def _update(self): labels_voc, self.p_labels, self.g_labels = self.get_labels_vocabulary() self.do_apply = len(labels_voc._terms) and has_interface( self.brains, ILabelSupport) self.fields += Fields( MasterSelectField( __name__='action_choice', title=_(u'Batch action choice'), description=(not self.do_apply and cannot_modify_field_msg or u''), vocabulary=SimpleVocabulary([ SimpleTerm(value=u'add', title=_(u'Add items')), SimpleTerm(value=u'remove', title=_(u'Remove items')), SimpleTerm(value=u'replace', title=_(u'Replace some items by others')), SimpleTerm(value=u'overwrite', title=_(u'Overwrite')) ]), slave_fields=( { 'name': 'removed_values', 'slaveID': '#form-widgets-removed_values', 'action': 'hide', 'hide_values': (u'add', u'overwrite'), 'siblings': True, }, { 'name': 'added_values', 'slaveID': '#form-widgets-added_values', 'action': 'hide', 'hide_values': (u'remove'), 'siblings': True, }, ), required=self.do_apply, default=u'add')) if self.do_apply: self.fields += Fields( schema.List( __name__='removed_values', title=_(u"Removed values"), description= _(u"Select the values to remove. A personal label is represented by (*)." ), required=False, value_type=schema.Choice(vocabulary=labels_voc), )) self.fields += Fields( schema.List( __name__='added_values', title=_(u"Added values"), description= _(u"Select the values to add. A personal label is represented by (*)." ), required=False, value_type=schema.Choice(vocabulary=labels_voc), )) self.fields["removed_values"].widgetFactory = CheckBoxFieldWidget self.fields["added_values"].widgetFactory = CheckBoxFieldWidget
def _update(self): self.voc = self.getAvailableTransitionsVoc() self.do_apply = len(self.voc) > 0 self.fields += Fields(schema.Choice( __name__='transition', title=_(u'Transition'), vocabulary=self.voc, description=(len(self.voc) == 0 and _(u'No common or available transition. Modify your selection.') or u''), required=len(self.voc) > 0)) self.fields += Fields(schema.Text( __name__='comment', title=_(u'Comment'), description=_(u'Optional comment to display in history'), required=False))
def _update(self): self.voc = self.getAvailableTransitionsVoc() self.do_apply = len(self.voc) > 0 self.fields += Fields( schema.Choice( __name__='transition', title=_(u'Transition'), vocabulary=self.voc, description=(len(self.voc) == 0 and _( u'No common or available transition. Modify your selection.' ) or u''), required=len(self.voc) > 0)) self.fields += Fields( schema.Text( __name__='comment', title=_(u'Comment'), description=_(u'Optional comment to display in history'), required=False))
class TransitionBatchActionForm(BaseBatchActionForm): label = _(u"Batch state change") weight = 10 def getAvailableTransitionsVoc(self): """ Returns available transitions common for all brains """ wtool = api.portal.get_tool(name='portal_workflow') terms = [] transitions = None for brain in self.brains: obj = brain.getObject() if transitions is None: transitions = set([(tr['id'], tr['title']) for tr in wtool.getTransitionsFor(obj)]) else: transitions &= set([(tr['id'], tr['title']) for tr in wtool.getTransitionsFor(obj)]) if transitions: for (id, tit) in transitions: terms.append( SimpleTerm( id, id, translate(tit, domain='plone', context=self.request))) terms = sorted(terms, key=attrgetter('title')) return SimpleVocabulary(terms) def _update(self): self.voc = self.getAvailableTransitionsVoc() self.do_apply = len(self.voc) > 0 self.fields += Fields( schema.Choice( __name__='transition', title=_(u'Transition'), vocabulary=self.voc, description=(len(self.voc) == 0 and _( u'No common or available transition. Modify your selection.' ) or u''), required=len(self.voc) > 0)) self.fields += Fields( schema.Text( __name__='comment', title=_(u'Comment'), description=_(u'Optional comment to display in history'), required=False)) def _apply(self, **data): """ """ if data['transition']: for brain in self.brains: obj = brain.getObject() api.content.transition(obj=obj, transition=data['transition'], comment=data['comment'])
def description(self): """ """ if len(self.deletables) < len(self.brains): not_deletables = len(self.brains) - len(self.deletables) return _( 'This action will only affect ${deletable_number} element(s), indeed ' 'you do not have the permission to delete ${not_deletable_number} element(s).', mapping={ 'deletable_number': len(self.deletables), 'not_deletable_number': not_deletables, }) else: return super(DeleteBatchActionForm, self).description
class DeleteBatchActionForm(BaseBatchActionForm): label = _(u"Delete elements") weight = 5 button_with_icon = True apply_button_title = _('delete-batch-action-but') def _get_deletable_elements(self): """ """ objs = [brain.getObject() for brain in self.brains] deletables = [ obj for obj in objs if _checkPermission(DeleteObjects, obj) ] return deletables def _update(self): """ """ self.deletables = self._get_deletable_elements() @property def description(self): """ """ if len(self.deletables) < len(self.brains): not_deletables = len(self.brains) - len(self.deletables) return _( 'This action will only affect ${deletable_number} element(s), indeed ' 'you do not have the permission to delete ${not_deletable_number} element(s).', mapping={ 'deletable_number': len(self.deletables), 'not_deletable_number': not_deletables, }) else: return super(DeleteBatchActionForm, self).description def _apply(self, **data): """ """ for obj in self.deletables: api.content.delete(obj)
def _update(self): assert self.attribute assert self.field_value_type is not None self.do_apply = is_permitted(self.brains) self.fields += Fields( schema.Choice( __name__='action_choice', title=_(u'Batch action choice'), description=(not self.do_apply and cannot_modify_field_msg or u''), vocabulary=SimpleVocabulary([ SimpleTerm(value=u'add', title=_(u'Add items')), SimpleTerm(value=u'remove', title=_(u'Remove items')), SimpleTerm(value=u'replace', title=_(u'Replace some items by others')), SimpleTerm(value=u'overwrite', title=_(u'Overwrite')) ]), required=self.do_apply, default=u'add')) if self.do_apply: self.fields += Fields( ContactList( __name__='removed_values', title=_(u"Removed values"), description=_( u"Search and select the values to remove, if necessary." ), required=False, addlink=False, value_type=self.field_value_type, )) self.fields += Fields( ContactList( __name__='added_values', title=_(u"Added values"), description=_(u"Search and select the values to add."), required=False, addlink=False, value_type=self.field_value_type, ))
def description(self): """ """ # update description depending on number of brains return _('This action will affect ${number} element(s).', mapping={'number': len(self.brains)})
class BaseBatchActionForm(Form): label = _(u"Batch action form") fields = Fields(IBaseBatchActionsFormSchema) fields['uids'].mode = HIDDEN_MODE fields['referer'].mode = HIDDEN_MODE ignoreContext = True brains = [] # easy way to hide the "Apply" button when required conditions # are not met for the action to be applied do_apply = True # the title of the apply button to fit current action apply_button_title = None # this will add a specific class to the generated button action # so it is possible to skin it with an icon button_with_icon = False overlay = True weight = 100 # useful when dispalying batch actions on several views for same context section = "default" def available(self): """Will the action be available for current context?""" return True def _update(self): """Method to override if you need to do something in the update.""" return def _final_update(self): """Method to override if you need to do something when everything have been updated.""" return def _update_widgets(self): """Method to override if you need to do something after the updateWidgets method.""" return @property def description(self): """ """ # update description depending on number of brains return _('This action will affect ${number} element(s).', mapping={'number': len(self.brains)}) def _apply(self, **data): """This method receives in data the form content and does the apply logic. It is the method to implement if default handleApply is enough.""" raise NotImplementedError def update(self): form = self.request.form if 'form.widgets.uids' in form: uids = form['form.widgets.uids'] else: uids = self.request.get('uids', '') form['form.widgets.uids'] = uids if 'form.widgets.referer' not in form: form['form.widgets.referer'] = self.request.get( 'referer', '').replace('@', '&').replace('!', '#') self.brains = self.brains or brains_from_uids(uids) # sort buttons self._old_buttons = self.buttons self.buttons ='apply', 'cancel') self._update() super(BaseBatchActionForm, self).update() self._update_widgets() if self.apply_button_title is not None and 'apply' in self.actions: self.actions['apply'].title = self.apply_button_title self._final_update() @button.buttonAndHandler(_(u'Apply'), name='apply', condition=lambda fi: fi.do_apply) def handleApply(self, action): """ """ if not self.available(): raise Unauthorized data, errors = self.extractData() if errors: self.status = self.formErrorsMessage else: # log in fingerpointing before executing job extras = 'action={0} number_of_elements={1}'.format( repr(self.label), len(self.brains)) fplog('apply_batch_action', extras=extras) # call the method that does the job applied = self._apply(**data) # redirect if not using an overlay if not self.request.form.get('ajax_load', ''): self.request.response.redirect( self.request.form['form.widgets.referer']) else: # make sure we return nothing, taken into account by ajax query if not applied: self.request.RESPONSE.setStatus(204) return applied or "" @button.buttonAndHandler(PMF(u'Cancel'), name='cancel') def handleCancel(self, action): self.request.response.redirect(self.request.get('HTTP_REFERER'))
class ContactBaseBatchActionForm(BaseBatchActionForm): """ Base class to manage contact field change. For now, only ContactList. """ label = _(u"Batch contact field change") weight = 30 # Following variables must be overrided in child class available_permission = '' attribute = '' field_value_type = None def available(self): """Will the action be available for current context?""" if self.available_permission: return api.user.has_permission(self.available_permission) return True def _update(self): assert self.attribute assert self.field_value_type is not None self.do_apply = is_permitted(self.brains) self.fields += Fields( schema.Choice( __name__='action_choice', title=_(u'Batch action choice'), description=(not self.do_apply and cannot_modify_field_msg or u''), vocabulary=SimpleVocabulary([ SimpleTerm(value=u'add', title=_(u'Add items')), SimpleTerm(value=u'remove', title=_(u'Remove items')), SimpleTerm(value=u'replace', title=_(u'Replace some items by others')), SimpleTerm(value=u'overwrite', title=_(u'Overwrite')) ]), required=self.do_apply, default=u'add')) if self.do_apply: self.fields += Fields( ContactList( __name__='removed_values', title=_(u"Removed values"), description=_( u"Search and select the values to remove, if necessary." ), required=False, addlink=False, value_type=self.field_value_type, )) self.fields += Fields( ContactList( __name__='added_values', title=_(u"Added values"), description=_(u"Search and select the values to add."), required=False, addlink=False, value_type=self.field_value_type, )) def _apply(self, **data): if ((data.get('removed_values', None) and data['action_choice'] in ('remove', 'replace')) or (data.get('added_values', None)) and data['action_choice'] in ('add', 'replace', 'overwrite')): intids = getUtility(IIntIds) for brain in self.brains: obj = brain.getObject() if data['action_choice'] in ('overwrite'): items = set(data['added_values']) else: # we get the linked objects items = set([ intids.getObject(rel.to_id) for rel in (getattr(obj, self.attribute) or []) if not rel.isBroken() ]) if data['action_choice'] in ('remove', 'replace'): items = items.difference(data['removed_values']) if data['action_choice'] in ('add', 'replace'): items = items.union(data['added_values']) # transform to relations rels = [RelationValue(intids.getId(ob)) for ob in items] setattr(obj, self.attribute, rels) modified(obj)
class LabelsBatchActionForm(BaseBatchActionForm): label = _(u"Batch labels change") weight = 20 def get_labeljar_context(self): return self.context def get_labels_vocabulary(self): terms, p_labels, g_labels = [], [], [] context = self.get_labeljar_context() try: adapted = ILabelJar(context) except: return SimpleVocabulary(terms), [], [] self.can_change_labels = is_permitted(self.brains, perm='ftw.labels: Change Labels') for label in adapted.list(): if label['by_user']: p_labels.append(label['label_id']) terms.append( SimpleVocabulary.createTerm( '%s:' % label['label_id'], label['label_id'], u'{} (*)'.format(safe_unicode(label['title'])))) else: g_labels.append(label['label_id']) if self.can_change_labels: terms.append( SimpleVocabulary.createTerm( label['label_id'], label['label_id'], safe_unicode(label['title']))) return SimpleVocabulary(terms), set(p_labels), g_labels def _update(self): labels_voc, self.p_labels, self.g_labels = self.get_labels_vocabulary() self.do_apply = len(labels_voc._terms) and has_interface( self.brains, ILabelSupport) self.fields += Fields( MasterSelectField( __name__='action_choice', title=_(u'Batch action choice'), description=(not self.do_apply and cannot_modify_field_msg or u''), vocabulary=SimpleVocabulary([ SimpleTerm(value=u'add', title=_(u'Add items')), SimpleTerm(value=u'remove', title=_(u'Remove items')), SimpleTerm(value=u'replace', title=_(u'Replace some items by others')), SimpleTerm(value=u'overwrite', title=_(u'Overwrite')) ]), slave_fields=( { 'name': 'removed_values', 'slaveID': '#form-widgets-removed_values', 'action': 'hide', 'hide_values': (u'add', u'overwrite'), 'siblings': True, }, { 'name': 'added_values', 'slaveID': '#form-widgets-added_values', 'action': 'hide', 'hide_values': (u'remove'), 'siblings': True, }, ), required=self.do_apply, default=u'add')) if self.do_apply: self.fields += Fields( schema.List( __name__='removed_values', title=_(u"Removed values"), description= _(u"Select the values to remove. A personal label is represented by (*)." ), required=False, value_type=schema.Choice(vocabulary=labels_voc), )) self.fields += Fields( schema.List( __name__='added_values', title=_(u"Added values"), description= _(u"Select the values to add. A personal label is represented by (*)." ), required=False, value_type=schema.Choice(vocabulary=labels_voc), )) self.fields["removed_values"].widgetFactory = CheckBoxFieldWidget self.fields["added_values"].widgetFactory = CheckBoxFieldWidget def _update_widgets(self): if self.do_apply: # self.widgets['action_choice'].size = 4 self.widgets['removed_values'].multiple = 'multiple' self.widgets['removed_values'].size = 5 self.widgets['added_values'].multiple = 'multiple' self.widgets['added_values'].size = 5 def _apply(self, **data): if ((data.get('removed_values', None) and data['action_choice'] in ('remove', 'replace')) or (data.get('added_values', None)) and data['action_choice'] in ('add', 'replace', 'overwrite')): values = {'p_a': [], 'p_r': [], 'g_a': [], 'g_r': []} for act, lst in (('a', data.get('added_values', [])), ('r', data.get('removed_values', []))): for val in lst: typ = (':' in val) and 'p' or 'g' values['{}_{}'.format(typ, act)].append(val.split(':')[0]) for brain in self.brains: obj = brain.getObject() labeling = ILabeling(obj) p_act, g_act = active_labels(labeling) # manage global labels if self.can_change_labels and (values['g_a'] or values['g_r']): if data['action_choice'] in ('overwrite'): items = set(values['g_a']) else: items = set(g_act) # currently active labels if data['action_choice'] in ('remove', 'replace'): items = items.difference(values['g_r']) if data['action_choice'] in ('add', 'replace'): items = items.union(values['g_a']) labeling.update(items) # manage personal labels if values['p_a'] or values['p_r']: if data['action_choice'] in ('overwrite'): items = set(values['p_a']) labeling.pers_update(self.p_labels.difference(items), False) labeling.pers_update(items, True) else: if data['action_choice'] in ('remove', 'replace'): labeling.pers_update( set(p_act).intersection(values['p_r']), False) if data['action_choice'] in ('add', 'replace'): labeling.pers_update(values['p_a'], True) obj.reindexObject(['labels'])
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Batch actions views.""" from AccessControl import getSecurityManager from collective.eeafaceted.batchactions import _ from imio.helpers.content import uuidsToCatalogBrains cannot_modify_field_msg = _( u"You can't change this field on selected items. Modify your selection.") def is_permitted(brains, perm='Modify portal content'): """ Check all brains to verify a permission, by default 'Modify portal content' """ ret = True sm = getSecurityManager() for brain in brains: obj = brain.getObject() if not sm.checkPermission(perm, obj): ret = False break return ret def has_interface(brains, itf): """ Check all brains to verify a provided interface """ ret = True for brain in brains: obj = brain.getObject() if not itf.providedBy(obj): ret = False break