def mass_sigma(mas):
    r = peaks.lagrangianR(10**mas)  #Mpc/h
    if bool(
    ) == False:  #need this check because matplotlib can check empty values to create new axis and cosmo.sigma needs an np.array
        sigm = np.array([])
        sigm = cosmo.sigma(r, z=z_snap)
    x_ = np.log10(1 / sigm)
    return x_
Example #2
def mass_function_rseppi(Mass):
    cosmo = cosmology.getCurrent()
    delta_c = peaks.collapseOverdensity(z=z)
    R = peaks.lagrangianR(Mass)
    sigma = cosmo.sigma(R=R, z=z)
    nu = delta_c / sigma
    nu2 = nu**2
    zp1 = 1.0 + z
    A = 0.333 * zp1**-0.11
    a = 0.788 * zp1**-0.01
    p = 0.807
    q = 1.795
    f = A * np.sqrt(2 / np.pi) * np.exp(
        -a * nu2 * 0.5) * (1.0 + (nu2 * a)**-p) * (nu * np.sqrt(a))**q

    d_ln_sigma_d_ln_R = cosmo.sigma(R, z, derivative=True)
    rho_Mpc = cosmo.rho_m(0.0) * 1E9
    mass_func_model = -1 / 3 * f * rho_Mpc / Mass * d_ln_sigma_d_ln_R
    return mass_func_model
Example #3
def peak_mass(x):
    return nu
Example #4
for i, p2s in enumerate(path_2_snapshot_data):
    print(i,' of ', len(path_2_snapshot_data)) 
    aexp = float(os.path.basename(p2s[:-8]).split('_')[1])
    z_snap = 1/aexp -1
    E_z = cosmo.Ez(z=z_snap)
    Vol1 = (4e3/(1+z_snap))**3
    dc = peaks.collapseOverdensity(z = z_snap)
    rho_m = cosmo.rho_m(z=z_snap)*1e9

    hd1 =

    logmass1 = np.log10(mass1)
    R_1 = peaks.lagrangianR(mass1)
    sigf_1 = cosmo.sigma(R_1,z=z_snap)
    log1_sigf_1 = np.log10(1/sigf_1)
    Rvir1 = hd1[1].data['Rvir']
    Rs1 = hd1[1].data['Rs']
    xoff_data1 = np.log10(hd1[1].data['Xoff']/hd1[1].data['Rvir'])
    spin1 = hd1[1].data['Spin']
    spinpar1 = hd1[1].data['Spin_Bullock']

    conc1 = Rvir1/Rs1
    peak_bins = np.arange(0.9,5.,0.02)
    peak_array = (peak_bins[:-1]+peak_bins[1:])/2.

    def get_average(x,sel):
        return np.average(x[sel]),np.std(x[sel]),np.sum(sel)
Example #5
displ_lc_concat_sort_mann = np.sort(displ_lightcone_concat_mann_)
cdf_lightcone_concat_mann = np.arange(
    len(displ_lc_concat_sort_mann) + 1) / len(displ_lc_concat_sort_mann)

#make prediction from the model
model =
pars_model = model['pars']
zevo =
zevo_pars = zevo['pars']

parameters = np.append(pars_model, zevo_pars)

#colossus wants masses in Msun/h, so if I want to use physical 5e13 Msun, I will give him 5e13*h= 3.39e13 Msun/h
M1 = 5e13 * h
R1 = peaks.lagrangianR(M1)
sigma1 = cosmo.sigma(R1, z=0)
log1_sigma1 = np.log10(1 / sigma1)

M2 = 2e14 * h
R2 = peaks.lagrangianR(M2)
sigma2 = cosmo.sigma(R2, z=0)
log1_sigma2 = np.log10(1 / sigma2)

M3 = 1e15 * h
R3 = peaks.lagrangianR(M3)
sigma3 = cosmo.sigma(R3, z=0)
log1_sigma3 = np.log10(1 / sigma3)

print('%.3g Msun' % (M1 / h), ' is ', log1_sigma1)
print('%.3g Msun' % (M2 / h), ' is ', log1_sigma2)
for i, p2s in enumerate(path_2_snapshot_data):
    print(i, ' of ', len(path_2_snapshot_data))
    aexp = float(os.path.basename(p2s[:-8]).split('_')[1])
    z_snap = 1 / aexp - 1
    print('z=%.3g' % (z_snap))
    E_z = cosmo.Ez(z=z_snap)
    Vol1 = (4e3 / (1 + z_snap))**3
    dc = peaks.collapseOverdensity(z=z_snap)
    rho_m = cosmo.rho_m(z=z_snap) * 1e9

    hd1 =

    mass1 = hd1[1].data['Mvir']
    logmass1 = np.log10(mass1)
    R_1 = peaks.lagrangianR(mass1)
    sigf_1 = cosmo.sigma(R_1, z=z_snap)
    log1_sigf_1 = np.log10(1 / sigf_1)
    Rvir1 = hd1[1].data['Rvir']
    Rs1 = hd1[1].data['Rs']
    xoff_data1 = np.log10(hd1[1].data['Xoff'])  #/hd1[1].data['Rvir'])
    spin1 = hd1[1].data['Spin']
    spinpar1 = hd1[1].data['Spin_Bullock']

    conc1 = Rvir1 / Rs1
    peak_bins = np.arange(0.9, 5., 0.02)
    peak_array = (peak_bins[:-1] + peak_bins[1:]) / 2.

    def get_average(x, sel):
        return np.average(x[sel]), np.std(x[sel]), np.sum(sel)
Example #7
choose_snap = 3
aexp = float(
z_snap = 1 / aexp - 1
print('z=%.3g' % (z_snap))
cosmo = cosmology.setCosmology('multidark-planck')
E_z = cosmo.Ez(z=z_snap)
Vol1 = (4e3 / (1 + z_snap))**3
dc = peaks.collapseOverdensity(z=z_snap)
rho_m = cosmo.rho_m(z=z_snap) * 1e9
h = cosmo.Hz(z=0) / 100

hd1 =[choose_snap])
mass1 = hd1[1].data['Mvir']
logmass1 = np.log10(mass1)
R_1 = peaks.lagrangianR(mass1)
sigf_1 = cosmo.sigma(R_1, z=z_snap)
log1_sigf_1 = np.log10(1 / sigf_1)
Rvir1 = hd1[1].data['Rvir']
Rs1 = hd1[1].data['Rs']
#xoff = np.log10(hd1[1].data['Xoff']/1000)#/hd1[1].data['Rvir'])
xoff = np.log10(hd1[1].data['Xoff'])  #/hd1[1].data['Rvir'])
#spin1 = hd1[1].data['Spin']
spinpar1 = hd1[1].data['Spin']
conc1 = Rvir1 / Rs1

print('min = ', min(log1_sigf_1))
print('max = ', max(log1_sigf_1))

if choose_snap == 0:
#open the data
print('Reading halos...')
hd1 =

mass = hd1[1].data['Mvir']  #Msun/h

#now we start computing the number density of halos
#compute number of halos in mass bins
print('Computing mass function...')
mass_edges = 10**np.linspace(
    np.log10(np.min(mass)) + 0.5, np.log10(np.max(mass)), 50)
cts = np.histogram(mass, bins=mass_edges)[0]  #number

mass_bins = (mass_edges[1:] + mass_edges[:-1]) / 2.
#compute lagrangian radius corresponding to each middle value of mass bin
R = peaks.lagrangianR(mass_bins)  # Mpc/h
#compute rms variance inside these radii
sigma = cosmo.sigma(R, z=z_snap)
#compute the width of each mass bin in natural log units
dlnM = np.diff(np.log(mass_edges))

#compute number density of halos weighted by the mass bin width
dn_dlnM = cts / Vol / dlnM  #(Mpc/h)^-3

f = dn_dlnM * mass_bins / rho_m / cosmo.sigma(R, z=z_snap, derivative=True) * (
    -3.)  # (Mpc/h)^-3 * Msun/h * (Msun h^2/Mpc^3)^-1 = number

#compute the error: poisson count 1/sqrt(N) and cosmic variance (~2% in HMD)
ferr = np.sqrt(1 / cts + 0.02**2) * f

#add three models for comparison
Example #9
aexp = float(os.path.basename(path_2_snapshot_data[0][:-8]).split('_')[1])
z_snap = 1/aexp -1
cosmo = cosmology.setCosmology('multidark-planck')    
E_z = cosmo.Ez(z=z_snap)
Vol1 = (4e3/(1+z_snap))**3
dc = peaks.collapseOverdensity(z = z_snap)
rho_m = cosmo.rho_m(z=z_snap)*1e9
h = cosmo.Hz(z=0)/100

hd1 =[0])
logmass1 = np.log10(mass1)
R_1 = peaks.lagrangianR(mass1)
sigf_1 = cosmo.sigma(R_1,z=z_snap)
log1_sigf_1 = np.log10(1/sigf_1)
Rvir1 = hd1[1].data['Rvir']
Rs1 = hd1[1].data['Rs']
xoff = np.log10(hd1[1].data['Xoff'])#/hd1[1].data['Rvir'])
conc1 = Rvir1/Rs1

print('min = ',min(log1_sigf_1))
print('max = ',max(log1_sigf_1))

#log1sig_intervals = [-0.15, -0.11,  -0.08, -0.01,  0.07, 0.20, 0.4]
#log1sig_intervals = [-0.1, 0.08,  0.11, 0.14,  0.19, 0.22, 0.44]
#log1sig_intervals = [-0.05, 0.13,  0.16, 0.2,  0.25, 0.28, 0.48]
#log1sig_intervals = [0.1, 0.18,  0.2, 0.23, 0.27, 0.3, 0.52]
Example #10
def solve_spherical_collapse_for_M(zi, zg, M, delta_i, cosmo_model):
    setup initial conditions and construct a solution of spherical collapse
    model for an initial perturbation with specified mass M, initial
    overdensity delta_i at z_i for a cosmological model specified in the
    dictionary cosmo_model (to be passed to the colossus routines).
    WARNING! This routine is currently set up to produce solutions 
        zi: float
                initial redshift 
        zg: array of floats
                grid of redshifts for which to compute solution
        M: float
                mass of the perturbation in /h Msun
        delta_i: float
                initial overdensity
        cosmo_model: colossus cosmology dictionary 
                with the desired cosmology
    R:  float numpy vector of physical radii of the perturbation at different t
    t:  float numpy vector: the times at which solution is given
    RH: float numpy vector, expansion factor of the universe normalized to 
        the initial physical radius of the perturbation,
    delta: float numpy vector: overdensities of spherical collapse solution at t
    cosmo = cosmology.setCosmology('runcosmo', cosmo_model )

    ag = 1.0/(1.+zg)
    ai = 1.0/(1.+zi)
    ti = cosmo.age(zi)
    Omz = cosmo.Om(zi) # Omega_m(zi)
    R_L = peaks.lagrangianR(M) 
    Mi = M / cosmo.h
    # corresponding peak height
    nu_i = 1.69 / cosmo.sigma(R_L, z=0, j=0)
    # Lagrangian radius of the perturbation
    # Actual initial physical radius of the perturbation in Mpc
    Rip = R_L * ai / (1.0 + delta_i)**(1./3.) / cosmo.h 
    #DDr = growth_factor_derivative()
    # dDdt = dD_+/dt = dD_+/dz*dz/dt
    dDdt = cosmo.growthFactor(zi, derivative=1) * cosmo.age(ti, derivative=1, inverse=True)
    # DDr = dD_+(ti)/dt/ D_+(ti)
    DDr = dDdt/cosmo.growthFactor(zi)/(1.e9*yr)
    #DDr2 = cosmo.Hz(zi) * 3.24078e-20 
    # initial velocity
    VHi = cosmo.Hz(zi) * Rip 
    Vi = VHi - Rip * Mpc2km/3.*delta_i/(1.+delta_i)*DDr
    delta_lin0 = delta_i / cosmo.growthFactor(zi)

    if (Omz < 1.0) and (delta_i < 1./Omz-1.):
        print("error: perturbation with specified parameters will not collapse")
        print("error: delta_i must be smaller than 1/Omega(zi)-1 for open cosmologies")
    if delta_lin0 < 1.69:
        print("warning: delta_lin(z=0)=%.3f and perturbation will not collapse by z=0"%delta_lin0)

    A, B, Ei = AB(Rip, Mi, Vi)
    tcoll = B * 2.0 * np.pi 

    tuni = cosmo.age(zg)
    eta = np.zeros_like(tuni)
    # for each time solve for corresponding eta
    for i, td in enumerate(tuni):
        toB = td/B 
        eta[i] = fsolve(eta_func, x0=1., args=(toB))[0]

    # compute solution for perturbation evolution in the parametric form
    t = B * (eta - np.sin(eta)) + ti
    R = A * (1.0 - np.cos(eta))
    # expansion factor normalized to the size of the pertubation at zi
    RH = Rip * (ag/ai)
    # mean density of the universe at each z of the grid
    rhom = cosmo.rho_m(zg)*cosmo.h**2 # h^2 Msun/kpc^3 -> Msun/Mpc^3
    # density within collapsing perturbation
    rho = 3.0 * Mi/(4.*np.pi*(np.clip(R,1.e-7,1.e30))**3) * 1.e-9
    # overdensity of the perturbation at redshifts in zg
    delta =  rho/rhom - 1.0
    return R, t, RH, delta, tcoll
Example #11
#import colossus
from colossus.cosmology import cosmology
from colossus.lss import mass_function as mf
from colossus.lss import peaks
import numpy as np

#import matplotlib and numpy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

#set cosmology
cosmo = cosmology.setCosmology('multidark-planck')

#define variance, xoff, spin arrays
mass_ = np.logspace(13.5, 16, 60)
R = peaks.lagrangianR(mass_)
sigma = cosmo.sigma(R, z=0)
xoff = np.logspace(-3.5, -0.3, 50)
spin = np.logspace(-3.5, -0.3, 50)

xoff2 = np.logspace(-3.5, -1.5, 30)
spin2 = np.logspace(-3.5, -1.5, 30)

xoff3 = np.array([0.1])
spin3 = np.array([0.1])

#build model and integrate it
g_sigma_xoff = model_seppi20.seppi20(sigma, z=0, xoff=xoff, int_xoff=False)
g_sigma_spin = model_seppi20.seppi20(sigma, z=0, spin=spin, int_spin=False)
g_xoff_spin = model_seppi20.seppi20(sigma=None,
Example #12
cosmo = cosmology.setCosmology('multidark-planck')
h = cosmo.Hz(0) / 100
E_z = cosmo.Ez(z=z_snap)
Vol1 = (4e3 / (1 + z_snap))**3
dc = peaks.collapseOverdensity(z=z_snap)
rho_m = cosmo.rho_m(z=z_snap) * 1e9
R = cosmo.sigma(1 / 10**(-0.1), z=0, inverse=True)
M = peaks.lagrangianM(R)
print(M / h)
R = cosmo.sigma(1 / 10**(0.19), z=0, inverse=True)
M = peaks.lagrangianM(R)
print(M / h)

print('1e15 Msun is log1_sigma = ',
      np.log10(1 / cosmo.sigma(peaks.lagrangianR(1e15 * h), z=z_snap)))
print('1e14 Msun is log1_sigma = ',
      np.log10(1 / cosmo.sigma(peaks.lagrangianR(1e14 * h), z=z_snap)))
print('1e13 Msun is log1_sigma = ',
      np.log10(1 / cosmo.sigma(peaks.lagrangianR(1e13 * h), z=z_snap)))

print('reading data...')
hd1 =[0])
mass1 = hd1[1].data['Mmvir_all']
logmass1 = np.log10(mass1)
R_1 = peaks.lagrangianR(mass1)
sigf_1 = cosmo.sigma(R_1, z=z_snap)
log1_sigf_1 = np.log10(1 / sigf_1)
Rvir1 = hd1[1].data['Rvir']
Rs1 = hd1[1].data['Rs']
xoff_data1 = (hd1[1].data['Xoff'])  #/hd1[1].data['Rvir'])
Example #13
    print('processing ',z_snap,' ....')

    E_z = cosmo.Ez(z=z_snap)
    h = cosmo.Hz(z=0.0)/100
    Vol1 = (4e3/(1+z_snap))**3
    Vol2 = (2.5e3/(1+z_snap))**3
    Vol3 = (1e3/(1+z_snap))**3
    dc = peaks.collapseOverdensity(z = z_snap)
    rho_m = cosmo.rho_m(z=z_snap)*1e9

    hd1 =

    R1 = peaks.lagrangianR(mass1_)
    sigma1 = cosmo.sigma(R1,z=z_snap)
    log1_sigma1 = np.log10(1/sigma1)
    logxoff_data1 = np.log10(hd1[1].data['Xoff']/hd1[1].data['Rvir'])
    log_spin1 = np.log10(hd1[1].data['Spin'])

    hd2 =[i])

    R2 = peaks.lagrangianR(mass2_)
    sigma2 = cosmo.sigma(R2,z=z_snap)
    log1_sigma2 = np.log10(1/sigma2)
    logxoff_data2 = np.log10(hd2[1].data['Xoff']/hd2[1].data['Rvir'])
    log_spin2 = np.log10(hd2[1].data['Spin'])

    hd3 =[i])