def test_get_execution_timestamps(self, window_size, schedule_stride, schedule_start, start, end, expected_timestamp): schedule_data_spec = ScheduleDataSpec( input=ScheduleInputSpec(), output=ScheduleOutputSpec(), stride=schedule_stride, window_size=window_size, start=schedule_start, ) assert expected_timestamp == schedule_data_spec.get_execution_timestamps( start, end)
def test_empty_specs_default_fields_to_empty_dict(): ds = ScheduleDataSpec(input=ScheduleInputSpec(), output=ScheduleOutputSpec(), stride=1, window_size=1, start=1) assert {} == ds.input.time_series assert {} == ds.output.time_series
def test_schedule_data_spec_schema_slack_missing_default_to_zero(): schedule_data_spec = ScheduleDataSpec.load({ "input": {}, "output": {}, "stride": 1, "windowSize": 1, "start": 1 }) assert 0 == schedule_data_spec.slack
def test_now_without_aggregate(self, now_cache): now_cache.get_time_now.return_value = 3 * 60 * 60 * 1000 + 3000 schedule_data_spec = ScheduleDataSpec( input=ScheduleInputSpec( time_series={"ts1": ScheduleInputTimeSeriesSpec(id=3)}), output=ScheduleOutputSpec(), stride="1h", window_size="10h", start="now", ) assert 3 * 60 * 60 * 1000 + 3000 == schedule_data_spec.start
def test_get_instances(ids, ext_ids): schedule_ts_spec = { "ts1": ScheduleInputTimeSeriesSpec(id=ids[0], external_id=ext_ids[0]), "ts2": ScheduleInputTimeSeriesSpec(id=ids[1], external_id=ext_ids[1]), } schedule_data_spec = ScheduleDataSpec( input=ScheduleInputSpec(time_series=schedule_ts_spec), output=ScheduleOutputSpec(), stride="1m", window_size="1m", start=60000, ) data_specs = schedule_data_spec.get_instances(start=60000, end=6 * 60000) expected_data_specs = [] for i in range(0, 5 * 60000, 60000): time_series_spec1 = TimeSeriesSpec(id=ids[0], external_id=ext_ids[0], start=i, end=i + 60000) time_series_spec2 = TimeSeriesSpec(id=ids[1], external_id=ext_ids[1], start=i, end=i + 60000) data_spec = DataSpec( time_series={ "ts1": time_series_spec1, "ts2": time_series_spec2 }, metadata=DataSpecMetadata( ScheduleSettings(start=i, end=i + 60000, window_size=60000, stride=60000)), ) expected_data_specs.append(data_spec) assert len(expected_data_specs) == len(data_specs) for expected, actual in zip(expected_data_specs, data_specs): assert expected == actual
class TestSpecConstructor: @pytest.fixture(autouse=True, scope="class") def mock_time(self): with mock.patch( "cognite.model_hosting._cognite_model_hosting_common.utils.time.time" ) as m: m.return_value = 10**6 yield TestCase = namedtuple("TestCase", ["name", "constructor", "primitive"]) InvalidTestCase = namedtuple( "InvalidTestCase", ["name", "constructor", "exception", "error_match"]) test_cases = [ TestCase( name="time_series_time_ago", constructor=lambda: TimeSeriesSpec( id=123, start="2m-ago", end="now"), primitive={ "id": 123, "start": 10**9 - 2 * 60 * 1000, "end": 10**9 }, ), TestCase( name="time_series_datetime", constructor=lambda: TimeSeriesSpec( id=123, start=datetime(2018, 1, 1), end=datetime(2018, 1, 2)), primitive={ "id": 123, "start": 1514764800000, "end": 1514851200000 }, ), TestCase( name="schedule_data_spec_default_start_now", constructor=lambda: ScheduleDataSpec(input=ScheduleInputSpec(), output=ScheduleOutputSpec(), stride=123, window_size=234, slack=345), primitive={ "input": {}, "output": {}, "stride": 123, "windowSize": 234, "start": 10**9, "slack": 345 }, ), TestCase( name="schedule_data_spec_default_slack_zero", constructor=lambda: ScheduleDataSpec(input=ScheduleInputSpec(), output=ScheduleOutputSpec(), stride=123, window_size=234), primitive={ "input": {}, "output": {}, "stride": 123, "windowSize": 234, "start": 10**9, "slack": 0 }, ), TestCase( name="schedule_data_spec_string_formats", constructor=lambda: ScheduleDataSpec( input=ScheduleInputSpec(), output=ScheduleOutputSpec(), stride="1m", window_size="2m", start="2m-ago", slack="3m", ), primitive={ "input": {}, "output": {}, "stride": 60000, "windowSize": 120000, "start": 10**9 - 2 * 60 * 1000, "slack": 180000, }, ), TestCase( name="schedule_data_spec_datetime", constructor=lambda: ScheduleDataSpec( input=ScheduleInputSpec(), output=ScheduleOutputSpec(), stride=timedelta(minutes=1), window_size=timedelta(minutes=2), start=datetime(2018, 1, 1), slack=timedelta(minutes=3), ), primitive={ "input": {}, "output": {}, "stride": 60000, "windowSize": 120000, "start": 1514764800000, "slack": 180000, }, ), ] invalid_test_cases = [ InvalidTestCase( name="time_series_start_none", constructor=lambda: TimeSeriesSpec(id=123, start=None, end=2), exception=TypeError, error_match="type", ), InvalidTestCase( name="time_series_end_none", constructor=lambda: TimeSeriesSpec(id=123, start=2, end=None), exception=TypeError, error_match="type", ), ] @pytest.mark.parametrize("name, constructor, primitive", test_cases) def test_valid(self, name, constructor, primitive): spec = constructor() assert spec.dump() == primitive @pytest.mark.parametrize("name, constructor, exception, error_match", invalid_test_cases) def test_invalid(self, name, constructor, exception, error_match): with pytest.raises(exception, match=error_match): constructor()
class TestSpecValidation: TestCase = namedtuple("TestCase", ["name", "obj", "primitive"]) InvalidTestCase = namedtuple( "TestCase", ["name", "type", "constructor", "primitive", "errors"]) valid_test_cases = [ TestCase("minimal_file_spec", FileSpec(id=6), {"id": 6}), TestCase("minimal_file_spec_external_id", FileSpec(external_id="abc"), {"externalId": "abc"}), TestCase("minimal_time_series_spec", TimeSeriesSpec(id=6, start=123, end=234), { "id": 6, "start": 123, "end": 234 }), TestCase( "time_series_include_outside_points", TimeSeriesSpec(id=6, start=123, end=234, include_outside_points=True), { "id": 6, "start": 123, "end": 234, "includeOutsidePoints": True }, ), TestCase( "time_series_aggregate", TimeSeriesSpec(id=6, start=123, end=234, aggregate="average", granularity="1m"), { "id": 6, "start": 123, "end": 234, "aggregate": "average", "granularity": "1m" }, ), TestCase( "time_series_external_id", TimeSeriesSpec(external_id="abc", start=123, end=234, aggregate="average", granularity="1m"), { "externalId": "abc", "start": 123, "end": 234, "aggregate": "average", "granularity": "1m" }, ), TestCase( "schedule_input_time_series", ScheduleInputTimeSeriesSpec(id=6, aggregate="average", granularity="1m"), { "id": 6, "aggregate": "average", "granularity": "1m" }, ), TestCase( "schedule_input_time_series_external_id", ScheduleInputTimeSeriesSpec(external_id="abc", aggregate="average", granularity="1m"), { "externalId": "abc", "aggregate": "average", "granularity": "1m" }, ), TestCase("empty_data_spec", DataSpec(), {}), TestCase( "full_data_spec", DataSpec( time_series={ "ts1": TimeSeriesSpec(id=6, start=123, end=234), "ts2": TimeSeriesSpec(id=7, start=1234, end=2345), }, files={ "f1": FileSpec(id=3), "f2": FileSpec(id=4) }, ), { "timeSeries": { "ts1": { "id": 6, "start": 123, "end": 234 }, "ts2": { "id": 7, "start": 1234, "end": 2345 }, }, "files": { "f1": { "id": 3 }, "f2": { "id": 4 } }, }, ), TestCase( "data_spec_with_metadata", DataSpec(metadata=DataSpecMetadata( ScheduleSettings(stride=1, window_size=1, start=1, end=2))), { "metadata": { "scheduleSettings": { "stride": 1, "windowSize": 1, "start": 1, "end": 2 } } }, ), TestCase( "full_data_spec_with_metadata", DataSpec( time_series={ "ts1": TimeSeriesSpec(id=6, start=123, end=234), "ts2": TimeSeriesSpec(id=7, start=1234, end=2345), }, files={ "f1": FileSpec(id=3), "f2": FileSpec(id=4) }, metadata=DataSpecMetadata( ScheduleSettings(stride=1, window_size=1, start=1, end=2)), ), { "timeSeries": { "ts1": { "id": 6, "start": 123, "end": 234 }, "ts2": { "id": 7, "start": 1234, "end": 2345 }, }, "files": { "f1": { "id": 3 }, "f2": { "id": 4 } }, "metadata": { "scheduleSettings": { "stride": 1, "windowSize": 1, "start": 1, "end": 2 } }, }, ), TestCase("minimal_schedule_input_spec", ScheduleInputSpec(), {}), TestCase( "full_schedule_input_spec", ScheduleInputSpec( time_series={ "ts1": ScheduleInputTimeSeriesSpec(id=6), "ts2": ScheduleInputTimeSeriesSpec(id=7) }), {"timeSeries": { "ts1": { "id": 6 }, "ts2": { "id": 7 } }}, ), TestCase( "schedule_output_time_series_spec", ScheduleOutputTimeSeriesSpec(id=123, offset=-5), { "id": 123, "offset": -5 }, ), TestCase( "schedule_output_time_series_spec_external_id", ScheduleOutputTimeSeriesSpec(external_id="abc", offset=-5), { "externalId": "abc", "offset": -5 }, ), TestCase("minimal_schedule_output_spec", ScheduleOutputSpec(), {}), TestCase( "full_schedule_output_spec", ScheduleOutputSpec( time_series={ "ts1": ScheduleOutputTimeSeriesSpec(id=123, offset=5), "ts2": ScheduleOutputTimeSeriesSpec(id=234, offset=0), }), { "timeSeries": { "ts1": { "id": 123, "offset": 5 }, "ts2": { "id": 234, "offset": 0 } } }, ), TestCase( "minimal_schedule_data_spec", ScheduleDataSpec(input=ScheduleInputSpec(), output=ScheduleOutputSpec(), stride=1, window_size=2, start=3), { "input": {}, "output": {}, "stride": 1, "windowSize": 2, "start": 3, "slack": 0 }, ), TestCase( "full_schedule_data_spec", ScheduleDataSpec( input=ScheduleInputSpec( time_series={"ts1": ScheduleInputTimeSeriesSpec(id=5)}), output=ScheduleOutputSpec( time_series={ "ts1": ScheduleOutputTimeSeriesSpec(id=123, offset=100) }), stride=1, window_size=2, start=3, slack=4, ), { "input": { "timeSeries": { "ts1": { "id": 5 } } }, "output": { "timeSeries": { "ts1": { "id": 123, "offset": 100 } } }, "stride": 1, "windowSize": 2, "start": 3, "slack": 4, }, ), TestCase( "schedule_data_spec_with_aggregates", ScheduleDataSpec( input=ScheduleInputSpec( time_series={ "ts1": ScheduleInputTimeSeriesSpec( id=5, aggregate="average", granularity="3h"), "ts2": ScheduleInputTimeSeriesSpec( id=6, aggregate="max", granularity="10m"), }), output=ScheduleOutputSpec(), stride=60 * 60 * 1000, window_size=3 * 60 * 60 * 1000, start=123 * 60 * 60 * 1000, ), { "input": { "timeSeries": { "ts1": { "id": 5, "aggregate": "average", "granularity": "3h" }, "ts2": { "id": 6, "aggregate": "max", "granularity": "10m" }, } }, "output": {}, "stride": 60 * 60 * 1000, "windowSize": 3 * 60 * 60 * 1000, "start": 123 * 60 * 60 * 1000, "slack": 0, }, ), ] invalid_test_cases = [ InvalidTestCase( name="file_missing_identifier", type=FileSpec, constructor=lambda: FileSpec(), primitive={}, errors={ "id": ["Exactly one of id and external_id must be specified."], "external_id": ["Exactly one of id and external_id must be specified."], }, ), InvalidTestCase( name="file_spec_id_and_external_id_specified", type=FileSpec, constructor=lambda: FileSpec(id=1, external_id="abc"), primitive={ "id": 1, "externalId": "abc" }, errors={ "id": ["Exactly one of id and external_id must be specified."], "external_id": ["Exactly one of id and external_id must be specified."], }, ), InvalidTestCase( name="time_series_missing_id_and_external_id", type=TimeSeriesSpec, constructor=lambda: TimeSeriesSpec(id=None, start=1, end=2), primitive={ "start": 1, "end": 2 }, errors={ "id": ["Exactly one of id and external_id must be specified."], "external_id": ["Exactly one of id and external_id must be specified."], }, ), InvalidTestCase( name="time_series_id_and_external_id_specified", type=TimeSeriesSpec, constructor=lambda: TimeSeriesSpec( id=1, external_id="abc", start=1, end=2), primitive={ "start": 1, "end": 2 }, errors={ "external_id": ["Exactly one of id and external_id must be specified."], "id": ["Exactly one of id and external_id must be specified."], }, ), InvalidTestCase( name="time_series_missing_fields", type=TimeSeriesSpec, constructor=None, primitive={}, errors={ "id": ["Exactly one of id and external_id must be specified."], "external_id": ["Exactly one of id and external_id must be specified."], "start": ["Missing data for required field."], "end": ["Missing data for required field."], }, ), InvalidTestCase( name="time_series_aggregates_but_not_granularity", type=TimeSeriesSpec, constructor=lambda: TimeSeriesSpec( id=6, start=123, end=234, aggregate="average"), primitive={ "id": 6, "start": 123, "end": 234, "aggregate": "average" }, errors={ "granularity": ["granularity must be specified for aggregates."] }, ), InvalidTestCase( name="time_series_aggregates_but_include_outside_points", type=TimeSeriesSpec, constructor=lambda: TimeSeriesSpec(id=6, start=123, end=234, aggregate="average", granularity="1m", include_outside_points=True), primitive={ "id": 6, "start": 123, "end": 234, "aggregate": "average", "granularity": "1m", "includeOutsidePoints": True, }, errors={ "includeOutsidePoints": ["Can't include outside points for aggregates."] }, ), InvalidTestCase( name="time_series_invalid_aggregate_function", type=TimeSeriesSpec, constructor=lambda: TimeSeriesSpec( id=6, start=123, end=234, aggregate="avg", granularity="1m"), primitive={ "id": 6, "start": 123, "end": 234, "aggregate": "avg", "granularity": "1m" }, errors={ "aggregate": ["Not a valid aggregate function. Cannot use shorthand name."], "granularity": ["granularity can only be specified for aggregates."], }, ), InvalidTestCase( name="time_series_not_aggregate_but_granularity", type=TimeSeriesSpec, constructor=lambda: TimeSeriesSpec( id=6, start=123, end=234, granularity="1m"), primitive={ "id": 6, "start": 123, "end": 234, "granularity": "1m" }, errors={ "granularity": ["granularity can only be specified for aggregates."] }, ), InvalidTestCase( name="time_series_invalid_granularity", type=TimeSeriesSpec, constructor=lambda: TimeSeriesSpec( id=6, start=123, end=234, granularity="bla"), primitive={ "id": 6, "start": 123, "end": 234, "granularity": "bla" }, errors={ "granularity": [ "Invalid granularity format: `bla`. Must be on format <integer>(s|m|h|d). E.g. '5m', '3h' or '1d'." ] }, ), InvalidTestCase( name="data_spec_nested_errors", type=DataSpec, constructor=lambda: DataSpec(files={"f1": FileSpec(id=None)}), primitive={"files": { "f1": {} }}, errors={ "files": { "f1": { "value": { "external_id": [ "Exactly one of id and external_id must be specified." ], "id": [ "Exactly one of id and external_id must be specified." ], } } } }, ), InvalidTestCase( name="data_spec_with_metadata_invalid_type", type=DataSpec, constructor=lambda: DataSpec(metadata=DataSpecMetadata( ScheduleSettings(stride="1m", window_size=1, start=1, end=1))), primitive={ "metadata": { "scheduleSettings": { "stride": "1m", "windowSize": 1, "start": 1, "end": 1 } } }, errors={ "metadata": { "scheduleSettings": { "stride": ["Not a valid integer."] } } }, ), InvalidTestCase( name="data_spec_invalid_alias", type=DataSpec, constructor=lambda: DataSpec( files={"1f": FileSpec(id=1)}, time_series={"F1": TimeSeriesSpec(id=1, start=0, end=10)}), primitive={ "files": { "1f": { "id": 1 } }, "timeSeries": { "F1": { "id": 1, "start": 0, "end": 10 } } }, errors={ "files": { "1f": { "key": [ "Invalid alias. Must be 1 to 50 lowercase alphanumeric characters or `_`. Must start with a letter and cannot end with `_` ." ] } }, "timeSeries": { "F1": { "key": [ "Invalid alias. Must be 1 to 50 lowercase alphanumeric characters or `_`. Must start with a letter and cannot end with `_` ." ] } }, }, ), # TODO add when Marshmallow fixes inconsistencies ( # InvalidTestCase( # name="schedule_data_spec_nested_errors", # type=ScheduleDataSpec, # constructor=lambda: ScheduleDataSpec( # stride="1m", window_size="5m", time_series={"ts1": ScheduleTimeSeriesSpec(id="abc")} # ), # primitive={"stride": "1m", "windowSize": "5m", "timeSeries": {"ts1": {"id": "abc"}}}, # errors={"timeSeries": {"ts1": {"value": {"id": ["Not a valid integer."]}}}}, # ), InvalidTestCase( name="schedule_output_time_series_spec_missing_fields", type=ScheduleOutputTimeSeriesSpec, constructor=lambda: ScheduleOutputTimeSeriesSpec(offset=None), primitive={}, errors={ "id": ["Exactly one of id and external_id must be specified."], "external_id": ["Exactly one of id and external_id must be specified."], "offset": ["Missing data for required field."], }, ), InvalidTestCase( name= "schedule_output_time_series_spec_id_and_external_id_specified", type=ScheduleOutputTimeSeriesSpec, constructor=lambda: ScheduleOutputTimeSeriesSpec( id=1, external_id="abc", offset=0), primitive={ "id": 1, "externalId": "abc", "offset": 0 }, errors={ "id": ["Exactly one of id and external_id must be specified."], "external_id": ["Exactly one of id and external_id must be specified."], }, ), InvalidTestCase( name="schedule_input_time_series_spec_missing_fields", type=ScheduleInputTimeSeriesSpec, constructor=lambda: ScheduleInputTimeSeriesSpec(), primitive={}, errors={ "id": ["Exactly one of id and external_id must be specified."], "external_id": ["Exactly one of id and external_id must be specified."], }, ), InvalidTestCase( name="schedule_input_time_series_spec_id_and_external_id_specified", type=ScheduleInputTimeSeriesSpec, constructor=lambda: ScheduleInputTimeSeriesSpec(id=1, external_id="abc"), primitive={ "id": 1, "externalId": "abc" }, errors={ "id": ["Exactly one of id and external_id must be specified."], "external_id": ["Exactly one of id and external_id must be specified."], }, ), InvalidTestCase( name="schedule_data_spec_missing_fields", type=ScheduleDataSpec, constructor=None, primitive={"start": 123}, errors={ "input": ["Missing data for required field."], "output": ["Missing data for required field."], "windowSize": ["Missing data for required field."], "stride": ["Missing data for required field."], }, ), InvalidTestCase( name="schedule_data_spec_invalid_stride_window_size", type=ScheduleDataSpec, constructor=None, primitive={ "input": {}, "output": {}, "windowSize": 0, "stride": -1, "start": 123 }, errors={ "stride": ["Must be at least 1."], "windowSize": ["Must be at least 1."] }, ), InvalidTestCase( name= "schedule_data_spec_invalid_stride_window_size_start_multiple_of_largest_granularity_unit", type=ScheduleDataSpec, constructor=None, primitive={ "input": { "timeSeries": { "ts1": { "id": 5, "aggregate": "average", "granularity": "3h" }, "ts2": { "id": 6, "aggregate": "max", "granularity": "10m" }, } }, "output": {}, "windowSize": 123123, "stride": 123123, "start": 123123, }, errors={ "stride": [ "Must be a multiple of the largest granularity unit in the input time series." ], "windowSize": [ "Must be greater than or equal to the largest granularity of any of aggregated input time series." ], "start": [ "Must be a multiple of the largest granularity unit in the input time series." ], }, ), ] @pytest.mark.parametrize("name, obj, primitive", valid_test_cases) def test_valid_dump(self, name, obj, primitive): dumped = obj.dump() assert dumped == primitive @pytest.mark.parametrize("name, obj, primitive", valid_test_cases) def test_valid_load(self, name, obj, primitive): loaded = obj.__class__.load(primitive) assert loaded == obj @pytest.mark.parametrize("name, obj, primitive", valid_test_cases) def test_valid_json_serializable(self, name, obj, primitive): json_data = obj.to_json() from_json = obj.__class__.from_json(json_data) assert from_json == obj, "\nFrom JSON: ({})\n{}\nObj:({})\n{}\n".format( type(from_json), from_json, type(obj), obj) def test_load_with_unknown_fields(self): primitive = { "timeSeries": { "ts1": { "id": 6, "start": 123, "end": 234 }, "ts2": { "id": 7, "start": 1234, "end": 2345 } }, "files": { "f1": { "id": 3 }, "f2": { "id": 4 } }, "metadata": { "scheduleSettings": { "stride": 1, "windowSize": 1, "start": 1, "end": 2 } }, "unkown_field": "blabla", } ds = DataSpec.load(primitive) assert {"ts1", "ts2"} == set(ds.time_series.keys()) assert {"f1", "f2"} == set(ds.files.keys()) assert { "stride": 1, "windowSize": 1, "start": 1, "end": 2 } == ds.metadata.schedule_settings.dump() assert "unkown_field" not in ds.dump() def remove_defaultdict_in_errors(self, d): return json.loads(json.dumps(d)) @pytest.mark.parametrize("name, type, constructor, primitive, errors", invalid_test_cases) def test_invalid(self, name, type, constructor, primitive, errors): should_fail = { "load": lambda: type.load(primitive), "from_json": lambda: type.from_json(json.dumps(primitive)) } if constructor is not None: if type in (DataSpec, ScheduleDataSpec): should_fail["constructor"] = constructor else: should_fail["dump"] = constructor().dump should_fail["to_json"] = constructor().to_json for method_name, method in should_fail.items(): with pytest.raises(SpecValidationError) as excinfo: method() actual_errors = self.remove_defaultdict_in_errors( excinfo.value.errors) if actual_errors != errors: "\nMethod: {}\nErrors:\n{}\nExpected:\n{}\n".format( name, actual_errors, errors)) @pytest.mark.parametrize("name, obj, primitive", valid_test_cases) def test_valid_str_repr(self, name, obj, primitive): assert str(obj) == obj.to_json()