Example #1
def exampleWriteMultiple(writer):
     #Create an Eslastic Search connection
    esConnect = EsConnect('api.exiletools.com', 80, 'apikey:DEVELOPMENT-Indexer')
    client = esConnect.connect()         
    res = client.search("index", body={
      "query" : {
        "filtered" : {
          "filter" : {
            "bool" : {
              "must" : [        
                  "term" : { 
                  "attributes.equipType": "Ring" 
      "size": 100
    } )
    result = "Exile Tools Index Result: Got %d Hits\n" % res['hits']['total']
    Here is an example of writing multiple strings to a file with one call.
    You can concatenate strings together using the "+" operator.
    Here is an example using a variable:
    concatResult = '**** Start of Output ****\n\n' + 'Writing output on one write call\n\n' + result + '\n\n**** End of Output****\n\n' 
    json.dumps(res, indent=4) - This takes the JSON response and formats it nicely into a string.
    writer.write('**** Start of Output ****\n\n' + 'Writing output on one write call\n\n' + result + '\n**** End of Output****\n\n')
    Here is an example of writing multiple strings separately.
    writer.append("**** Start of Output ****\n\n")
    writer.append("Writing output on multiple write calls.\n\n")
    writer.append( result)
    writer.append("Raw JSON Result:\n\n")
    writer.append(json.dumps(res, indent=4))
    writer.append('\n**** End of Output****\n\n')
    return 0
Example #2
def exile_search():
    Email Settings
    sender_address = "*****@*****.**" 
    recepient_address = "*****@*****.**" 
    email_password = "******"
    sender_address = None
    recepient_address = ""
    email_password = None
    #Create an Eslastic Search connection
    esConnect = EsConnect('api.exiletools.com', 80, 'apikey:DEVELOPMENT-Indexer')
    client = esConnect.connect()  

    startTime = time.time()
    hourMili = 3600000
    dayMili = 86400 * 1000.0
    weekMili = dayMili * 7
    monthMili = weekMili * 4
    currentMili = time.time() * 1000.0
    Time query ranges
    #queryLastHour = int(currentMils - hourMili)
    #queryLast12Hours = int(currentMils - (hourMili * 12))
    queryLastDay = int(currentMili - dayMili)
    #queryLastWeek = int(currentMils - weekMili)
    #queryLastMonth = int(currentMils - monthMili) 
    localtime = time.asctime( time.localtime(time.time()) )
    print('Starting Query at: %s' % localtime)
    #Main Query
    res = client.search(
        "query": {
        "filtered": {
            "query": { "bool": {
             "must": {
                "term" : { "attributes.baseItemType": { "value" : "Jewel" }
        "filter": {
          "bool": {
            "must" : [
                { "term" : { "attributes.league" : "Talisman" } }, 
                { "range": { "shop.chaosEquiv" : { "lte": 50 } } },
                { "range": { "shop.chaosEquiv" : { "gt": 0 } } },
                { "range": { "shop.updated" : { "gte": queryLastDay } } },             
                { "term" : { "shop.verified" : "YES" } }
            "should" : [
                { "range": { "modsTotal.#% increased Critical Strike Chance with One Handed Melee Weapons": { "gte": 14 } } },
                { "range": { "modsTotal.#% increased maximum Life": { "gte": 5 } } },
                { "range": { "modsTotal.#% increased maximum Energy Shield": { "gte": 6 } } },
                { "range": { "modsTotal.#% increased Critical Strike Chance for Spells": { "gte": 10 } } },
                { "range": { "modsTotal.#% increased Global Critical Strike Chance": { "gte": 6 } } },
                { "range": { "modsTotal.#% increased Melee Critical Strike Chance": { "gte": 10 } } },
                { "range": { "modsPseudo.+#% Total to Elemental Resistances": { "gte": 20 } } },
                { "range": { "modsTotal.+# Mana gained for each Enemy hit by your Attacks": {"gte": 2 } } },
                { "range": { "modsTotal.#% increased Critical Strike Chance with Cold Skills": {"gte": 10 } } },
                { "range": { "modsTotal.#% increased Critical Strike Chance with Elemental Skills": {"gte": 14 } } },
                { "range": { "modsTotal.#% increased Critical Strike Chance with Fire Skills": {"gte": 10 } } },
                { "range": { "modsTotal.#% increased Critical Strike Chance with lightning Skills": {"gte": 10 } } },
                { "range": { "modsTotal.#% increased Critical Strike Multiplier with Cold Skills": {"gte": 10 } } },
                { "range": { "modsTotal.#% increased Critical Strike Multiplier with Elemental Skills": {"gte": 10 } } },
                { "range": { "modsTotal.#% increased Critical Strike Multiplier with Fire Skills": {"gte": 10 } } },
                { "range": { "modsTotal.#% increased Critical Strike Multiplier with lightning Skills": {"gte": 10 } } },
                { "range": { "modsTotal.#% increased Critical Strike Multiplier for Spells": { "gte": 10 } } },
                { "range": { "modsTotal.#% increased Spell Damage while holding a Shield": { "gte": 14 } } },
                { "range": { "modsTotal.#% increased Attack Speed with Daggers": { "gte": 6 } } },
                { "range": { "modsTotal.#% increased Attack Speed while holding a Shield": { "gte": 6 } } },
                                ], "minimum_should_match" : 4
    }, "size": 100
    } )
    localtime = time.asctime( time.localtime(time.time()) )
    print ('Query completed at: %s \n' % localtime)
    endTime = time.time()
    duration = endTime - startTime
    result = "Exile Tools Index Result: Got %d Hits and took: %d seconds." % (res['hits']['total'],  duration)
    exceptLimit = 10
    writeToFile(os.curdir, "result.txt", result)
    print result, "\n"
    for hit in res['hits']['hits']:
            updtimestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp((hit["_source"]["shop"]["updated"]) / 1000).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
            line =  'Item {fullName} is for sale for {chaosEquiv} by seller {sellerAccount}, last updated on {updated}\n {source}'.format(
            fullName = hit["_source"]["info"]["fullName"], 
            sellerAccount=hit["_source"]["shop"]["sellerAccount"], updated=updtimestamp, 

            print line
            appendToFile(os.curdir, "result.txt", line)
            appendToFile(os.curdir, "result.txt", "\r\n")
            print "Unexpected Error:", sys.exc_info()[0]
            exceptLimit -= 1
            if exceptLimit == 0:
    #Print the result to the console

    #Write the result to a file.
    writeToFile(os.curdir, "result2.json", json.dumps(res, indent=4))
    #Email the result as both the body and as an attached document.
    #The email is commented out by default.
    if sender_address != None and recepient_address != None and email_password != None:
        mail = Mail("smtp.gmail.com")
        mail.connect(sender_address, email_password)
        print("Sending mail")
        mail.send(recepient_address, "test", result, result, "doc.txt")
        print("Mail sent OK")

    return 0
Example #3
def exile_search():
    Email Settings
    sender_address = "*****@*****.**" 
    recepient_address = "*****@*****.**" 
    email_password = "******"
    sender_address = None
    recepient_address = None
    email_password = None
    #Create an Eslastic Search connection
    esConnect = EsConnect('api.exiletools.com', 80, 'apikey:DEVELOPMENT-Indexer')
    client = esConnect.connect()         
    res = client.search("index", body={
      "aggs" : {
      "leagues" : {
        "terms" : { 
          "field" : "attributes.league",
      "query" : {
        "filtered" : {
          "filter" : {
            "bool" : {
              "must" : [        
                  "term" : { 
                  "attributes.equipType": "Ring" 
      "sort": [
          "shop.chaosEquiv": {
            "order": "asc"
      "size": 100
    } )
    result = "Exile Tools Index Result: Got %d Hits" % res['hits']['total']
    #Print the result to the console
    #Write the result to a file.
    writeToFile(os.curdir, "result.txt", result)
    #Email the result as both the body and as an attached document.
    #The email is commented out by default.
    if sender_address != None and recepient_address != None and email_password != None:
        mail = Mail("smtp.gmail.com")
        mail.connect(sender_address, email_password)
        print("Sending mail")
        mail.send(recepient_address, "test", result, result, "doc.txt")
        print("Mail sent OK")

    return 0