Example #1
    def get_attack(self, atkIn):
        """Calculates and returns a dict."""
        if self.character is None:
            raise Exception('You must call get_character() first.')
        character = self.character
        attack = {'attackBonus': '0', 'damage': '0', 'name': ''}

        attack['name'] = character.get('Attack' + str(atkIn))
        attack['attackBonus'] = character.get('AtkBonus' + str(atkIn))
        attack['damage'] = character.get('Damage' + str(atkIn))

        if attack['name'] is None:
            return None
        if attack['damage'] is "":
            attack['damage'] = None
            damageTypes = [
                'acid', 'bludgeoning', 'cold', 'fire', 'force', 'lightning',
                'necrotic', 'piercing', 'poison', 'psychic', 'radiant',
                'slashing', 'thunder'
            dice, comment = get_roll_comment(attack['damage'])
            if any(d in comment.lower() for d in damageTypes):
                attack['damage'] = "{}[{}]".format(dice, comment)
                attack['damage'] = dice
                if comment.strip():
                    attack['details'] = comment.strip()

        attack['attackBonus'] = attack['attackBonus'].replace(
            '+', '', 1) if attack['attackBonus'] is not None else None

        return attack
Example #2
    def parse_attack(self, name_index, bonus_index, damage_index, sheet=None):
        """Calculates and returns a dict."""
        if self.character_data is None:
            raise Exception('You must call get_character() first.')

        wksht = sheet or self.character_data

        name = wksht.cell(name_index).value
        damage = wksht.cell(damage_index).value
        bonus = wksht.cell(bonus_index).value
        details = None

        if not name:
            return None

        if not damage:
            damage = None
            details = None
            if '|' in damage:
                damage, details = damage.split('|', 1)

            dice, comment = get_roll_comment(damage)
            if details:
                details = details.strip()

            if any(d in comment.lower() for d in DAMAGE_TYPES):
                damage = "{}[{}]".format(dice, comment)
                damage = dice
                if comment.strip() and not details:
                    damage = comment.strip()

        bonus_calc = None
        if bonus:
                bonus = int(bonus)
            except (TypeError, ValueError):
                bonus_calc = bonus
                bonus = None
            bonus = None

        attack = Attack(name, bonus, damage, details, bonus_calc)
        return attack
    def get_attack(self, name_index, bonus_index, damage_index, sheet=None):
        """Calculates and returns a dict."""
        if self.character is None:
            raise Exception('You must call get_character() first.')

        wksht = sheet or self.character

        attack = {
            'attackBonus': wksht.cell(bonus_index).value,
            'damage': wksht.cell(damage_index).value,
            'name': wksht.cell(name_index).value

        if attack['name'] is "":
            return None
        if attack['damage'] is "":
            attack['damage'] = None
            damageTypes = [
                'acid', 'bludgeoning', 'cold', 'fire', 'force', 'lightning',
                'necrotic', 'piercing', 'poison', 'psychic', 'radiant',
                'slashing', 'thunder'

            details = None
            if '|' in attack['damage']:
                attack['damage'], details = attack['damage'].split('|', 1)

            dice, comment = get_roll_comment(attack['damage'])
            if details:
                attack['details'] = details.strip()

            if any(d in comment.lower() for d in damageTypes):
                attack['damage'] = "{}[{}]".format(dice, comment)
                attack['damage'] = dice
                if comment.strip() and not details:
                    attack['details'] = comment.strip()

        attack['attackBonus'] = attack['attackBonus'].strip(
            '+') if attack['attackBonus'] is not '' else None

        return attack