Example #1
def ensure_repo(app):
    if not os.path.exists(app.target):
        mkdir_p(app.target, root=True)
        sudo("chown {} '{}'".format(app.user, app.target))

    git_dir = os.path.join(app.target, ".git")
    if not os.path.exists(git_dir):
        print("Setting up a mirror Git repository at '{}'.".format(app.target))
        if os.path.exists(os.path.join(app.target, "stackful-demo.txt")):
            print("Wiping demo web app in '{}'...".format(app.target))
            app.run("rm -rf * .* || true")

        app.run("git init")
        app.run("git remote add origin '{}'".format(app.source))
Example #2
    def get_keys(self, args):
        if not self.user_id == str(myself):
            args.absolute = False

        if args.absolute:
            args.chat = False
            args.user = False

        no_key = not (args.key or args.chat or args.user)
        if args.help or no_key:
            return None

        if not args.key:
            args.key = str()
        dotkey = args.key
        key = args.key.split('.')

        if key == [str()]:
            key = []

        if not args.absolute:
            if args.chat and args.user:
                dotkey = 'user.chat.' + dotkey
                key = [self.chat_id] + key
                key = ['chats'] + key
                key = [self.user_id] + key
            elif args.chat:
                dotkey = 'chat.' + dotkey
                key = [self.chat_id] + key
            elif args.user:
                dotkey = 'user.' + dotkey
                key = [self.user_id] + key

            if not args.chat and not args.user:
                key = [self.chat_id] + key
                if int(self.chat_id) > 0:
                    dotkey = 'user.' + dotkey
                    dotkey = 'chat.' + dotkey

            if dotkey.startswith('chat.') and not sudo(self.bot, self.update,
                sudo(self.bot, self.update, 'test')
                return None

            if dotkey.endswith('.'):
                dotkey = dotkey[:-1]

        self.key, self.dotkey = key, dotkey