Example #1
def has_threat_in_combat_range(life):
	_engage_distance = combat.get_engage_distance(life)
	for target_id in judgement.get_threats(life):
		_target = brain.knows_alife_by_id(life, target_id)
		if numbers.distance(life['pos'], _target['last_seen_at']) <= _engage_distance:
			return True
	return False
Example #2
def has_threat_in_combat_range(life):
    _engage_distance = combat.get_engage_distance(life)

    for target_id in judgement.get_threats(life):
        _target = brain.knows_alife_by_id(life, target_id)

        if numbers.distance(life['pos'],
                            _target['last_seen_at']) <= _engage_distance:
            return True

    return False
Example #3
def get_ranged_combat_rating_of_target(life, life_id, inventory_check=True):
	target = LIFE[life_id]
	_score = 1
	_score_mod = 1
	_items = [ITEMS[i] for i in lfe.get_all_visible_items(target) if i in ITEMS and logic.matches(ITEMS[i], {'type': 'gun'})]
	if not _items and inventory_check:
		_items = [i for i in lfe.get_all_inventory_items(target) if i['uid'] in ITEMS and logic.matches(i, {'type': 'gun'})]
		_score_mod = .5
	for item in _items:
		if bad_numbers.distance(life['pos'], target['pos']) > combat.get_engage_distance(target):
			_score += item['accuracy']/2
			_score += item['accuracy']
	if _score:
		_score += 2*(life['stats']['firearms']/10.0)
	return _score*_score_mod