def test_nan_eotf_BT2020(self):
        Tests :func:`colour.models.rgb.transfer_functions.itur_bt_2020.\
eotf_BT2020` definition nan support.

        eotf_BT2020(np.array([-1.0, 0.0, 1.0, -np.inf, np.inf, np.nan]))
Example #2
    def test_nan_eotf_BT2020(self):
        Tests :func:`colour.models.rgb.transfer_functions.itur_bt_2020.\
eotf_BT2020` definition nan support.

        eotf_BT2020(np.array([-1.0, 0.0, 1.0, -np.inf, np.inf, np.nan]))
Example #3
    def test_eotf_BT2020(self):
        Tests :func:`colour.models.rgb.transfer_functions.itur_bt_2020.\
eotf_BT2020` definition.

        self.assertAlmostEqual(eotf_BT2020(0.0), 0.0, places=7)

        self.assertAlmostEqual(eotf_BT2020(0.409007728864150), 0.18, places=7)

        self.assertAlmostEqual(eotf_BT2020(1.0), 1.0, places=7)
    def test_eotf_BT2020(self):
        Tests :func:`colour.models.rgb.transfer_functions.itur_bt_2020.\
eotf_BT2020` definition.

        self.assertAlmostEqual(eotf_BT2020(0.0), 0.0, places=7)

        self.assertAlmostEqual(eotf_BT2020(0.409007728864150), 0.18, places=7)

        self.assertAlmostEqual(eotf_BT2020(1.0), 1.0, places=7)
Example #5
    def test_domain_range_scale_eotf_BT2020(self):
        Tests :func:`colour.models.rgb.transfer_functions.itur_bt_2020.\
eotf_BT2020` definition domain and range scale support.

        E_p = 0.409007728864150
        E = eotf_BT2020(E_p)

        d_r = (('reference', 1), (1, 1), (100, 100))
        for scale, factor in d_r:
            with domain_range_scale(scale):
                    eotf_BT2020(E_p * factor), E * factor, decimal=7)
    def test_domain_range_scale_eotf_BT2020(self):
        Tests :func:`colour.models.rgb.transfer_functions.itur_bt_2020.\
eotf_BT2020` definition domain and range scale support.

        E_p = 0.409007728864150
        E = eotf_BT2020(E_p)

        d_r = (('reference', 1), (1, 1), (100, 100))
        for scale, factor in d_r:
            with domain_range_scale(scale):
                    eotf_BT2020(E_p * factor), E * factor, decimal=7)
Example #7
    def test_n_dimensional_eotf_BT2020(self):
        Tests :func:`colour.models.rgb.transfer_functions.itur_bt_2020.\
eotf_BT2020` definition n-dimensional arrays support.

        E_p = 0.409007728864150
        E = eotf_BT2020(E_p)

        E_p = np.tile(E_p, 6)
        E = np.tile(E, 6)
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(eotf_BT2020(E_p), E, decimal=7)

        E_p = np.reshape(E_p, (2, 3))
        E = np.reshape(E, (2, 3))
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(eotf_BT2020(E_p), E, decimal=7)

        E_p = np.reshape(E_p, (2, 3, 1))
        E = np.reshape(E, (2, 3, 1))
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(eotf_BT2020(E_p), E, decimal=7)
    def test_n_dimensional_eotf_BT2020(self):
        Tests :func:`colour.models.rgb.transfer_functions.itur_bt_2020.\
eotf_BT2020` definition n-dimensional arrays support.

        E_p = 0.409007728864150
        E = eotf_BT2020(E_p)

        E_p = np.tile(E_p, 6)
        E = np.tile(E, 6)
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(eotf_BT2020(E_p), E, decimal=7)

        E_p = np.reshape(E_p, (2, 3))
        E = np.reshape(E, (2, 3))
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(eotf_BT2020(E_p), E, decimal=7)

        E_p = np.reshape(E_p, (2, 3, 1))
        E = np.reshape(E, (2, 3, 1))
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(eotf_BT2020(E_p), E, decimal=7)
Example #9
    def test_n_dimensional_eotf_BT2020(self):
        Tests :func:`colour.models.rgb.transfer_functions.bt_2020.\
eotf_BT2020` definition n-dimensional arrays support.

        V = 0.409007728864150
        L = 0.18
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(eotf_BT2020(V), L, decimal=7)

        V = np.tile(V, 6)
        L = np.tile(L, 6)
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(eotf_BT2020(V), L, decimal=7)

        V = np.reshape(V, (2, 3))
        L = np.reshape(L, (2, 3))
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(eotf_BT2020(V), L, decimal=7)

        V = np.reshape(V, (2, 3, 1))
        L = np.reshape(L, (2, 3, 1))
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(eotf_BT2020(V), L, decimal=7)
Example #10
def YcCbcCrc_to_RGB(YcCbcCrc,
    Converts an array of *Yc'Cbc'Crc'* colour encoding values to the
    corresponding *RGB* array of linear values.

    YcCbcCrc : array_like
        Input *Yc'Cbc'Crc'* colour encoding array of linear float values.
    in_bits : int, optional
        Bit depth for integer input, or used in the calculation of the
        denominator for legal range float values, i.e. 8-bit means the float
        value for legal white is `235 / 255`. Default is `10`.
    in_legal : bool, optional
        Whether to treat the input values as legal range. Default is `False`.
    in_int : bool, optional
        Whether to treat the input values as `in_bits` integer code values.
        Default is `False`.
    is_12_bits_system : bool, optional
        *Recommendation ITU-R BT.2020* EOTF (EOCF) adopts different parameters
        for 10 and 12 bit systems. Default is `False`.

    Other Parameters
    in_range : array_like, optional
        Array overriding the computed range such as
        `in_range = (Y_min, Y_max, C_min, C_max)`. If `in_range` is undefined,
        `Y_min`, `Y_max`, `C_min` and `C_max` will be computed using
        :func:`YCbCr_ranges` definition.

        *RGB* array of linear float values.

    This definition is specifically for usage with
    *Recommendation ITU-R BT.2020* [3]_ when adopting the constant luminance

    >>> YcCbcCrc = np.array([1689, 2048, 2048])
    >>> YcCbcCrc_to_RGB(  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    ...     YcCbcCrc,
    ...     in_legal=True,
    ...     in_bits=12,
    ...     in_int=True,
    ...     is_12_bits_system=True)
    array([ 0.1800903...,  0.1800903...,  0.1800903...])

    YcCbcCrc = np.asarray(YcCbcCrc)
    Yc, Cbc, Crc = tsplit(YcCbcCrc.astype(np.float_))
    Y_min, Y_max, C_min, C_max = kwargs.get(
        'in_range', YCbCr_ranges(in_bits, in_legal, in_int))

    Yc -= Y_min
    Cbc -= (C_max + C_min) / 2
    Crc -= (C_max + C_min) / 2
    Yc *= 1 / (Y_max - Y_min)
    Cbc *= 1 / (C_max - C_min)
    Crc *= 1 / (C_max - C_min)
    B = np.where(Cbc <= 0, Cbc * 1.9404 + Yc, Cbc * 1.5816 + Yc)
    R = np.where(Crc <= 0, Crc * 1.7184 + Yc, Crc * 0.9936 + Yc)
    Yc = eotf_BT2020(Yc, is_12_bits_system=is_12_bits_system)
    B = eotf_BT2020(B, is_12_bits_system=is_12_bits_system)
    R = eotf_BT2020(R, is_12_bits_system=is_12_bits_system)
    G = (Yc - 0.0593 * B - 0.2627 * R) / 0.6780

    RGB = tstack((R, G, B))

    return RGB
Example #11
def YcCbcCrc_to_RGB(YcCbcCrc,
    Converts an array of *Yc'Cbc'Crc'* colour encoding values to the
    corresponding *RGB* array of linear values.

    YcCbcCrc : array_like
        Input *Yc'Cbc'Crc'* colour encoding array of linear float values.
    in_bits : int, optional
        Bit depth for integer input, or used in the calculation of the
        denominator for legal range float values, i.e. 8-bit means the float
        value for legal white is *235 / 255*. Default is *10*.
    in_legal : bool, optional
        Whether to treat the input values as legal range. Default is *False*.
    in_int : bool, optional
        Whether to treat the input values as ``in_bits`` integer code values.
        Default is *False*.
    is_12_bits_system : bool, optional
        *Recommendation ITU-R BT.2020* EOTF (EOCF) adopts different parameters
        for 10 and 12 bit systems. Default is *False*.

    Other Parameters
    in_range : array_like, optional
        Array overriding the computed range such as
        *in_range = (Y_min, Y_max, C_min, C_max)*. If ``in_range`` is
        undefined, *Y_min*, *Y_max*, *C_min* and *C_max* will be computed using
        :func:`colour.models.rgb.ycbcr.YCbCr_ranges` definition.

        *RGB* array of linear float values.


    | **Domain \\***  | **Scale - Reference** | **Scale - 1** |
    | ``YcCbcCrc``   | [0, 1]                | [0, 1]        |

    | **Range \\***   | **Scale - Reference** | **Scale - 1** |
    | ``RGB``        | [0, 1]                | [0, 1]        |

    \\* This definition has input and output integer switches, thus the
    domain-range scale information is only given for the floating point mode.

    This definition is specifically for usage with
    *Recommendation ITU-R BT.2020* when adopting the constant luminance


    >>> YcCbcCrc = np.array([1689, 2048, 2048])
    >>> YcCbcCrc_to_RGB(YcCbcCrc, in_legal=True, in_bits=12, in_int=True,
    ...                 is_12_bits_system=True)
    ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    array([ 0.1800903...,  0.1800903...,  0.1800903...])

    if in_int:
        YcCbcCrc = as_float_array(YcCbcCrc)
        YcCbcCrc = to_domain_1(YcCbcCrc)

    Yc, Cbc, Crc = tsplit(YcCbcCrc.astype(DEFAULT_FLOAT_DTYPE))
    Y_min, Y_max, C_min, C_max = kwargs.get(
        'in_range', YCbCr_ranges(in_bits, in_legal, in_int))

    Yc -= Y_min
    Cbc -= (C_max + C_min) / 2
    Crc -= (C_max + C_min) / 2
    Yc *= 1 / (Y_max - Y_min)
    Cbc *= 1 / (C_max - C_min)
    Crc *= 1 / (C_max - C_min)
    B = np.where(Cbc <= 0, Cbc * 1.9404 + Yc, Cbc * 1.5816 + Yc)
    R = np.where(Crc <= 0, Crc * 1.7184 + Yc, Crc * 0.9936 + Yc)

    with domain_range_scale('ignore'):
        Yc = eotf_BT2020(Yc, is_12_bits_system=is_12_bits_system)
        B = eotf_BT2020(B, is_12_bits_system=is_12_bits_system)
        R = eotf_BT2020(R, is_12_bits_system=is_12_bits_system)

    G = (Yc - 0.0593 * B - 0.2627 * R) / 0.6780

    RGB = tstack([R, G, B])

    return from_range_1(RGB)
Example #12
def YcCbcCrc_to_RGB(YcCbcCrc,
    Converts an array of *Yc'Cbc'Crc'* colour encoding values to the
    corresponding *RGB* array of linear values.

    YcCbcCrc : array_like
        Input *Yc'Cbc'Crc'* colour encoding array of linear float values.
    in_bits : int, optional
        Bit depth for integer input, or used in the calculation of the
        denominator for legal range float values, i.e. 8-bit means the float
        value for legal white is *235 / 255*. Default is *10*.
    in_legal : bool, optional
        Whether to treat the input values as legal range. Default is *False*.
    in_int : bool, optional
        Whether to treat the input values as ``in_bits`` integer code values.
        Default is *False*.
    is_12_bits_system : bool, optional
        *Recommendation ITU-R BT.2020* EOTF (EOCF) adopts different parameters
        for 10 and 12 bit systems. Default is *False*.

    Other Parameters
    in_range : array_like, optional
        Array overriding the computed range such as
        *in_range = (Y_min, Y_max, C_min, C_max)*. If ``in_range`` is
        undefined, *Y_min*, *Y_max*, *C_min* and *C_max* will be computed using
        :func:`colour.models.rgb.ycbcr.YCbCr_ranges` definition.

        *RGB* array of linear float values.


    | **Domain \\***  | **Scale - Reference** | **Scale - 1** |
    | ``YcCbcCrc``   | [0, 1]                | [0, 1]        |

    | **Range \\***   | **Scale - Reference** | **Scale - 1** |
    | ``RGB``        | [0, 1]                | [0, 1]        |

    -   \\* This definition has input and output integer switches, thus the
        domain-range scale information is only given for the floating point

    This definition is specifically for usage with
    *Recommendation ITU-R BT.2020* when adopting the constant luminance


    >>> YcCbcCrc = np.array([1689, 2048, 2048])
    >>> YcCbcCrc_to_RGB(YcCbcCrc, in_legal=True, in_bits=12, in_int=True,
    ...                 is_12_bits_system=True)
    ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    array([ 0.1800903...,  0.1800903...,  0.1800903...])

    if in_int:
        YcCbcCrc = as_float_array(YcCbcCrc)
        YcCbcCrc = to_domain_1(YcCbcCrc)

    Yc, Cbc, Crc = tsplit(YcCbcCrc.astype(DEFAULT_FLOAT_DTYPE))
    Y_min, Y_max, C_min, C_max = kwargs.get(
        'in_range', YCbCr_ranges(in_bits, in_legal, in_int))

    Yc -= Y_min
    Cbc -= (C_max + C_min) / 2
    Crc -= (C_max + C_min) / 2
    Yc *= 1 / (Y_max - Y_min)
    Cbc *= 1 / (C_max - C_min)
    Crc *= 1 / (C_max - C_min)
    B = np.where(Cbc <= 0, Cbc * 1.9404 + Yc, Cbc * 1.5816 + Yc)
    R = np.where(Crc <= 0, Crc * 1.7184 + Yc, Crc * 0.9936 + Yc)

    with domain_range_scale('ignore'):
        Yc = eotf_BT2020(Yc, is_12_bits_system=is_12_bits_system)
        B = eotf_BT2020(B, is_12_bits_system=is_12_bits_system)
        R = eotf_BT2020(R, is_12_bits_system=is_12_bits_system)

    G = (Yc - 0.0593 * B - 0.2627 * R) / 0.6780

    RGB = tstack([R, G, B])

    return from_range_1(RGB)
Example #13
def YcCbcCrc_to_RGB(YcCbcCrc,
    Converts an array of *Yc'Cbc'Crc'* colour encoding values to the
    corresponding *RGB* array of linear values.

    YcCbcCrc : array_like
        Input *Yc'Cbc'Crc'* colour encoding array of linear float values.
    in_bits : int, optional
        Bit depth for integer input, or used in the calculation of the
        denominator for legal range float values, i.e. 8-bit means the float
        value for legal white is `235 / 255`. Default is `10`.
    in_legal : bool, optional
        Whether to treat the input values as legal range. Default is `False`.
    in_int : bool, optional
        Whether to treat the input values as `in_bits` integer code values.
        Default is `False`.
    is_12_bits_system : bool, optional
        *Recommendation ITU-R BT.2020* EOTF (EOCF) adopts different parameters
        for 10 and 12 bit systems. Default is `False`.
    \**kwargs : dict, optional
        Keyword arguments to override the calculated ranges such as
        ``{'in_range' : array_like (Y_min, Y_max, C_min, C_max)}``

        *RGB* array of linear float values.

    This definition is specifically for usage with
    *Recommendation ITU-R BT.2020* [3]_ when adopting the constant luminance

    >>> YcCbcCrc = np.array([1689, 2048, 2048])
    >>> YcCbcCrc_to_RGB(  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    ...     YcCbcCrc,
    ...     in_legal=True,
    ...     in_bits=12,
    ...     in_int=True,
    ...     is_12_bits_system=True)
    array([ 0.1800903...,  0.1800903...,  0.1800903...])

    YcCbcCrc = np.asarray(YcCbcCrc)
    Yc, Cbc, Crc = tsplit(YcCbcCrc.astype(np.float_))
    Y_min, Y_max, C_min, C_max = kwargs.get(
        'in_range', YCbCr_ranges(in_bits, in_legal, in_int))

    Yc -= Y_min
    Cbc -= (C_max + C_min) / 2
    Crc -= (C_max + C_min) / 2
    Yc *= 1 / (Y_max - Y_min)
    Cbc *= 1 / (C_max - C_min)
    Crc *= 1 / (C_max - C_min)
    B = np.where(Cbc <= 0, Cbc * 1.9404 + Yc, Cbc * 1.5816 + Yc)
    R = np.where(Crc <= 0, Crc * 1.7184 + Yc, Crc * 0.9936 + Yc)
    Yc = eotf_BT2020(Yc, is_12_bits_system=is_12_bits_system)
    B = eotf_BT2020(B, is_12_bits_system=is_12_bits_system)
    R = eotf_BT2020(R, is_12_bits_system=is_12_bits_system)
    G = (Yc - 0.0593 * B - 0.2627 * R) / 0.6780

    RGB = tstack((R, G, B))

    return RGB