Example #1
class ModelSysInfo(object):
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
    def __init__(self):
        self.statestore = RedisStateStore()

    def getFreeSpace(self):
        get free disk space human readable
        st = os.statvfs('/')
        # bytes = (st.f_blocks - st.f_bfree) * st.f_frsize
        bytes = st.f_bsize * st.f_bavail
        abbrevs = (
            (1 << 50L, 'PB'),
            (1 << 40L, 'TB'),
            (1 << 30L, 'GB'),
            (1 << 20L, 'MB'),
            (1 << 10L, 'kB'),
            (1, 'bytes')
        if bytes == 1:
            return '1 byte'
        for factor, suffix in abbrevs:
            if bytes >= factor:
        return '%.*f %s' % (2, bytes / factor, suffix)

    def getLoad(self):
        OS load average
        load = os.getloadavg()
        return "{0:.2f}".format(load[0]) + ", " + "{0:.2f}".format(load[1]) + ", " + "{0:.2f}".format(load[2])

    def getAliveState(self, component):
        Is the component alive?
        return self.statestore.getAliveState(component)

    def getState(self, component, name):
        Return a state of component
        return self.statestore.getState(name, component)

    def getEvents(self, component, name):
        Return last events of component
        return self.statestore.getEvents(name, component)

    def getNextEvent(self, component, name):
        Components announced event
        return self.statestore.getNextEvent(name, component)

    def getDumpInfo(self):
        Recorders dumping progress
        file = self.getState('record', 'dumpfile')
        info = {'file': file, 'size': 0, 'recorded': 0}
        if file and os.path.exists(file):
            result = os.stat(file)
            if result:
                info['size'] = result.st_size
                info['recorded'] = int(info['size']) / 3174777
        return info

    def getPlayerInfo(self):
        Info from player about current playing file
        file = self.getState('playd', 'playlistcurrent')
        info = {'file': file, 'size': 0, 'recorded': 0, 'complete': False}
        if file and os.path.exists(file):
            result = os.stat(file)
            if result:
                info['size'] = result.st_size
                info['recorded'] = int(info['size']) / 3174777
                info['complete'] = True if info['recorded'] == 100 else False

        return info

    def getNextTrackstart(self):
        next track from playlist
        event = self.getNextEvent('player', 'playtrack')
        return event if event else False

    def getNextPlayliststart(self):
        Next start of playlist
        eventQueue = self.statestore.getEventQueue('playliststart', 'player')
        if not eventQueue or not isinstance(eventQueue, list):
            return False
            item = eventQueue[0]
            if not item.has_key('date') or not item.has_key('time'):
                return False
            return item['date'] + ' ' + item['time']

    def getNextRecordstart(self):
        Next start of recorder
        event = self.getNextEvent('recorder', 'dumpstart')
        return event if event else False

    def getComponentStates(self):
        Alive states of components
        componentStates = []
        componentStates.append({'title': 'Scheduler', 'name': 'scheduler', 'state': self.getAliveState('scheduler')})
        componentStates.append({'title': 'Controller', 'name': 'controller', 'state': self.getAliveState('controller')})
        componentStates.append({'title': 'Monitor', 'name': 'monitor', 'state': self.getAliveState('monitor')})
        componentStates.append({'title': 'Archiver', 'name': 'archive', 'state': self.getAliveState('archive')})
        componentStates.append({'title': 'Player', 'name': 'playd', 'state': self.getAliveState('playd')})
        componentStates.append({'title': 'Recorder', 'name': 'recorder', 'state': self.getAliveState('record')})
            {'title': 'Preprod Recorder', 'name': 'recorder', 'state': self.getAliveState('altrecord')})
        return componentStates
Example #2
class CombaMessenger():
    def __init__(self):
     self.channel = 'main'
     self.section = ''
     self.rstore = RedisStateStore()
     self.errnr = '00'
     self.components = {'controller':'01', 'scheduler':'02', 'playd':'03', 'recorder':'04', 'helpers':'09'}
     self.fromMail = ''
     self.adminMails = ''

    def setChannel(self, channel):
        Einen "Kanal" setzen - zb scheduler
        @type channel: string
        @param channel: Kanal/Name der Komponente  
        self.channel = channel
        if self.components.has_key(channel):
            self.errnr = self.components[channel]

    def setSection(self, section):
        Einen Sektion / Gültigkeitsbereich der Meldung setzen - zb internal
        @type section: string
        @param section: Gültigkeitsbereich
        self.section = section

    def setMailAddresses(self, fromMail, adminMails):
        Einen Sektion / Gültigkeitsbereich der Meldung setzen - zb internal
        @type section: string
        @param section: Gültigkeitsbereich
        self.fromMail = fromMail
        self.adminMails = adminMails

    def send(self, message, code, level, job, value='', section=''):
        Eine Message senden
        @type message:  string
        @param message: menschenverständliche Nachricht
        @type code:     string
        @param code:    Fehlercode - endet mit 00 bei Erfolg
        @type level:    string
        @param level:   Error-Level - info, warning, error, fatal
        @type job:      string
        @param job:     Name der ausgeführten Funktion
        @type value:    string
        @param value:   Ein Wert
        @type section:  string
        @param section: Globale Sektion überschreiben        
        section = self.section if section == '' else section 
        self.time = str(datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S:%f'))
        self.utime = time.time()
        state = {'message':message.strip().replace("'","\\'"), 'code':self.errnr + str(code),'job':job,'value':value}
        self.rstore.store(level, state)
        ###TODO: hier kann auch was zu redis gepostet werden
        if level == 'info' or level == 'success':
        elif level == 'warning':
        elif level == 'error':
            self.sendAdminmail(level, message, state)

        elif level == 'fatal':
            self.sendAdminmail(level, message, state)

    def sayAlive(self):
        Soll alle 20 Sekunden von den Komponenten ausgeführt werden, 
        um zu melden, dass sie am Leben sind

    def getAliveState(self, channel):
        Live State abfragen 
        @type channel: string
        @param channel: Channel/Komponente    
        return self.rstore.getAliveState(channel)

    def setState(self, name, value, expires=None, channel=None):
        Kündigt einen Event an 
        @type name: string
        @param name: Name des state
        @type value: string
        @param value: Wert
        @type channel: string
        @param channel: Kanal (optional)       
        if not channel:
            channel = self.channel

        self.rstore.setState(name, value, expires, channel)        

    def queueAddEvent(self, name, eventtime, value, channel=None):
        Kündigt einen Event an 
        @type name: string
        @param name: der Name des Events        
        @type eventtime: string|datetime.datetime
        @param eventtime: Datum und Zeit des events
        @type value: dict
        @param value: Werte
        @type channel: string
        @param channel: Kanal (optional)       
        if not channel:
            channel = self.channel

        if type(eventtime) == type(str()):            
            eventtime_str = datetime.datetime.strptime(eventtime[0:16].replace(' ','T'), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M").strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M")
        elif type(eventtime) is datetime.datetime:
            eventtime_str = eventtime.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M")
            raise TypeError('eventtime must be a datetime.date or a string, not a %s' % type(eventtime))                      
        self.rstore.queueAddEvent(eventtime_str, name, value, channel)        

    def queueRemoveEvents(self, name, channel=None):
        Löscht Events
        @type name: string
        @param name: der Name des Events        
        @type channel: string
        @param channel: Kanal (optional)       
        if not channel:
            channel = self.channel
        self.rstore.queueRemoveEvents(name, channel)        
    def fireEvent(self, name, value, channel=None):
        Feuert einen Event 
        @type name: string
        @param name: der Name des Events
        @type value: dict
        @param value: Werte
        @type channel: string
        @param channel: Kanal (optional)       
        if not channel:
            channel = self.channel

        self.rstore.fireEvent(name, value, channel)        

    def getEventQueue(self, name=None, channel=None):
        Holt events eines Kanals
        @type channel: string
        @param channel: Kanal (optional)
        @rtype: list
        @return: Liste der Events       
        queue = self.rstore.getEventQueue(name, channel)
        return queue

    def getEvents(self, name=None, channel=None):
        Holt events eines Kanals
        @type channel: string
        @param channel: Kanal (optional)
        @rtype: list
        @return: Liste der Events       
        events = self.rstore.getEvents(name, channel)
        return events

    def getEvent(self, name=None, channel=None):
        Holt event eines Kanals
        @type channel: string
        @param channel: Kanal (optional)
        @rtype: dict
        @return: Event       
        events = self.rstore.getEvents(name, channel)
        result = False
        if events:
            result = events.pop(0)
        return result

    def sendAdminmail(self, level, message, state):
        Sendent mail an Admin(s),
        @type message: string
        @param message: Die Message
        @type state: dict
        @param state: Der State
        @return result

        if self.fromMail and self.adminMails:
            subject = "Possible comba problem on job " + state['job'] + " - " + level
            mailmessage = "Hi Admin,\n comba reports a possible problem\n\n"
            mailmessage = mailmessage + level + "!\n"
            mailmessage = mailmessage + message + "\n\n"
            mailmessage = mailmessage + "Additional information:\n"
            mailmessage = mailmessage + "##################################################\n"
            mailmessage = mailmessage + "Job:\t" + state['job'] + "\n"
            mailmessage = mailmessage + "Code:\t" + state['code'] + "\n"
            mailmessage = mailmessage + "Value:\t" + str(state['value']) + "\n"
            mailer = CombaMailer(self.adminMails,self.fromMail)

            return False

    def receive(self):
        Bisher wird nichts empfangen
        return ""