def test_unlink_subtree_parents(): assets = [ Asset(id=1), Asset(id=2, parent_id=1), Asset(external_id="ext_1"), Asset(external_id="ext_2", parent_external_id="ext_1", metadata={}), ] original_parent_ids = [asset.parent_id for asset in assets] original_parent_external_ids = [ asset.parent_external_id for asset in assets ] subtree_root_ids = [2] subtree_root_external_ids = ["ext_2"] unlink_subtree_parents(assets, subtree_ids=subtree_root_ids, subtree_external_ids=subtree_root_external_ids) for i, asset in enumerate(assets): if in subtree_root_ids or asset.external_id in subtree_root_external_ids: assert asset.parent_id is None assert asset.parent_external_id is None assert asset.metadata.get( "_replicatedOriginalParentId") == original_parent_ids[i] assert asset.metadata.get("_replicatedOriginalParentExternalId" ) == original_parent_external_ids[i] else: assert asset.parent_id == original_parent_ids[i] assert asset.parent_external_id == original_parent_external_ids[i]
def test_create_hierarchy_without_dst_list(): with monkeypatch_cognite_client() as client: runtime = time.time() * 1000 assets_src = [ Asset( id=3, name="Queen", external_id="Queen in the Kingdom", metadata={}, description="Married to the King" ), Asset(id=7, name="Prince", parent_id=3, external_id="Future King", metadata={}), Asset(id=5, name="Princess", parent_id=3, metadata={}), ]
def test_find_children(): assets = [ Asset(id=3, name="holy grenade", metadata={}), Asset(id=7, name="not holy grenade", parent_id=3, metadata={}), Asset(id=5, name="in-holy grenade", parent_id=7, metadata={"source": "None"}), ] parents = find_children(assets, [None]) children1 = find_children(assets, parents) children2 = find_children(assets, children1) assert parents[0].id == 3 assert children1[0].id == 7 assert children2[0].id == 5 assert children1[0].parent_id == 3 assert children2[0].parent_id == 7
def test_build_asset_create(): asset = Asset(id=3, name="holy grenade", metadata={}) runtime = time.time() * 1000 created = build_asset_create(asset, {}, "source_tenant", runtime, 0) assert "holy grenade" == assert created.parent_id is None assert created.metadata assert "source_tenant" == created.metadata["_replicatedSource"] assert 3 == created.metadata["_replicatedInternalId"] asset = Asset(id=4, parent_id=2, name="holy grail", metadata={"_replicatedInternalId": 55}) src_id_dst_map = {2: 5} second = build_asset_create(asset, src_id_dst_map, "source_tenant", runtime, 2) assert 5 == second.parent_id
def build_asset_create(src_asset: Asset, src_id_dst_map: Dict[int, int], project_src: str, runtime: int, depth: int) -> Asset: """ Makes a new copy of the asset to be replicated based on the source asset. Args: src_asset: The asset from the source to be replicated to destination. src_id_dst_map: A dictionary of all the mappings of source asset id to destination asset id. project_src: The name of the project the object is being replicated from. runtime: The timestamp to be used in the new replicated metadata. depth: The depth of the asset within the asset hierarchy. Returns: The replicated asset to be created in the destination. """ logging.debug( f"Creating a new asset based on source event id {}") return Asset( external_id=src_asset.external_id,, description=src_asset.description, metadata=replication.new_metadata(src_asset, project_src, runtime), source=src_asset.source, parent_id=src_id_dst_map[src_asset.parent_id] if depth > 0 else None, )
def test_build_asset_update(): assets_src = [ Asset(id=3, name="Dog", external_id="Woff Woff", metadata={}, description="Humans best friend"), Asset(id=7, name="Cat", parent_id=3, external_id="Miau Miau", metadata={}), Asset(id=5, name="Cow", parent_id=7, metadata={}), ] assets_dst = [ Asset(id=333, name="Copy-Dog", metadata={"_replicatedInternalId": 3}), Asset(id=777, name="Copy-Cat", parent_id=333, metadata={"_replicatedInternalId": 7}), Asset(id=555, name="Copy-Cow", parent_id=777, metadata={"_replicatedInternalId": 5, "source": "None"}), ] runtime = time.time() * 1000 id_mapping = {3: 333, 7: 777, 5: 555} dst_asset_0 = build_asset_update(assets_src[0], assets_dst[0], id_mapping, "Flying Circus", runtime, depth=0) dst_asset_1 = build_asset_update(assets_src[1], assets_dst[1], id_mapping, "Flying Circus", runtime, depth=1) dst_asset_2 = build_asset_update(assets_src[2], assets_dst[2], id_mapping, "Flying Circus", runtime, depth=1) assert dst_asset_0.metadata["_replicatedSource"] == "Flying Circus" assert dst_asset_1.metadata["_replicatedSource"] == "Flying Circus" assert dst_asset_2.metadata["_replicatedSource"] == "Flying Circus" assert dst_asset_0.metadata["_replicatedInternalId"] == assets_src[0].id assert dst_asset_1.metadata["_replicatedInternalId"] == assets_src[1].id assert dst_asset_2.metadata["_replicatedInternalId"] == assets_src[2].id assert dst_asset_0.description == assets_src[0].description assert dst_asset_1.parent_id == 333 assert dst_asset_2.parent_id == 777 assets_src[2].parent_id = 3 dst_asset_changed_2 = build_asset_update( assets_src[2], assets_dst[2], id_mapping, "Flying Circus", runtime, depth=1 ) assert dst_asset_changed_2.parent_id == 333
def build_asset_update(src_asset: Asset, dst_asset: Asset, src_id_dst_map: Dict[int, int], project_src: str, runtime: int, depth: int) -> Asset: """ Makes an updated version of the destination asset based on the corresponding source asset. Args: src_asset: The asset from the source to be replicated to destination. dst_asset: The asset from the destination that needs to be updated to reflect changes made to its source asset. src_id_dst_map: \\*\\*A dictionary of all the mappings of source asset id to destination asset id. project_src: The name of the project the object is being replicated from. runtime: The timestamp to be used in the new replicated metadata. depth: \\*\\*The depth of the asset within the asset hierarchy. \\*\\* only needed when hierarchy becomes mutable Returns: The updated asset object for the replication destination. """ logging.debug( f"Updating existing event {} based on source event id {}" ) dst_asset.external_id = src_asset.external_id = dst_asset.description = src_asset.description dst_asset.metadata = replication.new_metadata(src_asset, project_src, runtime) dst_asset.source = src_asset.source dst_asset.parent_id = src_id_dst_map[ src_asset. parent_id] if depth > 0 else None # when asset hierarchy is mutable return dst_asset
def test_create_hierarchy_with_dst_list(): assets_src = [ Asset(id=3, name="Queen", external_id="Queen in the Kingdom", metadata={}, description="Married to the King"), Asset(id=7, name="Prince", parent_id=3, external_id="Future King", metadata={}), Asset(id=5, name="Princess", parent_id=3, metadata={}), ] assets_dst = [ Asset( id=333, name="Copy-Queen", external_id="Queen in the Kingdom", metadata={ "_replicatedInternalId": 3, "_replicatedTime": 1 }, description="Married to the King", ), Asset( id=777, name="Copy-Prince", external_id="Future King", metadata={ "_replicatedInternalId": 7, "_replicatedTime": 1 }, ), Asset(id=555, name="Copy-Princess", metadata={ "_replicatedInternalId": 5, "_replicatedTime": 1 }), Asset(id=101, name="Adopted", metadata={}), ]