Example #1
def test_delete_command_execute():
    canvas = Mock(spec=Canvas)
    command = DeleteCommand(lambda: canvas)
    x1, y1 = 42, 69
    target_point = Point(x1, y1)
    command.execute(x1, y1)
Example #2
def get_routes():
    This function contains the dictionary of possible commands.
    :return: `dict` of possible commands, with the format: `name -> class`

    # Dynamic load:
    # def class_filter(klass):
    #     return inspect.isclass(klass) \
    #            and klass.__module__ == BaseCommand.__module__ \
    #            and issubclass(klass, BaseCommand) \
    #            and klass is not BaseCommand
    # routes = inspect.getmembers(
    #     sys.modules[BaseCommand.__module__],
    #     class_filter
    # )
    # return dict((route.label(), route) for _, route in routes)

    return {
        ListCommand.label(): ListCommand,
        NewCommand.label(): NewCommand,
        DoneCommand.label(): DoneCommand,
        UndoneCommand.label(): UndoneCommand,
        DeleteCommand.label(): DeleteCommand,
        ExitCommand.label(): ExitCommand,
Example #3
def _create_commands_dictionary():
    def assign_canvas_fn(new_canvas):
        #pylint: disable=missing-docstring
        global canvas
        canvas = new_canvas

    return {
        'C': CreateCanvasCommand(assign_canvas_fn),
        'L': DrawLineCommand(lambda: canvas),
        'R': DrawRectangleCommand(lambda: canvas),
        'B': BucketFillCommand(lambda: canvas),
        'D': DeleteCommand(lambda: canvas),
        'U': UndoCommand(lambda: canvas),
        'Q': ExitCommand()
Example #4
def parse_user_input():
    Gets the user input.
    :return: `str` with the user input.

    input_function = input

    message = 'Input your command: (%s): ' % '|'.join(
            ListCommand.label(): ListCommand,
            NewCommand.label(): NewCommand,
            DoneCommand.label(): DoneCommand,
            UndoneCommand.label(): UndoneCommand,
            DeleteCommand.label(): DeleteCommand,
            ExitCommand.label(): ExitCommand,
    return input_function(message)
Example #5
def test_delete_command_execute_with_incorrect_nb_args():
    canvas = Mock(spec=Canvas)
    command = DeleteCommand(lambda: canvas)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as ex:
    assert str(ex.value) == "2 arguments expected (x, y)"