Example #1
def plot(config, graph_type, group_by, sample_width, weekends_only,
         business_days_only, no_outliers, out_file=None, included_channels=None,
    """Plot the gathered data.
    # We import plotly local to the function not to slow down the rest of the program,
    # for example printing the help text. Import plotly adds 1.4s to execution time.
    import plotly

    rows = csvio.loadAll(config)
    device_name = rows[0][1]
    channel_labels = data.get_labels(rows)
    rows = rows[data.get_first_data_point_index(rows):]
    if weekends_only:
        rows = data.filter_weekends(rows, True)
    if business_days_only:
        rows = data.filter_weekends(rows, False)
    if not rows:
        raise RuntimeError("After filtering the data for weekends or weekdays "
                           "there was no data left to plot.")

    if graph_type == 'scatter':
        columns = data.get_columns(rows)
        figure = construct_line_or_scatter(channel_labels, columns, included_channels,
                                           device_name, 'markers', limit_value)
    elif graph_type == 'line':
        columns = data.get_columns(rows)
        figure = construct_line_or_scatter(channel_labels, columns, included_channels,
                                           device_name, 'line', limit_value)
    elif graph_type == 'box':
        groups = data.group(rows, group_by, sample_width)
        groups = data.rotate_group_with_time_to_start(groups, datetime.time(3, 0))
        figure = construct_box(channel_labels, groups, group_by, included_channels,
                               device_name, no_outliers, limit_value)

    if not out_file:
        out_file = graph_type + '-plot_grouped_by_' + group_by + '.html'
    plotly.offline.plot(figure, filename=out_file)
Example #2
def dump(config, out_path):
    """Output one big csv file containing all the data gathered thus far."""
    if config.verbose:
        click.echo('Dumping to' + out_path)
    rows = csvio.loadAll()
    csvio.writeRows(rows, out_path)
Example #3
def dump(config, out_path):
    """Output one big csv file containing all the data gathered thus far."""
    if config.verbose:
        click.echo('Dumping to' + out_path)
    rows = csvio.loadAll()
    csvio.writeRows(rows, out_path)