Example #1
def post_add_edit(request, id=None):
	if id:
		post = Post.load(db, id)
		form = PostForm(initial={
			'title':			post.title,
			'slug':				post.slug,
			'body':				post.body,
			'published':		post.published,
			'tags':				', '.join(post.tags),
			'allow_comments':	post.allow_comments,
			'allow_pings':		post.allow_pings
		add = False
		post = None
		form = PostForm()
		add = True
	if request.method == 'POST':
		new_data = request.POST.copy()
		form = PostForm(new_data)
		if form.is_valid():
			if add:
				# Adding a new Post
				post = Post()
				post.title = form.cleaned_data['title']
				post.slug = form.cleaned_data['slug']
				post.body = form.cleaned_data['body']
				post.published = form.cleaned_data['published']
				post.tags = form.cleaned_data['tags']
				post.allow_comments = form.cleaned_data['allow_comments']
				post.allow_pings = form.cleaned_data['allow_pings']
				# Updating a new Post
				post = Post.load(db, id)
				post.title = form.cleaned_data['title']
				post.slug = form.cleaned_data['slug']
				post.body = form.cleaned_data['body']
				post.published = form.cleaned_data['published']
				post.tags = form.cleaned_data['tags']
				post.allow_comments = form.cleaned_data['allow_comments']
				post.allow_pings = form.cleaned_data['allow_pings']
	return render_to_response('comfy_admin/blog/posts/post_add_edit.html', {
		'title':		u'%s %s' % (add and _('Add') or _('Edit'), _('page')),
		'post':			post,
		'form':			form,
		'add':			add,
	}, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
Example #2
def redirect(request, document_id):
	# FIXME F**k I am an idiot need to figure out a way to make this better.
	# Maybe something like Django's Content Types where it will look up the model
	# within the `INSTALLED_APPS` or something.
		doc = Document.load(db, document_id)
		raise Http404
	# Is it a Blog post?
	if doc.type == 'Post':
		from comfy.apps.blog.models import Post
		post = Post.load(db, doc.id)
		return HttpResponseRedirect(post.get_absolute_url())
	# Is it a Flat page?
	elif doc.type == 'FlatPage':
		from comfy.apps.flatpages.models import FlatPage
		f = FlatPage.load(db, doc.id)
		return HttpResponseRedirect(f.get_absolute_url())
	# Is it a Note?
	elif doc.type == 'Note':
		from comfy.apps.notes.models import Note
		note = Note.load(db, doc.id)
		return HttpResponseRedirect(note.get_absolute_url())
	elif doc.type == 'Bookmark':
		from comfy.apps.bookmarks.models import Bookmark
		bookmark = Bookmark.load(db, doc.id)
		return HttpResponseRedirect(bookmark.get_absolute_url())
		raise Http404
Example #3
def render_item(item, document_type=None, template_directory='items'):
	if document_type == 'Post':
		content_object = Post.load(db, item.id)
	elif document_type == 'Note':
		content_object = Note.load(db, item.id)
	elif document_type == 'Bookmark':
		content_object = Bookmark.load(db, item.id)
		content_object = None
		document_type = 'none'
	t = get_template('tumblelog/%s/%s.html' % (template_directory, document_type.lower()))
	return t.render(template.Context({ 'item': content_object }))