Example #1
class OpTestIPMIPowerControl():
    ##  Initialize this object
    #  @param i_bmcIP The IP address of the BMC
    #  @param i_bmcUser The userid to log into the BMC with
    #  @param i_bmcPasswd The password of the userid to log into the BMC with
    #  @param i_bmcUserIpmi The userid to issue the BMC IPMI commands with
    #  @param i_bmcPasswdIpmi The password of BMC IPMI userid
    #  @param i_ffdcDir Optional param to indicate where to write FFDC
    # "Only required for inband tests" else Default = None
    # @param i_hostIP The IP address of the HOST
    # @param i_hostuser The userid to log into the HOST
    # @param i_hostPasswd The password of the userid to log into the HOST with
    def __init__(self, i_bmcIP, i_bmcUser, i_bmcPasswd,
                 i_bmcUserIpmi, i_bmcPasswdIpmi, i_ffdcDir=None, i_hostip=None,
                 i_hostuser=None, i_hostPasswd=None):
        self.cv_BMC = OpTestBMC(i_bmcIP, i_bmcUser, i_bmcPasswd, i_ffdcDir)
        self.cv_IPMI = OpTestIPMI(i_bmcIP, i_bmcUserIpmi, i_bmcPasswdIpmi,
                                  i_ffdcDir, i_hostip, i_hostuser, i_hostPasswd)
        self.cv_HOST = OpTestHost(i_hostip, i_hostuser, i_hostPasswd, i_bmcIP)
        self.cv_SYSTEM = OpTestSystem(i_bmcIP, i_bmcUser, i_bmcPasswd,
                         i_bmcUserIpmi, i_bmcPasswdIpmi, i_ffdcDir, i_hostip,
                         i_hostuser, i_hostPasswd)
        self.util = OpTestUtil()

    # @brief This function will test below system power control operations
    #        IPMI Power ON
    #             Power OFF
    #             Power Soft
    #             Power Cycle
    #             Power Reset
    #        So each operation is executed through ipmi commands. and
    #        check_system_status function will check whether FW and Host OS
    #        Boot completed or not.
    # @return BMC_CONST.FW_SUCCESS or raise OpTestError
    def testIPMIPowerControl(self):

        print "Performing a IPMI Power OFF Operation"
        # Perform a IPMI Power OFF Operation(Immediate Shutdown)
        if int(self.cv_SYSTEM.sys_wait_for_standby_state(BMC_CONST.SYSTEM_STANDBY_STATE_DELAY)) == 0:
            print "System is in standby/Soft-off state"
            l_msg = "System failed to reach standby/Soft-off state"
            raise OpTestError(l_msg)

        print "Performing a IPMI Power ON Operation"
        # Perform a IPMI Power ON Operation
        self.util.PingFunc(self.cv_HOST.ip, BMC_CONST.PING_RETRY_POWERCYCLE)

        print "Performing a IPMI Soft Power OFF Operation"
        # Perform a IPMI Soft Power OFF Operation(Graceful shutdown)
        if int(self.cv_SYSTEM.sys_wait_for_standby_state(BMC_CONST.SYSTEM_STANDBY_STATE_DELAY)) == 0:
            print "System is in standby/Soft-off state"
            l_msg = "System failed to reach standby/Soft-off state"
            raise OpTestError(l_msg)

        print "Perform a IPMI Power ON Operation"
        # Perform a IPMI Power ON Operation
        self.util.PingFunc(self.cv_HOST.ip, BMC_CONST.PING_RETRY_POWERCYCLE)

        print "Performing a IPMI Power Cycle(Soft reboot) Operation "
        # Perform a IPMI Power Cycle(Soft reboot) Operation only when system is in ON state
        self.util.PingFunc(self.cv_HOST.ip, BMC_CONST.PING_RETRY_POWERCYCLE)

        print "Performing a IPMI Power Hard Reset Operation"
        # Perform a IPMI Power Hard Reset Operation
        self.util.PingFunc(self.cv_HOST.ip, BMC_CONST.PING_RETRY_POWERCYCLE)

        return BMC_CONST.FW_SUCCESS

    # @brief This function will check for system status and wait for
    #        FW and Host OS Boot progress to complete.
    # @return BMC_CONST.FW_SUCCESS or raise OpTestError
    def check_system_status(self):
        if int(self.cv_SYSTEM.sys_ipl_wait_for_working_state()) == 0:
            print "System booted to working state"
            l_msg = "System failed to boot"
            raise OpTestError(l_msg)
        if int(self.cv_SYSTEM.sys_wait_for_os_boot_complete()) == 0:
            print "System booted to Host OS"
            l_msg = "System failed to boot Host OS"
            raise OpTestError(l_msg)

        return BMC_CONST.FW_SUCCESS