Example #1
def retrieve_ranked_apis(question_id):

    docs = coll.find(BasicDBObject({"question_id": question_id}))

    apis = []
    for doc in docs:
        answer = doc.toMap()

    print apis
    def registerExtenderCallbacks(self, callbacks):

        self.callbacks = callbacks
        self.helpers = callbacks.getHelpers()

        System.out.println('\n\n:: ReplayAndDiff Headless Extension ::\n\n')

        #Default configuration
        mongo_host = ''
        mongo_port = 27017
        output_dir = '/tmp/'
        report_name = 'burpreport_' + str(System.currentTimeMillis()) + '.html'
        timeout = 10 #seconds

        #Parse command line arguments and store values in local variables
        #-h|--host=<IP>, -p|--port=<port>, -o|--ouput=<dir>, -e|--report=<filename>, -t|--timeout=<seconds>
        args = callbacks.getCommandLineArguments()
        for arg in args:
            if (arg.contains('-h=') or arg.contains('--host=')):
                mongo_host = arg.substring(arg.indexOf('=') + 1)
            elif (arg.contains('-p=') or arg.contains('--port=')):
                mongo_port = Integer.valueOf(arg.substring(arg.indexOf('=') + 1))
            elif (arg.contains('-o=') or arg.contains('--ouput=')):
                output_dir = arg.substring(arg.indexOf('=') + 1)
            elif (arg.contains('-r=') or arg.contains('--report=')):
                report_name = arg.substring(arg.indexOf('=') + 1)
            elif (arg.contains('-t=') or arg.contains('--timeout=')):
                timeout = Integer.valueOf(arg.substring(arg.indexOf('=') + 1))

        System.out.println('[*] Configuration {mongo_host=' + mongo_host + ',mongo_port=' + str(mongo_port) + ',output_dir=' + output_dir + ',report_name=' + report_name + ',timeout=' + str(timeout) + '}')

        #Retrieve site info and login request from MongoDB
        mongo = None
            mongo = MongoClient(mongo_host, mongo_port)
        except UnknownHostException as ex:
            System.err.println('[!] MongoDB Connection Error: ' + ex.toString())

        db = mongo.getDB('sitelogger')
        table = db.getCollection('login')
        cursor = table.find()

        host = None
        while (cursor.hasNext()):
            entry = cursor.next()
            #Replay the HTTP request and save the fresh cookie in Burp's Cookies JAR
            host = entry.get('host')
            System.out.println('[*] Retrieving record for: ' + host)
            response = callbacks.makeHttpRequest(host, int(entry.get('port')), 'https' == entry.get('protocol'), self.b64d(entry.get('request')))
            cookies = self.helpers.analyzeResponse(response).getCookies().iterator()
            while (cookies.hasNext()):
                    cookie = cookies.next()
                    System.out.println('[*] Obtained cookie: ' + cookie.getName() + ':' + cookie.getValue())
                except NullPointerException as npe:
                    System.out.println('[!] Missing cookie attributes - e.g. domain not set')

        #Replay a scan on all URLs previously saved for the same site
        if (host != None):
            table = db.getCollection(host.replace("\\.", '_') + '_site')
            raise NullPointerException()

        cursor = table.find()
        website = None
        while (cursor.hasNext()):
            entry = cursor.next()
            #Add host in scope. This is meant to prevent popup since the extension is running headless
                website = URL((entry.get('protocol')) + '://' + (entry.get('host')))

                #Execute passive and active scans
                item = callbacks.doActiveScan(entry.get('host'), entry.get('port'), 'https' == entry.get('protocol'), self.b64d(entry.get('request')))
                except InterruptedException as ex:
                    System.err.println('[!] InterruptedException: ' + ex.toString())


                #Make a new HTTP request and pass request/response to Burp's passive scanner
                response = callbacks.makeHttpRequest(entry.get('host'), int(entry.get('port')), 'https' == entry.get('protocol'), self.b64d(entry.get('request')))
                callbacks.doPassiveScan(entry.get('host'), entry.get('port'), 'https' == entry.get('protocol'), self.b64d(entry.get('request')), response)

            except MalformedURLException as ex:
                System.err.println('[!] Malformed website URL: ' + ex.toString())
            except NullPointerException as ex:
                System.err.println('[!] Missing request or response: ' + ex.toString())

            System.out.println('[*] Pausing extension...')
            # HOMEWORK - Build a queuing system to check scans status and confirm once all scans are done
            time.sleep(1 * timeout)
            System.out.println('[*] Resuming extension...')
        except InterruptedException as ex:
            System.err.println('[!] InterruptedException: ' + ex.toString())

        table = db.getCollection(host.replace('\\.', '_') + '_vuln')
        searchQuery = None
        allVulns = None
        newFinding = False

        #Obtain the new scan findings
        if (website != None):
            allVulns = callbacks.getScanIssues(website.toString())

            for allVuln in allVulns:
                #Diff new and old scan results.
                searchQuery = BasicDBObject()
                searchQuery.put('type', allVuln.getIssueType())
                searchQuery.put('name', allVuln.getIssueName())
                searchQuery.put('URL', allVuln.getUrl().toString())
                System.out.println('[*] Looking for: ' + searchQuery.toString())
                cursor = table.find(searchQuery)
                if (cursor.size() == 0):
                    #There's at least one new finding
                    System.out.println('[*] Got a new finding!')
                    newFinding = True

            if (newFinding):
                System.out.println('[*] New findings! Generating report...')
                callbacks.generateScanReport('HTML', allVulns, File(output_dir + report_name))
                System.out.println('[*] Scan and diff completed. No new results.')

            raise NullPointerException()

        System.out.println('[*] Ready to shutdown...Bye!')
Example #3
    def logButtonActionPerformed(
            self, evt):  #GEN-FIRST:event_logButtonActionPerformed
        stdout = PrintWriter(self.callbacks.getStdout(), True)
        stderr = PrintWriter(self.callbacks.getStderr(), True)

            #Connect to the database and create the collections
            mongo = MongoClient(self.mongohost.getText(),
            db = mongo.getDB("sitelogger")
            siteUrl = URL(self.website.getText())
            tableSite = db.getCollection(siteUrl.getHost().replace(".", "_") +
            tableVuln = db.getCollection(siteUrl.getHost().replace(".", "_") +

            #Retrieve SiteMap HTTP Requests and Responses and save to the database
            allReqRes = self.callbacks.getSiteMap(self.website.getText())
            for rc in xrange(0, len(allReqRes)):
                document = BasicDBObject()
                document.put("host", allReqRes[rc].getHost())
                document.put("port", allReqRes[rc].getPort())
                document.put("protocol", allReqRes[rc].getProtocol())
                document.put("URL", allReqRes[rc].getUrl().toString())
                document.put("status_code", allReqRes[rc].getStatusCode())
                if (allReqRes[rc].getRequest() != None):

                if (allReqRes[rc].getResponse() != None):


            #Retrieve Scan findings and save to the database
            allVulns = self.callbacks.getScanIssues(self.website.getText())
            for vc in xrange(0, len(allVulns)):
                document = BasicDBObject()
                document.put("type", allVulns[vc].getIssueType())
                document.put("name", allVulns[vc].getIssueName())
                document.put("detail", allVulns[vc].getIssueDetail())
                document.put("severity", allVulns[vc].getSeverity())
                document.put("confidence", allVulns[vc].getConfidence())
                document.put("host", allVulns[vc].getHost())
                document.put("port", allVulns[vc].getPort())
                document.put("protocol", allVulns[vc].getProtocol())
                document.put("URL", allVulns[vc].getUrl().toString())
                if (len(allVulns[vc].getHttpMessages()) > 1):
                    if (allVulns[vc].getHttpMessages()[0].getRequest() !=

                    if (allVulns[vc].getHttpMessages()[0].getResponse() !=


            self.callbacks.issueAlert("Data Saved!")

        except UnknownHostException as ex:
            stderr.println("Mongo DB Connection Error:" + ex.toString())
        except MalformedURLException as ex:
            stderr.println("Malformed URL:" + ex.toString())
    def registerExtenderCallbacks(self, callbacks):

        self.callbacks = callbacks
        self.helpers = callbacks.getHelpers()

        System.out.println('\n\n:: ReplayAndDiff Headless Extension ::\n\n')

        #Default configuration
        mongo_host = ''
        mongo_port = 27017
        output_dir = '/tmp/'
        report_name = 'burpreport_' + str(System.currentTimeMillis()) + '.html'
        timeout = 10 #seconds

        # 1 - Parse command line arguments and store values in local variables
        # -h|--host=<IP>, -p|--port=<port>, -o|--ouput=<dir>, -r|--report=<filename>, -t|--timeout=<seconds>
        args = callbacks.getCommandLineArguments()
        for arg in args:
            if ('-h=' in arg or '--host=' in arg):
                mongo_host = arg[(arg.index('=') + 1):]
            elif ('-p=' in arg or '--port=' in arg):
                mongo_port = int(arg[(arg.index('=') + 1):])
            elif ('-o=' in arg or '--output=' in arg):
                output_dir = arg[(arg.index('=') + 1):]
            elif ('-r=' in arg or '--report=' in arg):
                report_name = arg[(arg.index('=') + 1):]
            elif ('-t=' in arg or '--timeout=' in arg):
                timeout = int(arg[(arg.index('=') + 1):])

        System.out.println('[*] Configuration {mongo_host=' + mongo_host + ',mongo_port=' + str(mongo_port) + ',output_dir=' + output_dir + ',report_name=' + report_name + ',timeout=' + str(timeout) + '}')

        # 2 - Connect to MongoDB
        mongo = None
            mongo = MongoClient(mongo_host, mongo_port)
        except UnknownHostException as ex:
            System.err.println('[!] MongoDB Connection Error: ' + ex.toString())

        # 3 - Retrieve login requests from the 'login' collection in db 'sitelogger'
        db = mongo.getDB('sitelogger')
        table = db.getCollection('login')
        cursor = table.find()

        host = None
        while (cursor.hasNext()):
            # 4 - For each entry, issue a new HTTP request (using Burp's makeHttpRequest) and collect the cookies (using Burp's analyzeResponse)

            # 5 - If there are cookies, update Burp's Cookies jar (using Burp's updateCookieJar)

            # TODO

        # 6 - Retrieve from the database all previously saved HTTP requests
        if (host != None):
            table = db.getCollection(host.replace(".", '_') + '_site')
            raise NullPointerException()

        cursor = table.find()
        website = None
        while (cursor.hasNext()):
            # 7 - Trigger a new active scan on the same URL (using Burp's doActiveScan)

            # 8 - Reissue a new HTTP request and trigger a new passive scan on the same URL (using Burp's doPassiveScan)

            # TODO

        # 9 - Wait until all scans are completed
            System.out.println('[*] Pausing extension...')
            # HOMEWORK - Build a queuing system to check scans status and confirm once all scans are done
            time.sleep(1 * timeout)
            System.out.println('[*] Resuming extension...')
        except InterruptedException as ex:
            System.err.println('[!] InterruptedException: ' + ex.toString())

        table = db.getCollection(host.replace('.', '_') + '_vuln')
        searchQuery = None
        allVulns = None
        newFinding = False

        # 10 - Obtain the list of new findings (using Burp's getScanIssues)
        if (website != None):
            allVulns = callbacks.getScanIssues(website.toString())

            for allVuln in allVulns:
                # 11 - Diff old and new findings
                # For now, let's use a simple heuristic: if there's at least a new finding (not previously reported), success!
                searchQuery = BasicDBObject()
                searchQuery.put('type', allVuln.getIssueType())
                searchQuery.put('name', allVuln.getIssueName())
                searchQuery.put('URL', allVuln.getUrl().toString())
                System.out.println('[*] Looking for: ' + searchQuery.toString())
                cursor = table.find(searchQuery)
                if (cursor.size() == 0):
                    #There's at least one new finding
                    System.out.println('[*] Got a new finding!')
                    newFinding = True

            # 12 - In case of new findings, generate the report (using Burp's generateScanReport)
            if (newFinding):
                # TODO

            raise NullPointerException()

        System.out.println('[*] Ready to shutdown...Bye!')