Example #1
def oauth(request):
	# retrieve destination parameters from Globus redirect
	# example URL with added parameters from Globus redirect: 
	# /globus/oauth/?label=&verify_checksum=on&submitForm=&folder[0]=tmp&endpoint=cinquiniluca#mymac&path=/~/&ep=GC&lock=ep&method=get&folderlimit=1&action=http://localhost:8000/globus/oauth/
	request.session[TARGET_ENDPOINT] = getQueryDict(request).get('endpoint','#')
	request.session[TARGET_FOLDER] = getQueryDict(request).get('path','/~/') + getQueryDict(request).get('folder[0]', '')  # default value: user home directory
	print 'User selected destionation endpoint:%s, path:%s, folder:%s' % (request.session[TARGET_ENDPOINT], getQueryDict(request).get('path','/~/'), getQueryDict(request).get('folder[0]', ''))

	# Redirect the user to Globus OAuth server to get an authorization code if the user approves the access request.
	globus_authorize_url = establishFlow(request).step1_get_authorize_url()
	print "Redirecting to: %s" % globus_authorize_url
	return HttpResponseRedirect(globus_authorize_url)
Example #2
def oauth(request):
	# retrieve destination parameters from Globus redirect
	# example URL with added parameters from Globus redirect: 
	# /globus/oauth/?label=&verify_checksum=on&submitForm=&folder[0]=tmp&endpoint=cinquiniluca#mymac&path=/~/&ep=GC&lock=ep&method=get&folderlimit=1&action=http://localhost:8000/globus/oauth/
	print request.GET
	request.session[TARGET_ENDPOINT] = getQueryDict(request).get('endpoint','#')
	request.session[TARGET_FOLDER] = getQueryDict(request).get('path','/~/') + getQueryDict(request).get('folder[0]', '')  # default value: user home directory
	print 'User selected destionation endpoint:%s, path:%s, folder:%s' % (request.session[TARGET_ENDPOINT], getQueryDict(request).get('path','/~/'), getQueryDict(request).get('folder[0]', ''))

	# Redirect the user to Globus OAuth server to get an authorization code if the user approves the access request.
	globus_authorize_url = establishFlow(request).step1_get_authorize_url()
	print "Redirecting to: %s" % globus_authorize_url
	return HttpResponseRedirect(globus_authorize_url)
Example #3
def search_config(request, searchConfig, extra={}, fromRedirectFlag=False):
    Project-specific search view that processes all GET/POST requests.
    Parses GET/POST requests parameters and combines them with the project fixed constraints.
    Delegates to 'search_get' and 'search_post'.
    Pre-seeded search URLs are automatically processed (i.e. GET requests with additional HTTP parameters, but NOT after a POST redirect).
    # print extra arguments
    #for key, value in extra.items():
    #    print 'extra key=%s value=%s' % (key, value)
    # create search input object from request parameters ONLY
    # NOTE: HTTP parameters MUST be part of project sarch configuration
    searchInput = _buildSearchInputFromHttpRequest(request, searchConfig)
    # GET/POST switch
    queryDict = getQueryDict(request)
    print "Search() view: HTTP Request method=%s fromRedirectFlag flag=%s HTTP parameters=%s" % (request.method, fromRedirectFlag, queryDict)
    if request.method == 'GET':
        # GET pre-seeded search URL -> invoke POST immediately
        if len(queryDict.keys()) > 0 and not fromRedirectFlag: 
            return search_post(request, searchInput, searchConfig, extra)
            return search_get(request, searchInput, searchConfig, extra, fromRedirectFlag)
        return search_post(request, searchInput, searchConfig, extra)
Example #4
def search_config(request, searchConfig, extra={}, fromRedirectFlag=False):
    Project-specific search view that processes all GET/POST requests.
    Parses GET/POST requests parameters and combines them with the project fixed constraints.
    Delegates to 'search_get' and 'search_post'.
    Pre-seeded search URLs are automatically processed (i.e. GET requests with additional HTTP parameters, but NOT after a POST redirect).

    # print extra arguments
    #for key, value in extra.items():
    #    print 'extra key=%s value=%s' % (key, value)

    # create search input object from request parameters ONLY
    # NOTE: HTTP parameters MUST be part of project sarch configuration
    searchInput = _buildSearchInputFromHttpRequest(request, searchConfig)

    # GET/POST switch
    queryDict = getQueryDict(request)
    print "Search() view: HTTP Request method=%s fromRedirectFlag flag=%s HTTP parameters=%s" % (
        request.method, fromRedirectFlag, queryDict)

    if request.method == 'GET':
        # GET pre-seeded search URL -> invoke POST immediately
        if len(queryDict.keys()) > 0 and not fromRedirectFlag:
            return search_post(request, searchInput, searchConfig, extra)
            return search_get(request, searchInput, searchConfig, extra,
        return search_post(request, searchInput, searchConfig, extra)
Example #5
def membership_list_requested(request, project_short_name):
    # load project
    project = get_object_or_404(Project, short_name__iexact=project_short_name)
    # check permission
    if not userHasAdminPermission(request.user, project):
        return HttpResponseForbidden(PERMISSION_DENIED_MESSAGE)
    # load user group
    group = project.getUserGroup()
    # optional 'match' argument
    match = getQueryDict(request).get('match', None) # works for GET or POST

    if match:
        # lookup specific user
        _users = [mr.user for mr in MembershipRequest.objects.filter(group=group).order_by('user__last_name')]
        users = [user for user in _users if (match in user.first_name.lower()
                                             or match in user.last_name.lower()
                                             or match in user.username.lower()
                                             or match in user.email.lower())]
        # load all users that have requested membership
        users = [mr.user for mr in MembershipRequest.objects.filter(group=group).order_by('user__last_name')]
    title = '%s Pending Users' % project.short_name   
    view_name = 'membership_list_requested'
    return render_membership_page(request, project, users, title, view_name)
Example #6
def datacart_pid(request, site_id, user_id):

    # check User object
    user = get_object_or_404(User, pk=user_id)

    # security check
    if not request.user.id != user_id:
        raise Exception("User not authorized to modify datacart")

    pid_messaging_service_credentials = []
    priority = 1
    for cred in settings.PID_CREDENTIALS:
        parts = cred.split('|')

        if len(parts) == 6:

            ssl_enabled = False
            if parts[5].strip().upper() == 'TRUE':
                ssl_enabled = True

            pid_messaging_service_credentials.append({'url': parts[0].strip(),
                                                      'port': parts[1].strip(),
                                                      'vhost': parts[2].strip(),
                                                      'user': parts[3].strip(),
                                                      'password': parts[4].strip(),
                                                      'ssl_enabled': ssl_enabled,
                                                      'priority': priority})
            priority += 1

    # get list of dataset_pids and dataset_ids
        datacart = DataCart.objects.get(user=user)
    except DataCart.DoesNotExist:
        datacart = None

    queryDict = getQueryDict(request)
    ids = queryDict.getlist('id')

    dataset_ids = {}
    if datacart:
        for item in datacart.items.all():
            # filter selected datasets only
            if item.identifier in ids:
                dataset_ids[item.identifier.split('|')[0]] = item.getValue('pid')

    # call PID library to generate collection PID
    connector = esgfpid.Connector(handle_prefix=settings.PID_PREFIX,

    pid = connector.create_data_cart_pid(dataset_ids)

    print 'Generated data cart PID for %d datasets: %s' % (len(ids), pid)

    return HttpResponse(json.dumps(pid), content_type="application/json")
Example #7
def search(request, project_short_name):
    Entry point for all search requests (GET/POST).
    Loads project-specific configuration.

    # store this URL at session scope so other pages can reload the last search
    request.session[LAST_SEARCH_URL] = request.get_full_path(
    )  # relative search page URL + optional query string

    fromRedirectFlag = False
    if request.session.get(SEARCH_REDIRECT, None):
        fromRedirectFlag = True
        # remove POST redirect flag from session
        del request.session[SEARCH_REDIRECT]

    # retrieve project from database
    project = get_object_or_404(Project, short_name__iexact=project_short_name)

    # check permission
    if project.private:
        if request.user.is_anonymous():
            return HttpResponseRedirect(
                reverse('login') + "?next=%s" % request.path)
            if not userHasUserPermission(request.user, project):
                return HttpResponseForbidden(PERMISSION_DENIED_MESSAGE)

    config = _getSearchConfig(request, project)
    if config:
        # config.printme()
        # pass on project as extra argument to search
        # also include possible custom template
        return search_config(request,
                                 '%s Data Search' % project.short_name,
                                 getQueryDict(request).get(TEMPLATE, None)
    # search is not configured for this project
        messages = [
            'Searching is not enabled for this project.',
            'Please contact the project administrators for further assistance.'
        return render(request, 'cog/common/message.html', {
            'project': project,
            'messages': messages,
            'title2': 'Data Search'
Example #8
def datacart_wget(request, site_id, user_id):

    # load User object
    user = get_object_or_404(User, pk=user_id)

    # security check
    if not request.user.id != user_id:
        raise Exception("User not authorized to use datacart")

    # retrieve list of selected dataset ids
    queryDict = getQueryDict(request)
    ids = queryDict.getlist('id')

    # map of dataset ids grouped by index node
    response_data = {}

    # loop over datacart items
        datacart = DataCart.objects.get(user=user)
    except DataCart.DoesNotExist:
        datacart = None

    if datacart:
        for item in datacart.items.all():

            # filter selected datasets only
            if item.identifier in ids:

                # group selected dataset by index_node
                index_node = item.getValue('index_node')
                wget_key = index_node
                shard = item.getValue('shard')
                if shard is not None and len(shard.strip()) > 0:
                    wget_key += "|" + shard
                if wget_key not in response_data:
                    response_data[wget_key] = []
    Example response_data:
        u'esgf-node.jpl.nasa.gov|localhost:8982': [u'CMAC.NASA-GSFC.AIRS.mon.v1|esg-datanode.jpl.nasa.gov'], 
        u'esgf-node.jpl.nasa.gov': [u'obs4MIPs.NASA-JPL.QuikSCAT.mon.v1|esgf-node.jpl.nasa.gov'],
    return HttpResponse(json.dumps(response_data),
Example #9
def datacart_wget(request, site_id, user_id):
    # load User object
    user = get_object_or_404(User, pk=user_id)
    # security check
    if not request.user.id != user_id:
        raise Exception("User not authorized to use datacart")
    # retrieve list of selected dataset ids
    queryDict = getQueryDict(request)
    ids = queryDict.getlist('id')
    # map of dataset ids grouped by index node 
    response_data = {}
    # loop over datacart items
        datacart = DataCart.objects.get(user=user)
    except DataCart.DoesNotExist:
        datacart = None

    if datacart:
        for item in datacart.items.all():
            # filter selected datasets only
            if item.identifier in ids:

                # group selected dataset by index_node
                index_node = item.getValue('index_node')
                wget_key = index_node
                shard = item.getValue('shard')
                if shard is not None and len(shard.strip())>0:
                    wget_key += "|" + shard
                if wget_key not in response_data:
                    response_data[wget_key] = []
    Example response_data:
        u'esgf-node.jpl.nasa.gov|localhost:8982': [u'CMAC.NASA-GSFC.AIRS.mon.v1|esg-datanode.jpl.nasa.gov'], 
        u'esgf-node.jpl.nasa.gov': [u'obs4MIPs.NASA-JPL.QuikSCAT.mon.v1|esgf-node.jpl.nasa.gov'],
    return HttpResponse(json.dumps(response_data), content_type='application/json') 
Example #10
def get_openid(request):
    Retrieves the user openid from either the request query string,
    or the request cookies.

    queryDict = getQueryDict(request)
    if queryDict.get('openid', None):
        return queryDict['openid']
    elif request.COOKIES.get('openid', None):
        return request.COOKIES['openid']
        return ''
Example #11
def _getUnsavedProjectSubFolders(project, request):
    Function to create the project top-level sub-folders, in the appropriate state,
    folders = []
    for key, value in TOP_SUB_FOLDERS.items():
        folder = Folder(name=value, project=project, active=False)
        if request is not None and ("folder_%s" % value) in getQueryDict(request).keys():
            folder.active = True
    return folders
Example #12
def get_openid(request):
    Retrieves the user openid from either the request query string,
    or the request cookies.
    queryDict = getQueryDict(request)
    if queryDict.get('openid', None):
        return queryDict['openid']
    elif request.COOKIES.get('openid', None):
        return request.COOKIES['openid']
        return ''
Example #13
def membership_process(request, project_short_name):
    # load project
    project = get_object_or_404(Project, short_name__iexact=project_short_name)
    # check permission
    if not userHasAdminPermission(request.user, project):
        return HttpResponseForbidden(PERMISSION_DENIED_MESSAGE)

    queryDict = getQueryDict(request)
    for (name, value) in queryDict.items():

        if name.startswith(NEW_MEMBERSHIP) or name.startswith(OLD_MEMBERSHIP) or name.startswith(NO_MEMBERSHIP):
            (prefix, group_name, user_id) = name.split(":")
            group = get_object_or_404(Group, name=group_name)
            user = get_object_or_404(User, pk=user_id)
            # HTTP POST parameter from form check-box, all checks are treated as new
            # process checkbox as a new user
            if name.startswith(NEW_MEMBERSHIP):
                status = addMembership(user, group, admin=request.user)

                #only email if user not already a member
                if status == RESULT_SUCCESS:
                    notifyUserOfMembershipGranted(project, group, user, request)

            # process hidden input field that indicates current membership
            # HTTP POST parameter from form hidden field
            # if user has a role, then {{isEnrolled}} turns on the hidden field with value = "on"

            elif name.startswith(OLD_MEMBERSHIP):
                    # don't delete from group if checkbox is still checked  (e.g. new membership)
                    new_membership = queryDict[encodeMembershipPar(NEW_MEMBERSHIP, group.name, user.id)]
                except KeyError:
                    # checkbox is empty, so remove from group
                    status = cancelMembership(user, group, admin=request.user)
                    if status == RESULT_SUCCESS:
                        notifyUserOfGroupRemoval(project, group, user)
            # HTTP GET parameter (when delete link clicked)
            elif name.startswith(NO_MEMBERSHIP):
                # TODO check group here, should remove from all groups
                status = cancelMembership(user, group)
                if status == RESULT_SUCCESS:
                    notifyUserOfGroupRemoval(project, group, user)

    # redirect to the original listing that submitted the processing
    view_name = queryDict['view_name']
    return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse(view_name,
                                        kwargs={'project_short_name': project_short_name})+"?status=success")
Example #14
def pagination_url(request, page_number):
    '''Constructs the previous/next URL for a paginated page including all GET request parameters.'''

    # copy all current GET/POST request parameters
    params = getQueryDict(request).copy()

    # replace/add 'page' parameter
    params['page'] = page_number
    # remove 'csrfmiddlewaretoken' from GET URL
    if params.get('csrfmiddlewaretoken', None):
        del params['csrfmiddlewaretoken']

    # build full URL
    return '%s?%s' % (request.path, params.urlencode())
Example #15
def _getUnsavedProjectSubFolders(project, request):
    Function to create the project top-level sub-folders, in the appropriate state,

    folders = []
    for key, value in TOP_SUB_FOLDERS.items():
        folder = Folder(name=value, project=project, active=False)
        if request is not None and ("folder_%s" %
                                    value) in getQueryDict(request).keys():
            folder.active = True
    return folders
Example #16
def pagination_url(request, page_number):
    '''Constructs the previous/next URL for a paginated page including all GET request parameters.'''
    # copy all current GET/POST request parameters
    params = getQueryDict(request).copy()
    # replace/add 'page' parameter
    params['page'] = page_number
    # remove 'csrfmiddlewaretoken' from GET URL
    if params.get('csrfmiddlewaretoken', None):
        del params['csrfmiddlewaretoken'] 
    # build full URL
    return '%s?%s' %  (request.path, params.urlencode())
Example #17
def _buildSearchInputFromHttpRequest(request, searchConfig):
    """Assembles the search input from the HTTP request only (NO project fixed constraints yet)."""
    queryDict = getQueryDict(request)
    # populate input with search constraints from HTTP request
    # only use facet keys from project configuration
    searchInput = SearchInput()
    for facetGroup in searchConfig.facetProfile.facetGroups:
        for key in facetGroup.getKeys():
            if queryDict.get(key, None):
                for value in queryDict.getlist(key):
                    if value:
                        searchInput.addConstraint(key, value)
    # text
    if queryDict.get('query', None):
        searchInput.query = queryDict['query']
    # type
    if queryDict.get('type', None):
        searchInput.type = queryDict['type']
    # replica=True/False
    if queryDict.get('replica', None) == 'on':
        searchInput.replica = True
    # latest=True/False
    if queryDict.get('latest', None) == 'on':
        searchInput.latest = False
    # local=True/False + replica=True
    if queryDict.get('local', None) == 'on':
        searchInput.local = True
        searchInput.replica = True # NEW: local search ALWAYS implies ALL replicas

    # offset, limit
    if queryDict.get('offset', 0):
        searchInput.offset = int(queryDict['offset'])
    if queryDict.get('limit', 0):
        searchInput.limit = int(queryDict['limit'])
    # max_version, min_version
    # NOTE: implies search on All Versions ( searchInput.latest = False )
    if queryDict.get('max_version', ''):
        searchInput.max_version = queryDict['max_version'].strip()
        searchInput.latest = False
    if queryDict.get('min_version', ''):
        searchInput.min_version = queryDict['min_version'].strip()
        searchInput.latest = False

    return searchInput
Example #18
def _buildSearchInputFromHttpRequest(request, searchConfig):
    """Assembles the search input from the HTTP request only (NO project fixed constraints yet)."""

    queryDict = getQueryDict(request)

    # populate input with search constraints from HTTP request
    # only use facet keys from project configuration
    searchInput = SearchInput()
    for facetGroup in searchConfig.facetProfile.facetGroups:
        for key in facetGroup.getKeys():
            if queryDict.get(key, None):
                for value in queryDict.getlist(key):
                    if value:
                        searchInput.addConstraint(key, value)

    # text
    if queryDict.get('query', None):
        searchInput.query = queryDict['query']
    # type
    if queryDict.get('type', None):
        searchInput.type = queryDict['type']
    # replica=True/False
    if queryDict.get('replica', None) == 'on':
        searchInput.replica = True
    # latest=True/False
    if queryDict.get('latest', None) == 'on':
        searchInput.latest = False
    # local=True/False + replica=True
    if queryDict.get('local', None) == 'on':
        searchInput.local = True
        searchInput.replica = True  # NEW: local search ALWAYS implies ALL replicas

    # offset, limit
    if queryDict.get('offset', 0):
        searchInput.offset = int(queryDict['offset'])
    if queryDict.get('limit', 0):
        searchInput.limit = int(queryDict['limit'])

    # max_version, min_version
    # NOTE: implies search on All Versions ( searchInput.latest = False )
    if queryDict.get('max_version', ''):
        searchInput.max_version = queryDict['max_version'].strip()
        searchInput.latest = False
    if queryDict.get('min_version', ''):
        searchInput.min_version = queryDict['min_version'].strip()
        searchInput.latest = False

    return searchInput
Example #19
def admin_users(request):

    # optional parameters (via GET or POST)
    queryDict = getQueryDict(request)
    sortby = queryDict.get('sortby', 'username')  # default to sort by 'username'
    match = queryDict.get('match', None)

    if match:
        users = getAdminUsersThatMatch(match, sortby=sortby)
        users = User.objects.all().order_by(sortby)  

    title = 'List System/Node Users'
    return render(request,
                  {'users': paginate(users, request, max_counts_per_page=50), 'title': title})
Example #20
def admin_users(request):

    # optional parameters (via GET or POST)
    queryDict = getQueryDict(request)
    sortby = queryDict.get('sortby',
                           'username')  # default to sort by 'username'
    match = queryDict.get('match', None)

    if match:
        users = getAdminUsersThatMatch(match, sortby=sortby)
        users = User.objects.all().order_by(sortby)

    title = 'List System/Node Users'
    return render(request, 'cog/admin/admin_users.html', {
        'users': paginate(users, request, max_counts_per_page=50),
        'title': title
Example #21
def membership_list_all(request, project_short_name):
    # load project
    project = get_object_or_404(Project, short_name__iexact=project_short_name)
    # check permission
    if not userHasAdminPermission(request.user, project):
        return HttpResponseForbidden(PERMISSION_DENIED_MESSAGE)
    # load all users - that match...
    match = getQueryDict(request).get('match', None) # works for GET or POST
    if match:
        users = getUsersThatMatch(match)
        users = User.objects.all().order_by('last_name')  
    title = 'Assign Project Members From "List Of All Node Users"'
    view_name = 'membership_list_all'
    return render_membership_page(request, project, users, title, view_name)
Example #22
def search(request, project_short_name):
    Entry point for all search requests (GET/POST).
    Loads project-specific configuration.
    # store this URL at session scope so other pages can reload the last search
    request.session[LAST_SEARCH_URL] = request.get_full_path()  # relative search page URL + optional query string
    fromRedirectFlag = False
    if request.session.get(SEARCH_REDIRECT, None):
        fromRedirectFlag = True
        # remove POST redirect flag from session
        del request.session[SEARCH_REDIRECT]

    # retrieve project from database
    project = get_object_or_404(Project, short_name__iexact=project_short_name)
    # check permission
    if project.private:
        if request.user.is_anonymous():
            return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('login')+"?next=%s" % request.path)
            if not userHasUserPermission(request.user, project):
                return HttpResponseForbidden(PERMISSION_DENIED_MESSAGE)
    config = _getSearchConfig(request, project)
    if config:        
        # config.printme()
        # pass on project as extra argument to search
        # also include possible custom template
        return search_config(request, config, extra={'project': project, 
                                                     'title2': '%s Data Search'% project.short_name,
                                                     'template':getQueryDict(request).get(TEMPLATE,None) },
    # search is not configured for this project
        messages = ['Searching is not enabled for this project.',
                    'Please contact the project administrators for further assistance.']
        return render(request,
                      {'project': project, 'messages': messages, 'title2': 'Data Search'})
Example #23
def save_user_tag(request):

    # POST: when local user submits form, GET: when remote user is redirected to this node
    if request.method == 'POST' or request.method == 'GET':

        # retrieve tag
        queryDict = getQueryDict(request)
        tagName = queryDict['tag']
        redirect = queryDict['redirect']
        print 'Saving user tag: %s' % tagName
        print 'Eventually redirecting to: %s' % redirect

        if isUserLocal(request.user):
                tag = ProjectTag.objects.get(name__iexact=tagName)
            except ObjectDoesNotExist:
                tag = ProjectTag.objects.create(name=tagName)
                print 'Created new tag: %s' % tag

            # add this tag to the user preferences
            utags = request.user.profile.tags
            if tag not in utags.all():
                print 'Tag: %s added to user: %s' % (tagName, request.user)

            # set session flag to preselect a tab
            request.session['PROJECT_BROWSER_TAB'] = 3
            return HttpResponseRedirect(redirect)

        # redirect request to user home node
            url = "http://%s%s?tag=%s&redirect=%s" % (
                request.user.profile.site.domain, reverse('save_user_tag'),
                tagName, redirect)
            print 'Redirecting save request to URL=%s' % url
            # set session flag to eventually force reloading of user tags
            request.session['LAST_ACCESSED'] = 0
            # also set session flag to preselect a tab
            request.session['PROJECT_BROWSER_TAB'] = 3
            return HttpResponseRedirect(url)
Example #24
def save_user_tag(request):
    # POST: when local user submits form, GET: when remote user is redirected to this node
    if request.method == 'POST' or request.method == 'GET':
        # retrieve tag
        queryDict = getQueryDict(request)
        tagName = queryDict['tag']
        redirect = queryDict['redirect']
        print 'Saving user tag: %s' % tagName
        print 'Eventually redirecting to: %s' % redirect
        if isUserLocal(request.user):
                tag = ProjectTag.objects.get(name__iexact=tagName)
            except ObjectDoesNotExist:
                tag = ProjectTag.objects.create(name=tagName)
                print 'Created new tag: %s' % tag

            # add this tag to the user preferences
            utags = request.user.profile.tags
            if tag not in utags.all():
                print 'Tag: %s added to user: %s' % (tagName, request.user)

            # set session flag to preselect a tab
            request.session['PROJECT_BROWSER_TAB'] = 3                
            return HttpResponseRedirect(redirect)
        # redirect request to user home node
            url = "http://%s%s?tag=%s&redirect=%s" % (request.user.profile.site.domain, reverse('save_user_tag'),
                                                      tagName, redirect)
            print 'Redirecting save request to URL=%s' % url
            # set session flag to eventually force reloading of user tags
            request.session['LAST_ACCESSED'] = 0
            # also set session flag to preselect a tab
            request.session['PROJECT_BROWSER_TAB'] = 3
            return HttpResponseRedirect(url)
Example #25
def doc_remove(request, doc_id):
    # retrieve document from database
    doc = get_object_or_404(Doc, pk=doc_id)
    project = doc.project
    # check permission
    if not userHasContributorPermission(request.user, project):
        return HttpResponseForbidden(PERMISSION_DENIED_MESSAGE)
    # delete doc altogether
    # redirect to original page, or to project home if not found
    redirect = getQueryDict(request).get('redirect', None)
    if redirect is None:
        redirect = reverse('project_home', kwargs={'project_short_name': project.short_name.lower()})
    # redirect to project home page
    #return HttpResponseRedirect( reverse('doc_list', kwargs={'project_short_name': project.short_name.lower() } ) ) 
    return HttpResponseRedirect(redirect)
Example #26
def doc_remove(request, doc_id):

    # retrieve document from database
    doc = get_object_or_404(Doc, pk=doc_id)
    project = doc.project

    # check permission
    if not userHasContributorPermission(request.user, project):
        return HttpResponseForbidden(PERMISSION_DENIED_MESSAGE)

    # delete doc altogether

    # redirect to original page, or to project home if not found
    redirect = getQueryDict(request).get('redirect', None)
    if redirect is None:
        redirect = reverse(
            kwargs={'project_short_name': project.short_name.lower()})

    # redirect to project home page
    #return HttpResponseRedirect( reverse('doc_list', kwargs={'project_short_name': project.short_name.lower() } ) )
    return HttpResponseRedirect(redirect)
Example #27
def membership_list_enrolled(request, project_short_name):
    # load project
    project = get_object_or_404(Project, short_name__iexact=project_short_name)
    # check permission
    if not userHasAdminPermission(request.user, project):
        return HttpResponseForbidden(PERMISSION_DENIED_MESSAGE)
    # optional 'match' argument
    match = getQueryDict(request).get('match', None) # works for GET or POST
    if match:
        # filter all users by 'match'
        _users = getUsersThatMatch(match)
        # filter all users by project
        users = [user for user in _users if (user in project.getUserGroup().user_set.all() 
                                             or user in project.getAdminGroup().user_set.all())]     
        users = list(project.getUsers())
    title = '%s Current Users' % project.short_name
    view_name = 'membership_list_enrolled'
    return render_membership_page(request, project, users, title, view_name)
Example #28
def datacart_pid(request, site_id, user_id):

    # check User object
    user = get_object_or_404(User, pk=user_id)

    # security check
    if not request.user.id != user_id:
        raise Exception("User not authorized to modify datacart")

    pid_messaging_service_credentials = []
    priority = 1
    for cred in settings.PID_CREDENTIALS:
        parts = cred.split('|')

        if len(parts) == 6:

            ssl_enabled = False
            if parts[5].strip().upper() == 'TRUE':
                ssl_enabled = True

            priority += 1

    # get list of dataset_pids and dataset_ids
        datacart = DataCart.objects.get(user=user)
    except DataCart.DoesNotExist:
        datacart = None

    queryDict = getQueryDict(request)
    ids = queryDict.getlist('id')

    dataset_ids = {}
    if datacart:
        for item in datacart.items.all():
            # filter selected datasets only
            if item.identifier in ids:
                dataset_ids[item.identifier.split('|')[0]] = item.getValue(

    # call PID library to generate collection PID
    connector = esgfpid.Connector(

    pid = connector.create_data_cart_pid(dataset_ids)

    print 'Generated data cart PID for %d datasets: %s' % (len(ids), pid)

    return HttpResponse(json.dumps(pid), content_type="application/json")
Example #29
def download(request):
	View that initiates the Globus download workflow by collecting and optionally sub-selecting the GridFTP URLs to be downloaded.
	This view can be invoked via GET (link from search page, one dataset only) or POST (link from data cart page, multiple datasets at once).
	Example URL: http://localhost:8000/globus/download/
	             ?dataset=obs4MIPs.NASA-JPL.AIRS.mon.v1%[email protected],obs4MIPs.NASA-JPL.MLS.mon.v1%[email protected]
	# retrieve request parameters
	datasets = getQueryDict(request).get('dataset','').split(",")
	# optional query filter
	query = getQueryDict(request).get('query',None)
	# maximum number of files to query for, if specified
	limit = request.GET.get('limit', DOWNLOAD_LIMIT)
	# map of (data_node, list of GridFTP URLs to download)
	download_map = {}
	# loop over requested datasets
	for dataset in datasets:
		# query each index_node for all files belonging to that dataset
		(dataset_id, index_node) = str(dataset).split('@')
		params = [ ('type',"File"), ('dataset_id',dataset_id),
				   ('offset','0'), ('limit',limit), ('fields','url'), ("format", "application/solr+json") ]
		if query is not None and len(query.strip())>0:
			params.append( ('query', query) )
		# optional shard
		shard = request.GET.get('shard', '')
		if shard is not None and len(shard.strip()) > 0:
			params.append(('shards', shard+"/solr"))  # '&shards=localhost:8982/solr'
			params.append(("distrib", "false"))

		url = "http://"+index_node+"/esg-search/search?"+urllib.urlencode(params)
		print 'Searching for files at URL: %s' % url
		jobj = getJson(url)
		# parse response for GridFTP URls
		if jobj is not None:
			for doc in jobj['response']['docs']:
				access = {}
				for url in doc['url']:
					# example URLs:
					# 'http://esg-datanode.jpl.nasa.gov/thredds/fileServer/esg_dataroot/obs4MIPs/observations/atmos/husNobs/mon/grid/NASA-JPL/AIRS/v20110608/husNobs_AIRS_L3_RetStd-v5_200209-201105.nc|application/netcdf|HTTPServer'
					# 'http://esg-datanode.jpl.nasa.gov/thredds/dodsC/esg_dataroot/obs4MIPs/observations/atmos/husNobs/mon/grid/NASA-JPL/AIRS/v20110608/husNobs_AIRS_L3_RetStd-v5_200209-201105.nc.html|application/opendap-html|OPENDAP'
					# 'globus:8a3f3166-e9dc-11e5-97d6-22000b9da45e//esg_dataroot/obs4MIPs/observations/atmos/husNobs/mon/grid/NASA-JPL/AIRS/v20110608/husNobs_AIRS_L3_RetStd-v5_200209-201105.nc|Globus|Globus'
					# 'gsiftp://esg-datanode.jpl.nasa.gov:2811//esg_dataroot/obs4MIPs/observations/atmos/husNobs/mon/grid/NASA-JPL/AIRS/v20110608/husNobs_AIRS_L3_RetStd-v5_200209-201105.nc|application/gridftp|GridFTP'
					parts = url.split('|')
					access[parts[2].lower()] = parts[0]
				if 'globus' in access:
					m = re.match('globus:([^/]*)(.*)', access['globus'])
					if m:
						gendpoint_name = m.group(1)
						path = m.group(2)
						if not gendpoint_name in download_map:
							download_map[gendpoint_name] = [] # insert empty list of paths
					print 'The file is not accessible through Globus'
			return HttpResponseServerError("Error querying for files URL")
	# store map in session
	request.session[GLOBUS_DOWNLOAD_MAP] = download_map
	print 'Stored Globus Download Map=%s at session scope' % download_map
	# redirect after post (to display page)
	return HttpResponseRedirect( reverse('globus_transfer') )
Example #30
def getHttpParamValue(request, name):
    '''Retrieves an HTTP parameter value from either the GET or POST request dictionary.'''
    return getQueryDict(request).get(name, '')
Example #31
def post_update(request, post_id):
    # retrieve post object from database
    post = get_object_or_404(Post, pk=post_id)
    # check permission
    if not userCanPost(request.user, post):
        return HttpResponseForbidden(PERMISSION_DENIED_MESSAGE)
    # check lock
    lock = getLock(post)
    if isLockedOut(request.user, lock):
        return getPostIsLockedRedirect(request, post.project, post, lock)
    if request.method == 'GET':
        # create/renew lock
        lock = createLock(post, request.user)
        # extract page partial URL
        if post.type == Post.TYPE_PAGE:
            post.url = get_project_page_sub_url(post.project, post.url)
        # create form object from model
        form = PostForm(post.type, post.project, instance=post)
        return render_post_form(request, form, post.project, post.type, lock=lock)
        # update existing database model with form data
        form = PostForm(post.type, post.project, request.POST, instance=post)

        # check versions       
        queryDict = getQueryDict(request)
        if post.version != int(queryDict.get('version', -1)):
            print 'database version=%s form version=%s' % (post.version, queryDict.get('version', -1))
            return getLostLockRedirect(request, post.project, post, lock)

        #print "1 PAGE URL=%s" % form.data['url']
        if form.is_valid():
            # TODO: if hit cancel, form does not render, what is missing from save?

            # build instance from form data
            post = form.save(commit=False)
            form_data = form.clean()

            if form_data.get("save_only"):

                # save instance
                return render_post_form(request, form, post.project, post.type, lock=lock)
                # increment version
                post.version += 1
                # rebuild full page URL
                if post.type == Post.TYPE_PAGE:
                    post.url = get_project_page_full_url(post.project, post.url)

                # change the author to the last editor
                post.author = request.user

                # update date
                post.update_date = now()

                # save instance

                # create project-topic relation if not existing already
                if post.topic is not None:
                    createProjectTopicIfNotExisting(post.project, post.topic)

                # release lock

                # send post update signal

                # redirect to post (GET-POST-REDIRECT)
                if post.type != Post.TYPE_HYPERLINK:
                    return redirect_to_post(request, post)
                # or to project home page
                    return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('project_home', args=[post.project.short_name.lower()]))

            print form.errors
            return render_post_form(request, form, post.project, post.type, lock=lock)
Example #32
def search_post(request, searchInput, searchConfig, extra={}):
    View that processes a search POST request.
    Stores results in session, together with special SEARCH_REDIRECT session flag.
    Then redirects to the search GET URL.
    facetProfile = searchConfig.facetProfile
    searchService = searchConfig.searchService
    queryDict = getQueryDict(request)
    # validate user input
    (valid, error_message) = searchInput.isValid()
    if valid:
        # add project fixed constraints
        print 'Search POST: adding fixed project constraints'
        _searchInput = _addConfigConstraints(searchInput, searchConfig)
        # set retrieval of all facets in profile
        _searchInput.facets = facetProfile.getAllKeys()
        # execute query for results, facets
            (url, xml) = searchService.search(_searchInput)
            searchOutput = deserialize(xml, facetProfile)
            # searchOutput.printme()
            # initialize new session data from extra argument dictionary
            data = extra
            data[SEARCH_INPUT] = searchInput  # IMPORTANT: store in session the ORIGINAL search input WITHOUT project constraints
            data[SEARCH_OUTPUT] = searchOutput
            data[SEARCH_URL] = url
            data[FACET_PROFILE] = facetProfile
            # data[FACET_PROFILE] = sorted( facetProfile.getKeys() )  # sort facets by key
        except HTTPError:
            print "HTTP Request Error"
            data = request.session[SEARCH_DATA]
            data[SEARCH_INPUT] = searchInput

            data[ERROR_MESSAGE] = "Error: search may not be properly configured. Contact the Project " \
    # invalid user input
        print "Invalid Search Input"
        # re-use previous data (output, profile and any extra argument) from session
        data = request.session[SEARCH_DATA]
        # override search input from request
        data[SEARCH_INPUT] = searchInput
        # add error
        data[ERROR_MESSAGE] = error_message
    # store data in session 
    request.session[SEARCH_DATA] = data
    # update search path
    sp = request.session.get(SEARCH_PATH, [])
    # for key, values in searchInput.constraints.items():
    # note: request parameters do NOT include the project fixed constraints
    req_constraints = []  # latest constraints from request
    for key, value in queryDict.items():
        if not key in SEARCH_PATH_EXCLUDE and value != 'on':  # value from 'checkbox_...'
            if value is not None and len(value) > 0:  # disregard empty facet
                print 'key=%s value=%s' % (key, value)
                constraint = (key, value)     
                if not constraint in sp:
    # remove obsolete constraints
    sp = [item for item in sp if item in req_constraints]
    request.session[SEARCH_PATH] = sp
    # use POST-REDIRECT-GET pattern
    # flag the redirect in session
    request.session[SEARCH_REDIRECT] = True
    #return HttpResponseRedirect(request.get_full_path())  # relative search page URL + optional query string
    # GET redirect
    if extra.get(TEMPLATE, None):
        return HttpResponseRedirect(request.get_full_path()) # keep the query parameters
        return HttpResponseRedirect(request.path) # remove query parameters
Example #33
def post_add(request, project_short_name, owner=None):
    View to create a Post object within a context project.
    Optionally, an owner object can be specified, which is assigned a reference to the newly created Post
    through its method .setPost(Post)

    # load project
    project = get_object_or_404(Project, short_name__iexact=project_short_name)

    # check permission
    if not userHasContributorPermission(request.user, project):
        return HttpResponseForbidden(PERMISSION_DENIED_MESSAGE)

    # retrieve type
    postType = getQueryDict(request).get('type')

    if request.method == 'GET':

        # create empty Post object, pre-populate project and type
        post = Post()
        post.project = project
        post.type = postType

        # optionally assign parent Post
        parent_id = request.GET.get('parent_id', None)
        if parent_id:
            ppost = get_object_or_404(Post, pk=parent_id)
            post.parent = ppost
            post.topic = ppost.topic

        # set fixed fields for hyperlinks
        #if postType == Post.TYPE_HYPERLINK:
        #    post.template = None
        #    post.is_private = False
        #    post.is_restricted = False

        # create form from instance
        # note extra argument project to customize the queryset!
        form = PostForm(postType, project, instance=post)
        return render_post_form(request, form, project, postType)

        # create form object from form data
        form = PostForm(postType, project, request.POST)
        if form.is_valid():
            # create a new post object but don't save it to the database yet
            post = form.save(commit=False)
            # modify the post object
            post.author = request.user
            # update date
            post.update_date = now()

            # page: build full page URL
            if post.type == Post.TYPE_PAGE:
                post.url = get_project_page_full_url(project, post.url)
            elif post.type != Post.TYPE_HYPERLINK:
                # assign temporary value before object id is assigned
                post.url = datetime.now()
            # assign post order, if top-level
            # note that the post.topic may be None
            if post.parent is None:
                pages = Post.objects.filter(project=project).filter(topic=post.topic).filter(parent=None).\
                    filter(Q(type=Post.TYPE_PAGE) | Q(type=Post.TYPE_HYPERLINK)).order_by('order')
                post.order = len(pages) + 1
                post.order = 0
            # save post object to the database (GET-POST-REDIRECT)
            # assign post URL and save again
            if post.type == Post.TYPE_BLOG or post.type == Post.TYPE_NOTES:
                post.url = reverse('post_detail', args=[post.id])

            # create project-topic relation if not existing already
            if post.topic is not None:
                createProjectTopicIfNotExisting(project, post.topic)

            # assign this reference to owner
            if owner is not None:

            # send post update signal

            # redirect to post (GET-POST-REDIRECT)
            if post.type != Post.TYPE_HYPERLINK:
                return redirect_to_post(request, post)
            # or to project home page
                return HttpResponseRedirect(
                    reverse('project_home', args=[project_short_name.lower()]))

        # invalid data
            print form.errors
            return render_post_form(request, form, project, postType)
Example #34
def post_update(request, post_id):

    # retrieve post object from database
    post = get_object_or_404(Post, pk=post_id)

    # check permission
    if not userCanPost(request.user, post):
        return HttpResponseForbidden(PERMISSION_DENIED_MESSAGE)

    # check lock
    lock = getLock(post)
    if isLockedOut(request.user, lock):
        return getPostIsLockedRedirect(request, post.project, post, lock)

    if request.method == 'GET':

        # create/renew lock
        lock = createLock(post, request.user)

        # extract page partial URL
        if post.type == Post.TYPE_PAGE:
            post.url = get_project_page_sub_url(post.project, post.url)

        # create form object from model
        form = PostForm(post.type, post.project, instance=post)

        return render_post_form(request,


        # update existing database model with form data
        form = PostForm(post.type, post.project, request.POST, instance=post)

        # check versions
        queryDict = getQueryDict(request)
        if post.version != int(queryDict.get('version', -1)):
            print 'database version=%s form version=%s' % (
                post.version, queryDict.get('version', -1))
            return getLostLockRedirect(request, post.project, post, lock)

        #print "1 PAGE URL=%s" % form.data['url']
        if form.is_valid():
            # TODO: if hit cancel, form does not render, what is missing from save?

            # build instance from form data
            post = form.save(commit=False)
            form_data = form.clean()

            if form_data.get("save_only"):

                # save instance
                return render_post_form(request,
                # increment version
                post.version += 1

                # rebuild full page URL
                if post.type == Post.TYPE_PAGE:
                    post.url = get_project_page_full_url(
                        post.project, post.url)

                # change the author to the last editor
                post.author = request.user

                # update date
                post.update_date = now()

                # save instance

                # create project-topic relation if not existing already
                if post.topic is not None:
                    createProjectTopicIfNotExisting(post.project, post.topic)

                # release lock

                # send post update signal

                # redirect to post (GET-POST-REDIRECT)
                if post.type != Post.TYPE_HYPERLINK:
                    return redirect_to_post(request, post)
                # or to project home page
                    return HttpResponseRedirect(

            print form.errors
            return render_post_form(request,
Example #35
def download(request):
	View that initiates the Globus download workflow by collecting and optionally sub-selecting the GridFTP URLs to be downloaded.
	This view can be invoked via GET (link from search page, one dataset only) or POST (link from data cart page, multiple datasets at once).
	Example URL: http://localhost:8000/globus/download/
	             ?dataset=obs4MIPs.NASA-JPL.AIRS.mon.v1%[email protected],obs4MIPs.NASA-JPL.MLS.mon.v1%[email protected]

    # retrieve request parameters
    datasets = getQueryDict(request).get('dataset', '').split(",")
    # optional query filter
    query = getQueryDict(request).get('query', None)
    # maximum number of files to query for, if specified
    limit = request.GET.get('limit', DOWNLOAD_LIMIT)

    # map of (data_node, list of GridFTP URLs to download)
    download_map = {}

    # loop over requested datasets
    for dataset in datasets:

        # query each index_node for all files belonging to that dataset
        (dataset_id, index_node) = str(dataset).split('@')

        params = [('type', "File"), ('dataset_id', dataset_id),
                  ('offset', '0'), ('limit', limit), ('fields', 'url'),
                  ("format", "application/solr+json")]

        if query is not None and len(query.strip()) > 0:
            params.append(('query', query))

        # optional shard
        shard = request.GET.get('shard', '')
        if shard is not None and len(shard.strip()) > 0:
                ('shards', shard + "/solr"))  # '&shards=localhost:8982/solr'
            params.append(("distrib", "false"))

        url = "http://" + index_node + "/esg-search/search?" + urllib.urlencode(
        print 'Searching for files at URL: %s' % url
        jobj = getJson(url)

        # parse response for GridFTP URls
        if jobj is not None:
            for doc in jobj['response']['docs']:
                access = {}
                for url in doc['url']:
                    # example URLs:
                    # 'http://esg-datanode.jpl.nasa.gov/thredds/fileServer/esg_dataroot/obs4MIPs/observations/atmos/husNobs/mon/grid/NASA-JPL/AIRS/v20110608/husNobs_AIRS_L3_RetStd-v5_200209-201105.nc|application/netcdf|HTTPServer'
                    # 'http://esg-datanode.jpl.nasa.gov/thredds/dodsC/esg_dataroot/obs4MIPs/observations/atmos/husNobs/mon/grid/NASA-JPL/AIRS/v20110608/husNobs_AIRS_L3_RetStd-v5_200209-201105.nc.html|application/opendap-html|OPENDAP'
                    # 'globus:8a3f3166-e9dc-11e5-97d6-22000b9da45e//esg_dataroot/obs4MIPs/observations/atmos/husNobs/mon/grid/NASA-JPL/AIRS/v20110608/husNobs_AIRS_L3_RetStd-v5_200209-201105.nc|Globus|Globus'
                    # 'gsiftp://esg-datanode.jpl.nasa.gov:2811//esg_dataroot/obs4MIPs/observations/atmos/husNobs/mon/grid/NASA-JPL/AIRS/v20110608/husNobs_AIRS_L3_RetStd-v5_200209-201105.nc|application/gridftp|GridFTP'
                    parts = url.split('|')
                    access[parts[2].lower()] = parts[0]
                if 'globus' in access:
                    m = re.match('globus:([^/]*)(.*)', access['globus'])
                    if m:
                        gendpoint_name = m.group(1)
                        path = m.group(2)
                        if not gendpoint_name in download_map:
                            download_map[gendpoint_name] = [
                            ]  # insert empty list of paths
                    print 'The file is not accessible through Globus'
            return HttpResponseServerError("Error querying for files URL")

    # store map in session
    request.session[GLOBUS_DOWNLOAD_MAP] = download_map
    print 'Stored Globus Download Map=%s at session scope' % download_map

    # redirect after post (to display page)
    return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('globus_transfer'))
Example #36
def search_post(request, searchInput, searchConfig, extra={}):
    View that processes a search POST request.
    Stores results in session, together with special SEARCH_REDIRECT session flag.
    Then redirects to the search GET URL.

    facetProfile = searchConfig.facetProfile
    searchService = searchConfig.searchService
    queryDict = getQueryDict(request)

    # validate user input
    (valid, error_message) = searchInput.isValid()
    if valid:

        # add project fixed constraints
        print 'Search POST: adding fixed project constraints'
        _searchInput = _addConfigConstraints(searchInput, searchConfig)

        # set retrieval of all facets in profile
        _searchInput.facets = facetProfile.getAllKeys()

        # execute query for results, facets
            (url, xml) = searchService.search(_searchInput)
            searchOutput = deserialize(xml, facetProfile)
            # searchOutput.printme()

            # initialize new session data from extra argument dictionary
            data = extra
                SEARCH_INPUT] = searchInput  # IMPORTANT: store in session the ORIGINAL search input WITHOUT project constraints
            data[SEARCH_OUTPUT] = searchOutput
            data[SEARCH_URL] = url
            data[FACET_PROFILE] = facetProfile
            # data[FACET_PROFILE] = sorted( facetProfile.getKeys() )  # sort facets by key

        except HTTPError:
            print "HTTP Request Error"
            data = request.session[SEARCH_DATA]
            data[SEARCH_INPUT] = searchInput

            data[ERROR_MESSAGE] = "Error: search may not be properly configured. Contact the Project " \
    # invalid user input
        print "Invalid Search Input"
        # re-use previous data (output, profile and any extra argument) from session
        data = request.session[SEARCH_DATA]
        # override search input from request
        data[SEARCH_INPUT] = searchInput
        # add error
        data[ERROR_MESSAGE] = error_message

    # store data in session
    request.session[SEARCH_DATA] = data

    # update search path
    sp = request.session.get(SEARCH_PATH, [])
    # for key, values in searchInput.constraints.items():
    # note: request parameters do NOT include the project fixed constraints
    req_constraints = []  # latest constraints from request
    for key, value in queryDict.items():
        if not key in SEARCH_PATH_EXCLUDE and value != 'on':  # value from 'checkbox_...'
            if value is not None and len(value) > 0:  # disregard empty facet
                print 'key=%s value=%s' % (key, value)
                constraint = (key, value)
                if not constraint in sp:

    # remove obsolete constraints
    sp = [item for item in sp if item in req_constraints]
    request.session[SEARCH_PATH] = sp

    # use POST-REDIRECT-GET pattern
    # flag the redirect in session
    request.session[SEARCH_REDIRECT] = True
    #return HttpResponseRedirect(request.get_full_path())  # relative search page URL + optional query string

    # GET redirect
    if extra.get(TEMPLATE, None):
        return HttpResponseRedirect(
            request.get_full_path())  # keep the query parameters
        return HttpResponseRedirect(request.path)  # remove query parameters
Example #37
def getHttpParamValue(request, name):
    '''Retrieves an HTTP parameter value from either the GET or POST request dictionary.'''

    return getQueryDict(request).get(name, '')
Example #38
def post_add(request, project_short_name, owner=None):
    View to create a Post object within a context project.
    Optionally, an owner object can be specified, which is assigned a reference to the newly created Post
    through its method .setPost(Post)
    # load project
    project = get_object_or_404(Project, short_name__iexact=project_short_name)
    # check permission
    if not userHasContributorPermission(request.user, project):
        return HttpResponseForbidden(PERMISSION_DENIED_MESSAGE)

    # retrieve type
    postType = getQueryDict(request).get('type')
    if request.method == 'GET':
        # create empty Post object, pre-populate project and type
        post = Post()
        post.project = project
        post.type = postType
        # optionally assign parent Post
        parent_id = request.GET.get('parent_id', None)
        if parent_id:
            ppost = get_object_or_404(Post, pk=parent_id)
            post.parent = ppost
            post.topic = ppost.topic
        # set fixed fields for hyperlinks
        #if postType == Post.TYPE_HYPERLINK:
        #    post.template = None
        #    post.is_private = False
        #    post.is_restricted = False
        # create form from instance
        # note extra argument project to customize the queryset!
        form = PostForm(postType, project, instance=post)
        return render_post_form(request, form, project, postType)
        # create form object from form data
        form = PostForm(postType, project, request.POST)
        if form.is_valid():
            # create a new post object but don't save it to the database yet
            post = form.save(commit=False)
            # modify the post object
            post.author = request.user
            # update date 
            post.update_date = now()

            # page: build full page URL
            if post.type == Post.TYPE_PAGE:
                post.url = get_project_page_full_url(project, post.url)
            elif post.type != Post.TYPE_HYPERLINK:
                # assign temporary value before object id is assigned
                post.url = datetime.now()
            # assign post order, if top-level
            # note that the post.topic may be None
            if post.parent is None:
                pages = Post.objects.filter(project=project).filter(topic=post.topic).filter(parent=None).\
                    filter(Q(type=Post.TYPE_PAGE) | Q(type=Post.TYPE_HYPERLINK)).order_by('order')
                post.order = len(pages)+1
                post.order = 0
            # save post object to the database (GET-POST-REDIRECT)
            # assign post URL and save again
            if post.type == Post.TYPE_BLOG or post.type == Post.TYPE_NOTES:
                post.url = reverse('post_detail', args=[post.id])
            # create project-topic relation if not existing already
            if post.topic is not None:
                createProjectTopicIfNotExisting(project, post.topic)
            # assign this reference to owner
            if owner is not None:
            # send post update signal
            # redirect to post (GET-POST-REDIRECT)
            if post.type != Post.TYPE_HYPERLINK:
                return redirect_to_post(request, post)
            # or to project home page
                return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('project_home', args=[project_short_name.lower()]))
        # invalid data
            print form.errors
            return render_post_form(request, form, project, postType)