Example #1
 def test_ssl_sign_verify(self):
     key = KEY()
     sig = key.sign("cool")
     # verify on another key
     key2 = KEY()
     self.assertEquals(key2.verify("cool", sig), 1)
     self.assertEquals(key2.verify("coolx", sig), 0)
     self.assertEquals(key2.verify("cool", decodehexstr("3045022100ea3cbfca49123ecdcc419cf3277597307dca70b548ca1d4312f39186b043e86802201057af5c3889b65a59333d4f23bea915e76c2c26606dd35c57e00adf416ca31600")), 0)
Example #2
def checksig(vm, sig_param, pubkey_param):
    transaction, inputindex, unspent_script = vm.checksig_data
    #Hash type is the last byte of the signature
    hash_type, sig = ord(sig_param[-1]), sig_param[:-1]
    # last 5 bits of hash_type : 1=SIGHASH_ALL,2=SIGHASH_NONE, 3=SIGHASH_SINGLE 
    # For performance reasons no full copy is made of the transaction
    # although it would be simpler to read.
    # e.g. tx_tmp = copy.deepcopy(transaction)
    # The input scripts are saved and then restored.
    tx_tmp = Tx(transaction.version, 
                [TxIn(txin.previous_output, txin.script, txin.sequence) for txin in transaction.in_list], 
                [TxOut(txout.value, txout.script) for txout in transaction.out_list], 
    #Save input scripts to restore them later
    #inlist = transaction.in_list
    #outlist = transaction.out_list
    #inscripts = [txin.script for txin in transaction.in_list]
    #TODO: blank out ouputs depending of hash_type (SIGHASH_NONE, SIGHASH_SINGLE)
    if (hash_type & SIGHASH_MASK == SIGHASH_NONE):
        tx_tmp.out_list = []
    if (hash_type & SIGHASH_MASK == SIGHASH_SINGLE):
        if (inputindex > len(tx_tmp.out_list)):
            raise Exception("OP_CHECKSIG: no corresponding output for input %d using SIGHASH_SINGLE " % (inputindex))
        #n-1 empty TxOuts + original Txout
        tx_tmp.out_list = [TxOut(-1, Script([])) for _ in range(inputindex)] + \
    if (hash_type & SIGHASH_MASK == SIGHASH_SINGLE or 
        hash_type & SIGHASH_MASK == SIGHASH_NONE):
        # let others update at will
        for i in range(len(tx_tmp.in_list)):
            if i != inputindex:
                tx_tmp.in_list[i].sequence = 0
    #blank out other inputs in case of SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY
    if (hash_type & SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY):
        tx_tmp.in_list = [tx_tmp.in_list[inputindex]]
        inputindex = 0
    #blank out input scripts
    for txin in tx_tmp.in_list:
        txin.script = Script([])
    #except the current one that is replaced by the signed part (e.g. from the last OP_CODESEPARATOR)
    # of current_script with signature push_data removed
    # note: only 'optimal' push_data instructions with the same signature are removed
    current_script = Script(filter(lambda instr: instr!=push_data_instruction(sig_param),
    tx_tmp.in_list[inputindex].script = current_script
    #serialize and append hash type
    enctx = TxSerializer().serialize(tx_tmp) + chr(hash_type) + b"\x00\x00\x00"
    #print "enctx:", hexstr(enctx)
    #print "sig:", hexstr(sig)
    #print "pubkey:", hexstr(pubkey_param)
    #Get hash 
    hash = doublesha256(enctx)
    key = KEY()
    #ECDSA_verify: 1 = OK, 0=NOK, -1=ERROR
    result = key.verify(hash, sig) == 1
    if not result:
    #Restore transaction scripts
    #for txin, script in zip(inlist,inscripts):    
    #    txin.script = script
    #transaction.in_list = inlist 
    return (result)
Example #3
def checksig(vm, sig_param, pubkey_param):
    transaction, inputindex, unspent_script = vm.checksig_data
    #Hash type is the last byte of the signature
    hash_type, sig = ord(sig_param[-1]), sig_param[:-1]

    # last 5 bits of hash_type : 1=SIGHASH_ALL,2=SIGHASH_NONE, 3=SIGHASH_SINGLE

    # For performance reasons no full copy is made of the transaction
    # although it would be simpler to read.
    # e.g. tx_tmp = copy.deepcopy(transaction)
    # The input scripts are saved and then restored.
    tx_tmp = Tx(transaction.version, [
        TxIn(txin.previous_output, txin.script, txin.sequence)
        for txin in transaction.in_list
    ], [TxOut(txout.value, txout.script) for txout in transaction.out_list],
    #Save input scripts to restore them later
    #inlist = transaction.in_list
    #outlist = transaction.out_list
    #inscripts = [txin.script for txin in transaction.in_list]
    #TODO: blank out ouputs depending of hash_type (SIGHASH_NONE, SIGHASH_SINGLE)
    if (hash_type & SIGHASH_MASK == SIGHASH_NONE):
        tx_tmp.out_list = []
    if (hash_type & SIGHASH_MASK == SIGHASH_SINGLE):
        if (inputindex > len(tx_tmp.out_list)):
            raise Exception(
                "OP_CHECKSIG: no corresponding output for input %d using SIGHASH_SINGLE "
                % (inputindex))
        #n-1 empty TxOuts + original Txout
        tx_tmp.out_list = [TxOut(-1, Script([])) for _ in range(inputindex)] + \
    if (hash_type & SIGHASH_MASK == SIGHASH_SINGLE
            or hash_type & SIGHASH_MASK == SIGHASH_NONE):
        # let others update at will
        for i in range(len(tx_tmp.in_list)):
            if i != inputindex:
                tx_tmp.in_list[i].sequence = 0
    #blank out other inputs in case of SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY
    if (hash_type & SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY):
        tx_tmp.in_list = [tx_tmp.in_list[inputindex]]
        inputindex = 0
    #blank out input scripts
    for txin in tx_tmp.in_list:
        txin.script = Script([])
    #except the current one that is replaced by the signed part (e.g. from the last OP_CODESEPARATOR)
    # of current_script with signature push_data removed
    # note: only 'optimal' push_data instructions with the same signature are removed
    current_script = Script(
        filter(lambda instr: instr != push_data_instruction(sig_param),
    tx_tmp.in_list[inputindex].script = current_script
    #serialize and append hash type
    enctx = TxSerializer().serialize(tx_tmp) + chr(hash_type) + b"\x00\x00\x00"

    #print "enctx:", hexstr(enctx)
    #print "sig:", hexstr(sig)
    #print "pubkey:", hexstr(pubkey_param)

    #Get hash
    hash = doublesha256(enctx)
    key = KEY()
    #ECDSA_verify: 1 = OK, 0=NOK, -1=ERROR
    result = key.verify(hash, sig) == 1
    if not result:
    #Restore transaction scripts
    #for txin, script in zip(inlist,inscripts):
    #    txin.script = script
    #transaction.in_list = inlist
    return (result)
Example #4
 def test_generate(self):
     key = KEY()
     sig = key.sign("cool")
     self.assertEquals(key.verify("cool", sig), 1)
Example #5
 def test_set_pubkey(self):
     sig = decodehexstr("3046022100b2a3e589f5ccd266b0b3ca34ec28a8730c34f16e7de2889f91fcb63824cb0da9022100b04e7b58680c55bb3cd5394c0feb5cfad98ba3695802e4fab61308f18d474031")
     key2 = KEY()
     self.assertEquals(key2.verify("cool", sig), 1)