Example #1
class DfuseCommand(ExecutableCommand):
    """Defines a object representing a dfuse command."""
    def __init__(self, namespace, command):
        """Create a dfuse Command object."""
        super().__init__(namespace, command)

        # dfuse options
        self.puuid = FormattedParameter("--pool {}")
        self.cuuid = FormattedParameter("--container {}")
        self.mount_dir = FormattedParameter("--mountpoint {}")
        self.sys_name = FormattedParameter("--sys-name {}")
        self.singlethreaded = FormattedParameter("--singlethread", False)
        self.foreground = FormattedParameter("--foreground", False)
        self.enable_caching = FormattedParameter("--enable-caching", False)
        self.enable_wb_cache = FormattedParameter("--enable-wb-cache", False)
        self.disable_caching = FormattedParameter("--disable-caching", False)
        self.disable_wb_cache = FormattedParameter("--disable-wb-cache", False)

        # Environment variable names to export when running dfuse

    def set_dfuse_params(self, pool, display=True):
        """Set the dfuse params for the DAOS group, pool, and container uuid.

            pool (TestPool): DAOS test pool object
            display (bool, optional): print updated params. Defaults to True.
        self.set_dfuse_pool_params(pool, display)

    def set_dfuse_pool_params(self, pool, display=True):
        """Set Dfuse params based on Daos Pool.

            pool (TestPool): DAOS test pool object
            display (bool, optional): print updated params. Defaults to True.
        self.puuid.update(pool.uuid, "puuid" if display else None)

    def set_dfuse_cont_param(self, cont, display=True):
        """Set dfuse cont param from Container object.

            cont (TestContainer): Daos test container object
            display (bool, optional): print updated params. Defaults to True.
        self.cuuid.update(cont, "cuuid" if display else None)

    def set_dfuse_exports(self, manager, log_file):
        """Set exports to issue before the dfuse command.

            manager (DaosServerManager): server manager object to use to
                obtain the ofi and cart environmental variable settings from the
                server yaml file
            log_file (str): name of the log file to combine with the
                DAOS_TEST_LOG_DIR path with which to assign D_LOG_FILE
        env = self.get_environment(manager, log_file)
Example #2
class DserializeCommand(ExecutableCommand):
    """Defines an object representing a daos-serialize command."""
    def __init__(self, namespace, command):
        """Create a daos-serialize Command object."""
        super().__init__(namespace, command)

        # daos-serialize options

        # path to output serialized hdf5 files
        self.output_path = FormattedParameter("--output-path {}")
        # verbose output
        self.verbose = FormattedParameter("--verbose", False)
        # quiet output
        self.quiet = FormattedParameter("--quiet", False)
        # print help/usage
        self.print_usage = FormattedParameter("--help", False)
        # source path
        self.src_path = BasicParameter(None)

    def get_param_names(self):
        """Overriding the original get_param_names."""

        param_names = super().get_param_names()

        # move key=src_path to the end

        return param_names

    def set_dserialize_params(self,
        """Set common daos-serialize params.

            src_path (str, optional): The source path formatted as
            out_path (str, optional): The output POSIX path to store
                the HDF5 file(s)
            display (bool, optional): print updated params. Defaults to True.

        if src_path:
            self.src_path.update(src_path, "src_path" if display else None)
        if out_path:
                                    "output_path" if display else None)
Example #3
class DdeserializeCommand(ExecutableCommand):
    """Defines an object representing a daos-deserialize command."""

    def __init__(self, namespace, command):
        """Create a daos-deserialize Command object."""
        super().__init__(namespace, command)

        # daos-deserialize options

        # pool uuid for containers
        self.pool = FormattedParameter("--pool {}")
        # verbose output
        self.verbose = FormattedParameter("--verbose", False)
        # quiet output
        self.quiet = FormattedParameter("--quiet", False)
        # print help/usage
        self.print_usage = FormattedParameter("--help", False)
        # source path
        self.src_path = BasicParameter(None)

    def get_param_names(self):
        """Overriding the original get_param_names."""

        param_names = super().get_param_names()

        # move key=src_path to the end

        return param_names

    def set_ddeserialize_params(self, src_path=None, pool=None,
        """Set common daos-deserialize params.

            src_path (str, optional): Either a list of paths to each HDF5
                file, or the path to the directory containing the file(s).
            pool (str, optional): The pool uuid.
            display (bool, optional): print updated params. Defaults to True.

        if src_path:
                                 "src_path" if display else None)
        if pool:
                             "pool" if display else None)
Example #4
class DmgCommandBase(YamlCommand):
    """Defines a base object representing a dmg command."""
    def __init__(self, path, yaml_cfg=None):
        """Create a dmg Command object.

            path (str): path to the dmg command
            yaml_cfg (DmgYamlParameters, optional): dmg config file
                settings. Defaults to None, in which case settings
                must be supplied as command-line parameters.
        super().__init__("/run/dmg/*", "dmg", path, yaml_cfg)

        # If running dmg on remote hosts, this list needs to include those hosts
        self.temporary_file_hosts = gethostname().split(".")[0:1]

        # If specified use the configuration file from the YamlParameters object
        default_yaml_file = None
        if self.yaml is not None and hasattr(self.yaml, "filename"):
            default_yaml_file = self.yaml.filename

        self._hostlist = FormattedParameter("-l {}")
        self.hostfile = FormattedParameter("-f {}")
        self.configpath = FormattedParameter("-o {}", default_yaml_file)
        self.insecure = FormattedParameter("-i", False)
        self.debug = FormattedParameter("-d", True)
        self.json = FormattedParameter("-j", False)

    def hostlist(self):
        """Get the hostlist that was set.

        Returns a string list.
        if self.yaml:
            hosts = self.yaml.hostlist.value
            hosts = self._hostlist.value.split(",")
        return hosts

    def hostlist(self, hostlist):
        """Set the hostlist to be used for dmg invocation.

            hostlist (string list): list of host addresses
        if self.yaml:
            if not isinstance(hostlist, list):
                hostlist = hostlist.split(",")
            self.yaml.hostlist.update(hostlist, "dmg.yaml.hostlist")
            if isinstance(hostlist, list):
                hostlist = ",".join(hostlist)
            self._hostlist.update(hostlist, "dmg._hostlist")

    def get_sub_command_class(self):
        # pylint: disable=redefined-variable-type
        """Get the dmg sub command object based upon the sub-command."""
        if self.sub_command.value == "network":
            self.sub_command_class = self.NetworkSubCommand()
        elif self.sub_command.value == "pool":
            self.sub_command_class = self.PoolSubCommand()
        elif self.sub_command.value == "storage":
            self.sub_command_class = self.StorageSubCommand()
        elif self.sub_command.value == "system":
            self.sub_command_class = self.SystemSubCommand()
        elif self.sub_command.value == "cont":
            self.sub_command_class = self.ContSubCommand()
        elif self.sub_command.value == "config":
            self.sub_command_class = self.ConfigSubCommand()
        elif self.sub_command.value == "telemetry":
            self.sub_command_class = self.TelemetrySubCommand()
            self.sub_command_class = None

    class ConfigSubCommand(CommandWithSubCommand):
        """Defines an object for the dmg config sub command."""
        def __init__(self):
            """Create a dmg config subcommand object."""
                  self).__init__("run/dmg/config/*", "config")

        def get_sub_command_class(self):
            # pylint: disable=redefined-variable-type
            """Get the dmg config sub command object."""
            if self.sub_command.value == "generate":
                self.sub_command_class = self.GenerateSubCommand()
                self.sub_command_class = None

        class GenerateSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for the dmg config generate command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg config generate object."""
                      self).__init__("/run/dmg/config/generate/*", "generate")
                self.access_points = FormattedParameter(
                    "--access-points={}", None)
                self.num_engines = FormattedParameter("--num-engines={}", None)
                self.min_ssds = FormattedParameter("--min-ssds={}", None)
                self.net_class = FormattedParameter("--net-class={}", None)

    class ContSubCommand(CommandWithSubCommand):
        """Defines an object for the dmg cont sub command."""
        def __init__(self):
            """Create a dmg cont subcommand object."""
            super().__init__("/run/dmg/cont/*", "cont")

        def get_sub_command_class(self):
            # pylint: disable=redefined-variable-type
            """Get the dmg cont sub command object."""
            if self.sub_command.value == "set-owner":
                self.sub_command_class = self.SetownerSubCommand()
                self.sub_command_class = None

        class SetownerSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for the dmg cont set-owner command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg cont set-owner command object."""
                super().__init__("/run/dmg/cont/set-owner/*", "set-owner")
                self.pool = FormattedParameter("--pool={}", None)
                self.cont = FormattedParameter("--cont={}", None)
                self.user = FormattedParameter("--user={}", None)
                self.group = FormattedParameter("--group={}", None)

    class NetworkSubCommand(CommandWithSubCommand):
        """Defines an object for the dmg network sub command."""
        def __init__(self):
            """Create a dmg network subcommand object."""
            super().__init__("/run/dmg/network/*", "network")

        def get_sub_command_class(self):
            # pylint: disable=redefined-variable-type
            """Get the dmg network sub command object."""
            if self.sub_command.value == "scan":
                self.sub_command_class = self.ScanSubCommand()
                self.sub_command_class = None

        class ScanSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for the dmg network scan command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg network scan command object."""
                super().__init__("/run/dmg/network/scan/*", "scan")
                self.provider = FormattedParameter("-p {}", None)

    class PoolSubCommand(CommandWithSubCommand):
        """Defines an object for the dmg pool sub command."""
        def __init__(self):
            """Create a dmg pool subcommand object."""
            super().__init__("/run/dmg/pool/*", "pool")

        def get_sub_command_class(self):
            # pylint: disable=redefined-variable-type
            """Get the dmg pool sub command object."""
            if self.sub_command.value == "create":
                self.sub_command_class = self.CreateSubCommand()
            elif self.sub_command.value == "delete-acl":
                self.sub_command_class = self.DeleteAclSubCommand()
            elif self.sub_command.value == "destroy":
                self.sub_command_class = self.DestroySubCommand()
            elif self.sub_command.value == "get-acl":
                self.sub_command_class = self.GetAclSubCommand()
            elif self.sub_command.value == "list":
                self.sub_command_class = self.ListSubCommand()
            elif self.sub_command.value == "overwrite-acl":
                self.sub_command_class = self.OverwriteAclSubCommand()
            elif self.sub_command.value == "query":
                self.sub_command_class = self.QuerySubCommand()
            elif self.sub_command.value == "set-prop":
                self.sub_command_class = self.SetPropSubCommand()
            elif self.sub_command.value == "update-acl":
                self.sub_command_class = self.UpdateAclSubCommand()
            elif self.sub_command.value == "exclude":
                self.sub_command_class = self.ExcludeSubCommand()
            elif self.sub_command.value == "extend":
                self.sub_command_class = self.ExtendSubCommand()
            elif self.sub_command.value == "drain":
                self.sub_command_class = self.DrainSubCommand()
            elif self.sub_command.value == "reintegrate":
                self.sub_command_class = self.ReintegrateSubCommand()
            elif self.sub_command.value == "evict":
                self.sub_command_class = self.EvictSubCommand()
                self.sub_command_class = None

        class CreateSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for the dmg pool create command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg pool create command object."""
                super().__init__("/run/dmg/pool/create/*", "create")
                self.group = FormattedParameter("--group={}", None)
                self.user = FormattedParameter("--user={}", None)
                self.acl_file = FormattedParameter("--acl-file={}", None)
                self.size = FormattedParameter("--size={}", None)
                self.tier_ratio = FormattedParameter("--tier-ratio={}", None)
                self.scm_size = FormattedParameter("--scm-size={}", None)
                self.nvme_size = FormattedParameter("--nvme-size={}", None)
                self.ranks = FormattedParameter("--ranks={}", None)
                self.nsvc = FormattedParameter("--nsvc={}", None)
                self.sys = FormattedParameter("--sys={}", None)
                self.properties = FormattedParameter("--properties={}", None)
                self.label = FormattedParameter("--label={}", None)
                self.nranks = FormattedParameter("--nranks={}", None)

        class ExcludeSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for the dmg pool exclude command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg pool exclude command object."""
                super().__init__("/run/dmg/pool/exclude/*", "exclude")
                self.pool = FormattedParameter("{}", None)
                self.rank = FormattedParameter("--rank={}", None)
                self.tgt_idx = FormattedParameter("--target-idx={}", None)

        class ExtendSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for the dmg pool extend command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg pool extend command object."""
                super().__init__("/run/dmg/pool/extend/*", "extend")
                self.pool = FormattedParameter("{}", None)
                self.ranks = FormattedParameter("--ranks={}", None)

        class DrainSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for the dmg pool drain command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg pool drain command object."""
                super().__init__("/run/dmg/pool/drain/*", "drain")
                self.pool = FormattedParameter("{}", None)
                self.rank = FormattedParameter("--rank={}", None)
                self.tgt_idx = FormattedParameter("--target-idx={}", None)

        class ReintegrateSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for dmg pool reintegrate command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg pool reintegrate command object."""
                super().__init__("/run/dmg/pool/reintegrate/*", "reintegrate")
                self.pool = FormattedParameter("{}", None)
                self.rank = FormattedParameter("--rank={}", None)
                self.tgt_idx = FormattedParameter("--target-idx={}", None)

        class DeleteAclSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for the dmg pool delete-acl command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg pool delete-acl command object."""
                super().__init__("/run/dmg/pool/delete-acl/*", "delete-acl")
                self.pool = FormattedParameter("{}", None)
                self.principal = FormattedParameter("-p {}", None)

        class DestroySubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for the dmg pool destroy command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg pool destroy command object."""
                super().__init__("/run/dmg/pool/destroy/*", "destroy")
                self.pool = FormattedParameter("{}", None)
                self.sys_name = FormattedParameter("--sys-name={}", None)
                self.force = FormattedParameter("--force", False)

        class GetAclSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for the dmg pool get-acl command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg pool get-acl command object."""
                super().__init__("/run/dmg/pool/get-acl/*", "get-acl")
                self.pool = FormattedParameter("{}", None)

        class ListSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for the dmg pool list command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg pool list command object."""
                super().__init__("/run/dmg/pool/list/*", "list")
                self.no_query = FormattedParameter("--no-query", False)
                self.verbose = FormattedParameter("--verbose", False)

        class OverwriteAclSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for the dmg pool overwrite-acl command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg pool overwrite-acl command object."""
                self.pool = FormattedParameter("{}", None)
                self.acl_file = FormattedParameter("-a {}", None)

        class QuerySubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for the dmg pool query command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg pool query command object."""
                super().__init__("/run/dmg/pool/query/*", "query")
                self.pool = FormattedParameter("{}", None)

        class SetPropSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for the dmg pool set-prop command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg pool set-prop command object."""
                super().__init__("/run/dmg/pool/set-prop/*", "set-prop")
                self.pool = FormattedParameter("{}", None)
                self.name = FormattedParameter("--name={}", None)
                self.value = FormattedParameter("--value={}", None)

        class UpdateAclSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for the dmg pool update-acl command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg pool update-acl command object."""
                super().__init__("/run/dmg/pool/update-acl/*", "update-acl")
                self.pool = FormattedParameter("{}", None)
                self.acl_file = FormattedParameter("-a {}", None)
                self.entry = FormattedParameter("-e {}", None)

        class EvictSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for the dmg pool evict command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg pool evict command object."""
                super().__init__("/run/dmg/pool/evict/*", "evict")
                self.pool = FormattedParameter("{}", None)
                self.sys = FormattedParameter("--sys={}", None)

    class StorageSubCommand(CommandWithSubCommand):
        """Defines an object for the dmg storage sub command."""
        def __init__(self):
            """Create a dmg storage subcommand object."""
            super().__init__("/run/dmg/storage/*", "storage")

        def get_sub_command_class(self):
            # pylint: disable=redefined-variable-type
            """Get the dmg storage sub command object."""
            if self.sub_command.value == "format":
                self.sub_command_class = self.FormatSubCommand()
            elif self.sub_command.value == "query":
                self.sub_command_class = self.QuerySubCommand()
            elif self.sub_command.value == "scan":
                self.sub_command_class = self.ScanSubCommand()
            elif self.sub_command.value == "set":
                self.sub_command_class = self.SetSubCommand()
                self.sub_command_class = None

        class FormatSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for the dmg storage format command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg storage format command object."""
                super().__init__("/run/dmg/storage/format/*", "format")
                self.verbose = FormattedParameter("--verbose", False)
                self.reformat = FormattedParameter("--reformat", False)
                self.force = FormattedParameter("--force", False)

        class QuerySubCommand(CommandWithSubCommand):
            """Defines an object for the dmg storage query command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg storage query command object."""
                super().__init__("/run/dmg/storage/query/*", "query")

            def get_sub_command_class(self):
                # pylint: disable=redefined-variable-type
                """Get the dmg storage query sub command object."""
                if self.sub_command.value == "target-health":
                    self.sub_command_class = self.TargetHealthSubCommand()
                elif self.sub_command.value == "device-health":
                    self.sub_command_class = self.DeviceHealthSubCommand()
                elif self.sub_command.value == "list-devices":
                    self.sub_command_class = self.ListDevicesSubCommand()
                elif self.sub_command.value == "list-pools":
                    self.sub_command_class = self.ListPoolsSubCommand()
                    self.sub_command_class = None

            class TargetHealthSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
                """Defines a dmg storage query target-health object."""
                def __init__(self):
                    """Create a dmg storage query target-health object."""
                    self.rank = FormattedParameter("-r {}", None)
                    self.tgtid = FormattedParameter("-t {}", None)

            class DeviceHealthSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
                """Defines a dmg storage query device-health object."""
                def __init__(self):
                    """Create a dmg storage query device-health object."""
                    self.uuid = FormattedParameter("-u {}", None)

            class ListDevicesSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
                """Defines a dmg storage query list-devices object."""
                def __init__(self):
                    """Create a dmg storage query list-devices object."""
                    self.rank = FormattedParameter("-r {}", None)
                    self.uuid = FormattedParameter("-u {}", None)
                    self.health = FormattedParameter("-b", False)

            class ListPoolsSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
                """Defines a dmg storage query list-pools object."""
                def __init__(self):
                    """Create a dmg storage query list-pools object."""
                    self.rank = FormattedParameter("-r {}", None)
                    self.uuid = FormattedParameter("-u {}", None)
                    self.verbose = FormattedParameter("--verbose", False)

        class ScanSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for the dmg storage scan command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg storage scan command object."""
                super().__init__("/run/dmg/storage/scan/*", "scan")
                self.nvme_health = FormattedParameter("--nvme-health", False)
                self.verbose = FormattedParameter("--verbose", False)

        class SetSubCommand(CommandWithSubCommand):
            """Defines an object for the dmg storage set command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg storage set command object."""
                super().__init__("/run/dmg/storage/set/*", "set")

            def get_sub_command_class(self):
                # pylint: disable=redefined-variable-type
                """Get the dmg set sub command object."""
                if self.sub_command.value == "nvme-faulty":
                    self.sub_command_class = self.NvmeFaultySubCommand()
                    self.sub_command_class = None

            class NvmeFaultySubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
                """Defines a dmg storage set nvme-faulty object."""
                def __init__(self):
                    """Create a dmg storage set nvme-faulty object."""
                    self.uuid = FormattedParameter("-u {}", None)
                    self.force = FormattedParameter("--force", False)

    class SystemSubCommand(CommandWithSubCommand):
        """Defines an object for the dmg system sub command."""
        def __init__(self):
            """Create a dmg system subcommand object."""
            super().__init__("/run/dmg/system/*", "system")

        def get_sub_command_class(self):
            # pylint: disable=redefined-variable-type
            """Get the dmg system sub command object."""
            if self.sub_command.value == "leader-query":
                self.sub_command_class = self.LeaderQuerySubCommand()
            elif self.sub_command.value == "list-pools":
                self.sub_command_class = self.ListPoolsSubCommand()
            elif self.sub_command.value == "query":
                self.sub_command_class = self.QuerySubCommand()
            elif self.sub_command.value == "start":
                self.sub_command_class = self.StartSubCommand()
            elif self.sub_command.value == "stop":
                self.sub_command_class = self.StopSubCommand()
            elif self.sub_command.value == "erase":
                self.sub_command_class = self.EraseSubCommand()
            elif self.sub_command.value == "cleanup":
                self.sub_command_class = self.CleanupSubCommand()
                self.sub_command_class = None

        class LeaderQuerySubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for the dmg system leader-query command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg system leader-query command object."""

        class ListPoolsSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for the dmg system list-pools command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg system list-pools command object."""
                super().__init__("/run/dmg/system/list-pools/*", "list-pools")

        class QuerySubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for the dmg system query command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg system query command object."""
                super().__init__("/run/dmg/system/query/*", "query")
                self.ranks = FormattedParameter("--ranks={}")
                self.verbose = FormattedParameter("--verbose", False)

        class CleanupSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for the dmg system cleanup command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg system cleanup command object."""
                super().__init__("/run/dmg/system/cleanup/*", "cleanup")
                self.machinename = FormattedParameter("{}", None)
                self.verbose = FormattedParameter("--verbose", False)

        class StartSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for the dmg system start command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg system start command object."""
                super().__init__("/run/dmg/system/start/*", "start")
                self.ranks = FormattedParameter("--ranks={}")
                self.rank_hosts = FormattedParameter("--rank-hosts={}")

        class StopSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for the dmg system stop command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg system stop command object."""
                super().__init__("/run/dmg/system/stop/*", "stop")
                self.force = FormattedParameter("--force", False)
                self.ranks = FormattedParameter("--ranks={}")

        class EraseSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for the dmg system erase command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg system erase command object."""
                super().__init__("/run/dmg/system/erase/*", "erase")

    class TelemetrySubCommand(CommandWithSubCommand):
        """Defines an object for the dmg telemetry sub command."""
        def __init__(self):
            """Create a dmg telemetry subcommand object."""
            super().__init__("/run/dmg/telemetry/*", "telemetry")

        def get_sub_command_class(self):
            # pylint: disable=redefined-variable-type
            """Get the dmg telemetry sub command object."""
            if self.sub_command.value == "metrics":
                self.sub_command_class = self.MetricsSubCommand()
                self.sub_command_class = None

        class MetricsSubCommand(CommandWithSubCommand):
            """Defines an object for the dmg telemetry metrics command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg telemetry metrics command object."""
                super().__init__("/run/dmg/telemetry/metrics/*", "metrics")

            def get_sub_command_class(self):
                # pylint: disable=redefined-variable-type
                """Get the dmg telemetry metrics sub command object."""
                if self.sub_command.value == "list":
                    self.sub_command_class = self.ListSubCommand()
                elif self.sub_command.value == "query":
                    self.sub_command_class = self.QuerySubCommand()
                    self.sub_command_class = None

            class ListSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
                """Defines a dmg telemetry metrics list object."""
                def __init__(self):
                    """Create a dmg telemetry metrics list object."""
                    self.host = FormattedParameter("--host-list={}", None)
                    self.port = FormattedParameter("--port={}", None)

            class QuerySubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
                """Defines a dmg telemetry metrics query object."""
                def __init__(self):
                    """Create a dmg telemetry metrics query object."""
                    self.host = FormattedParameter("--host-list={}", None)
                    self.port = FormattedParameter("--port={}", None)
                    self.metrics = FormattedParameter("--metrics={}", None)
Example #5
class MacsioCommand(ExecutableCommand):
    # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
    """Defines an object from running the macsio command.

    Multi-purpose, Application-Centric, Scalable I/O Proxy Application
    def __init__(self, path=""):
        """Create an MacsioCommand object.

            path (str, optional): path to the macsio command. Defaults to "".
        super(MacsioCommand, self).__init__("/run/macsio/*", "macsio", path)

        # MACSio command parameters - defaults specified in square brackets:

        #   --units_prefix_system %s ["binary"]
        #       Specify which SI units prefix system to use both in reporting
        #       performance data and in interpreting sizing modifiers to
        #       arguments. The options are "binary" and "decimal". For "binary"
        #       unit prefixes, sizes are reported in powers of 1024 and unit
        #       symbols Ki, Mi, Gi, Ti, Pi are used. For "decimal", sizes are
        #       reported in powers of 1000 and unit symbols are Kb, Mb, Gb, Tb,
        #       Pb.  See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_prefix. for more
        #       information
        self.units_prefix_system = FormattedParameter(
            "--units_prefix_system {}")

        #   --interface %s [miftmpl]
        #       Specify the name of the interface to be tested. Use keyword
        #       'list' to print a list of all known interface names and then
        #       exit.
        self.interface = FormattedParameter("--interface {}", "hdf5")

        #   --parallel_file_mode %s %d [MIF 4]
        #       Specify the parallel file mode. There are several choices.  Use
        #       'MIF' for Multiple Independent File (Poor Man's) mode and then
        #       also specify the number of files. Or, use 'MIFFPP' for MIF mode
        #       and one file per processor or 'MIFOPT' for MIF mode and let the
        #       test determine the optimum file count. Use 'SIF' for SIngle
        #       shared File (Rich Man's) mode. If you also give a file count for
        #       SIF mode, then MACSio will perform a sort of hybrid combination
        #       of MIF and SIF modes.  It will produce the specified number of
        #       files by grouping ranks in the the same way MIF does, but I/O
        #       within each group will be to a single, shared file using SIF
        #       mode.
        #       Run macsio with SIF mode. MIF mode uses the HDF5 posix driver,
        #       so it won't go through MPI-IO and hence not through the MPI-IO
        #       DAOS driver.
        #       Note: Value should be specified as a string of a space-
        #           separated string and integer value, e.g. 'SIF 1'.
        self.parallel_file_mode = FormattedParameter("--parallel_file_mode {}",
                                                     "SIF 1")

        #   --avg_num_parts %f [1]
        #       The average number of mesh parts per MPI rank. Non-integral
        #       values are acceptable. For example, a value that is half-way
        #       between two integers, K and K+1, means that half the ranks have
        #       K mesh parts and half have K+1 mesh parts. As another example,
        #       a value of 2.75 here would mean that 75% of the ranks get 3
        #       parts and 25% of the ranks get 2 parts. Note that the total
        #       number of parts is this number multiplied by the MPI
        #       communicator size. If the result of that product is
        #       non-integral, it will be rounded and a warning message will be
        #       generated.
        self.avg_num_parts = FormattedParameter("--avg_num_parts {}")

        #   --mesh_decomp %d %d %d []
        #       The layout of parts in the mesh overriding the simple
        #       decomposition e.g. 4 8 1 will decompose into 32 parts in the
        #       structure (x y z).
        #       Note: Value should be specified as a string of three space-
        #           separated integer values, e.g. '4 8 1'.
        self.mesh_decomp = FormattedParameter("--mesh_decomp {}")

        #   --part_size %d [80000]
        #       Mesh part size in bytes. This becomes the nominal I/O request
        #       size used by each MPI rank when marshalling data. A following
        #       B|K|M|G character indicates 'B'ytes, 'K'ilo-, 'M'ega- or 'G'iga-
        #       bytes representing powers of either 1000 or 1024 according to
        #       the selected units prefix system. With no size modifier
        #       character, 'B' is assumed.  Mesh and variable data is then sized
        #       by MACSio to hit this target byte count. However, due to
        #       constraints involved in creating valid mesh topology and
        #       variable data with realistic variation in features (e.g.  zone-
        #       and node-centering), this target byte count is hit exactly for
        #       only the most frequently dumped objects and approximately for
        #       other objects.
        self.part_size = FormattedParameter("--part_size {}")

        #   --part_mesh_dims %d %d %d []
        #       Specify the number of elements in each dimension per mesh part.
        #       This overrides the part_size parameter and instead allows the
        #       size of the mesh to be determined by dimensions. e.g. 300 300 2,
        #       300 300 0 (set final dimension to 0 for 2d
        #       Note: Value should be specified as a string of three space-
        #           separated integer values, e.g. '300 300 2'.
        self.part_mesh_dims = FormattedParameter("--part_mesh_dims {}")

        #   --part_dim %d [2]
        #       Spatial dimension of parts; 1, 2, or 3
        self.part_dim = FormattedParameter("--part_dim {}")

        #   --part_type %s [rectilinear]
        #       Options are 'uniform', 'rectilinear', 'curvilinear',
        #       'unstructured' and 'arbitrary' (currently, only rectilinear is
        #       implemented)
        self.part_type = FormattedParameter("--part_type {}")

        #   --part_map %s []
        #       Specify the name of an ascii file containing part assignments to
        #       MPI ranks.  The ith line in the file, numbered from 0, holds the
        #       MPI rank to which the ith part is to be assigned. (currently
        #       ignored)
        self.part_map = FormattedParameter("--part_map {}")

        #   --vars_per_part %d [20]
        #       Number of mesh variable objects in each part. The smallest this
        #       can be depends on the mesh type. For rectilinear mesh it is 1.
        #       For curvilinear mesh it is the number of spatial dimensions and
        #       for unstructured mesh it is the number of spatial dimensions
        #       plus 2^number of topological dimensions.
        self.vars_per_part = FormattedParameter("--vars_per_part {}")

        #   --dataset_growth %f []
        #       The factor by which the volume of data will grow between dump
        #       iterations If no value is given or the value is <1.0 no dataset
        #       changes will take place.
        self.dataset_growth = FormattedParameter("--dataset_growth {}")

        #   --topology_change_probability %f [0.0]
        #       The probability that the topology of the mesh (e.g. something
        #       fundamental about the mesh's structure) will change between
        #       dumps. A value of 1.0 indicates it should be changed every dump.
        #       A value of 0.0, the default, indicates it will never change. A
        #       value of 0.1 indicates it will change about once every 10 dumps.
        #       Note: at present MACSio will not actually compute/construct a
        #       different topology. It will only inform a plugin that a given
        #       dump should be treated as a change in topology.
        self.topology_change_probability = FormattedParameter(
            "--topology_change_probability {}")

        #   --meta_type %s [tabular]
        #       Specify the type of metadata objects to include in each main
        #       dump.  Options are 'tabular', 'amorphous'. For tabular type
        #       data, MACSio will generate a random set of tables of somewhat
        #       random structure and content. For amorphous, MACSio will
        #       generate a random hierarchy of random type and sized objects.
        self.meta_type = FormattedParameter("--meta_type {}")

        #   --meta_size %d %d [10000 50000]
        #       Specify the size of the metadata objects on each processor and
        #       separately, the root (or master) processor (MPI rank 0). The
        #       size is specified in terms of the total number of bytes in the
        #       metadata objects MACSio creates. For example, a type of tabular
        #       and a size of 10K bytes might result in 3 random tables; one
        #       table with 250 unnamed records where each record is an array of
        #       3 doubles for a total of 6000 bytes, another table of 200
        #       records where each record is a named integer value where each
        #       name is length 8 chars for a total of 2400 bytes and a 3rd table
        #       of 40 unnamed records where each record is a 40 byte struct
        #       comprised of ints and doubles for a total of 1600 bytes.
        #       Note: Value should be specified as a string of two space-
        #           separated integer values, e.g. '10000 50000'.
        self.meta_size = FormattedParameter("--meta_size {}")

        #   --num_dumps %d [10]
        #       The total number of dumps to marshal.
        self.num_dumps = FormattedParameter("--num_dumps {}")

        #   --max_dir_size %d []
        #       The maximum number of filesystem objects (e.g. files or
        #       subdirectories) that MACSio will create in any one subdirectory.
        #       This is typically relevant only in MIF mode because MIF mode can
        #       wind up generating many will continue to create output files in
        #       the same directory until it has completed all dumps. Use a value
        #       of zero to force MACSio to put each dump in a separate directory
        #       but where the number of top-level directories is still
        #       unlimited. The result will be a 2-level directory hierarchy with
        #       dump directories at the top and individual dump files in each
        #       directory. A value > 0 will cause MACSio to create a tree-like
        #       directory structure where the files are the leaves and
        #       encompassing dir tree is created such as to maintain the
        #       max_dir_size constraint specified here.  For example, if the
        #       value is set to 32 and the MIF file count is 1024, then each
        #       dump will involve a 3-level dir-tree; the top dir containing 32
        #       sub-dirs and each sub-dir containing 32 of the 1024 files for
        #       the dump. If more than 32 dumps are performed, then the dir-tree
        #       will really be 4 or more levels with the first 32 dumps'
        #       dir-trees going into the first dir, etc.
        self.max_dir_size = FormattedParameter("--max_dir_size {}")

        #   --compute_work_intensity %d [1]
        #       Add some work in between I/O phases. There are three levels of
        #       'compute' that can be performed as follows:
        #           Level 1: Perform a basic sleep operation
        #           Level 2: Perform some simple FLOPS with randomly accessed
        #                    data
        #           Level 3: Solves the 2D Poisson equation via the Jacobi
        #                    iterative method
        #       This input is intended to be used in conjunction with
        #       --compute_time which will roughly control how much time is spent
        #       doing work between iops
        self.compute_work_intensity = FormattedParameter(
            "--compute_work_intensity {}")

        #   --compute_time %f []
        #       A rough lower bound on the number of seconds spent doing work
        #       between I/O phases. The type of work done is controlled by the
        #       --compute_work_intensity input and defaults to Level 1 (basic
        #       sleep).
        self.compute_time = FormattedParameter("--compute_time {}")

        #  --alignment %d []
        #       Not currently documented
        self.alignment = FormattedParameter("--alignment {}")

        #   --filebase %s [macsio]
        #       Basename of generated file(s).
        self.filebase = FormattedParameter("--filebase {}")

        #   --fileext %s []
        #       Extension of generated file(s).
        self.fileext = FormattedParameter("--fileext {}")

        #   --read_path %s []
        #       Specify a path name (file or dir) to start reading for a read
        #       test.
        self.read_path = FormattedParameter("--read_path {}")

        #   --num_loads %d []
        #       Number of loads in succession to test.
        self.num_loads = FormattedParameter("--num_loads {}")

        #   --no_validate_read []
        #       Don't validate data on read.
        self.no_validate_read = FormattedParameter("--no_validate_read {}")

        #   --read_mesh %s []
        #       Specify mesh name to read.
        self.read_mesh = FormattedParameter("--read_mesh {}")

        #   --read_vars %s []
        #       Specify variable names to read. "all" means all variables. If
        #       listing more than one, be sure to either enclose space separated
        #       list in quotes or use a comma-separated list with no spaces
        self.read_vars = FormattedParameter("--read_vars {}")

        #   --time_randomize []
        #       Make randomness in MACSio vary from dump to dump and run to run
        #       by using PRNGs seeded by time.
        self.time_randomize = FormattedParameter("--time_randomize {}")

        #   --plugin_args %n []
        #       All arguments after this sentinel are passed to the I/O plugin
        #       plugin. The '%n' is a special designator for the builtin 'argi'
        #       value.
        self.plugin_args = FormattedParameter("--plugin_args {}")

        #   --debug_level %d [0]
        #       Set debugging level (1, 2 or 3) of log files. Higher numbers
        #       mean more frequent and detailed output. A value of zero, the
        #       default, turns all debugging output off. A value of 1 should not
        #       adversely effect performance. A value of 2 may effect
        #       performance and a value of 3 will almost certainly effect
        #       performance. For debug level 3, MACSio will generate ascii json
        #       files from each processor for the main dump object prior to
        #       starting dumps.
        self.debug_level = FormattedParameter("--debug_level {}")

        # Log File Options to control size and shape of log file:

        #   --log_file_name %s [macsio-log.log]
        #       The name of the log file.
        self.log_file_name = FormattedParameter("--log_file_name {}",

        #   --log_line_cnt %d %d [64 0]
        #       Set number of lines per rank in the log file and number of extra
        #       lines for rank 0.
        self.log_line_cnt = FormattedParameter("--log_line_cnt {}")

        #   --log_line_length %d [128]
        #       Set log file line length.
        self.log_line_length = FormattedParameter("--log_line_length {}")

        #   --timings_file_name %s [macsio-timings.log]
        #       Specify the name of the timings file. Passing an empty string,
        #       "" will disable the creation of a timings file.
        self.timings_file_name = FormattedParameter("--timings_file_name {}",

        # Options specific to the "hdf5" I/O plugin

        #   --show_errors []
        #       Show low-level HDF5 errors
        self.show_errors = FormattedParameter("--show_errors {}")

        #   --compression %s %s []
        #       The first string argument is the compression algorithm name. The
        #       second string argument is a comma-separated set of params of the
        #       form 'param1=val1,param2=val2,param3=val3. The various algorithm
        #       names and their parameter meanings are described below. Note
        #       that some parameters are not specific to any algorithm. Those
        #       are described first followed by individual algorithm-specific
        #       parameters for those algorithms available in the current build.
        #           minsize=%d [1024]
        #               minimum size of dataset (in terms of a count of values)
        #               upon which compression will even be attempted
        #           shuffle=<int>
        #               Boolean (zero or non-zero) to indicate whether to use
        #               HDF5's byte shuffling filter *prior* to compression.
        #               Default depends on algorithm. By default, shuffling is
        #               NOT used for zfp but IS used with all other algorithms.
        #       Available compression algorithms:
        #           "zfp"
        #               Use Peter Lindstrom's ZFP compression (
        #               computation.llnl.gov/casc/zfp) Note: Whether this
        #               compression is available is determined entirely at
        #               run-time using the H5Z-ZFP compressor as a generic
        #               filter. This means all that is necessary is to specify
        #               the HDF5_PLUGIN_PATH environment variable with a path
        #               to the shared lib for the filter.
        #               The following ZFP options are *mutually*exclusive*.
        #               In any command-line specifying more than one of the
        #               following options, only the last specified will be
        #               honored.
        #               rate=%f []
        #                   target # bits per compressed output datum.
        #                   Fractional values are permitted. 0 selects defaults:
        #                   4 bits/flt or 8 bits/dbl.  Use this option to hit a
        #                   target compressed size but where error varies. OTOH,
        #                   use one of the following two options for fixed error
        #                   but amount of compression, if any, varies.
        #               precision=%d []
        #                   # bits of precision to preserve in each input datum.
        #               accuracy=%f []
        #                   absolute error tolerance in each output datum.  In
        #                   many respects, 'precision' represents a sort of
        #                   relative error tolerance while 'accuracy' represents
        #                   an absolute tolerance.  See
        #                   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Accuracy_and_precision.
        #          "gzip"
        #               level=%d [9]
        #                   A value in the range [1,9], inclusive, trading off
        #                   time to compress with amount of compression. Level=1
        #                   results in best speed but worst compression whereas
        #                   level=9 results in best compression but worst speed.
        #                   Values outside [1,9] are clamped.
        #       Examples:
        #           --compression zfp rate=18.5
        #           --compression gzip minsize=1024,level=9
        #           --compression szip shuffle=0,options=nn,pixels_per_block=16
        self.compression = FormattedParameter("--compression {}")

        #   --no_collective []
        #       Use independent, not collective, I/O calls in SIF mode.
        self.no_collective = FormattedParameter("--no_collective {}")

        #   --no_single_chunk []
        #       Do not single chunk the datasets (currently ignored).
        self.no_single_chunk = FormattedParameter("--no_single_chunk {}")

        #   --sieve_buf_size %d []
        #       Specify sieve buffer size (see H5Pset_sieve_buf_size)
        self.sieve_buf_size = FormattedParameter("--sieve_buf_size {}")

        #   --meta_block_size %d []
        #       Specify size of meta data blocks (see H5Pset_meta_block_size)
        self.meta_block_size = FormattedParameter("--meta_block_size {}")

        #   --small_block_size %d []
        #       Specify threshold size for data blocks considered to be 'small'
        #       (see H5Pset_small_data_block_size)
        self.small_block_size = FormattedParameter("--small_block_size {}")

        #   --log []
        #       Use logging Virtual File Driver (see H5Pset_fapl_log)
        self.log_virtual_file_driver = FormattedParameter("--log {}")

        # DAOS parameters
        self.daos_pool = None
        self.daos_svcl = None
        self.daos_cont = None

        # Environment variable names required to be set when running the macsio
        # command.   The values for these names are populated by the
        # set_environment() method.
        self._env_names = ["D_LOG_FILE"]

    def set_output_file_path(self):
        """Set the path for the files generated by the macsio command."""

    def get_environment(self, manager, log_file=None):
        """Get the environment variables to export for the command.

            manager (DaosServerManager): the job manager used to start
                daos_server from which the server config values can be obtained
                to set the required environment variables.
            log_file (str, optional): when specified overrides the default
                D_LOG_FILE value. Defaults to None.

            EnvironmentVariables: a dictionary of environment variable names and
                values to export prior to running daos_racer

        env = super(MacsioCommand, self).get_environment(manager, log_file)
        mapping = {
            "DAOS_POOL": self.daos_pool,
            "DAOS_SVCL": self.daos_svcl,
            "DAOS_CONT": self.daos_cont,
        for key in mapping:
            if mapping[key]:
                env[key] = mapping[key]
        return env

    def check_results(self, result):
        """Check the macsio command results.

            results (CmdResult): macsio command execution result

            bool: status of the macsio command results

        self.log.info("The '%s' command completed with exit status: %s",
                      self.__str__(), result.exit_status)

        # Basic check of the macsio command status
        status = result.exit_status == 0
        return status
Example #6
class DsyncCommand(ExecutableCommand):
    """Defines an object representing a dsync command."""
    def __init__(self, namespace, command):
        """Create a dsync Command object."""
        super(DsyncCommand, self).__init__(namespace, command)

        # dsync options

        # show differences, but do not synchronize files
        self.dryrun = FormattedParameter("--dryrun", False)
        # batch files into groups of N during copy
        self.batch_files = FormattedParameter("--batch-files {}")
        # IO buffer size in bytes (default 4MB)
        self.bufsize = FormattedParameter("--blocksize {}")
        # work size per task in bytes (default 4MB)
        self.chunksize = FormattedParameter("--chunksize {}")
        # DAOS prefix for unified namespace path
        self.daos_prefix = FormattedParameter("--daos-prefix {}")
        # DAOS API in {DFS, DAOS} (default uses DFS for POSIX containers)
        self.daos_api = FormattedParameter("--daos-api {}")
        # read and compare file contents rather than compare size and mtime
        self.contents = FormattedParameter("--contents", False)
        # delete extraneous files from target
        self.delete = FormattedParameter("--delete", False)
        # copy original files instead of links
        self.dereference = FormattedParameter("--dereference", False)
        # don't follow links in source
        self.no_dereference = FormattedParameter("--no-dereference", False)
        # open files with O_DIRECT
        self.direct = FormattedParameter("--direct", False)
        # hardlink to files in DIR when unchanged
        self.link_dest = FormattedParameter("--link-dest {}")
        # create sparse files when possible
        self.sparse = FormattedParameter("--sparse", False)
        # print progress every N seconds
        self.progress = FormattedParameter("--progress {}")
        # verbose output
        self.verbose = FormattedParameter("--verbose", False)
        # quiet output
        self.quiet = FormattedParameter("--quiet", False)
        # print help/usage
        self.print_usage = FormattedParameter("--help", False)
        # source path
        self.src_path = BasicParameter(None)
        # destination path
        self.dst_path = BasicParameter(None)

    def get_param_names(self):
        """Overriding the original get_param_names."""

        param_names = super(DsyncCommand, self).get_param_names()

        # move key=dst_path to the end

        return param_names

    def set_dsync_params(self, src=None, dst=None, prefix=None, display=True):
        """Set common dsync params.

            src (str, optional): The source path formatted as
                daos://<pool>/<cont>/<path> or <path>
            dst (str, optional): The destination path formatted as
                daos://<pool>/<cont>/<path> or <path>
            prefix (str, optional): prefix for uns path
            display (bool, optional): print updated params. Defaults to True.
        if src:
            self.src_path.update(src, "src_path" if display else None)
        if dst:
            self.dst_path.update(dst, "dst_path" if display else None)
        if prefix:
            self.daos_prefix.update(prefix, "daos_prefix" if display else None)
Example #7
class DcpCommand(ExecutableCommand):
    """Defines an object representing a dcp command."""
    def __init__(self, namespace, command):
        """Create a dcp Command object."""
        super(DcpCommand, self).__init__(namespace, command)

        # dcp options

        # IO buffer size in bytes (default 64MB)
        self.blocksize = FormattedParameter("--blocksize {}")
        # New versions use bufsize instead of blocksize
        self.bufsize = FormattedParameter("--bufsize {}")
        # work size per task in bytes (default 64MB)
        self.chunksize = FormattedParameter("--chunksize {}")
        # DAOS source pool
        self.daos_src_pool = FormattedParameter("--daos-src-pool {}")
        # DAOS destination pool
        self.daos_dst_pool = FormattedParameter("--daos-dst-pool {}")
        # DAOS source container
        self.daos_src_cont = FormattedParameter("--daos-src-cont {}")
        # DAOS destination container
        self.daos_dst_cont = FormattedParameter("--daos-dst-cont {}")
        # DAOS prefix for unified namespace path
        self.daos_prefix = FormattedParameter("--daos-prefix {}")
        # DAOS API in {DFS, DAOS} (default uses DFS for POSIX containers)
        self.daos_api = FormattedParameter("--daos-api {}")
        # read source list from file
        self.input_file = FormattedParameter("--input {}")
        # copy original files instead of links
        self.dereference = FormattedParameter("--dereference", False)
        # don't follow links in source
        self.no_dereference = FormattedParameter("--no-dereference", False)
        # preserve permissions, ownership, timestamps, extended attributes
        self.preserve = FormattedParameter("--preserve", False)
        # open files with O_DIRECT
        self.direct = FormattedParameter("--direct", False)
        # create sparse files when possible
        self.sparse = FormattedParameter("--sparse", False)
        # print progress every N seconds
        self.progress = FormattedParameter("--progress {}")
        # verbose output
        self.verbose = FormattedParameter("--verbose", False)
        # quiet output
        self.quiet = FormattedParameter("--quiet", False)
        # print help/usage
        self.print_usage = FormattedParameter("--help", False)
        # source path
        self.src_path = BasicParameter(None)
        # destination path
        self.dst_path = BasicParameter(None)

    def get_param_names(self):
        """Overriding the original get_param_names."""

        param_names = super(DcpCommand, self).get_param_names()

        # move key=dst_path to the end

        return param_names

    def set_dcp_params(self,
        """Set common dcp params.

            src_pool (str, optional): source pool uuid
            src_cont (str, optional): source container uuid
            src_path (str, optional): source path
            dst_pool (str, optional): destination pool uuid
            dst_cont (str, optional): destination container uuid
            dst_path (str, optional): destination path
            prefix (str, optional): prefix for uns path
            display (bool, optional): print updated params. Defaults to True.

        if src_pool:
                                      "daos_src_pool" if display else None)

        if src_cont:
                                      "daos_src_cont" if display else None)
        if src_path:
            self.src_path.update(src_path, "src_path" if display else None)
        if dst_pool:
                                      "daos_dst_pool" if display else None)
        if dst_cont:
                                      "daos_dst_cont" if display else None)
        if dst_path:
            self.dst_path.update(dst_path, "dst_path" if display else None)
        if prefix:
            self.daos_prefix.update(prefix, "daos_prefix" if display else None)
Example #8
class IorCommand(ExecutableCommand):
    # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
    """Defines a object for executing an IOR command.

        >>> # Typical use inside of a DAOS avocado test method.
        >>> ior_cmd = IorCommand()
        >>> ior_cmd.get_params(self)
        >>> ior_cmd.set_daos_params(self.server_group, self.pool)
        >>> mpirun = Mpirun()
        >>> server_manager = self.server_manager[0]
        >>> env = self.ior_cmd.get_environment(server_manager, self.client_log)
        >>> mpirun.assign_hosts(self.hostlist_clients, self.workdir, None)
        >>> mpirun.assign_processes(len(self.hostlist_clients))
        >>> mpirun.assign_environment(env)
        >>> mpirun.run()

    def __init__(self):
        """Create an IorCommand object."""
        super().__init__("/run/ior/*", "ior")

        # Flags
        self.flags = FormattedParameter("{}")

        # Optional arguments
        #   -a=POSIX        API for I/O [POSIX|DUMMY|MPIIO|MMAP|DFS|HDF5]
        #   -b=1048576      blockSize -- contiguous bytes to write per task
        #   -d=0            interTestDelay -- delay between reps in seconds
        #   -f=STRING       scriptFile -- test script name
        #   -G=0            setTimeStampSignature -- time stamp signature
        #   -i=1            repetitions -- number of repetitions of test
        #   -j=0            outlierThreshold -- warn on outlier N sec from mean
        #   -J=1            setAlignment -- HDF5 alignment in bytes
        #   -l=STRING       datapacket type-- type of packet created
        #   -M=STRING       memoryPerNode -- hog memory on the node
        #   -N=0            numTasks -- num of participating tasks in the test
        #   -o=testFile     testFile -- full name for test
        #   -O=STRING       string of IOR directives
        #   -O=1            stoneWallingWearOut -- all process finish to access
        #                       the amount of data after stonewalling timeout
        #   -O=0            stoneWallingWearOutIterations -- stop after
        #                       processing this number of iterations
        #   -O=STRING       stoneWallingStatusFile -- file to keep number of
        #                      iterations from stonewalling during write
        #   -Q=1            taskPerNodeOffset for read tests
        #   -s=1            segmentCount -- number of segments
        #   -t=262144       transferSize -- size of transfer in bytes
        #   -T=0            maxTimeDuration -- max time in minutes executing
        #                      repeated test; it aborts only between iterations
        #                      and not within a test!
        self.api = FormattedParameter("-a {}", "DFS")
        self.block_size = FormattedParameter("-b {}")
        self.test_delay = FormattedParameter("-d {}")
        self.script = FormattedParameter("-f {}")
        self.signature = FormattedParameter("-G {}")
        self.repetitions = FormattedParameter("-i {}")
        self.outlier_threshold = FormattedParameter("-j {}")
        self.alignment = FormattedParameter("-J {}")
        self.data_packet_type = FormattedParameter("-l {}")
        self.memory_per_node = FormattedParameter("-M {}")
        self.num_tasks = FormattedParameter("-N {}")
        self.test_file = FormattedParameter("-o {}")
        self.directives = FormattedParameter("-O {}")
        self.sw_wearout = FormattedParameter(
            "-O stoneWallingWearOut={}")
        self.sw_wearout_iteration = FormattedParameter(
            "-O stoneWallingWearOutIterations={}")
        self.sw_status_file = FormattedParameter(
            "-O stoneWallingStatusFile={}")
        self.task_offset = FormattedParameter("-Q {}")
        self.segment_count = FormattedParameter("-s {}")
        self.transfer_size = FormattedParameter("-t {}")
        self.max_duration = FormattedParameter("-T {}")

        # Module DFS
        #   Required arguments
        #       --dfs.pool=STRING            pool uuid
        #       --dfs.cont=STRING            container uuid
        #   Flags
        #       --dfs.destroy               Destroy Container
        #   Optional arguments
        #       --dfs.group=STRING           server group
        #       --dfs.chunk_size=1048576     chunk size
        #       --dfs.oclass=STRING          object class
        #       --dfs.prefix=STRING          mount prefix
        self.dfs_pool = FormattedParameter("--dfs.pool {}")
        self.dfs_cont = FormattedParameter("--dfs.cont {}")
        self.dfs_destroy = FormattedParameter("--dfs.destroy", False)
        self.dfs_group = FormattedParameter("--dfs.group {}")
        self.dfs_chunk = FormattedParameter("--dfs.chunk_size {}", 1048576)
        self.dfs_oclass = FormattedParameter("--dfs.oclass {}", "SX")
        self.dfs_dir_oclass = FormattedParameter("--dfs.dir_oclass {}", "SX")
        self.dfs_prefix = FormattedParameter("--dfs.prefix {}")

        # A list of environment variable names to set and export with ior
        self._env_names = ["D_LOG_FILE"]

        # Attributes used to determine command success when run as a subprocess
        # See self.check_ior_subprocess_status() for details.
        self.pattern = None
        self.pattern_count = 1

    def get_param_names(self):
        """Get a sorted list of the defined IorCommand parameters."""
        # Sort the IOR parameter names to generate consistent ior commands
        all_param_names = super().get_param_names()

        # List all of the common ior params first followed by any daos-specific
        # and dfs-specific params (except when using MPIIO).
        param_names = [name for name in all_param_names if ("daos" not in name)
                       and ("dfs" not in name)]

        if self.api.value == "DFS":
                [name for name in all_param_names if "dfs" in name])

        return param_names

    def set_daos_params(self, group, pool, cont_uuid=None, display=True):
        """Set the IOR parameters for the DAOS group, pool, and container uuid.

            group (str): DAOS server group name
            pool (TestPool): DAOS test pool object
            cont_uuid (str, optional): the container uuid. If not specified one
                is generated. Defaults to None.
            display (bool, optional): print updated params. Defaults to True.
        self.set_daos_pool_params(pool, display)
        if self.api.value in ["DFS", "MPIIO", "POSIX", "HDF5"]:
            self.dfs_group.update(group, "dfs_group" if display else None)
                cont_uuid if cont_uuid else str(uuid.uuid4()),
                "dfs_cont" if display else None)

    def set_daos_pool_params(self, pool, display=True):
        """Set the IOR parameters that are based on a DAOS pool.

            pool (TestPool): DAOS test pool object
            display (bool, optional): print updated params. Defaults to True.
        if self.api.value in ["DFS", "MPIIO", "POSIX", "HDF5"]:
                pool.pool.get_uuid_str(), "dfs_pool" if display else None)

    def get_aggregate_total(self, processes):
        """Get the total bytes expected to be written by ior.

            processes (int): number of processes running the ior command

            int: total number of bytes written

            CommandFailure: if there is an error obtaining the aggregate total

        power = {"k": 1, "m": 2, "g": 3, "t": 4}
        total = processes
        for name in ("block_size", "segment_count"):
            item = getattr(self, name).value
            if item:
                sub_item = re.split(r"([^\d])", str(item))
                if int(sub_item[0]) > 0:
                    total *= int(sub_item[0])
                    if len(sub_item) > 1:
                        key = sub_item[1].lower()
                        if key in power:
                            total *= 1024**power[key]
                            raise CommandFailure(
                                "Error obtaining the IOR aggregate total from "
                                "the {} - bad key: value: {}, split: {}, "
                                "key: {}".format(name, item, sub_item, key))
                    raise CommandFailure(
                        "Error obtaining the IOR aggregate total from the {}: "
                        "value: {}, split: {}".format(name, item, sub_item))

        # Account for any replicas, except for the ones with no replication
        # i.e all object classes starting with "S". Eg: S1,S2,...,SX.
        if not self.dfs_oclass.value.startswith("S"):
                # Extract the replica quantity from the object class string
                replica_qty = int(re.findall(r"\d+", self.dfs_oclass.value)[0])
            except (TypeError, IndexError):
                # If the daos object class is undefined (TypeError) or it does
                # not contain any numbers (IndexError) then there is only one
                # replica.
                replica_qty = 1
                total *= replica_qty

        return total

    def get_default_env(self, manager_cmd, log_file=None):
        """Get the default environment settings for running IOR.

            manager_cmd (str): job manager command
            log_file (str, optional): log file. Defaults to None.

            EnvironmentVariables: a dictionary of environment names and values

        env = self.get_environment(None, log_file)
        env["MPI_LIB"] = "\"\""
        env["FI_PSM2_DISCONNECT"] = "1"

        # ior POSIX api does not require the below options.
        if "POSIX" in manager_cmd:
            return env

        if "mpirun" in manager_cmd or "srun" in manager_cmd:
            if self.dfs_pool.value is not None:
                env["DAOS_UNS_PREFIX"] = "daos://{}/{}/".format(self.dfs_pool.value,
                if self.dfs_oclass.value is not None:
                    env["IOR_HINT__MPI__romio_daos_obj_class"] = \
        return env

    def get_ior_metrics(cmdresult):
        """Get the ior command read and write metrics.

        Parse the CmdResult (output of the test) and look for the ior stdout
        and get the read and write metrics.

            cmdresult (CmdResult): output of job manager

            metrics (tuple) : list of write and read metrics from ior run

        ior_metric_summary = "Summary of all tests:"
        messages = cmdresult.stdout_text.splitlines()
        # Get the index whre the summary starts and add one to
        # get to the header.
        idx = messages.index(ior_metric_summary)
        # idx + 1 is header.
        # idx +2 and idx + 3 will give the write and read metrics.
        write_metrics = (" ".join(messages[idx+2].split())).split()
        read_metrics = (" ".join(messages[idx+3].split())).split()

        return (write_metrics, read_metrics)

    def log_metrics(logger, message, metrics):
        """Log the ior metrics.

            logger (log): logger object handle
            message (str) : Message to print before logging metrics
            metric (lst) : IOR write and read metrics
        for metric in metrics:

    def check_ior_subprocess_status(self, sub_process, command,
        """Verify the status of the command started as a subprocess.

        Continually search the subprocess output for a pattern (self.pattern)
        until the expected number of patterns (self.pattern_count) have been
        found (typically one per host) or the timeout (pattern_timeout)
        is reached or the process has stopped.

            sub_process (process.SubProcess): subprocess used to run the command
            command (str): ior command being looked for
            pattern_timeout: (int): check pattern until this timeout limit is
            bool: whether or not the command progress has been detected

        complete = True
            "Checking status of the %s command in %s with a %s second timeout",
            command, sub_process, pattern_timeout)

        if self.pattern is not None:
            detected = 0
            complete = False
            timed_out = False
            start = time.time()

            # Search for patterns in the subprocess output until:
            #   - the expected number of pattern matches are detected (success)
            #   - the time out is reached (failure)
            #   - the subprocess is no longer running (failure)
            while not complete and not timed_out and sub_process.poll() is None:
                output = get_subprocess_stdout(sub_process)
                detected = len(re.findall(self.pattern, output))
                complete = detected == self.pattern_count
                timed_out = time.time() - start > pattern_timeout

            # Summarize results
            msg = "{}/{} '{}' messages detected in {}/{} seconds".format(
                detected, self.pattern_count, self.pattern,
                time.time() - start, pattern_timeout)

            if not complete:
                # Report the error / timeout
                    "%s detected - %s:\n%s",
                    "Time out" if timed_out else "Error",

                # Stop the timed out process
                if timed_out:
                # Report the successful start
                    "%s subprocess startup detected - %s", command, msg)

        return complete
Example #9
class MdtestCommand(ExecutableCommand):
    """Defines a object representing a mdtest command."""

    def __init__(self):
        """Create an MdtestCommand object."""
        super(MdtestCommand, self).__init__("/run/mdtest/*", "mdtest")
        self.flags = FormattedParameter("{}")   # mdtest flags
        # Optional arguments
        #  -a=STRING             API for I/O [POSIX|DUMMY]
        #  -b=1                  branching factor of hierarchical dir structure
        #  -d=./out              the directory in which the tests will run
        #  -B=0                  no barriers between phases
        #  -e=0                  bytes to read from each file
        #  -f=1                  first number of tasks on which test will run
        #  -i=1                  number of iterations the test will run
        #  -I=0                  number of items per directory in tree
        #  -l=0                  last number of tasks on which test will run
        #  -n=0                  every process will creat/stat/read/remove num
        #                        of directories and files
        #  -N=0                  stride num between neighbor tasks for file/dir
        #                        operation (local=0)
        #  -p=0                  pre-iteration delay (in seconds)
        #  --random-seed=0       random seed for -R
        #  -s=1                  stride between number of tasks for each test
        #  -V=0                  verbosity value
        #  -w=0                  bytes to write each file after it is created
        #  -W=0                  number in seconds; stonewall timer, write as
        #                        many seconds and ensure all processes did the
        #                        same number of operations (currently only
        #                        stops during create phase)
        # -x=STRING              StoneWallingStatusFile; contains the number
        #                        of iterations of the creation phase, can be
        #                        used to split phases across runs
        # -z=0                   depth of hierarchical directory structure

        self.api = FormattedParameter("-a {}")
        self.branching_factor = FormattedParameter("-b {}")
        self.test_dir = FormattedParameter("-d {}")
        self.barriers = FormattedParameter("-B {}")
        self.read_bytes = FormattedParameter("-e {}")
        self.first_num_tasks = FormattedParameter("-f {}")
        self.iteration = FormattedParameter("-i {}")
        self.items = FormattedParameter("-I {}")
        self.last_num_tasks = FormattedParameter("-l {}")
        self.num_of_files_dirs = FormattedParameter("-n {}")
        self.pre_iter = FormattedParameter("-p {}")
        self.random_seed = FormattedParameter("--random-seed {}")
        self.stride = FormattedParameter("-s {}")
        self.verbosity_value = FormattedParameter("-V {}")
        self.write_bytes = FormattedParameter("-w {}")
        self.stonewall_timer = FormattedParameter("-W {}")
        self.stonewall_statusfile = FormattedParameter("-x {}")
        self.depth = FormattedParameter("-z {}")

        # Module DFS
        # Required arguments
        #  --dfs.pool=STRING             DAOS pool uuid
        #  --dfs.svcl=STRING             DAOS pool SVCL
        #  --dfs.cont=STRING             DFS container uuid

        # Flags
        #  --dfs.destroy                 Destroy DFS Container

        # Optional arguments
        #  --dfs.group=STRING            DAOS server group
        #  --dfs.chunk_size=1048576      Chunk size
        #  --dfs.oclass=STRING           DAOS object class
        #  --dfs.dir_oclass=STRING       DAOS directory object class
        #  --dfs.prefix=STRING           Mount prefix

        self.dfs_pool_uuid = FormattedParameter("--dfs.pool {}")
        self.dfs_svcl = FormattedParameter("--dfs.svcl {}")
        self.dfs_cont = FormattedParameter("--dfs.cont {}")
        self.dfs_group = FormattedParameter("--dfs.group {}")
        self.dfs_destroy = FormattedParameter("--dfs.destroy", True)
        self.dfs_chunk = FormattedParameter("--dfs.chunk_size {}", 1048576)
        self.dfs_oclass = FormattedParameter("--dfs.oclass {}", "SX")
        self.dfs_prefix = FormattedParameter("--dfs.prefix {}")
        self.dfs_dir_oclass = FormattedParameter("--dfs.dir_oclass {}", "SX")

        # A list of environment variable names to set and export with ior
        self._env_names = ["D_LOG_FILE"]

    def get_param_names(self):
        """Get a sorted list of the defined MdtestCommand parameters."""
        # Sort the Mdtest parameter names to generate consistent ior commands
        all_param_names = super(MdtestCommand, self).get_param_names()

        # List all of the common ior params first followed by any dfs-specific
        # params (except when using POSIX).
        param_names = [name for name in all_param_names if "dfs" not in name]
        if self.api.value != "POSIX":
                [name for name in all_param_names if "dfs" in name])

        return param_names

    def set_daos_params(self, group, pool, cont_uuid=None, display=True):
        """Set the Mdtest params for the DAOS group, pool, and container uuid.

            group (str): DAOS server group name
            pool (TestPool): DAOS test pool object
            cont_uuid (str, optional): the container uuid. If not specified one
                is generated. Defaults to None.
            display (bool, optional): print updated params. Defaults to True.
        self.set_daos_pool_params(pool, display)
        self.dfs_group.update(group, "dfs_group" if display else None)
            cont_uuid if cont_uuid else str(uuid.uuid4()),
            "dfs_cont" if display else None)

    def set_daos_pool_params(self, pool, display=True):
        """Set the Mdtest parameters that are based on a DAOS pool.

            pool (TestPool): DAOS test pool object
            display (bool, optional): print updated params. Defaults to True.
            pool.pool.get_uuid_str(), "dfs_pool" if display else None)
        self.set_daos_svcl_param(pool, display)

    def set_daos_svcl_param(self, pool, display=True):
        """Set the Mdtest daos_svcl param from the ranks of a DAOS pool object.

            pool (TestPool): DAOS test pool object
            display (bool, optional): print updated params. Defaults to True.
        svcl = ":".join(
            [str(item) for item in [
                for index in range(pool.pool.svc.rl_nr)]])
        self.dfs_svcl.update(svcl, "dfs_svcl" if display else None)

    def get_default_env(self, manager_cmd, log_file=None):
        """Get the default environment settings for running mdtest.

            manager_cmd (str): job manager command
            log_file (str, optional): log file. Defaults to None.

            EnvironmentVariables: a dictionary of environment names and values

        env = self.get_environment(None, log_file)
        env["MPI_LIB"] = "\"\""
        env["FI_PSM2_DISCONNECT"] = "1"

        if "mpirun" in manager_cmd or "srun" in manager_cmd:
            env["DAOS_POOL"] = self.dfs_pool_uuid.value
            env["DAOS_SVCL"] = self.dfs_svcl.value
            env["DAOS_CONT"] = self.dfs_cont.value
            env["IOR_HINT__MPI__romio_daos_obj_class"] = \

        return env
Example #10
class DfuseCommand(ExecutableCommand):
    """Defines a object representing a dfuse command."""

    def __init__(self, namespace, command):
        """Create a dfuse Command object."""
        super(DfuseCommand, self).__init__(namespace, command)

        # dfuse options
        self.puuid = FormattedParameter("--pool {}")
        self.cuuid = FormattedParameter("--container {}")
        self.mount_dir = FormattedParameter("--mountpoint {}")
        self.svcl = FormattedParameter("--svc {}", 0)
        self.sys_name = FormattedParameter("--sys-name {}")
        self.singlethreaded = FormattedParameter("--singlethreaded", False)
        self.foreground = FormattedParameter("--foreground", False)

        # Environment variable names to export when running dfuse
        self._env_names = [

    def set_dfuse_params(self, pool, display=True):
        """Set the dfuse params for the DAOS group, pool, and container uuid.

            pool (TestPool): DAOS test pool object
            display (bool, optional): print updated params. Defaults to True.
        self.set_dfuse_pool_params(pool, display)

    def set_dfuse_pool_params(self, pool, display=True):
        """Set Dfuse params based on Daos Pool.

            pool (TestPool): DAOS test pool object
            display (bool, optional): print updated params. Defaults to True.
        self.puuid.update(pool.uuid, "puuid" if display else None)
        self.set_dfuse_svcl_param(pool, display)

    def set_dfuse_svcl_param(self, pool, display=True):
        """Set the dfuse svcl param from the ranks of a DAOS pool object.

            pool (TestPool): DAOS test pool object
            display (bool, optional): print updated params. Defaults to True.
        svcl = ":".join(
            [str(item) for item in [
                for index in range(pool.pool.svc.rl_nr)]])
        self.svcl.update(svcl, "svcl" if display else None)

    def set_dfuse_cont_param(self, cont, display=True):
        """Set dfuse cont param from Container object.

            cont (TestContainer): Daos test container object
            display (bool, optional): print updated params. Defaults to True.
        self.cuuid.update(cont, "cuuid" if display else None)

    def set_dfuse_exports(self, manager, log_file):
        """Set exports to issue before the dfuse command.

            manager (DaosServerManager): server manager object to use to
                obtain the ofi and cart environmental variable settings from the
                server yaml file
            log_file (str): name of the log file to combine with the
                DAOS_TEST_LOG_DIR path with which to assign D_LOG_FILE
        env = self.get_environment(manager, log_file)
Example #11
class DmgCommandBase(YamlCommand):
    """Defines a base object representing a dmg command."""
    def __init__(self, path, yaml_cfg=None):
        """Create a dmg Command object.

            path (str): path to the dmg command
            yaml_cfg (DmgYamlParameters, optional): dmg config file
                settings. Defaults to None, in which case settings
                must be supplied as command-line parameters.
        super(DmgCommandBase, self).__init__("/run/dmg/*", "dmg", path,

        # If specified use the configuration file from the YamlParameters object
        default_yaml_file = None
        if isinstance(self.yaml, YamlParameters):
            default_yaml_file = self.yaml.filename

        self._hostlist = FormattedParameter("-l {}")
        self.hostfile = FormattedParameter("-f {}")
        self.configpath = FormattedParameter("-o {}", default_yaml_file)
        self.insecure = FormattedParameter("-i", False)
        self.debug = FormattedParameter("-d", False)
        self.json = FormattedParameter("-j", False)

    def hostlist(self):
        """Get the hostlist that was set.

        Returns a string list.
        if self.yaml:
            hosts = self.yaml.hostlist.value
            hosts = self._hostlist.value.split(",")
        return hosts

    def hostlist(self, hostlist):
        """Set the hostlist to be used for dmg invocation.

            hostlist (string list): list of host addresses
        if self.yaml:
            if not isinstance(hostlist, list):
                hostlist = hostlist.split(",")
            self.yaml.hostlist.update(hostlist, "dmg.yaml.hostlist")
            if isinstance(hostlist, list):
                hostlist = ",".join(hostlist)
            self._hostlist.update(hostlist, "dmg._hostlist")

    def get_sub_command_class(self):
        # pylint: disable=redefined-variable-type
        """Get the dmg sub command object based upon the sub-command."""
        if self.sub_command.value == "network":
            self.sub_command_class = self.NetworkSubCommand()
        elif self.sub_command.value == "pool":
            self.sub_command_class = self.PoolSubCommand()
        elif self.sub_command.value == "storage":
            self.sub_command_class = self.StorageSubCommand()
        elif self.sub_command.value == "system":
            self.sub_command_class = self.SystemSubCommand()
            self.sub_command_class = None

    class NetworkSubCommand(CommandWithSubCommand):
        """Defines an object for the dmg network sub command."""
        def __init__(self):
            """Create a dmg network subcommand object."""
                  self).__init__("/run/dmg/network/*", "network")

        def get_sub_command_class(self):
            # pylint: disable=redefined-variable-type
            """Get the dmg network sub command object."""
            if self.sub_command.value == "scan":
                self.sub_command_class = self.ScanSubCommand()
                self.sub_command_class = None

        class ScanSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for the dmg network scan command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg network scan command object."""
                      self).__init__("/run/dmg/network/scan/*", "scan")
                self.provider = FormattedParameter("-p {}", None)
                self.all = FormattedParameter("-a", False)

    class PoolSubCommand(CommandWithSubCommand):
        """Defines an object for the dmg pool sub command."""
        def __init__(self):
            """Create a dmg pool subcommand object."""
                  self).__init__("/run/dmg/pool/*", "pool")

        def get_sub_command_class(self):
            # pylint: disable=redefined-variable-type
            """Get the dmg pool sub command object."""
            if self.sub_command.value == "create":
                self.sub_command_class = self.CreateSubCommand()
            elif self.sub_command.value == "delete-acl":
                self.sub_command_class = self.DeleteAclSubCommand()
            elif self.sub_command.value == "destroy":
                self.sub_command_class = self.DestroySubCommand()
            elif self.sub_command.value == "get-acl":
                self.sub_command_class = self.GetAclSubCommand()
            elif self.sub_command.value == "list":
                self.sub_command_class = self.ListSubCommand()
            elif self.sub_command.value == "overwrite-acl":
                self.sub_command_class = self.OverwriteAclSubCommand()
            elif self.sub_command.value == "query":
                self.sub_command_class = self.QuerySubCommand()
            elif self.sub_command.value == "set-prop":
                self.sub_command_class = self.SetPropSubCommand()
            elif self.sub_command.value == "update-acl":
                self.sub_command_class = self.UpdateAclSubCommand()
            elif self.sub_command.value == "exclude":
                self.sub_command_class = self.ExcludeSubCommand()
            elif self.sub_command.value == "drain":
                self.sub_command_class = self.DrainSubCommand()
            elif self.sub_command.value == "reintegrate":
                self.sub_command_class = self.ReintegrateSubCommand()
                self.sub_command_class = None

        class CreateSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for the dmg pool create command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg pool create command object."""
                      self).__init__("/run/dmg/pool/create/*", "create")
                self.group = FormattedParameter("--group={}", None)
                self.user = FormattedParameter("--user={}", None)
                self.acl_file = FormattedParameter("--acl-file={}", None)
                self.scm_size = FormattedParameter("--scm-size={}", None)
                self.nvme_size = FormattedParameter("--nvme-size={}", None)
                self.ranks = FormattedParameter("--ranks={}", None)
                self.nsvc = FormattedParameter("--nsvc={}", None)
                self.sys = FormattedParameter("--sys={}", None)

        class ExcludeSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for the dmg pool exclude command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg pool exclude command object."""
                      self).__init__("/run/dmg/pool/exclude/*", "exclude")
                self.pool = FormattedParameter("--pool={}", None)
                self.rank = FormattedParameter("--rank={}", None)
                self.tgt_idx = FormattedParameter("--target-idx={}", None)

        class DrainSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for the dmg pool drain command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg pool drain command object."""
                      self).__init__("/run/dmg/pool/drain/*", "drain")
                self.pool = FormattedParameter("--pool={}", None)
                self.rank = FormattedParameter("--rank={}", None)
                self.tgt_idx = FormattedParameter("--target-idx={}", None)

        class ReintegrateSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for dmg pool reintegrate command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg pool reintegrate command object."""
                self.pool = FormattedParameter("--pool={}", None)
                self.rank = FormattedParameter("--rank={}", None)
                self.tgt_idx = FormattedParameter("--target-idx={}", None)

        class DeleteAclSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for the dmg pool delete-acl command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg pool delete-acl command object."""
                self.pool = FormattedParameter("--pool={}", None)
                self.principal = FormattedParameter("-p {}", None)

        class DestroySubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for the dmg pool destroy command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg pool destroy command object."""
                      self).__init__("/run/dmg/pool/destroy/*", "destroy")
                self.pool = FormattedParameter("--pool={}", None)
                self.sys_name = FormattedParameter("--sys-name={}", None)
                self.force = FormattedParameter("--force", False)

        class GetAclSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for the dmg pool get-acl command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg pool get-acl command object."""
                      self).__init__("/run/dmg/pool/get-acl/*", "get-acl")
                self.pool = FormattedParameter("--pool={}", None)

        class ListSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for the dmg pool list command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg pool list command object."""
                      self).__init__("/run/dmg/pool/list/*", "list")

        class OverwriteAclSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for the dmg pool overwrite-acl command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg pool overwrite-acl command object."""
                self.pool = FormattedParameter("--pool={}", None)
                self.acl_file = FormattedParameter("-a {}", None)

        class QuerySubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for the dmg pool query command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg pool query command object."""
                      self).__init__("/run/dmg/pool/query/*", "query")
                self.pool = FormattedParameter("--pool={}", None)

        class SetPropSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for the dmg pool set-prop command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg pool set-prop command object."""
                      self).__init__("/run/dmg/pool/set-prop/*", "set-prop")
                self.pool = FormattedParameter("--pool={}", None)
                self.name = FormattedParameter("--name={}", None)
                self.value = FormattedParameter("--value={}", None)

        class UpdateAclSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for the dmg pool update-acl command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg pool update-acl command object."""
                self.pool = FormattedParameter("--pool={}", None)
                self.acl_file = FormattedParameter("-a {}", None)
                self.entry = FormattedParameter("-e {}", None)

    class StorageSubCommand(CommandWithSubCommand):
        """Defines an object for the dmg storage sub command."""
        def __init__(self):
            """Create a dmg storage subcommand object."""
                  self).__init__("/run/dmg/storage/*", "storage")

        def get_sub_command_class(self):
            # pylint: disable=redefined-variable-type
            """Get the dmg storage sub command object."""
            if self.sub_command.value == "format":
                self.sub_command_class = self.FormatSubCommand()
            elif self.sub_command.value == "prepare":
                self.sub_command_class = self.PrepareSubCommand()
            elif self.sub_command.value == "query":
                self.sub_command_class = self.QuerySubCommand()
            elif self.sub_command.value == "scan":
                self.sub_command_class = self.ScanSubCommand()
            elif self.sub_command.value == "set":
                self.sub_command_class = self.SetSubCommand()
                self.sub_command_class = None

        class FormatSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for the dmg storage format command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg storage format command object."""
                      self).__init__("/run/dmg/storage/format/*", "format")
                self.reformat = FormattedParameter("--reformat", False)

        class PrepareSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for the dmg storage format command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg storage prepare command object."""
                      self).__init__("/run/dmg/storage/prepare/*", "prepare")
                self.pci_whitelist = FormattedParameter("-w {}", None)
                self.hugepages = FormattedParameter("-p {}", None)
                self.target_user = FormattedParameter("-u {}", None)
                self.nvme_only = FormattedParameter("-n", False)
                self.scm_only = FormattedParameter("-s", False)
                self.reset = FormattedParameter("--reset", False)
                self.force = FormattedParameter("-f", False)

        class QuerySubCommand(CommandWithSubCommand):
            """Defines an object for the dmg storage query command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg storage query command object."""
                      self).__init__("/run/dmg/storage/query/*", "query")

            def get_sub_command_class(self):
                # pylint: disable=redefined-variable-type
                """Get the dmg storage query sub command object."""
                if self.sub_command.value == "target-health":
                    self.sub_command_class = self.TargetHealthSubCommand()
                elif self.sub_command.value == "device-health":
                    self.sub_command_class = self.DeviceHealthSubCommand()
                elif self.sub_command.value == "list-devices":
                    self.sub_command_class = self.ListDevicesSubCommand()
                elif self.sub_command.value == "list-pools":
                    self.sub_command_class = self.ListPoolsSubCommand()
                    self.sub_command_class = None

            class TargetHealthSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
                """Defines a dmg storage query target-health object."""
                def __init__(self):
                    """Create a dmg storage query target-health object."""
                        TargetHealthSubCommand, self).__init__(
                    self.rank = FormattedParameter("-r {}", None)
                    self.tgtid = FormattedParameter("-t {}", None)

            class DeviceHealthSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
                """Defines a dmg storage query device-health object."""
                def __init__(self):
                    """Create a dmg storage query device-health object."""
                        DeviceHealthSubCommand, self).__init__(
                    self.uuid = FormattedParameter("-u {}", None)

            class ListDevicesSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
                """Defines a dmg storage query list-devices object."""
                def __init__(self):
                    """Create a dmg storage query list-devices object."""
                    self.rank = FormattedParameter("-r {}", None)
                    self.uuid = FormattedParameter("-u {}", None)
                    self.health = FormattedParameter("-b", False)

            class ListPoolsSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
                """Defines a dmg storage query list-pools object."""
                def __init__(self):
                    """Create a dmg storage query list-pools object."""
                    self.rank = FormattedParameter("-r {}", None)
                    self.uuid = FormattedParameter("-u {}", None)
                    self.verbose = FormattedParameter("--verbose", False)

        class ScanSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for the dmg storage scan command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg storage scan command object."""
                      self).__init__("/run/dmg/storage/scan/*", "scan")
                self.nvme_health = FormattedParameter("--nvme-health", False)
                self.verbose = FormattedParameter("--verbose", False)

        class SetSubCommand(CommandWithSubCommand):
            """Defines an object for the dmg storage set command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg storage set command object."""
                      self).__init__("/run/dmg/storage/set/*", "set")

            def get_sub_command_class(self):
                # pylint: disable=redefined-variable-type
                """Get the dmg set sub command object."""
                if self.sub_command.value == "nvme-faulty":
                    self.sub_command_class = self.NvmeFaultySubCommand()
                    self.sub_command_class = None

            class NvmeFaultySubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
                """Defines a dmg storage set nvme-faulty object."""
                def __init__(self):
                    """Create a dmg storage set nvme-faulty object."""
                    self.uuid = FormattedParameter("-u {}", None)
                    self.force = FormattedParameter("--force", False)

    class SystemSubCommand(CommandWithSubCommand):
        """Defines an object for the dmg system sub command."""
        def __init__(self):
            """Create a dmg system subcommand object."""
                  self).__init__("/run/dmg/system/*", "system")

        def get_sub_command_class(self):
            # pylint: disable=redefined-variable-type
            """Get the dmg system sub command object."""
            if self.sub_command.value == "leader-query":
                self.sub_command_class = self.LeaderQuerySubCommand()
            elif self.sub_command.value == "list-pools":
                self.sub_command_class = self.ListPoolsSubCommand()
            elif self.sub_command.value == "query":
                self.sub_command_class = self.QuerySubCommand()
            elif self.sub_command.value == "start":
                self.sub_command_class = self.StartSubCommand()
            elif self.sub_command.value == "stop":
                self.sub_command_class = self.StopSubCommand()
                self.sub_command_class = None

        class LeaderQuerySubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for the dmg system leader-query command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg system leader-query command object."""

        class ListPoolsSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for the dmg system list-pools command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg system list-pools command object."""

        class QuerySubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for the dmg system query command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg system query command object."""
                      self).__init__("/run/dmg/system/query/*", "query")
                self.ranks = FormattedParameter("--ranks={}")
                self.verbose = FormattedParameter("--verbose", False)

        class StartSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for the dmg system start command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg system start command object."""
                      self).__init__("/run/dmg/system/start/*", "start")

        class StopSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for the dmg system stop command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg system stop command object."""
                      self).__init__("/run/dmg/system/stop/*", "stop")
                self.force = FormattedParameter("--force", False)
                self.ranks = FormattedParameter("--ranks={}")
Example #12
class DmgCommand(YamlCommand):
    """Defines a object representing a dmg command."""

        r"Socket\s+(\d+)|(ofi\+[a-z0-9;_]+)\s+([a-z0-9, ]+)",
        # Sample output of dmg pool list.
        # wolf-3:10001: connected
        # Pool UUID                            Svc Replicas
        # ---------                            ------------
        # b4a27b5b-688a-4d1e-8c38-363e32eb4f29 1,2,3
        # Between the first and the second group, use " +"; i.e., one or more
        # whitespaces. If we use "\s+", it'll pick up the second divider as
        # UUID since it's made up of hyphens and \s includes new line.
        r"(?:([0-9a-fA-F-]+) +([0-9,]+))",
        r"(?:UUID:|Service replicas:)\s+([A-Za-z0-9-]+)",

    def __init__(self, path, yaml_cfg=None):
        """Create a dmg Command object.

            path (str): path to the dmg command
            yaml_cfg (DmgYamlParameters, optional): dmg config file
                settings. Defaults to None, in which case settings
                must be supplied as command-line parameters.
        super(DmgCommand, self).__init__("/run/dmg/*", "dmg", path, yaml_cfg)

        # If specified use the configuration file from the YamlParameters object
        default_yaml_file = None
        if isinstance(self.yaml, YamlParameters):
            default_yaml_file = self.yaml.filename

        self._hostlist = FormattedParameter("-l {}")
        self.hostfile = FormattedParameter("-f {}")
        self.configpath = FormattedParameter("-o {}", default_yaml_file)
        self.insecure = FormattedParameter("-i", False)
        self.debug = FormattedParameter("-d", False)
        self.json = FormattedParameter("-j", False)

    def hostlist(self):
        """Get the hostlist that was set.

        Returns a string list.
        if self.yaml:
            return self.yaml.hostlist.value
            return self._hostlist.value.split(",")

    def hostlist(self, hostlist):
        """Set the hostlist to be used for dmg invocation.

            hostlist (string list): list of host addresses
        if self.yaml:
            if not isinstance(hostlist, list):
                hostlist = hostlist.split(",")
            self.yaml.hostlist.update(hostlist, "dmg.yaml.hostlist")
            if isinstance(hostlist, list):
                hostlist = ",".join(hostlist)
            self._hostlist.update(hostlist, "dmg._hostlist")

    def get_sub_command_class(self):
        # pylint: disable=redefined-variable-type
        """Get the dmg sub command object based upon the sub-command."""
        if self.sub_command.value == "network":
            self.sub_command_class = self.NetworkSubCommand()
        elif self.sub_command.value == "pool":
            self.sub_command_class = self.PoolSubCommand()
        elif self.sub_command.value == "storage":
            self.sub_command_class = self.StorageSubCommand()
        elif self.sub_command.value == "system":
            self.sub_command_class = self.SystemSubCommand()
            self.sub_command_class = None

    class NetworkSubCommand(CommandWithSubCommand):
        """Defines an object for the dmg network sub command."""
        def __init__(self):
            """Create a dmg network subcommand object."""
                  self).__init__("/run/dmg/network/*", "network")

        def get_sub_command_class(self):
            # pylint: disable=redefined-variable-type
            """Get the dmg network sub command object."""
            if self.sub_command.value == "scan":
                self.sub_command_class = self.ScanSubCommand()
                self.sub_command_class = None

        class ScanSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for the dmg network scan command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg network scan command object."""
                      self).__init__("/run/dmg/network/scan/*", "scan")
                self.provider = FormattedParameter("-p {}", None)
                self.all = FormattedParameter("-a", False)

    class PoolSubCommand(CommandWithSubCommand):
        """Defines an object for the dmg pool sub command."""
        def __init__(self):
            """Create a dmg pool subcommand object."""
                  self).__init__("/run/dmg/pool/*", "pool")

        def get_sub_command_class(self):
            # pylint: disable=redefined-variable-type
            """Get the dmg pool sub command object."""
            if self.sub_command.value == "create":
                self.sub_command_class = self.CreateSubCommand()
            elif self.sub_command.value == "delete-acl":
                self.sub_command_class = self.DeleteAclSubCommand()
            elif self.sub_command.value == "destroy":
                self.sub_command_class = self.DestroySubCommand()
            elif self.sub_command.value == "get-acl":
                self.sub_command_class = self.GetAclSubCommand()
            elif self.sub_command.value == "list":
                self.sub_command_class = self.ListSubCommand()
            elif self.sub_command.value == "overwrite-acl":
                self.sub_command_class = self.OverwriteAclSubCommand()
            elif self.sub_command.value == "query":
                self.sub_command_class = self.QuerySubCommand()
            elif self.sub_command.value == "set-prop":
                self.sub_command_class = self.SetPropSubCommand()
            elif self.sub_command.value == "update-acl":
                self.sub_command_class = self.UpdateAclSubCommand()
            elif self.sub_command.value == "exclude":
                self.sub_command_class = self.ExcludeSubCommand()
            elif self.sub_command.value == "reintegrate":
                self.sub_command_class = self.ReintegrateSubCommand()
                self.sub_command_class = None

        class CreateSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for the dmg pool create command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg pool create command object."""
                      self).__init__("/run/dmg/pool/create/*", "create")
                self.group = FormattedParameter("--group={}", None)
                self.user = FormattedParameter("--user={}", None)
                self.acl_file = FormattedParameter("--acl-file={}", None)
                self.scm_size = FormattedParameter("--scm-size={}", None)
                self.nvme_size = FormattedParameter("--nvme-size={}", None)
                self.ranks = FormattedParameter("--ranks={}", None)
                self.nsvc = FormattedParameter("--nsvc={}", None)
                self.sys = FormattedParameter("--sys={}", None)

        class ExcludeSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for the dmg pool exclude command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg pool exclude command object."""
                      self).__init__("/run/dmg/pool/exclude/*", "exclude")
                self.pool = FormattedParameter("--pool={}", None)
                self.rank = FormattedParameter("--rank={}", None)
                self.tgt_idx = FormattedParameter("--target-idx={}", None)

        class ReintegrateSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for dmg pool reintegrate command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg pool reintegrate command object."""
                self.pool = FormattedParameter("--pool={}", None)
                self.rank = FormattedParameter("--rank={}", None)
                self.tgt_idx = FormattedParameter("--target-idx={}", None)

        class DeleteAclSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for the dmg pool delete-acl command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg pool delete-acl command object."""
                self.pool = FormattedParameter("--pool={}", None)
                self.principal = FormattedParameter("-p {}", None)

        class DestroySubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for the dmg pool destroy command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg pool destroy command object."""
                      self).__init__("/run/dmg/pool/destroy/*", "destroy")
                self.pool = FormattedParameter("--pool={}", None)
                self.sys_name = FormattedParameter("--sys-name={}", None)
                self.force = FormattedParameter("--force", False)

        class GetAclSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for the dmg pool get-acl command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg pool get-acl command object."""
                      self).__init__("/run/dmg/pool/get-acl/*", "get-acl")
                self.pool = FormattedParameter("--pool={}", None)

        class ListSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for the dmg pool list command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg pool list command object."""
                      self).__init__("/run/dmg/pool/list/*", "list")

        class OverwriteAclSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for the dmg pool overwrite-acl command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg pool overwrite-acl command object."""
                self.pool = FormattedParameter("--pool={}", None)
                self.acl_file = FormattedParameter("-a {}", None)

        class QuerySubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for the dmg pool query command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg pool query command object."""
                      self).__init__("/run/dmg/pool/query/*", "query")
                self.pool = FormattedParameter("--pool={}", None)

        class SetPropSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for the dmg pool set-prop command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg pool set-prop command object."""
                      self).__init__("/run/dmg/pool/set-prop/*", "set-prop")
                self.pool = FormattedParameter("--pool={}", None)
                self.name = FormattedParameter("--name={}", None)
                self.value = FormattedParameter("--value={}", None)

        class UpdateAclSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for the dmg pool update-acl command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg pool update-acl command object."""
                self.pool = FormattedParameter("--pool={}", None)
                self.acl_file = FormattedParameter("-a {}", None)
                self.entry = FormattedParameter("-e {}", None)

    class StorageSubCommand(CommandWithSubCommand):
        """Defines an object for the dmg storage sub command."""
        def __init__(self):
            """Create a dmg storage subcommand object."""
                  self).__init__("/run/dmg/storage/*", "storage")

        def get_sub_command_class(self):
            # pylint: disable=redefined-variable-type
            """Get the dmg storage sub command object."""
            if self.sub_command.value == "format":
                self.sub_command_class = self.FormatSubCommand()
            elif self.sub_command.value == "prepare":
                self.sub_command_class = self.PrepareSubCommand()
            elif self.sub_command.value == "query":
                self.sub_command_class = self.QuerySubCommand()
            elif self.sub_command.value == "scan":
                self.sub_command_class = self.ScanSubCommand()
            elif self.sub_command.value == "set":
                self.sub_command_class = self.SetSubCommand()
                self.sub_command_class = None

        class FormatSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for the dmg storage format command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg storage format command object."""
                      self).__init__("/run/dmg/storage/format/*", "format")
                self.reformat = FormattedParameter("--reformat", False)

        class PrepareSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for the dmg storage format command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg storage prepare command object."""
                      self).__init__("/run/dmg/storage/prepare/*", "prepare")
                self.pci_whitelist = FormattedParameter("-w {}", None)
                self.hugepages = FormattedParameter("-p {}", None)
                self.target_user = FormattedParameter("-u {}", None)
                self.nvme_only = FormattedParameter("-n", False)
                self.scm_only = FormattedParameter("-s", False)
                self.reset = FormattedParameter("--reset", False)
                self.force = FormattedParameter("-f", False)

        class QuerySubCommand(CommandWithSubCommand):
            """Defines an object for the dmg query format command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg storage query command object."""
                      self).__init__("/run/dmg/storage/query/*", "query")

            def get_sub_command_class(self):
                # pylint: disable=redefined-variable-type
                """Get the dmg pool sub command object."""
                if self.sub_command.value == "blobstore-health":
                    self.sub_command_class = self.BlobstoreHealthSubCommand()
                elif self.sub_command.value == "smd":
                    self.sub_command_class = self.SmdSubCommand()
                    self.sub_command_class = None

            class BlobstoreHealthSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
                """Defines a dmg storage query blobstore-health object."""
                def __init__(self):
                    """Create a dmg storage query blobstore-health object."""
                        BlobstoreHealthSubCommand, self).__init__(
                    self.devuuid = FormattedParameter("-u {}", None)
                    self.tgtid = FormattedParameter("-t {}", None)

            class SmdSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
                """Defines a dmg storage query smd object."""
                def __init__(self):
                    """Create a dmg storage query smd object."""
                        self).__init__("/run/dmg/storage/query/smd/*", "smd")
                    self.devices = FormattedParameter("-d", False)
                    self.pools = FormattedParameter("-p", False)

        class ScanSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for the dmg storage scan command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg storage scan command object."""
                      self).__init__("/run/dmg/storage/scan/*", "scan")
                self.summary = FormattedParameter("-m", False)

        class SetSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for the dmg storage set command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg storage set command object."""
                      self).__init__("/run/dmg/storage/set/*", "set")
                self.nvme_faulty = FormattedParameter("nvme-faulty", False)

    class SystemSubCommand(CommandWithSubCommand):
        """Defines an object for the dmg system sub command."""
        def __init__(self):
            """Create a dmg system subcommand object."""
                  self).__init__("/run/dmg/system/*", "system")

        def get_sub_command_class(self):
            # pylint: disable=redefined-variable-type
            """Get the dmg system sub command object."""
            if self.sub_command.value == "leader-query":
                self.sub_command_class = self.LeaderQuerySubCommand()
            elif self.sub_command.value == "list-pools":
                self.sub_command_class = self.ListPoolsSubCommand()
            elif self.sub_command.value == "query":
                self.sub_command_class = self.QuerySubCommand()
            elif self.sub_command.value == "start":
                self.sub_command_class = self.StartSubCommand()
            elif self.sub_command.value == "stop":
                self.sub_command_class = self.StopSubCommand()
                self.sub_command_class = None

        class LeaderQuerySubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for the dmg system leader-query command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg system leader-query command object."""

        class ListPoolsSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for the dmg system list-pools command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg system list-pools command object."""

        class QuerySubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for the dmg system query command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg system query command object."""
                      self).__init__("/run/dmg/system/query/*", "query")
                self.rank = FormattedParameter("--rank={}")
                self.verbose = FormattedParameter("--verbose", False)

        class StartSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for the dmg system start command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg system start command object."""
                      self).__init__("/run/dmg/system/start/*", "start")

        class StopSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for the dmg system stop command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg system stop command object."""
                      self).__init__("/run/dmg/system/stop/*", "stop")
                self.force = FormattedParameter("--force", False)

    def network_scan(self, provider=None, all_devs=False):
        """Get the result of the dmg network scan command.

            provider (str): name of network provider tied to the device
            all_devs (bool, optional): Show all devs  info. Defaults to False.

            CmdResult: an avocado CmdResult object containing the dmg command
                information, e.g. exit status, stdout, stderr, etc.

            CommandFailure: if the dmg storage scan command fails.

        self.sub_command_class.sub_command_class.provider.value = provider
        self.sub_command_class.sub_command_class.all.value = all_devs
        return self._get_result()

    def storage_scan(self):
        """Get the result of the dmg storage scan command.

            CmdResult: an avocado CmdResult object containing the dmg command
                information, e.g. exit status, stdout, stderr, etc.

            CommandFailure: if the dmg storage scan command fails.

        return self._get_result()

    def storage_format(self, reformat=False):
        """Get the result of the dmg storage format command.

            reformat (bool): always reformat storage, could be destructive.
                This will create control-plane related metadata i.e. superblock
                file and reformat if the storage media is available and

            CmdResult: an avocado CmdResult object containing the dmg command
                information, e.g. exit status, stdout, stderr, etc.

            CommandFailure: if the dmg storage format command fails.

        self.sub_command_class.sub_command_class.reformat.value = reformat
        return self._get_result()

    def storage_prepare(self,
        """Get the result of the dmg storage format command.

            CmdResult: an avocado CmdResult object containing the dmg command
                information, e.g. exit status, stdout, stderr, etc.

            CommandFailure: if the dmg storage prepare command fails.

        self.sub_command_class.sub_command_class.nvme_only.value = nvme
        self.sub_command_class.sub_command_class.scm_only.value = scm
        self.sub_command_class.sub_command_class.target_user.value = \
            getuser() if user is None else user
        self.sub_command_class.sub_command_class.hugepages.value = hugepages
        self.sub_command_class.sub_command_class.reset.value = reset
        self.sub_command_class.sub_command_class.force.value = force
        return self._get_result()

    def pool_create(self,
        """Create a pool with the dmg command.

        The uid and gid method arguments can be specified as either an integer
        or a string.  If an integer value is specified it will be converted into
        the corresponding user/group name string.

            scm_size (int): SCM pool size to create.
            uid (object, optional): User ID with privileges. Defaults to None.
            gid (object, optional): Group ID with privileges. Defaults to None.
            nvme_size (str, optional): NVMe size. Defaults to None.
            target_list (list, optional): a list of storage server unique
                identifiers (ranks) for the DAOS pool
            svcn (str, optional): Number of pool service replicas. Defaults to
                None, in which case 1 is used by the dmg binary in default.
            group (str, optional): DAOS system group name in which to create the
                pool. Defaults to None, in which case "daos_server" is used by
            acl_file (str, optional): ACL file. Defaults to None.

            CmdResult: an avocado CmdResult object containing the dmg command
                information, e.g. exit status, stdout, stderr, etc.

            CommandFailure: if the dmg pool create command fails.

        self.sub_command_class.sub_command_class.user.value = \
            getpwuid(uid).pw_name if isinstance(uid, int) else uid
        self.sub_command_class.sub_command_class.group.value = \
            getgrgid(gid).gr_name if isinstance(gid, int) else gid
        self.sub_command_class.sub_command_class.scm_size.value = scm_size
        self.sub_command_class.sub_command_class.nvme_size.value = nvme_size
        if target_list is not None:
            self.sub_command_class.sub_command_class.ranks.value = ",".join(
                [str(target) for target in target_list])
        self.sub_command_class.sub_command_class.nsvc.value = svcn
        self.sub_command_class.sub_command_class.sys.value = group
        self.sub_command_class.sub_command_class.acl_file.value = acl_file
        return self._get_result()

    def pool_query(self, pool):
        """Query a pool with the dmg command.

            uuid (str): Pool UUID to query.

            CmdResult: Object that contains exit status, stdout, and other

            CommandFailure: if the dmg pool query command fails.

        self.sub_command_class.sub_command_class.pool.value = pool
        return self._get_result()

    def pool_destroy(self, pool, force=True):
        """Destroy a pool with the dmg command.

            pool (str): Pool UUID to destroy.
            force (bool, optional): Force removal of pool. Defaults to True.

            CmdResult: Object that contains exit status, stdout, and other

            CommandFailure: if the dmg pool destroy command fails.

        self.sub_command_class.sub_command_class.pool.value = pool
        self.sub_command_class.sub_command_class.force.value = force
        return self._get_result()

    def pool_get_acl(self, pool):
        """Get the ACL for a given pool.

            pool (str): Pool for which to get the ACL.

            CmdResult: Object that contains exit status, stdout, and other

            CommandFailure: if the dmg pool get-acl command fails.

        self.sub_command_class.sub_command_class.pool.value = pool
        return self._get_result()

    def pool_update_acl(self, pool, acl_file, entry):
        """Update the acl for a given pool.

            pool (str): Pool for which to update the ACL.
            acl_file (str): ACL file to update
            entry (str): entry to be updated

            CmdResult: Object that contains exit status, stdout, and other

            CommandFailure: if the dmg pool update-acl command fails.

        self.sub_command_class.sub_command_class.pool.value = pool
        self.sub_command_class.sub_command_class.acl_file.value = acl_file
        self.sub_command_class.sub_command_class.entry.value = entry
        return self._get_result()

    def pool_overwrite_acl(self, pool, acl_file):
        """Overwrite the acl for a given pool.

            pool (str): Pool for which to overwrite the ACL.
            acl_file (str): ACL file to update

            CmdResult: Object that contains exit status, stdout, and other

            CommandFailure: if the dmg pool overwrite-acl command fails.

        self.sub_command_class.sub_command_class.pool.value = pool
        self.sub_command_class.sub_command_class.acl_file.value = acl_file
        return self._get_result()

    def pool_delete_acl(self, pool, principal):
        """Delete the acl for a given pool.

            pool (str): Pool for which to delete the ACL.
            principal (str): principal to be deleted

            CmdResult: Object that contains exit status, stdout, and other

            CommandFailure: if the dmg pool delete-acl command fails.

        self.sub_command_class.sub_command_class.pool.value = pool
        self.sub_command_class.sub_command_class.principal.value = principal
        return self._get_result()

    def pool_list(self):
        """List pools.

            CmdResult: Object that contains exit status, stdout, and other

            CommandFailure: if the dmg pool delete-acl command fails.

        return self._get_result()

    def pool_set_prop(self, pool, name, value):
        """Set property for a given Pool.

            pool (str): Pool uuid for which property is supposed
                        to be set.
            name (str): Property name to be set
            value (str): Property value to be set

            CmdResult: Object that contains exit status, stdout, and other

            CommandFailure: if the dmg pool set-prop command fails.

        self.sub_command_class.sub_command_class.pool.value = pool
        self.sub_command_class.sub_command_class.name.value = name
        self.sub_command_class.sub_command_class.value.value = value
        return self._get_result()

    def pool_exclude(self, pool_uuid, rank, tgt_idx=None):
        """Exclude a daos_server from the pool

            pool (str): Pool uuid.
            rank (int): Rank of the daos_server to exclude
            tgt_idx (int): target to be excluded from the pool

            CmdResult: Object that contains exit status, stdout, and other

            CommandFailure: if the dmg pool exclude command fails.

        self.sub_command_class.sub_command_class.pool.value = pool_uuid
        self.sub_command_class.sub_command_class.rank.value = rank
        self.sub_command_class.sub_command_class.tgt_idx.value = tgt_idx
        return self._get_result()

    def pool_reintegrate(self, pool_uuid, rank, tgt_idx=None):
        """Reintegrate a daos_server to the pool

            pool (str): Pool uuid.
            rank (int): Rank of the daos_server to reintegrate
            tgt_idx (int): target to be reintegrated to the pool

            CmdResult: Object that contains exit status, stdout, and other

            CommandFailure: if the dmg pool reintegrate command fails.

        self.sub_command_class.sub_command_class.pool.value = pool_uuid
        self.sub_command_class.sub_command_class.rank.value = rank
        self.sub_command_class.sub_command_class.tgt_idx.value = tgt_idx
        return self._get_result()
Example #13
class Mpirun(JobManager):
    """A class for the mpirun job manager command."""
    def __init__(self, job, subprocess=False, mpi_type="openmpi"):
        """Create a Mpirun object.

            job (ExecutableCommand): command object to manage.
            subprocess (bool, optional): whether the command is run as a
                subprocess. Defaults to False.
        if not load_mpi(mpi_type):
            raise MPILoadError(mpi_type)

        path = os.path.dirname(find_executable("mpirun"))
        super().__init__("/run/mpirun", "mpirun", job, path, subprocess)

        mca_default = None
        if mpi_type == "openmpi":
            # Default mca values to avoid queue pair errors w/ OpenMPI
            mca_default = {
                "btl_openib_warn_default_gid_prefix": "0",
                "btl": "tcp,self",
                "oob": "tcp",
                "pml": "ob1",
                "btl_tcp_if_include": "eth0",

        self.hostfile = FormattedParameter("-hostfile {}", None)
        self.processes = FormattedParameter("-np {}", 1)
        self.ppn = FormattedParameter("-ppn {}", None)
        self.envlist = FormattedParameter("-envlist {}", None)
        if mpi_type == "openmpi":
            self.genv = FormattedParameter("-x {}", None)
            self.genv = FormattedParameter("-genv {}", None)
        self.mca = FormattedParameter("--mca {}", mca_default)
        self.working_dir = FormattedParameter("-wdir {}", None)
        self.tmpdir_base = FormattedParameter("--mca orte_tmpdir_base {}",
        self.mpi_type = mpi_type

    def assign_hosts(self, hosts, path=None, slots=None):
        """Assign the hosts to use with the command (-f).

            hosts (list): list of hosts to specify in the hostfile
            path (str, optional): hostfile path. Defaults to None.
            slots (int, optional): number of slots per host to specify in the
                hostfile. Defaults to None.
        self._hosts = hosts
        kwargs = {"hostlist": self._hosts, "slots": slots}
        if path is not None:
            kwargs["path"] = path
        self.hostfile.value = write_host_file(**kwargs)

    def assign_processes(self, processes):
        """Assign the number of processes per node (-np).

            processes (int): number of processes per node
        self.processes.update(processes, "mpirun.np")

    def assign_environment(self, env_vars, append=False):
        """Assign or add environment variables to the command.

            env_vars (EnvironmentVariables): the environment variables to use
                assign or add to the command
            append (bool): whether to assign (False) or append (True) the
                specified environment variables
        # Pass the environment variables via the process.run method env argument
        if append and self.env is not None:
            # Update the existing dictionary with the new values
            # Overwrite/create the dictionary of environment variables

    def assign_environment_default(self, env_vars):
        """Assign the default environment variables for the command.

            env_vars (EnvironmentVariables): the environment variables to
                assign as the default

    def run(self):
        """Run the mpirun command.

            CommandFailure: if there is an error running the command

        if not load_mpi(self.mpi_type):
            raise MPILoadError(self.mpi_type)

        return super().run()
Example #14
class IorCommand(ExecutableCommand):
    """Defines a object for executing an IOR command.

        >>> # Typical use inside of a DAOS avocado test method.
        >>> ior_cmd = IorCommand()
        >>> ior_cmd.get_params(self)
        >>> ior_cmd.set_daos_params(self.server_group, self.pool)
        >>> mpirun = Mpirun()
        >>> server_manager = self.server_manager[0]
        >>> env = self.ior_cmd.get_environment(server_manager, self.client_log)
        >>> processes = len(self.hostlist_clients)
        >>> mpirun.setup_command(env, self.hostfile_clients, processes)
        >>> mpirun.run()
    def __init__(self):
        """Create an IorCommand object."""
        super(IorCommand, self).__init__("/run/ior/*", "ior")

        # Flags
        self.flags = FormattedParameter("{}")

        # Optional arguments
        #   -a=POSIX        API for I/O [POSIX|DUMMY|MPIIO|MMAP|DAOS|DFS]
        #   -b=1048576      blockSize -- contiguous bytes to write per task
        #   -d=0            interTestDelay -- delay between reps in seconds
        #   -f=STRING       scriptFile -- test script name
        #   -G=0            setTimeStampSignature -- time stamp signature
        #   -i=1            repetitions -- number of repetitions of test
        #   -j=0            outlierThreshold -- warn on outlier N sec from mean
        #   -J=1            setAlignment -- HDF5 alignment in bytes
        #   -l=STRING       datapacket type-- type of packet created
        #   -M=STRING       memoryPerNode -- hog memory on the node
        #   -N=0            numTasks -- num of participating tasks in the test
        #   -o=testFile     testFile -- full name for test
        #   -O=STRING       string of IOR directives
        #   -Q=1            taskPerNodeOffset for read tests
        #   -s=1            segmentCount -- number of segments
        #   -t=262144       transferSize -- size of transfer in bytes
        #   -T=0            maxTimeDuration -- max time in minutes executing
        #                      repeated test; it aborts only between iterations
        #                      and not within a test!
        self.api = FormattedParameter("-a {}", "DAOS")
        self.block_size = FormattedParameter("-b {}")
        self.test_delay = FormattedParameter("-d {}")
        self.script = FormattedParameter("-f {}")
        self.signatute = FormattedParameter("-G {}")
        self.repetitions = FormattedParameter("-i {}")
        self.outlier_threshold = FormattedParameter("-j {}")
        self.alignment = FormattedParameter("-J {}")
        self.data_packet_type = FormattedParameter("-l {}")
        self.memory_per_node = FormattedParameter("-M {}")
        self.num_tasks = FormattedParameter("-N {}")
        self.test_file = FormattedParameter("-o {}")
        self.directives = FormattedParameter("-O {}")
        self.task_offset = FormattedParameter("-Q {}")
        self.segment_count = FormattedParameter("-s {}")
        self.transfer_size = FormattedParameter("-t {}")
        self.max_duration = FormattedParameter("-T {}")

        # Module DAOS
        #   Required arguments
        #       --daos.pool=STRING            pool uuid
        #       --daos.svcl=STRING            pool SVCL
        #       --daos.cont=STRING            container uuid
        #   Flags
        #       --daos.destroy                Destroy Container
        #   Optional arguments
        #       --daos.group=STRING           server group
        #       --daos.chunk_size=1048576     chunk size
        #       --daos.oclass=STRING          object class
        self.daos_pool = FormattedParameter("--daos.pool {}")
        self.daos_svcl = FormattedParameter("--daos.svcl {}")
        self.daos_cont = FormattedParameter("--daos.cont {}")
        self.daos_destroy = FormattedParameter("--daos.destroy", True)
        self.daos_group = FormattedParameter("--daos.group {}")
        self.daos_chunk = FormattedParameter("--daos.chunk_size {}", 1048576)
        self.daos_oclass = FormattedParameter("--daos.oclass {}", "SX")

        # Module DFS
        #   Required arguments
        #       --dfs.pool=STRING            pool uuid
        #       --dfs.svcl=STRING            pool SVCL
        #       --dfs.cont=STRING            container uuid
        #   Flags
        #       --daos.destroy               Destroy Container
        #   Optional arguments
        #       --dfs.group=STRING           server group
        #       --dfs.chunk_size=1048576     chunk size
        #       --dfs.oclass=STRING          object class
        #       --dfs.prefix=STRING          mount prefix
        self.dfs_pool = FormattedParameter("--dfs.pool {}")
        self.dfs_svcl = FormattedParameter("--dfs.svcl {}")
        self.dfs_cont = FormattedParameter("--dfs.cont {}")
        self.dfs_destroy = FormattedParameter("--dfs.destroy", True)
        self.dfs_group = FormattedParameter("--dfs.group {}")
        self.dfs_chunk = FormattedParameter("--dfs.chunk_size {}", 1048576)
        self.dfs_oclass = FormattedParameter("--dfs.oclass {}", "SX")
        self.dfs_prefix = FormattedParameter("--dfs.prefix {}")

        # A list of environment variable names to set and export with ior
        self._env_names = ["D_LOG_FILE"]

    def get_param_names(self):
        """Get a sorted list of the defined IorCommand parameters."""
        # Sort the IOR parameter names to generate consistent ior commands
        all_param_names = super(IorCommand, self).get_param_names()

        # List all of the common ior params first followed by any daos-specific
        # and dfs-specific params (except when using MPIIO).
        param_names = [
            name for name in all_param_names
            if ("daos" not in name) and ("dfs" not in name)

        if self.api.value == "DAOS":
                [name for name in all_param_names if "daos" in name])
        elif self.api.value == "DFS":
                [name for name in all_param_names if "dfs" in name])

        return param_names

    def set_daos_params(self, group, pool, cont_uuid=None, display=True):
        """Set the IOR parameters for the DAOS group, pool, and container uuid.

            group (str): DAOS server group name
            pool (TestPool): DAOS test pool object
            cont_uuid (str, optional): the container uuid. If not specified one
                is generated. Defaults to None.
            display (bool, optional): print updated params. Defaults to True.
        self.set_daos_pool_params(pool, display)
        if self.api.value in ["DAOS", "MPIIO"]:
            self.daos_group.update(group, "daos_group" if display else None)
            self.daos_cont.update(cont_uuid if cont_uuid else uuid.uuid4(),
                                  "daos_cont" if display else None)
            self.dfs_group.update(group, "daos_group" if display else None)
            self.dfs_cont.update(cont_uuid if cont_uuid else uuid.uuid4(),
                                 "daos_cont" if display else None)

    def set_daos_pool_params(self, pool, display=True):
        """Set the IOR parameters that are based on a DAOS pool.

            pool (TestPool): DAOS test pool object
            display (bool, optional): print updated params. Defaults to True.
        if self.api.value in ["DAOS", "MPIIO"]:
                                  "daos_pool" if display else None)
                                 "dfs_pool" if display else None)
        self.set_daos_svcl_param(pool, display)

    def set_daos_svcl_param(self, pool, display=True):
        """Set the IOR daos_svcl param from the ranks of a DAOS pool object.

            pool (TestPool): DAOS test pool object
            display (bool, optional): print updated params. Defaults to True.
        svcl = ":".join([
            str(item) for item in [
                for index in range(pool.pool.svc.rl_nr)
        if self.api.value in ["DAOS", "MPIIO"]:
            self.daos_svcl.update(svcl, "daos_svcl" if display else None)
            self.dfs_svcl.update(svcl, "dfs_svcl" if display else None)

    def get_aggregate_total(self, processes):
        """Get the total bytes expected to be written by ior.

            processes (int): number of processes running the ior command

            int: total number of bytes written

            CommandFailure: if there is an error obtaining the aggregate total

        power = {"k": 1, "m": 2, "g": 3, "t": 4}
        total = processes
        for name in ("block_size", "segment_count"):
            item = getattr(self, name).value
            if item:
                sub_item = re.split(r"([^\d])", str(item))
                if sub_item > 0:
                    total *= int(sub_item[0])
                    if len(sub_item) > 1:
                        key = sub_item[1].lower()
                        if key in power:
                            total *= 1024**power[key]
                            raise CommandFailure(
                                "Error obtaining the IOR aggregate total from "
                                "the {} - bad key: value: {}, split: {}, "
                                "key: {}".format(name, item, sub_item, key))
                    raise CommandFailure(
                        "Error obtaining the IOR aggregate total from the {}: "
                        "value: {}, split: {}".format(name, item, sub_item))

        # Account for any replicas, except for the ones with no replication
        # i.e all object classes starting with "S". Eg: S1,S2,...,SX.
        if not self.daos_oclass.value.startswith("S"):
                # Extract the replica quantity from the object class string
                replica_qty = int(
                    re.findall(r"\d+", self.daos_oclass.value)[0])
            except (TypeError, IndexError):
                # If the daos object class is undefined (TypeError) or it does
                # not contain any numbers (IndexError) then there is only one
                # replica.
                replica_qty = 1
                total *= replica_qty

        return total

    def get_default_env(self, manager_cmd, log_file=None):
        """Get the default enviroment settings for running IOR.

            manager_cmd (str): job manager command
            log_file (str, optional): log file. Defaults to None.

            EnvironmentVariables: a dictionary of environment names and values

        env = self.get_environment(None, log_file)
        env["MPI_LIB"] = "\"\""
        env["FI_PSM2_DISCONNECT"] = "1"

        if "mpirun" in manager_cmd or "srun" in manager_cmd:
            env["DAOS_POOL"] = self.daos_pool.value
            env["DAOS_SVCL"] = self.daos_svcl.value
            env["DAOS_CONT"] = self.daos_cont.value
            env["IOR_HINT__MPI__romio_daos_obj_class"] = self.daos_oclass.value

        return env

    def get_ior_metrics(cmdresult):
        """Get the ior command read and write metrics.

        Parse the CmdResult (output of the test) and look for the ior stdout and
        get the read and write metrics.

            cmdresult (CmdResult): output of job manager

            metrics (tuple) : list of write and read metrics from ior run

        ior_metric_summary = "Summary of all tests:"
        messages = cmdresult.stdout.splitlines()
        # Get the index whre the summary starts and add one to
        # get to the header.
        idx = messages.index(ior_metric_summary)
        # idx + 1 is header.
        # idx +2 and idx + 3 will give the write and read metrics.
        write_metrics = (" ".join(messages[idx + 2].split())).split()
        read_metrics = (" ".join(messages[idx + 3].split())).split()

        return (write_metrics, read_metrics)

    def log_metrics(logger, message, metrics):
        """Log the ior metrics.

            logger (log): logger object handle
            message (str) : Message to print before logging metrics
            metric (lst) : IOR write and read metrics
        for m in metrics:
Example #15
class DataMoverCommand(ExecutableCommand):
    """Defines a object representing a datamover command."""
    def __init__(self, namespace, command):
        """Create a datamover Command object."""
        super(DataMoverCommand, self).__init__(namespace, command)

        # datamover options

        # IO buffer size in bytes (default 1MB)
        self.blocksize = FormattedParameter("--blocksize {}")
        # DAOS source pool
        self.daos_src_pool = FormattedParameter("--daos-src-pool {}")
        # DAOS destination pool
        self.daos_dst_pool = FormattedParameter("--daos-dst-pool {}")
        # DAOS source container
        self.daos_src_cont = FormattedParameter("--daos-src-cont {}")
        # DAOS destination container
        self.daos_dst_cont = FormattedParameter("--daos-dst-cont {}")
        # DAOS prefix for unified namespace path
        self.daos_prefix = FormattedParameter("--daos-prefix {}")
        # read source list from file
        self.input_file = FormattedParameter("--input {}")
        # work size per task in bytes (default 1MB)
        self.chunksize = FormattedParameter("--chunksize {}")
        # preserve permissions, ownership, timestamps, extended attributes
        self.preserve = FormattedParameter("--preserve", False)
        # use synchronous read/write calls (O_DIRECT)
        self.direct = FormattedParameter("--direct", False)
        # create sparse files when possible
        self.sparse = FormattedParameter("--sparse", False)
        # print progress every N seconds
        self.progress = FormattedParameter("--progress {}")
        # verbose output
        self.verbose = FormattedParameter("--verbose", False)
        # quiet output
        self.quiet = FormattedParameter("--quiet", False)
        # print help/usage
        self.print_usage = FormattedParameter("--help", False)
        # source path
        self.src_path = BasicParameter(None)
        # destination path
        self.dest_path = BasicParameter(None)

    def get_param_names(self):
        """Overriding the original get_param_names"""

        param_names = super(DataMoverCommand, self).get_param_names()

        # move key=dest_path to the end

        return param_names

    def set_datamover_params(self,
        """Set the datamover params for the DAOS group, pool, and cont uuid.

          src_pool(TestPool): source pool object
          dst_pool(TestPool): destination pool object
          src_cont(TestContainer): source container object
          dst_cont(TestContainer): destination container object
          display (bool, optional): print updated params. Defaults to True.

        # set the obtained values
        if src_pool:
                                      "daos_src_pool" if display else None)

        if dst_pool:
                                      "daos_dst_pool" if display else None)
        if src_cont:
                                      "daos_src_cont" if display else None)
        if dst_cont:
                                      "daos_dst_cont" if display else None)
Example #16
class DmgCommandBase(YamlCommand):
    """Defines a base object representing a dmg command."""

        r"Socket\s+(\d+)|(ofi\+[a-z0-9;_]+)\s+([a-z0-9, ]+)",
        r"(?:([0-9a-fA-F-]+) +([0-9,]+))",
        r"(?:UUID:|Service replicas:)\s+([A-Za-z0-9-]+)",
        r"\s+Targets:\[([0-9 ]+)\])(?:\s+Blobs:\[([0-9 ]+)\]\s+?$)",
        r"Targets:\[([0-9 ]+)\]\s+Rank:([0-9]+)\s+State:([A-Z]+))",
        r"\[([0-9 ]+)\]\s+Rank:([0-9]+)\s+State:(\w+)\s+.*\s+|(?:Temp.*|"
        r"Cont.*Busy Time|Pow.*Cycles|Pow.*Duration|Unsafe.*|Media.*|"
        r"Targets:\[([0-9 ]+)\]\s+Rank:(\d+)\s+State:(\w+)|"
        r"Volatile\s+Memory\s+Backup):\s?([A-Za-z0-9- ]+)",
        r"Targets:\[[0-9 ]+\]\s+Rank:\d+\s+State:(\w+))",

    def __init__(self, path, yaml_cfg=None):
        """Create a dmg Command object.

            path (str): path to the dmg command
            yaml_cfg (DmgYamlParameters, optional): dmg config file
                settings. Defaults to None, in which case settings
                must be supplied as command-line parameters.
        super(DmgCommandBase, self).__init__("/run/dmg/*", "dmg", path,

        # If specified use the configuration file from the YamlParameters object
        default_yaml_file = None
        if isinstance(self.yaml, YamlParameters):
            default_yaml_file = self.yaml.filename

        self._hostlist = FormattedParameter("-l {}")
        self.hostfile = FormattedParameter("-f {}")
        self.configpath = FormattedParameter("-o {}", default_yaml_file)
        self.insecure = FormattedParameter("-i", False)
        self.debug = FormattedParameter("-d", False)
        self.json = FormattedParameter("-j", False)

    def hostlist(self):
        """Get the hostlist that was set.

        Returns a string list.
        if self.yaml:
            hosts = self.yaml.hostlist.value
            hosts = self._hostlist.value.split(",")
        return hosts

    def hostlist(self, hostlist):
        """Set the hostlist to be used for dmg invocation.

            hostlist (string list): list of host addresses
        if self.yaml:
            if not isinstance(hostlist, list):
                hostlist = hostlist.split(",")
            self.yaml.hostlist.update(hostlist, "dmg.yaml.hostlist")
            if isinstance(hostlist, list):
                hostlist = ",".join(hostlist)
            self._hostlist.update(hostlist, "dmg._hostlist")

    def get_sub_command_class(self):
        # pylint: disable=redefined-variable-type
        """Get the dmg sub command object based upon the sub-command."""
        if self.sub_command.value == "network":
            self.sub_command_class = self.NetworkSubCommand()
        elif self.sub_command.value == "pool":
            self.sub_command_class = self.PoolSubCommand()
        elif self.sub_command.value == "storage":
            self.sub_command_class = self.StorageSubCommand()
        elif self.sub_command.value == "system":
            self.sub_command_class = self.SystemSubCommand()
            self.sub_command_class = None

    class NetworkSubCommand(CommandWithSubCommand):
        """Defines an object for the dmg network sub command."""
        def __init__(self):
            """Create a dmg network subcommand object."""
                  self).__init__("/run/dmg/network/*", "network")

        def get_sub_command_class(self):
            # pylint: disable=redefined-variable-type
            """Get the dmg network sub command object."""
            if self.sub_command.value == "scan":
                self.sub_command_class = self.ScanSubCommand()
                self.sub_command_class = None

        class ScanSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for the dmg network scan command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg network scan command object."""
                      self).__init__("/run/dmg/network/scan/*", "scan")
                self.provider = FormattedParameter("-p {}", None)
                self.all = FormattedParameter("-a", False)

    class PoolSubCommand(CommandWithSubCommand):
        """Defines an object for the dmg pool sub command."""
        def __init__(self):
            """Create a dmg pool subcommand object."""
                  self).__init__("/run/dmg/pool/*", "pool")

        def get_sub_command_class(self):
            # pylint: disable=redefined-variable-type
            """Get the dmg pool sub command object."""
            if self.sub_command.value == "create":
                self.sub_command_class = self.CreateSubCommand()
            elif self.sub_command.value == "delete-acl":
                self.sub_command_class = self.DeleteAclSubCommand()
            elif self.sub_command.value == "destroy":
                self.sub_command_class = self.DestroySubCommand()
            elif self.sub_command.value == "get-acl":
                self.sub_command_class = self.GetAclSubCommand()
            elif self.sub_command.value == "list":
                self.sub_command_class = self.ListSubCommand()
            elif self.sub_command.value == "overwrite-acl":
                self.sub_command_class = self.OverwriteAclSubCommand()
            elif self.sub_command.value == "query":
                self.sub_command_class = self.QuerySubCommand()
            elif self.sub_command.value == "set-prop":
                self.sub_command_class = self.SetPropSubCommand()
            elif self.sub_command.value == "update-acl":
                self.sub_command_class = self.UpdateAclSubCommand()
            elif self.sub_command.value == "exclude":
                self.sub_command_class = self.ExcludeSubCommand()
            elif self.sub_command.value == "reintegrate":
                self.sub_command_class = self.ReintegrateSubCommand()
                self.sub_command_class = None

        class CreateSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for the dmg pool create command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg pool create command object."""
                      self).__init__("/run/dmg/pool/create/*", "create")
                self.group = FormattedParameter("--group={}", None)
                self.user = FormattedParameter("--user={}", None)
                self.acl_file = FormattedParameter("--acl-file={}", None)
                self.scm_size = FormattedParameter("--scm-size={}", None)
                self.nvme_size = FormattedParameter("--nvme-size={}", None)
                self.ranks = FormattedParameter("--ranks={}", None)
                self.nsvc = FormattedParameter("--nsvc={}", None)
                self.sys = FormattedParameter("--sys={}", None)

        class ExcludeSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for the dmg pool exclude command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg pool exclude command object."""
                      self).__init__("/run/dmg/pool/exclude/*", "exclude")
                self.pool = FormattedParameter("--pool={}", None)
                self.rank = FormattedParameter("--rank={}", None)
                self.tgt_idx = FormattedParameter("--target-idx={}", None)

        class ReintegrateSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for dmg pool reintegrate command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg pool reintegrate command object."""
                self.pool = FormattedParameter("--pool={}", None)
                self.rank = FormattedParameter("--rank={}", None)
                self.tgt_idx = FormattedParameter("--target-idx={}", None)

        class DeleteAclSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for the dmg pool delete-acl command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg pool delete-acl command object."""
                self.pool = FormattedParameter("--pool={}", None)
                self.principal = FormattedParameter("-p {}", None)

        class DestroySubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for the dmg pool destroy command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg pool destroy command object."""
                      self).__init__("/run/dmg/pool/destroy/*", "destroy")
                self.pool = FormattedParameter("--pool={}", None)
                self.sys_name = FormattedParameter("--sys-name={}", None)
                self.force = FormattedParameter("--force", False)

        class GetAclSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for the dmg pool get-acl command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg pool get-acl command object."""
                      self).__init__("/run/dmg/pool/get-acl/*", "get-acl")
                self.pool = FormattedParameter("--pool={}", None)

        class ListSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for the dmg pool list command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg pool list command object."""
                      self).__init__("/run/dmg/pool/list/*", "list")

        class OverwriteAclSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for the dmg pool overwrite-acl command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg pool overwrite-acl command object."""
                self.pool = FormattedParameter("--pool={}", None)
                self.acl_file = FormattedParameter("-a {}", None)

        class QuerySubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for the dmg pool query command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg pool query command object."""
                      self).__init__("/run/dmg/pool/query/*", "query")
                self.pool = FormattedParameter("--pool={}", None)

        class SetPropSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for the dmg pool set-prop command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg pool set-prop command object."""
                      self).__init__("/run/dmg/pool/set-prop/*", "set-prop")
                self.pool = FormattedParameter("--pool={}", None)
                self.name = FormattedParameter("--name={}", None)
                self.value = FormattedParameter("--value={}", None)

        class UpdateAclSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for the dmg pool update-acl command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg pool update-acl command object."""
                self.pool = FormattedParameter("--pool={}", None)
                self.acl_file = FormattedParameter("-a {}", None)
                self.entry = FormattedParameter("-e {}", None)

    class StorageSubCommand(CommandWithSubCommand):
        """Defines an object for the dmg storage sub command."""
        def __init__(self):
            """Create a dmg storage subcommand object."""
                  self).__init__("/run/dmg/storage/*", "storage")

        def get_sub_command_class(self):
            # pylint: disable=redefined-variable-type
            """Get the dmg storage sub command object."""
            if self.sub_command.value == "format":
                self.sub_command_class = self.FormatSubCommand()
            elif self.sub_command.value == "prepare":
                self.sub_command_class = self.PrepareSubCommand()
            elif self.sub_command.value == "query":
                self.sub_command_class = self.QuerySubCommand()
            elif self.sub_command.value == "scan":
                self.sub_command_class = self.ScanSubCommand()
            elif self.sub_command.value == "set":
                self.sub_command_class = self.SetSubCommand()
                self.sub_command_class = None

        class FormatSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for the dmg storage format command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg storage format command object."""
                      self).__init__("/run/dmg/storage/format/*", "format")
                self.reformat = FormattedParameter("--reformat", False)

        class PrepareSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for the dmg storage format command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg storage prepare command object."""
                      self).__init__("/run/dmg/storage/prepare/*", "prepare")
                self.pci_whitelist = FormattedParameter("-w {}", None)
                self.hugepages = FormattedParameter("-p {}", None)
                self.target_user = FormattedParameter("-u {}", None)
                self.nvme_only = FormattedParameter("-n", False)
                self.scm_only = FormattedParameter("-s", False)
                self.reset = FormattedParameter("--reset", False)
                self.force = FormattedParameter("-f", False)

        class QuerySubCommand(CommandWithSubCommand):
            """Defines an object for the dmg query format command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg storage query command object."""
                      self).__init__("/run/dmg/storage/query/*", "query")

            def get_sub_command_class(self):
                # pylint: disable=redefined-variable-type
                """Get the dmg pool sub command object."""
                if self.sub_command.value == "nvme-health":
                    self.sub_command_class = self.NvmeHealthSubCommand()
                elif self.sub_command.value == "target-health":
                    self.sub_command_class = self.TargetHealthSubCommand()
                elif self.sub_command.value == "device-health":
                    self.sub_command_class = self.DeviceHealthSubCommand()
                elif self.sub_command.value == "list-devices":
                    self.sub_command_class = self.ListDevicesSubCommand()
                elif self.sub_command.value == "list-pools":
                    self.sub_command_class = self.ListPoolsSubCommand()
                    self.sub_command_class = None

            class NvmeHealthSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
                """Defines a dmg storage query nvme-health object."""
                def __init__(self):
                    """Create a dmg storage query nvme-health object."""

            class TargetHealthSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
                """Defines a dmg storage query target-health object."""
                def __init__(self):
                    """Create a dmg storage query target-health object."""
                        TargetHealthSubCommand, self).__init__(
                    self.rank = FormattedParameter("-r {}", None)
                    self.tgtid = FormattedParameter("-t {}", None)

            class DeviceHealthSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
                """Defines a dmg storage query device-health object."""
                def __init__(self):
                    """Create a dmg storage query device-health object."""
                        DeviceHealthSubCommand, self).__init__(
                    self.uuid = FormattedParameter("-u {}", None)

            class ListDevicesSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
                """Defines a dmg storage query list-devices object."""
                def __init__(self):
                    """Create a dmg storage query list-devices object."""
                    self.rank = FormattedParameter("-r {}", None)
                    self.uuid = FormattedParameter("-u {}", None)
                    self.health = FormattedParameter("-b", False)

            class ListPoolsSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
                """Defines a dmg storage query list-pools object."""
                def __init__(self):
                    """Create a dmg storage query list-pools object."""
                    self.rank = FormattedParameter("-r {}", None)
                    self.uuid = FormattedParameter("-u {}", None)
                    self.verbose = FormattedParameter("--verbose", False)

        class ScanSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for the dmg storage scan command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg storage scan command object."""
                      self).__init__("/run/dmg/storage/scan/*", "scan")
                self.summary = FormattedParameter("-m", False)
                self.verbose = FormattedParameter("--verbose", False)

        class SetSubCommand(CommandWithSubCommand):
            """Defines an object for the dmg storage set command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg storage set command object."""
                      self).__init__("/run/dmg/storage/set/*", "set")

            def get_sub_command_class(self):
                # pylint: disable=redefined-variable-type
                """Get the dmg set sub command object."""
                if self.sub_command.value == "nvme-faulty":
                    self.sub_command_class = self.NvmeFaultySubCommand()
                    self.sub_command_class = None

            class NvmeFaultySubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
                """Defines a dmg storage set nvme-faulty object."""
                def __init__(self):
                    """Create a dmg storage set nvme-faulty object."""
                    self.uuid = FormattedParameter("-u {}", None)
                    self.force = FormattedParameter("--force", False)

    class SystemSubCommand(CommandWithSubCommand):
        """Defines an object for the dmg system sub command."""
        def __init__(self):
            """Create a dmg system subcommand object."""
                  self).__init__("/run/dmg/system/*", "system")

        def get_sub_command_class(self):
            # pylint: disable=redefined-variable-type
            """Get the dmg system sub command object."""
            if self.sub_command.value == "leader-query":
                self.sub_command_class = self.LeaderQuerySubCommand()
            elif self.sub_command.value == "list-pools":
                self.sub_command_class = self.ListPoolsSubCommand()
            elif self.sub_command.value == "query":
                self.sub_command_class = self.QuerySubCommand()
            elif self.sub_command.value == "start":
                self.sub_command_class = self.StartSubCommand()
            elif self.sub_command.value == "stop":
                self.sub_command_class = self.StopSubCommand()
                self.sub_command_class = None

        class LeaderQuerySubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for the dmg system leader-query command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg system leader-query command object."""

        class ListPoolsSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for the dmg system list-pools command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg system list-pools command object."""

        class QuerySubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for the dmg system query command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg system query command object."""
                      self).__init__("/run/dmg/system/query/*", "query")
                self.rank = FormattedParameter("--rank={}")
                self.verbose = FormattedParameter("--verbose", False)

        class StartSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for the dmg system start command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg system start command object."""
                      self).__init__("/run/dmg/system/start/*", "start")

        class StopSubCommand(CommandWithParameters):
            """Defines an object for the dmg system stop command."""
            def __init__(self):
                """Create a dmg system stop command object."""
                      self).__init__("/run/dmg/system/stop/*", "stop")
                self.force = FormattedParameter("--force", False)