Example #1
bottom      = 0.25        # right space on page
# bottom      = 0.55        # only 5 catchments
top         = 0.9         # right space on page
textsize    = 10          # standard text size
dxabc       = 0.99       # % of (max-min) shift to the right from left y-axis for a,b,c,... labels
dyabc       = 0.90        # % of (max-min) shift up from lower x-axis for a,b,c,... labels

lwidth      = 1.0         # linewidth
elwidth     = 1.0         # errorbar line width
alwidth     = 1.0         # axis line width
msize       = 2.5         # marker size
mwidth      = 1.0         # marker edge width
mcol1       = color.get_brewer('rdylbu4').colors[1]   # observation          --> orange
mcol2       = color.get_brewer('rdylbu4').colors[3]   # optimal simulation   --> light blue
mcol3       = color.get_brewer('rdylbu4').colors[2]   # initial simulation   --> dark blue
mcol        = color.colours(['blue','red','darkblue','gray','yellow', 'green', 'darkgreen', 'darkblue','darkgrey','black'])
lcol1       = color.colours('gray')
lcol2       = color.colours('black')
lcol3       = '0.0'

textbox_x  = 0.5
textbox_y  = 1.1

# Legend
llxbbox     = 1.0         # x-anchor legend bounding box
llybbox     = 0.95        # y-anchor legend bounding box
llrspace    = -0.02       # spacing between rows in legend
llcspace    = 0.05         # spacing between columns in legend
llhtextpad  = 0.4         # the pad between the legend handle and text
llhlength   = 1.5         # the length of the legend handles
frameon     = False       # if True, draw a frame around the legend. If None, use rc
Example #2
textsize = 8  # standard text size
dxabc = 1.0  # % of (max-min) shift to the right from left y-axis for a,b,c,... labels
# dyabc       = -13       # % of (max-min) shift up from lower x-axis for a,b,c,... labels
dyabc = 0.0  # % of (max-min) shift up from lower x-axis for a,b,c,... labels
dxsig = 1.23  # % of (max-min) shift to the right from left y-axis for signature
dysig = -0.05  # % of (max-min) shift up from lower x-axis for signature
dxtit = 0  # % of (max-min) shift to the right from left y-axis for title
dytit = 1.3  # % of (max-min) shift up from lower x-axis for title

lwidth = 1.5  # linewidth
elwidth = 1.0  # errorbar line width
alwidth = 0.5  # axis line width
glwidth = 0.5  # grid line width
msize = 3.0  # marker size
mwidth = 1.0  # marker edge width
mcol1 = color.colours('blue')  # primary marker colour
mcol2 = color.colours('red')  # secondary
mcol3 = color.colours('red')  # third
mcols = ['0.0', '0.4', '0.4', '0.7', '0.7', '1.0']
lcol1 = color.colours('blue')  # primary line colour
lcol2 = '0.0'
lcol3 = '0.0'
lcols = ['None', 'None', 'None', 'None', 'None', '0.0']
hatches = [None, None, None, None, None, '//']

# Legend
llxbbox = 0.0  # x-anchor legend bounding box
llybbox = 1.0  # y-anchor legend bounding box
llrspace = 0.  # spacing between rows in legend
llcspace = 1.0  # spacing between columns in legend
llhtextpad = 0.4  # the pad between the legend handle and text
Example #3
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------

nrow = 5  # # of rows of subplots per figure
ncol = 1  # # of columns of subplots per figure
hspace = 0.10  # x-space between subplots
vspace = 0.06  # y-space between subplots
textsize = 12  # standard text size
dxabc = 0.03  # % of (max-min) shift to the right from left y-axis for a,b,c,... labels
dyabc = 0.88  # % of (max-min) shift up from lower x-axis for a,b,c,... labels

lwidth = 1.0  # linewidth
elwidth = 1.0  # errorbar line width
alwidth = 1.0  # axis line width
msize = 2.5  # marker size
mwidth = 1.0  # marker edge width
mcol1 = color.colours('gray')  # primary marker colour
mcol2 = colors[2]  # secondary
mcol3 = colors[8]  # third
mcol = color.colours([
    'red', 'blue', 'orange', 'gray', 'yellow', 'green', 'darkgreen',
    'darkblue', 'darkgrey', 'black'
lcol1 = color.colours('gray')
lcol2 = '0.0'
lcol3 = '0.0'

textbox_x = 0.5
textbox_y = 1.1

# Legend
llxbbox = 1.0  # x-anchor legend bounding box
Example #4
        bgcolor = 'black'
        fgcolor = 'black'
        bgcolor = 'white'

    # colors
    cols1 = color.get_brewer('YlOrRd9', rgb=True)
    cols1 = color.get_brewer('WhiteYellowOrangeRed', rgb=True)[30:]
    cols1 = color.get_brewer('dark_rainbow_256', rgb=True)  # blue to red

    cols2 = color.get_brewer('YlOrRd9', rgb=True)[::-1]
    cols2 = color.get_brewer('WhiteYellowOrangeRed', rgb=True)[30:][::-1]
    cols2 = color.get_brewer('dark_rainbow_256', rgb=True)[::-1]  # red to blue

    cols3 = [cols2[0], cols2[95], cols2[-1]]  # red, yellow, blue
    cols3 = [color.colours('gray'), cols2[0],
             color.colours('white')]  # gray red white

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Colors
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    colors_benchmark = (  #color.get_brewer( 'WhiteBlueGreenYellowRed',rgb=True)[20], 
        color.get_brewer('WhiteBlueGreenYellowRed', rgb=True)[55],
        color.get_brewer('WhiteBlueGreenYellowRed', rgb=True)[80],
        color.get_brewer('WhiteBlueGreenYellowRed', rgb=True)[105],
        #color.get_brewer( 'WhiteBlueGreenYellowRed',rgb=True)[130],
        color.get_brewer('WhiteBlueGreenYellowRed', rgb=True)[155],
        #color.get_brewer( 'WhiteBlueGreenYellowRed',rgb=True)[180],
        color.get_brewer('WhiteBlueGreenYellowRed', rgb=True)[205],
        #color.get_brewer( 'WhiteBlueGreenYellowRed',rgb=True)[230],
        #color.get_brewer( 'WhiteBlueGreenYellowRed',rgb=True)[230],
Example #5
dxabc_clock = 2.3         # % of (max-min) shift to the right from left y-axis for a,b,c,... labels
dyabc_clock = 0           # % of (max-min) shift up from lower x-axis for a,b,c,... labels
dxsig       = 1.23        # % of (max-min) shift to the right from left y-axis for a,b,c,... labels
dysig       = -0.05       # % of (max-min) shift up from lower x-axis for a,b,c,... labels

lwidth      = 1.5         # linewidth
elwidth     = 1.0         # errorbar line width
alwidth     = 1.0         # axis line width
glwidth     = 0.5         # grid line width
msize       = 1.0         # marker size
mwidth      = 1.0         # marker edge width
mcol1       = '0.0'       # primary marker colour
mcol2       = '0.4'                     # secondary
mcol3       = '0.0' # third
mcols       = ['0.0', '0.4', '0.4', '0.7', '0.7', '1.0']
lcol1       = color.colours('blue')   # primary line colour
lcol2       = '0.4'
lcol3       = '0.0'
lcols       = ['None', 'None', 'None', 'None', 'None', '0.0']
hatches     = [None, None, None, None, None, '//']
dobw      = False # True: black & white

# Legend
llxbbox       = 0.0         # x-anchor legend bounding box
llybbox       = 1.0        # y-anchor legend bounding box
llxbbox_clock = -0.2        # x-anchor legend bounding box clock_plot
llybbox_clock = 1.08        # y-anchor legend bounding box clock_plot
llrspace      = 0.          # spacing between rows in legend
llcspace      = 1.0         # spacing between columns in legend
llhtextpad    = 0.4         # the pad between the legend handle and text
llhlength     = 1.5         # the length of the legend handles