def get_wcs_indicies(args_chroma):
	wcs_map = build_wcs_map()
	chips = build_chiplist()
	inidicies = np.empty((8*40))
	color_rgb = np.empty((8*40, 3))

	for row in xrange(1, 9):
		R = chr(ord('A') + row)
		for col in xrange(1, 41):
			idx = '%s%d' % (R, col)
			wcs_chip = wcs_map[idx]
			if args_chroma > 0:
				chroma = args_chroma
				do_fallback = True
				do_fallthrough = True
				chroma = wcs_chip['chroma']
				do_fallback = True
				do_fallthrough = False

			chip = lookup_chip(wcs_chip['hue'], wcs_chip['value'], chroma, chips, fallback=do_fallback, fallthrough=do_fallthrough)
			inidicies[(row-1) * 40 + col-1] = chip['index']
			lab = LabColor(*wcs_chip['Lab'])
			rgb = lab.convert_to('rgb', debug=False, illuminant='d50')
			color_rgb[(row-1) * 40 + col-1, :] = np.array([rgb.rgb_r, rgb.rgb_g, rgb.rgb_b])
	return (inidicies, color_rgb)
Example #2
	def fade_colors_rgb(self,rgbcolor1,rgbcolor2,speed=0.1):
		Values for color conversion: Best result for me: 


		'a'  'b' 'c' 'd50' 'd55' 'd65' 'd75' 'e' 'f2' 'f7' 'f11'

		'adobe_rgb' 'apple_rgb' 'best_rgb' 'bruce_rgb' 'cie_rgb' 'colormatch_rgb' 'don_rgb_4' 'eci_rgb' 'ekta_space_ps5' 'ntsc_rgb' 'pal_secam_rgb' 'prophoto_rgb' 'smpte_c_rgb' 'srgb' 'wide_gamut_rgb' 

		rgb1 = RGBColor(rgbcolor1[0],rgbcolor1[1],rgbcolor1[2])
		rgb2 = RGBColor(rgbcolor2[0],rgbcolor2[1],rgbcolor2[2])
		l1 = rgb1.convert_to('lab',target_illuminant='d50')
		l2 = rgb2.convert_to('lab',target_illuminant='d50')
		lab1 =[l1.lab_l,l1.lab_a,l1.lab_b]
		lab2 =[l2.lab_l,l2.lab_a,l2.lab_b]

		for i in range(0,self.fade_steps+1):
Example #3
def calculate_new_color(palette, colors, distance_L, distance_A, distance_B,
                        param, Phi, count):
    this function converts all the colors of an image to new_colors
    w = [1 / count for i in range(count)]
    start = time.time()
    # print("distance_L", distance_L)
    # print("distance_A", distance_A)
    # print("distance_B", distance_B)
    new_color = defaultdict(int)
    # new_color = dict()
    t = LabColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
    a = numpy.array(Phi)
    palette_lab = [RGB2LAB1(p) for p in palette]
    for mylab in colors.keys():
        # w = [0 for z in range(count)]
        # print("color in RGB", LAB2RGB1(mylab))
        # print("color in lab space", mylab)
        tempphi = [0 for z in range(count)]
        if (param != 0):
            for index, p in enumerate(palette_lab):
                temp_lab = (mylab.lab_l, mylab.lab_a, mylab.lab_b)
                p1 = (p.lab_l, p.lab_a, p.lab_b)
                r = CalculateLABDistance2(temp_lab, p1)
                tempphi[index] = math.exp(-r * param)

            b = numpy.array(tempphi)
                w = numpy.linalg.solve(a, b)
            except Exception as e:
        # print("weight", w)
        delta_L = 0
        delta_A = 0
        delta_B = 0
        scale = 0
        for weight in w:
            scale = scale + max(weight, 0)
        for index, weight in enumerate(w):
            if (weight > 0):
                # print("weight/scale", weight/scale, " distance_L[index]", distance_L[index])
                delta_L = delta_L + weight / scale * distance_L[index]
                delta_A = delta_A + weight / scale * distance_A[index]
                delta_B = delta_B + weight / scale * distance_B[index]
        t.lab_a = delta_A + mylab.lab_a
        t.lab_b = delta_B + mylab.lab_b
        t.lab_l = mylab.lab_l
        # t.lab_l = delta_L + mylab.lab_l
        # print(t)
        # print("new color in lab space", t)
        rgb = LAB2RGB1(t)
        # print("new color in rgb", rgb)
        LAB = (mylab.lab_l, mylab.lab_a, mylab.lab_b)
        new_color[LAB] = rgb
    #print("size of new_color list", len(new_color))
    # print("key, value", new_color.keys(), new_color.values())
    end = time.time()
    #print('calculate_new_color took', end - start)
    return new_color
    def test_cmc_accuracy(self):
        # Test 2:1
        result = delta_e_cmc(self.color1, self.color2, pl=2, pc=1)
        expected = 1.443
            result, expected, 3,
            "DeltaE CMC (2:1) formula error. Got %.3f, expected %.3f (diff: %.3f)."
            % (result, expected, result - expected))

        # Test against 1:1 as well
        result = delta_e_cmc(self.color1, self.color2, pl=1, pc=1)
        expected = 1.482
            result, expected, 3,
            "DeltaE CMC (1:1) formula error. Got %.3f, expected %.3f (diff: %.3f)."
            % (result, expected, result - expected))

        # Testing atan H behavior.
        atan_color1 = LabColor(lab_l=69.417, lab_a=-12.612, lab_b=-11.271)
        atan_color2 = LabColor(lab_l=83.386, lab_a=39.426, lab_b=-17.525)
        result = delta_e_cmc(atan_color1, atan_color2)
        expected = 44.346
            result, expected, 3,
            "DeltaE CMC Atan test formula error. Got %.3f, expected %.3f (diff: %.3f)."
            % (result, expected, result - expected))
Example #5
def labDiff(self, color1, color2):
    # Find the difference for two lab CIE colors:
    lab1 = LabColor(color1[0], color1[1], color1[2])
    lab2 = LabColor(color2[0], color2[1], color2[2])

    delta_e = delta_e_cie1976(lab1, lab2)
    return delta_e
 def color_distance_cie2000(self, rgb_1, rgb_2, Kl=1, Kc=1, Kh=1):
     lab1 = RGB2Lab(rgb_1[::-1])
     lab2 = RGB2Lab(rgb_2[::-1])
     color1 = LabColor(lab_l=lab1[0], lab_a=lab1[1], lab_b=lab1[2])
     color2 = LabColor(lab_l=lab2[0], lab_a=lab2[1], lab_b=lab2[2])
     delta_e = delta_e_cie2000(color1, color2, Kl=Kl, Kc=Kc, Kh=Kh)
     return delta_e
def wcs_gen_chip(chip):
	lab = LabColor(*chip['Lab'])
	rgb = lab.convert_to('rgb', debug=False, illuminant='d50')
	img = np.ones((100, 100, 3))	
	img[:,:,0] *= rgb.rgb_r / 255.0
	img[:,:,1] *= rgb.rgb_g / 255.0
	img[:,:,2] *= rgb.rgb_b / 255.0
	return img
    def test_cmc_negative_square_root(self):
        Tests against a case where a negative square root in the delta_H
        calculation could happen.

        standard = LabColor(lab_l=0.9, lab_a=1, lab_b=1)
        sample = LabColor(lab_l=0.7, lab_a=0, lab_b=0)
        delta_e_cmc(standard, sample)
    def __init__(self, background, foreground, name=None):
        """Initialize with base shades. Accent colors may remain empty.""" = name = LabColor(*background, illuminant=DAYLIGHT_NOON)
        self.fg = LabColor(*foreground, illuminant=DAYLIGHT_NOON)
        self.contrast = self.fg.lab_l -

        self.base_shades = {}
        self.accent_colors = {}
 def test_cie1994_domain_error(self):
     # These values are from ticket 98 in regards to a CIE1995
     # domain error exception being raised.
     c1 = LabColor(lab_l=50, lab_a=0, lab_b=0)
     c2 = LabColor(lab_l=50, lab_a=-1, lab_b=2)
         delta_e_cie1994(c1, c2)
     except ValueError:"DeltaE CIE1994 domain error.")
Example #11
def getdelta_e_cie2000(l1, a1, b1, l2, a2, b2):
    # Reference color.
    color1 = LabColor(lab_l=l1, lab_a=a1, lab_b=b1)
    # Color to be compared to the reference.
    color2 = LabColor(lab_l=l2, lab_a=a2, lab_b=b2)
    # This is your delta E value as a float.
    delta_e = np.round(delta_e_cie2000(color1, color2, Kl=1, Kc=1, Kh=1), 5)

    return delta_e
    def compare_similar_hist(self, rgb_1, rgb_2):
        lab_l, lab_a, lab_b = self.RGB2Lab(rgb_1)
        color1 = LabColor(lab_l, lab_a, lab_b)

        lab_l, lab_a, lab_b = self.RGB2Lab(rgb_2)
        color2 = LabColor(lab_l, lab_a, lab_b)
        delta_e = delta_e_cie2000(color1, color2)
        # delta_e = delta_e_cmc(color1, color2)
        return delta_e
Example #13
def color_diff(img1, img2, img_scan):
    deltas = []
    for i in range(img1.shape[0]):
        for j in range(img1.shape[1]):
            color1_lab = LabColor(img_scan[i][j], img1[i][j][0], img1[i][j][1])
            color2_lab = LabColor(img_scan[i][j], img2[i][j][0], img2[i][j][1])
            delta_e = delta_e_cie2000(color1_lab, color2_lab)

    return deltas
Example #14
def comparePixels(arr1, arr2, eps=0.001):
    rgb_pixel1 = [[arr1]]
    rgb_pixel2 = [[arr2]]
    lab1 = color.rgb2lab(rgb_pixel1)
    lab2 = color.rgb2lab(rgb_pixel2)
    color1 = LabColor(lab1[0][0][0], lab1[0][0][1], lab1[0][0][2])
    color2 = LabColor(lab2[0][0][0], lab2[0][0][1], lab2[0][0][2])
    if delta_e_cie1976(color1, color2) <= eps:
        return True
    return False
def DeltaCalculator(CIE, LabCH, delta):
    lab_reference = LabColor(lab_l=CIE[0], lab_a=CIE[1], lab_b=CIE[2])
    lab = LabColor(lab_l=LabCH[0], lab_a=LabCH[1], lab_b=LabCH[2])
    if delta == 'delta_e_cie1976':
        return delta_e_cie1976(lab, lab_reference)
    elif delta == 'delta_e_cie1994':
        return delta_e_cie1994(lab, lab_reference)
    elif delta == 'delta_e_cie2000':
        return delta_e_cie2000(lab, lab_reference)
        return delta_e_cmc(lab, lab_reference)
Example #16
def assignbins(lab_pixel_arr):


    midpts = []
    x = [-127, 0, 127]
    mid_pts = [p for p in itertools.product(x, repeat=3)]
    arr_bins = []
    signature_list = []
    for i in range(32):
        #print "a1____"
        for j in range(32):
            l_bin = []

            for x in range(len(mid_pts)):
                a = [mid_pts[x], 0]

            for k in range(8):
                ##print "a3____"
                for l in range(8):
                    #print "a4____"
                    temp_arr = lab_pixel_arr[i * 8 + k][j * 8 + l]
                    score = 1000
                    min_bin = 1000
                    for m in range(len(l_bin)):
                        if (score > delta_e_cie2000(
                                LabColor(l_bin[m][0][0], l_bin[m][0][1],
                            score = delta_e_cie2000(
                                LabColor(l_bin[m][0][0], l_bin[m][0][1],
                            min_bin = m
                    #print min_bin
                    l_bin[min_bin][1] += 1
                    temp_pixel = []
                    for x in range(3):
                        temp_pixel.append((l_bin[min_bin][0][x] +
                                           temp_arr.get_value_tuple()[x]) / 2)

                    temp_pixel = tuple(temp_pixel)
                    l_bin[min_bin][0] = temp_pixel
                    #print "a____"

    print("after assignbins")

    for i in arr_bins:
        for j in range(len(i)):

    return signature_list
Example #17
        def color_distance_lab2(rgb_1, rgb_2):
            from colormath.color_objects import LabColor
            from colormath.color_diff import delta_e_cie1976
            lab1 = RGB2Lab(rgb_1[::-1])
            lab2 = RGB2Lab(rgb_2[::-1])

            color1 = LabColor(lab_l=lab1[0], lab_a=lab1[1], lab_b=lab1[2])
            color2 = LabColor(lab_l=lab2[0], lab_a=lab2[1], lab_b=lab2[2])
            delta_e = delta_e_cie2000(color1, color2)
            # print(delta_e)
            return 200 - delta_e
def compare_similar_hist(rgb_1, rgb_2):
    # print("rgb1",rgb_1)
    # print("rgb2",rgb_2)

    lab_l, lab_a, lab_b = RGB2Lab(rgb_1)
    color1 = LabColor(lab_l, lab_a, lab_b)

    lab_l, lab_a, lab_b = RGB2Lab(rgb_2)
    color2 = LabColor(lab_l, lab_a, lab_b)
    delta_e = delta_e_cie2000(color1, color2)
    # delta_e = delta_e_cmc(color1, color2)
    return delta_e
Example #19
 def color_distance_lab2(rgb_1, rgb_2):
     from colormath.color_objects import LabColor
     from colormath.color_diff import delta_e_cie1976
     lab1 = RGB2Lab(rgb_1[::-1])
     lab2 = RGB2Lab(rgb_2[::-1])
     # Reference color.
     color1 = LabColor(lab_l=lab1[0], lab_a=lab1[1], lab_b=lab1[2])
     # Color to be compared to the reference.
     color2 = LabColor(lab_l=lab2[0], lab_a=lab2[1], lab_b=lab2[2])
     # This is your delta E value as a float.
     delta_e = delta_e_cie1976(color1, color2)
     return delta_e
    def __init__(self, name, background, foreground, shade_specs): = name
        self.slug = slugify(name) = LabColor(*background)
        self.fg = LabColor(*foreground)
        self.contrast = self.fg.lab_l -

        self.color_coords = {}
        self.color_coords["fg_0"] = foreground
        self.color_coords["bg_0"] = background

Example #21
    def color_distance(self, rgb_1, rgb_2):

        :param rgb_1: rgb
        :param rgb_2: rgb
        lab1 = RGB2Lab(rgb_1[::-1])
        lab2 = RGB2Lab(rgb_2[::-1])
        color1 = LabColor(lab_l=lab1[0], lab_a=lab1[1], lab_b=lab1[2])
        color2 = LabColor(lab_l=lab2[0], lab_a=lab2[1], lab_b=lab2[2])
        delta_e = delta_e_cie2000(color1, color2)
        return delta_e
Example #22
    def __init__(self, name, background, foreground, shade_specs=None):
        """Initialize with base shades. Accent colors may remain empty.""" = name
        self.slug = slugify(name) = LabColor(*background, illuminant="d50")
        self.fg = LabColor(*foreground, illuminant="d50")
        self.contrast = self.fg.lab_l -

        self.base_shades = {}
        self.accent_colors = {}

        if shade_specs:
Example #23
def color_distance(rgb_1, rgb_2):

    :param rgb_1: rgb
    :param rgb_2: rgb
    lab1 = RGB2Lab(rgb_1[::-1])
    lab2 = RGB2Lab(rgb_2[::-1])
    color1 = LabColor(lab_l=lab1[0], lab_a=lab1[1], lab_b=lab1[2])
    color2 = LabColor(lab_l=lab2[0], lab_a=lab2[1], lab_b=lab2[2])
    delta_e = delta_e_cie2000(color1, color2, Kl=3, Kc=1, Kh=1) # Kl 亮度, Kc 饱和度, Kh 色调 的权重
    return delta_e, lab1, lab2
Example #24
def deltaE(color1, color2):
    :param color1:  openCV lab (numpy array)
    :param color2:
    C1 = LabColor(
        float(color1[0]) / 255 * 100, float(color1[1] - 127.0),
        float(color1[2] - 127.0))
    C2 = LabColor(
        float(color2[0]) / 255 * 100, float(color2[1] - 127.0),
        float(color2[2] - 127.0))
    return delta_e_cie2000(C1, C2)
    def test_cie2000_accuracy_2(self):
        Follow a different execution path based on variable values.

        # These values are from ticket 8 in regards to a CIE2000 bug.
        c1 = LabColor(lab_l=32.8911, lab_a=-53.0107, lab_b=-43.3182)
        c2 = LabColor(lab_l=77.1797, lab_a=25.5928, lab_b=17.9412)
        result = delta_e_cie2000(c1, c2)
        expected = 78.772
            result, expected, 3,
            "DeltaE CIE2000 formula error. Got %.3f, expected %.3f (diff: %.3f)."
            % (result, expected, result - expected))
Example #26
def example_lab_to_xyz():
    This function shows a simple conversion of an Lab color to an XYZ color
    with debugging on (to show verbose output so you can see what the library
    is doing for you).
    print "=== Simple Example: Lab->XYZ ==="
    # Instantiate an Lab color object with the given values.
    lab = LabColor(0.903, 16.296, -2.22)
    # Show a string representation.
    print lab
    # Convert to XYZ.
    xyz = lab.convert_to('xyz', debug=False)
    print xyz
    print "=== End Example ===\n"
Example #27
def select_task_by_priority(conn, L, A, B):
    result = []
    root = tk.Tk()

    cur = conn.cursor()
    cur.execute("SELECT Partnumber,Colorname,L,A,B FROM reading ")
    rows = cur.fetchall()
    color1 = LabColor(lab_l=L, lab_a=A, lab_b=B)
    for row in rows:
        color2 = LabColor(lab_l=row[2], lab_a=row[3], lab_b=row[4])
        if (delta_e_cie1976(color1, color2) < 100):
            result.extend(delta_e_cie1976(color1, color2))

Example #28
def example_lab_to_xyz():
    This function shows a simple conversion of an Lab color to an XYZ color
    with debugging on (to show verbose output so you can see what the library
    is doing for you).
    print "=== Simple Example: Lab->XYZ ==="
    # Instantiate an Lab color object with the given values.
    lab = LabColor(0.903, 16.296, -2.22)
    # Show a string representation.
    print lab
    # Convert to XYZ.
    xyz = lab.convert_to('xyz', debug=False)
    print xyz
    print "=== End Example ===\n"
Example #29
    def get_color_attributes(self):
        Calculates the color attributes of the vertices.

        :return: None


        # First, get colors in LAB and then convert to RGB hex colors to pass to the model.
        # TODO better way to calculate number of rows?
        num_rows = 10  #math.ceil(math.sqrt(len(self.loader.vertex_ids)))

        # constant
        # 100 here and 36 for l or 128 here and 20 for l
        f_lab_range = 100.0

        colors_lab = np.ndarray((100, 3), dtype=float)
        colors_lab[:, 0] = 36

        pos = self.loader.positions[:, 1:3]

        colors_lab[:, 1:3] = (
            (2 * f_lab_range * pos[:, 0:2]) / num_rows) - f_lab_range

        colors_res = []
        # TODO not always 100?
        for i in range(100):
            currcol = colors_lab[i]
            lab = LabColor(currcol[0], currcol[1], currcol[2])
            res = convert_color(lab, sRGBColor)

        # Set the colors in the model
Example #30
    def get_lab_color(self):
        Return the Lab color instance for this swatch.

        :return: colormath.color_objects.LabColor
        return LabColor(self.lab_l, self.lab_a, self.lab_b)
Example #31
def XYZ_to_Lab(cobj, *args, **kwargs):
    Converts XYZ to Lab.
    illum = cobj.get_illuminant_xyz()
    temp_x = cobj.xyz_x / illum["X"]
    temp_y = cobj.xyz_y / illum["Y"]
    temp_z = cobj.xyz_z / illum["Z"]

    if temp_x > color_constants.CIE_E:
        temp_x = math.pow(temp_x, (1.0 / 3.0))
        temp_x = (7.787 * temp_x) + (16.0 / 116.0)

    if temp_y > color_constants.CIE_E:
        temp_y = math.pow(temp_y, (1.0 / 3.0))
        temp_y = (7.787 * temp_y) + (16.0 / 116.0)

    if temp_z > color_constants.CIE_E:
        temp_z = math.pow(temp_z, (1.0 / 3.0))
        temp_z = (7.787 * temp_z) + (16.0 / 116.0)

    lab_l = (116.0 * temp_y) - 16.0
    lab_a = 500.0 * (temp_x - temp_y)
    lab_b = 200.0 * (temp_y - temp_z)
    return LabColor(
        lab_l, lab_a, lab_b,, illuminant=cobj.illuminant)
Example #32
def example_lab_to_rgb():
    Conversions to RGB are a little more complex mathematically. There are also
    several kinds of RGB color spaces. When converting from a device-independent
    color space to RGB, sRGB is assumed unless otherwise specified with the
    target_rgb keyword arg.
    print "=== RGB Example: Lab->RGB ==="
    # Instantiate an Lab color object with the given values.
    lab = LabColor(0.903, 16.296, -2.217)
    # Show a string representation.
    print lab
    # Convert to XYZ.
    rgb = lab.convert_to('rgb', target_rgb='sRGB', debug=False)
    print rgb
    print "=== End Example ===\n"
Example #33
 def cielab2rgb(self, c):
     from colormath.color_objects import LabColor, sRGBColor
     from colormath.color_conversions import convert_color
     lab = LabColor(c[0], c[1], c[2])
     rgb = convert_color(lab, sRGBColor)
     return np.array(
         [rgb.clamped_rgb_r, rgb.clamped_rgb_g, rgb.clamped_rgb_b])
Example #34
def lab_gradient(slab, elab, soff, eoff, off):
    svals = slab.get_value_tuple()
    evals = elab.get_value_tuple()
    return LabColor(*[
        linear_gradient(start_value, end_value, soff, eoff, off)
        for start_value, end_value in zip(svals, evals)
Example #35
 def blend(color1, color2, percentColor1=0.5):
     percentColor2 = 1.0-percentColor1
     # Convert from QColor to lab
     c1Alpha = color1.alpha()
     color1 = RGBColor(,,'lab')
     c2Alpha = color2.alpha()
     color2 = RGBColor(,,'lab')
     # Interpolate the colors in lab space
     result = LabColor(color1.lab_l*percentColor1+color2.lab_l*percentColor2,
     resultAlpha = c1Alpha*percentColor1 + c2Alpha*percentColor2
     # Convert back to QColor
     result = result.convert_to('rgb')
     return QColor.fromRgba(result.rgb_r,result.rgb_g,result.rgb_b,resultAlpha)
For a massive matrix of colors and color labels you can download
the follow two files


lab-colors is a cPickled list of color names and lab-matrix is a
cPickled (n,3) numpy array LAB values such that row q maps to
index q in the lab color list

import csv
import bz2
import numpy as np

from colormath.color_objects import LabColor

import example_config

# load list of 1000 random colors from the XKCD color chart
reader = csv.DictReader(bz2.BZ2File('lab_matrix.csv.bz2'))
lab_matrix = np.array([map(float, row.values()) for row in reader])

color = LabColor(lab_l=69.34,lab_a=-0.88,lab_b=-52.57)

delta = color.delta_e_matrix(lab_matrix)

print '%s is closest to %s' % (color, lab_matrix[np.argmin(delta)])
Example #37
def lab_to_rgb(lab):
    labcolor = LabColor(*lab)
    rgbcolor = labcolor.convert_to('rgb')
    return (rgbcolor.rgb_r, rgbcolor.rgb_g, rgbcolor.rgb_b)
def Msh_RGB(M,s,h):
    L,a,b = MSH_Lab(M,s,h)
    colour = LabColor(L,a,b,illuminant='d65')
    RGB = colour.convert_to('RGB')
    return RGB.rgb_r/255.,RGB.rgb_g/255.,RGB.rgb_b/255.
Example #39
def lab_to_hsv(lab):
    labcolor = LabColor(*lab)
    hsvcolor = labcolor.convert_to('hsv')
    return (hsvcolor.hsv_h, hsvcolor.hsv_s, hsvcolor.hsv_v)