate_username(form, user_id):

        cleaned_data = form.cleaned_data

        username = cleaned_data.get("username")
        # validate username string
        if username:
            if len(username) < 5:
                form._errors["username"] = form.error_class(["'Username' must contain at least 5 characters."])
            elif len(username) >30:
                form._errors["username"] = form.error_class(["'Username' must not exceed 30 characters."])
            elif re.search(INVALID_USERNAME_CHARS, username):
                form._errors["username"] = form.error_class(["'Username' can only contain letters, digits and @/./+/-/_"])
            if settings.ESGF_CONFIG:
                # check that the corresponding OpenID is available in the local CoG database
                if user_id is None: # do not check when instance is updated
                    openid = esgfDatabaseManager.buildOpenid(username)
                    if esgfDatabaseManager.checkOpenid(openid):
                        form._errors["username"] = form.error_class(["Username/OpenID already taken in database."])
                        # save this openid in the form data so it can be used by the view POST method
                        form.cleaned_data['openid'] = openid      
                        # once the openid is validated, choose the closest possible username
                        _username = createUsername(username)
                        print 'Created username=%s from=%s' % (_username, username)
                        cleaned_data['username'] = _username # override form data
                # django will automatically check that the username is unique in the CoG database
Example #2
def validate_username(form, user_id):

        cleaned_data = form.cleaned_data

        username = cleaned_data.get("username")
        # validate username string
        if username:
            if len(username) < 5:
                form._errors["username"] = form.error_class(["'Username' must contain at least 5 characters."])
            elif len(username) > 30:
                form._errors["username"] = form.error_class(["'Username' must not exceed 30 characters."])
            elif re.search(INVALID_USERNAME_CHARS, username):
                form._errors["username"] = form.error_class(["'Username' can only contain letters, "
                                                             "digits and @/./+/-/_"])
            if settings.ESGF_CONFIG:
                # check that the corresponding OpenID is available in the local CoG database
                if user_id is None:  # do not check when instance is updated
                    openid = esgfDatabaseManager.buildOpenid(username)
                    if esgfDatabaseManager.checkOpenid(openid):
                        form._errors["username"] = form.error_class(["Username/OpenID already taken in database."])
                        # save this openid in the form data so it can be used by the view POST method
                        form.cleaned_data['openid'] = openid      
                        # once the openid is validated, choose the closest possible username
                        _username = createUsername(username)
                        print 'Created username=%s from=%s' % (_username, username)
                        cleaned_data['username'] = _username  # override form data
                # django will automatically check that the username is unique in the CoG database
Example #3
def account_created_receiver(sender, **kwargs):

    # retrieve arguments
    userp = kwargs['instance']
    created = kwargs['created']

    #print 'Signal received: UserProfile post_save: username=%s created=%s openids=%s' % (userp.user.username, created, userp.openids())

    # if username is like "openiduserXXX", then change it to the last part of the openid (+XXX if necessary)
    if created and userp.openid() is not None: # only for new accounts created with external openid
        if userp.user.username.startswith("openiduser"): # typically from "https://ceda.ac.uk/openid/..." 
            # change the username
            lastPartOfOpenid = userp.openid().split("/")[-1]
            username = createUsername(lastPartOfOpenid)
            print "New user: changing the username from: %s to: %s" % (userp.user.username, username)
            userp.user.username = username
Example #4
def account_created_receiver(sender, **kwargs):

    # retrieve arguments
    userp = kwargs['instance']
    created = kwargs['created']

    #print 'Signal received: UserProfile post_save: username=%s created=%s openids=%s' % (userp.user.username, created, userp.openids())

    # if username is like "openiduserXXX", then change it to the last part of the openid (+XXX if necessary)
    if created and userp.openid(
    ) is not None:  # only for new accounts created with external openid
        if userp.user.username.startswith(
        ):  # typically from "https://ceda.ac.uk/openid/..."
            # change the username
            lastPartOfOpenid = userp.openid().split("/")[-1]
            username = createUsername(lastPartOfOpenid)
            print "New user: changing the username from: %s to: %s" % (
                userp.user.username, username)
            userp.user.username = username