Example #1
    def test_percent(self):
        """Test that percents work properly."""

        color = "color(--okhsl 20 100% 75% / 100%)"
        okhsl = Color(color)
        self.assertEqual("color(--okhsl 20 1 0.75)", okhsl.to_string())

        color = "color(--okhsl 20 1 0.75 / 20%)"
        okhsl = Color(color)
        self.assertEqual("color(--okhsl 20 1 0.75 / 0.2)", okhsl.to_string())
Example #2
    def test_percent(self):
        """Test that percents work properly."""

        color = "color(--din99o 20% 10 -30 / 100%)"
        din99o = Color(color)
        self.assertEqual("color(--din99o 20 10 -30)", din99o.to_string())

        color = "color(--din99o 20% 10 -30 / 20%)"
        din99o = Color(color)
        self.assertEqual("color(--din99o 20 10 -30 / 0.2)", din99o.to_string())
Example #3
    def test_percent(self):
        """Test that percents work properly."""

        color = "color(--lchuv 20% 10 130 / 100%)"
        lchuv = Color(color)
        self.assertEqual("color(--lchuv 20 10 130)", lchuv.to_string())

        color = "color(--lchuv 20% 10 130 / 20%)"
        lchuv = Color(color)
        self.assertEqual("color(--lchuv 20 10 130 / 0.2)", lchuv.to_string())
Example #4
    def test_percent(self):
        """Test that percents work properly."""

        color = "color(--hsluv 20 50% 75% / 100%)"
        hsluv = Color(color)
        self.assertEqual("color(--hsluv 20 50 75)", hsluv.to_string())

        color = "color(--hsluv 20 50 75 / 20%)"
        hsluv = Color(color)
        self.assertEqual("color(--hsluv 20 50 75 / 0.2)", hsluv.to_string())
Example #5
    def test_percent(self):
        """Test that percents work properly."""

        args = {}

        color = "lch(20% 10 130 / 100%)"
        lch = Color(color)
        self.assertEqual("lch(20% 10 130)", lch.to_string(**args))

        color = "lch(20% 10 130 / 20%)"
        lch = Color(color)
        self.assertEqual("lch(20% 10 130 / 0.2)", lch.to_string(**args))
Example #6
    def test_percent(self):
        """Test that percents work properly."""

        args = {}

        color = "oklab(20% 0.1 -0.3 / 100%)"
        lab = Color(color)
        self.assertEqual("oklab(20% 0.1 -0.3)", lab.to_string(**args))

        color = "oklab(20% 0.1 -0.3 / 20%)"
        lab = Color(color)
        self.assertEqual("oklab(20% 0.1 -0.3 / 0.2)", lab.to_string(**args))
Example #7
    def test_no_alpha(self):
        """Test no alpha."""

        args = {"comma": True, "alpha": False}

        color = "hsla(20, 100%, 75%, 0.2)"
        hsl = Color(color)
        self.assertEqual("hsl(20, 100%, 75%)", hsl.to_string(**args))

        args["comma"] = False

        color = "hsl(20 100% 75% / 0.2)"
        hsl = Color(color)
        self.assertEqual("hsl(20 100% 75%)", hsl.to_string(**args))
Example #8
    def test_force_alpha(self):
        """Test force alpha."""

        args = {"comma": True, "alpha": True}

        color = "hsla(20, 100%, 75%, 1)"
        hsl = Color(color)
        self.assertEqual("hsla(20, 100%, 75%, 1)", hsl.to_string(**args))

        args["comma"] = False

        color = "hsl(20 100% 75% / 1)"
        hsl = Color(color)
        self.assertEqual("hsl(20 100% 75% / 1)", hsl.to_string(**args))
Example #9
    def test_space(self):
        """Test space input and space output format."""

        args = {}

        color = "rgb(30 100 200)"
        rgb = Color(color)
        self.assertEqual(color, rgb.to_string(**args))

        color = "rgb(30 100 200 / 1)"
        rgb = Color(color)
        self.assertEqual("rgb(30 100 200)", rgb.to_string(**args))

        color = "rgb(30 100 200 / 0.2)"
        rgb = Color(color)
        self.assertEqual(color, rgb.to_string(**args))
Example #10
    def test_force_alpha(self):
        """Test force alpha."""

        color = "color(--lchuv 20% 10 130 / 1)"
        lchuv = Color(color)
        self.assertEqual("color(--lchuv 20 10 130 / 1)",
Example #11
    def test_space(self):
        """Test space input and space output format."""

        args = {}

        color = "lch(20% 10 130)"
        lch = Color(color)
        self.assertEqual(color, lch.to_string(**args))

        color = "lch(20% 10 130 / 1)"
        lch = Color(color)
        self.assertEqual("lch(20% 10 130)", lch.to_string(**args))

        color = "lch(20% 10 130 / 0.2)"
        lch = Color(color)
        self.assertEqual(color, lch.to_string(**args))
Example #12
    def test_force_alpha(self):
        """Test force alpha."""

        color = "color(--lch99o 20% 10 130 / 1)"
        din99o = Color(color)
        self.assertEqual("color(--lch99o 20 10 130 / 1)",
Example #13
    def test_no_alpha(self):
        """Test no alpha."""

        color = "color(--lch99o 20% 10 130 / 0.2)"
        din99o = Color(color)
        self.assertEqual("color(--lch99o 20 10 130)",
Example #14
    def test_space(self):
        """Test space input and space output format."""

        args = {}

        color = "hsl(20 100% 75%)"
        hsl = Color(color)
        self.assertEqual(color, hsl.to_string(**args))

        color = "hsl(20 100% 75% / 1)"
        hsl = Color(color)
        self.assertEqual("hsl(20 100% 75%)", hsl.to_string(**args))

        color = "hsl(20 100% 75% / 0.2)"
        hsl = Color(color)
        self.assertEqual(color, hsl.to_string(**args))
Example #15
    def test_space(self):
        """Test space input and space output format."""

        args = {}

        color = "oklab(20% 0.1 -0.3)"
        lab = Color(color)
        self.assertEqual(color, lab.to_string(**args))

        color = "oklab(20% 0.1 -0.3 / 1)"
        lab = Color(color)
        self.assertEqual("oklab(20% 0.1 -0.3)", lab.to_string(**args))

        color = "oklab(20% 0.1 -0.3 / 0.2)"
        lab = Color(color)
        self.assertEqual(color, lab.to_string(**args))
Example #16
    def test_hex_upper(self):
        """Test hex input."""

        args = {"hex": True, "upper": True}

        color = "#AA33DD"
        rgb = Color(color)
        self.assertEqual(color, rgb.to_string(**args))

        color = "#AA33DDFF"
        rgb = Color(color)
        self.assertEqual("#AA33DD", rgb.to_string(**args))

        color = "#AA33DD22"
        rgb = Color(color)
        self.assertEqual("#AA33DD22", rgb.to_string(**args))
Example #17
    def test_hex(self):
        """Test hex input and hex output format."""

        args = {"hex": True}

        color = "#AA33DD"
        rgb = Color(color)
        self.assertEqual(color.lower(), rgb.to_string(**args))

        color = "#AA33DDFF"
        rgb = Color(color)
        self.assertEqual("#aa33dd", rgb.to_string(**args))

        color = "#AA33DD22"
        rgb = Color(color)
        self.assertEqual("#aa33dd22", rgb.to_string(**args))
Example #18
    def test_no_alpha(self):
        """Test no alpha."""

        color = "color(--lchuv 20% 10 130 / 0.2)"
        lchuv = Color(color)
        self.assertEqual("color(--lchuv 20 10 130)",
Example #19
    def test_comma(self):
        """Test comma input and comma output format."""

        args = {"comma": True}

        color = "rgb(30, 100, 200)"
        rgb = Color(color)
        self.assertEqual(color, rgb.to_string(**args))

        color = "rgb(30, 100, 200, 1)"
        rgb = Color(color)
        self.assertEqual("rgb(30, 100, 200)", rgb.to_string(**args))

        color = "rgb(30, 100, 200, 0.2)"
        rgb = Color(color)
        self.assertEqual("rgba(30, 100, 200, 0.2)", rgb.to_string(**args))
Example #20
    def assert_round_trip(self, color, space):
        """Cycle through all the other colors and convert to them and back and check the results."""

        c1 = Color(color).convert(space)
        for space in SPACES:
            # Print the color space to easily identify which color space broke.
            c2 = c1.convert(space)
            c2.convert(c1.space(), in_place=True)
            # Catch cases where we are really close to 360 which should wrap to 0
            for c in (c1, c2):
                if isinstance(c._space, Cylindrical):
                    if util.round_half_up(util.no_nan(c.hue),
                                          c.PRECISION) == 360:
                        c.hue = 0
            # Run rounded string back through parsing in case we hit something like a hue that needs normalization.
            str1 = Color(c1.to_string(color=True,
            str2 = Color(c2.to_string(color=True,
            # Print failing results for debug purposes
            if str1 != str2:
                print('----- Convert: {} <=> {} -----'.format(
                    c1.space(), space))
                print('Original: ', color.to_string(color=True, fit=False))
                print(c1.space() + ': ', str1, c1.coords())
                print(space + ': ', str2, c2.coords())
                assert str1 == str2
Example #21
    def test_comma(self):
        """Test comma input and comma output format."""

        args = {"comma": True}

        color = "hsl(20, 100%, 75%)"
        hsl = Color(color)
        self.assertEqual(color, hsl.to_string(**args))

        color = "hsl(20, 100%, 75%, 1)"
        hsl = Color(color)
        self.assertEqual("hsl(20, 100%, 75%)", hsl.to_string(**args))

        color = "hsl(20, 100%, 75%, 0.2)"
        hsl = Color(color)
        self.assertEqual("hsla(20, 100%, 75%, 0.2)", hsl.to_string(**args))
Example #22
    def test_no_alpha(self):
        """Test no alpha."""

        args = {"alpha": False}

        color = "lch(20% 10 130 / 0.2)"
        lch = Color(color)
        self.assertEqual("lch(20% 10 130)", lch.to_string(**args))
Example #23
    def test_no_alpha(self):
        """Test no alpha."""

        args = {"alpha": False}

        color = "color(display-p3 0.3 1 0.5 / 0.2)"
        p3 = Color(color)
        self.assertEqual("color(display-p3 0.3 1 0.5)", p3.to_string(**args))
Example #24
    def test_force_alpha(self):
        """Test force alpha."""

        args = {"alpha": True}

        color = "color(xyz-d50 0.3 1 0.5 / 100%)"
        xyz = Color(color)
        self.assertEqual("color(xyz-d50 0.3 1 0.5 / 1)", xyz.to_string(**args))
Example #25
    def test_no_alpha(self):
        """Test no alpha."""

        args = {"alpha": False}

        color = "color(xyz-d50 0.3 1 0.5 / 0.2)"
        xyz = Color(color)
        self.assertEqual("color(xyz-d50 0.3 1 0.5)", xyz.to_string(**args))
Example #26
    def test_no_alpha(self):
        """Test no alpha."""

        args = {"alpha": False}

        color = "color(--okhsl 20 100% 75% / 0.2)"
        okhsl = Color(color)
        self.assertEqual("color(--okhsl 20 1 0.75)", okhsl.to_string(**args))
Example #27
    def test_force_alpha(self):
        """Test force alpha."""

        args = {"alpha": True}

        color = "color(rec2020 0.3 1 0.5 / 100%)"
        rec = Color(color)
        self.assertEqual("color(rec2020 0.3 1 0.5 / 1)", rec.to_string(**args))
Example #28
    def test_no_alpha(self):
        """Test no alpha."""

        args = {"alpha": False}

        color = "color(rec2020 0.3 1 0.5 / 0.2)"
        rec = Color(color)
        self.assertEqual("color(rec2020 0.3 1 0.5)", rec.to_string(**args))
Example #29
    def test_no_alpha(self):
        """Test no alpha."""

        args = {"alpha": False}

        color = "color(--ictcp 1 0.2 -0.3 / 0.5)"
        ictcp = Color(color)
        self.assertEqual("color(--ictcp 1 0.2 -0.3)", ictcp.to_string(**args))
Example #30
    def test_force_alpha(self):
        """Test force alpha."""

        args = {"alpha": True}

        color = "lch(20% 10 130 / 1)"
        lch = Color(color)
        self.assertEqual("lch(20% 10 130 / 1)", lch.to_string(**args))