Example #1
def xyzrgb_segment_kmeans(pc,colors,histograms,hist_bin_size=4):
    - pc is a numpy array of points of size N * 3
    - colors is an array of colors of size N * 3
    - historgrams is a list of uv histograms
    Output (labels,M,cost):
    - labels: an N*1 vector of integers 0,...,M
    - M: the number of histograms
    - cost: a number denoting cost of the histogram.
      better values are lower.
    assert pc.shape[1]==3
    xscale = 2.0
    yscale = 2.0
    zscale = 1.0
    hscale = np.amax(np.amax(pc,0)-np.amin(pc,0))
    assert colors.shape[1]==3
    features = np.zeros((pc.shape[0],3+len(histograms)))
    features[:,0] = pc[:,0]*xscale
    features[:,1] = pc[:,1]*yscale
    features[:,2] = pc[:,2]*zscale
    h = []
    for i in xrange(pc.shape[0]):
        uv = rgb_to_yuv(*colors[i,:])[1:3]
        hi = [eval_uv_hist(hj,uv,hist_bin_size)*hscale for hj in histograms]
    features[:,3:] = np.array(h)
    naive_labeling = []
    for i in xrange(pc.shape[0]):
        hi,index = max((v,j) for (j,v) in enumerate(h[i]))
    labels,quality = kmeans(features,len(histograms),initial=naive_labeling)
    return (labels,len(histograms),quality)
Example #2
def objectMatch1(cloud,histogram_dict):
    Input: Numpy array of cloud with RGB of current object, dictionary of all the object in the shelf
    Output: ID of specific point cloud 
    uv = [color.rgb_to_yuv(*rgb)[1:3] for rgb in cloud[:,4:7]]
    hist = color.make_uv_hist(uv)
    scores = dict([ (obj, dtw(svd(hist)[1].reshape(-1, 1),svd(histogram)[1].reshape(-1, 1),dist=lambda t13, t14: norm(svd(hist)[1].reshape(-1, 1) - svd(histogram)[1].reshape(-1, 1), ord=1))) for (obj, histogram) in histogram_dict.items()])
    sorted_score = sorted(scores.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1),reverse = True)
    obj = sorted_score[0][0]
    score = sorted_score[0][1]
        print 'found object ' + str((obj-1)/NUM_HIST_PER_OBJECT+1) + '\nscore is ' + str(score)+ '\ncloud com is '
        print com(cloud)
        print "\n" 
    return (obj-1)/NUM_HIST_PER_OBJECT+1,score
Example #3
    features[:,3:] = np.array(h)
    naive_labeling = []
    for i in xrange(pc.shape[0]):
        hi,index = max((v,j) for (j,v) in enumerate(h[i]))
    labels,quality = kmeans(features,len(histograms),initial=naive_labeling)
    return (labels,len(histograms),quality)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    N1 = 3000
    N2 = 2000
    pc1 = [[random.uniform(0.1,0.2),random.uniform(0.5,0.7),random.uniform(1.3,1.7)] for i in xrange(N1)]
    pc2 = [[random.uniform(0.13,0.18),random.uniform(0.7,0.8),random.uniform(1.3,1.7)] for i in xrange(N2)]
    rgb1 = [[random.uniform(0.4,0.8),random.uniform(0.2,0.3),random.uniform(0.0,1.0)] for i in xrange(N1)]
    rgb2 = [[random.uniform(0.2,0.5),random.uniform(0.1,0.8),random.uniform(0.3,0.6)] for i in xrange(N2)]
    hist1 = make_uv_hist([rgb_to_yuv(*c)[1:3] for c in rgb1])
    hist2 = make_uv_hist([rgb_to_yuv(*c)[1:3] for c in rgb2])
    testxyz = pc1 + pc2
    testrgb = rgb1 + rgb2
    labels,K,cost = xyzrgb_segment_kmeans(np.array(testxyz),np.array(testrgb),[hist1,hist2])
    print "Cost:",cost
    TP,TN,FP,FN = 0,0,0,0
    for i in xrange(0,N1):
        if labels[i] == 0:
            TP += 1
            FN += 1
    for i in xrange(N1,N1+N2):
        if labels[i] == 1:
            TN += 1
Example #4
    #     color_idx = np.append(color_idx, np_cloud[:,3]-i, axis = 0)
    # print color_idx
    # color_idx =  color_idx[color_idx[:] < 307200]
    # print len(color_idx)
    # # mask = np.zeros((307200,1))
    # # for i in range(0,len(color_idx)):
    # #     if color_idx[i] > 0:
    # #         mask[color_idx[i]] = 1
    # final_cloud = cloud[color_idx.astype(int)]
    # print final_cloud
    # print len(final_cloud)

    np.savez("test", final_cloud[:, 0], final_cloud[:, 1], final_cloud[:, 2])

    np.savez("object", final_cloud[:, 0], final_cloud[:, 1], final_cloud[:, 2])
    y, u, v = color.rgb_to_yuv(final_cloud[:, 4], final_cloud[:, 5], final_cloud[:, 6])
    # print 'y', y
    # print 'u', u
    # print 'v', v
    uv = [color.rgb_to_yuv(*rgb)[1:3] for rgb in final_cloud[:, 4:7]]
    # print uv
    # # uv = [u,v]
    # print uv
    hist = color.make_uv_hist(uv)
    # print hist
    # a = hist.sum()
    # print a
    old_hist = np.load("ref2.npz")
    old_hist = old_hist["arr_0"]
    # # print old_hist.sum()
    np.savez(SAVE_LOCATION, hist)