class MyRobot(wpilib.IterativeRobot): example_subsystem = ExampleSubsystem() oi = None def robotInit(self): """ This function is called upon program startup and should be used for any initialization code. """ self.oi = None # Create the command used for the autonomous period self.autonomous_command = ExampleCommand(self) def autonomousInit(self): # Schedule the autonomous command self.autonomous_command.start() def autonomousPeriodic(self): """This function is called periodically during autonomous.""" command.Scheduler.getInstance().run() def teleopPeriodic(self): """This function is called periodically during operator control.""" command.Scheduler.getInstance().run() def testPeriodic(self): """This function is called periodically during test mode."""
class MyRobot(wpilib.IterativeRobot): example_subsystem = ExampleSubsystem() oi = None def robotInit(self): """ This function is called upon program startup and should be used for any initialization code. """ self.oi = None #Create the command used for the autonomous period self.autonomous_command = ExampleCommand(self) def autonomousInit(self): #Schedule the autonomous command self.autonomous_command.start() def autonomousPeriodic(self): """This function is called periodically during autonomous.""" command.Scheduler.getInstance().run() def teleopPeriodic(self): """This function is called periodically during operator control.""" command.Scheduler.getInstance().run() def testPeriodic(self): """This function is called periodically during test mode."""
def robotInit(self): """ This function is called upon program startup and should be used for any initialization code. """ self.oi = None #Create the command used for the autonomous period self.autonomous_command = ExampleCommand(self)
def robotInit(self): """ This function is called upon program startup and should be used for any initialization code. """ self.oi = None # Create the command used for the autonomous period self.autonomous_command = ExampleCommand(self)