Example #1
class MinPriorityQueue(object):

    def __init__(self):
        self.heap = MinHeap()
    def insert(self, key):
        Inserts a new element to the queue. Runs in time O(log n).
    def decreaseKey(self, index, key):
        Decreases the priority of an element. Runs in time O(log n).
        if key > self.heap.heap[index]:
            raise ValueError("New key must be smaller than the old key!")
        self.heap.heap[index] = key
    def extractMin(self):
        Retrieves and removes the min element from the queue. Runs in time O(log n)
        return self.heap.extractMin()
    def getMin(self):
        Retrieves the minimum element from the queue. Runs in time O(1).
        return self.heap.getMin()
    def printQueueContent(self):
    def empty(self):
        return len(self.heap.heap) == 0
    def contains(self, key):
        return key in self.heap.heap
Example #2
class MedianHeap(object):

    def __init__(self):
        self.left = MaxHeap()
        self.right = MinHeap()
    def getMedian(self):
        Retrieves and returns the median element. Runs in time O(1).
        If we have even elements, then the median of the left part is returned. 
        If either side has one more element, then we return the median from this side.
        if self.__evenSize() or (self.__leftIsLarger()):
            return self.left.getMax()
        return self.right.getMin()
    def getMedianAlternative(self):
        Retrieves and returns the median element. Runs in time O(1).
        If we have even elements, then the median of the left part and the right part is taken and divided by 2. 
        If either side has one more element, then we return the median from this side.
        if self.__evenSize():
            return (self.left.getMax() + self.right.getMin()) / 2
        if self.__leftIsLarger():
            return self.left.getMax()
        return self.right.getMin()
    def insert(self, element):
        if self.left.size() == 0:
        elif element <= self.left.getMax():
        self.balance()  # need to balance both sides in case they get imbalanced
    def balance(self):
        We re-balance in case one side gets off by 2 elements. Runs in time O(log n).
        leftSize = self.left.size()
        rightSize = self.right.size()
        if leftSize == rightSize + 2:
        elif rightSize == leftSize + 2:
    def __evenSize(self):
        Returns True if we have an even length.
        return (self.left.size() + self.right.size()) % 2 == 0
    def __leftIsLarger(self):
        Returns True if the left size is larger than the right side.
        return self.left.size() > self.right.size()