Example #1
    async def book(self, ctx, duration='1'):
        Books an account.

        duration       The duration(in h) to book the account for.
        book_duration = 1
        if duration.isnumeric() and int(duration) > 0:
            book_duration = int(duration)
            if book_duration > BOOKING_DURATION_LIMIT:
                raise BookingDurationLimitExceededError(
                    f"Can not book a account for longer than 12 hours. ({duration} > 12 By the way :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)"

        async with dbPool.acquire() as conn:
            url = await conn.fetchval(
                "SELECT url FROM sheet_urls WHERE fk = (SELECT id FROM guilds WHERE guild_id = $1);",
        if url is None:
            raise NoSheetsUrlException(
                "There is no google sheets url associated with this guild.")

        sheet_data = await SheetData.from_url(self.bot, ctx, url)

        # Necessary because author.nick is None if the user has not changed his name on the server
        name = ctx.author.name
        if ctx.author.nick is not None:
            name = ctx.author.nick

        # Try to assign accounts to the person that last had it as often as possible.
        for account in sheet_data.accounts:
            if account.last_user == name:
                if account.is_booked:
                    await ctx.reply(
                        f"You have already been assigned: `{account.name}`.\n"
                        "Please check your PMs for the login details.")
                    await sheet_data.insert_bookings(self.bot, ctx, [account],
                    await ctx.author.send(embed=account.embed)

        # If the user does not have any prior accounts, assign the first free one
        for account in sheet_data.accounts:
            if account.is_booked:
                account.last_user = name
                await sheet_data.insert_bookings(self.bot, ctx, [account],
                await ctx.author.send(embed=account.embed)

        # If the function made it this far, there are no free accounts available
        await ctx.author.send(
            "```There are currently no free accounts.\nIf you need one urgently, talk to your OVO rep.```"
Example #2
    async def _get_accounts(self):
        """Parses accounts out of the raw data"""

        async with dbPool.acquire() as conn:
            utcoffset = await conn.fetchval("SELECT utcoffset FROM guilds WHERE guild_id = $1;", self.ctx.guild.id)

        accounts = []
        # This is for writing to sheet later. Don't need to iterate over accounts again, if just save row index of account
        account_row = 2
        for row in self.raw_data[1:]:
            name, password = row[0:2]

            indexed_row = enumerate(row)
            last_user = None
            for index, entry in reversed(list(indexed_row)):
                if index > 1:
                    if entry != "":
                        match = re.match(
                            r"(.+)\((\d?\d:\d\d[AP]M)(?:-(\d?\d:\d\d[AP]M))?\)", entry)
                        if match:
                            last_user = match.group(1)
                            from_time_str = match.group(2)
                            to_time_str = match.group(3)
                            raise InvalidSheetsValue("There seems to be a time (username) formatting error in the google sheets document.")

                        date_str = self.raw_data[:1][0][index]
                        from_datetime_str = date_str + "_" + from_time_str

                            last_booked_from = datetime.datetime.strptime(
                                from_datetime_str, "%m/%d/%Y_%I:%M%p")
                            last_booked_from = last_booked_from.replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone(
                                datetime.timedelta(hours=utcoffset)))  # Makes datetime object timezone aware

                            last_booked_to = None
                            if to_time_str:
                                to_datetime_str = date_str + "_" + to_time_str
                                last_booked_to = datetime.datetime.strptime(
                                    to_datetime_str, "%m/%d/%Y_%I:%M%p")
                                last_booked_to = last_booked_to.replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone(
                                    datetime.timedelta(hours=utcoffset)))  # Makes datetime object timezone aware
                                # Handle booking across days
                                if last_booked_from > last_booked_to:
                                    last_booked_to += datetime.timedelta(
                        except ValueError:
                            raise InvalidSheetsValue("There seems to be a date (top row) or time (username) formatting error in the google sheets document.")
                    last_user = None
                    last_booked_from = None
                    last_booked_to = None

            accounts.append(Account(name, password, last_user,
                                    last_booked_from, last_booked_to, account_row))
            account_row += 1
        return accounts
Example #3
    async def insert_bookings(self, bot: commands.Bot, ctx: commands.Context, url: str, accounts_to_write: List[Account], book_duration: int):
        # Will need to compare dates
        async with dbPool.acquire() as conn:
            utcoffset = await conn.fetchval("SELECT utcoffset FROM guilds WHERE guild_id = $1;", ctx.guild.id)
        raw_dates = self.raw_data[0]
        indexed_dates = enumerate(raw_dates)
        last_date = None
        last_index = len(raw_dates)
        for index, date in reversed(list(indexed_dates)):
                last_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(date, "%m/%d/%Y")
                last_index = index + 1
            except ValueError:
                logging.info(f"`{date}` could not be parsed when when inserting booking")

        # Compare last date, so can write to same column
        now = datetime.datetime.now(tz=datetime.timezone(datetime.timedelta(hours=utcoffset)))
        today = now.date()

        last_account_booked_date = None
        for account in accounts_to_write:
            if account.last_booked_to is None:
            if last_account_booked_date is None:
                last_account_booked_date = account.last_booked_to.date()

            if account.last_booked_to.date() > last_account_booked_date:
                last_account_booked_date = account.last_booked_to.date()

        create_new_column = False
        # If last date in sheet is before today, create new row
        if last_date is None or today > last_date.date():
            last_date = today
            last_index = len(raw_dates) + 1
            create_new_column = True
        # if last day in sheet is today, but account was already booked for today, create new date column
        elif last_account_booked_date and last_account_booked_date == today:
            last_date = today
            last_index = len(raw_dates) + 1
            create_new_column = True

        # Add new date column if needed
        if create_new_column:
            await bot.loop.run_in_executor(None, self._write_sheet_data, url, 1, last_index, last_date.strftime("%m/%d/%Y"))

        # Prepare data to write
        hrs_now = now.strftime("%I:%M%p")
        hrs_after_x = (now + datetime.timedelta(hours=book_duration)).strftime("%I:%M%p")

        for account in accounts_to_write:
            write_data = f"{account.last_user}({hrs_now}-{hrs_after_x})"
            write_row = account.account_row
            write_col = last_index

            await bot.loop.run_in_executor(None, self._write_sheet_data, url, write_row, write_col, write_data)
Example #4
    async def account(self, ctx):
        async with dbPool.acquire() as conn:
            url = await conn.fetchval("SELECT url FROM sheet_urls WHERE fk = (SELECT id FROM guilds WHERE guild_id = $1);", ctx.guild.id)
        if url is None:
            raise NoSheetsUrlException(
                "There is no google sheets url associated with this guild.")

        sheet_data = await SheetData.from_url(self.bot, ctx, url)
        account = await sheet_data.user_has_account()

        if account is not None:
            await ctx.reply(f"Your currently assigned account is: `{account.name}`.\n"
                            "Please check your PMs for the login details.")
            await ctx.reply("You have not been assigned any accounts for today.\n"
                            "Please use the `!account book` command or ask your OVO rep for account assignment.")
Example #5
    async def distribute_accounts(self, ctx: commands.Context, *args):
        Distributes accounts to all mentioned users.

        force       Distributes accounts regardless of prior allocation
        duration    The duration(in h) to book the account for.
        force = False
        book_duration = 1
        for arg in args:
            if arg in ["force", "Force"]:
                force = True
            elif arg.isdigit() and int(arg) > 0:
                book_duration = int(arg)
                if book_duration > BOOKING_DURATION_LIMIT:
                    raise BookingDurationLimitExceededError(f"Can not book a account for longer than 12 hours. ({book_duration} > 12 By the way :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)")    

        async with dbPool.acquire() as conn:
            url = await conn.fetchval("SELECT url FROM sheet_urls WHERE fk = (SELECT id FROM guilds WHERE guild_id = $1);", ctx.guild.id)
        if url is None:
            raise NoSheetsUrlException(
                "There is no google sheets url associated with this guild.")

        sheet_data = await SheetData.from_url(self.bot, ctx, url)
        available_accounts = []

        # This is done in effort to allow users to consistently book same accounts
        mentioned_users_accounts = {}
        for member in ctx.message.mentions:
            name = member.nick if member.nick is not None else member.name
            mentioned_users_accounts[name] = {"member": member}

        # Find accounts that are not booked or were booked for some of mentioned users or assign all if force flag is set
        for account in sheet_data.accounts:
            if account.last_user in mentioned_users_accounts:
                mentioned_users_accounts[account.last_user]["account"] = account
            elif force or not account.is_booked:
        # Shuffle available accounts so more accounts are being used

        accounts_to_assign = []
        for member_name, pairing in mentioned_users_accounts.items():
            member = pairing["member"]
            # If user already has previous account, check if its booked and send corresponding info
            if "account" in pairing:
                account = pairing["account"]
                if account.is_booked:
                    await member.send(f"You have already been assigned: `{account.name}`.\nPlease check your PMs for the login details.")
                    await member.send(embed=account.embed)
                    await ctx.author.send(f"Member {member_name} has been assigned account {account.name}.")
            # If user doesnt have previously assigned account, find available and send
            elif (len(available_accounts) > 0):
                account = available_accounts.pop()
                account.last_user = member_name
                await member.send(embed=account.embed)
                await ctx.author.send(f"Member {member_name} has been assigned account {account.name}.")
                # In case if ran out of accounts, notify requester about that
                if len(available_accounts) == 0:
                    await ctx.author.send("You have used all available account!")
                await ctx.author.send(f"Can not assign account to {member_name}, no more available accounts left!")

        await sheet_data.insert_bookings(self.bot, ctx, url, accounts_to_assign, book_duration)