def set(self): self.font = pygame.font.Font(None, 100) self.surface = pygame.Surface( (setting.screen_width, setting.screen_height)) self.rect = self.surface.get_rect() self.text_color = (128, 20, 0) self.idle_avarage = 1 if > 0: self.sprite = animation.Animate('end_game.png', setting.screen_rect), setting.screen_rect) else: # Paint background as transparent self.surface.fill((0, 0, 0)) center = self.surface.get_rect().center ellipse_rect = pygame.Rect( (0, 0, setting.screen_width // 2, setting.screen_height // 4)) = center ellipse = pygame.draw.ellipse(self.surface, self.text_color, ellipse_rect, 10) text = self.font.render("GAME OVER", True, self.text_color) text_rect = text.get_rect() = center self.surface.blit(text, text_rect) # Make surface transparent and copy unto display surface self.surface.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) self.surface.set_alpha(255), self.rect) pygame.display.flip() end = False while not end: # Check for user input event_list = pygame.event.get() for event in event_list: if event.type == pygame.QUIT or event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE: = True end = True
def __init__(self): # Load resources music = common.load_music('Test1.ogg') next_level_sound = common.load_sound('level3.ogg') background_sprite = animation.Animate( 'sky4.jpg', (0, 0, setting.screen_width, setting.screen_height)) player_sprite = animation.Animate('a1a1_rocket2.png', (500, 500, 80, 80)) player_shot_sprite = animation.Animate('shot.png', (0, 0, 10, 10)) city_sprite = animation.Animate('city7.png', (10, 580, 80, 80)) alien_sprite = animation.Animate("ufo3.png", (0, 0, 100, 50), 5, -1, (0, 0, 100, 50)) alien_bomb_sprite = animation.Animate('bomb.png', (0, 0, 40, 40)) alien_shot_sprite = animation.Animate('alien_shot.png') level_sprite = animation.Animate( 'level1.png', (0, 0, setting.screen_width, setting.screen_height)) player_dead_sound = common.load_sound('big_bang.wav') player_shot_sound = common.load_sound('shot.wav') city_dead_sound = common.load_sound('city_explosion.wav') alien_dead_sound = common.load_sound('small_bang.wav') alien_shot_sound = common.load_sound('small_shoot_sound.wav') self.objects = [ { 'next_level': { 'sound': next_level_sound, 'sprite': level_sprite, 'intro_time': 2, 'intro_effect': 'slide_down', 'hold_time': 2, 'outtro_time': 1, 'outtro_effect': 'slide_down' } }, { 'music': music }, { 'background': { 'color': pygame.Color('dodgerblue1'), 'sprite': background_sprite, } }, { 'player': { 'rect': (500, 500, 80, 80), 'sprite': player_sprite, 'boundary': (0, 300, 1000, 360), 'speed': 10, 'sound': player_dead_sound, 'shoot_sound': player_shot_sound, 'shot': { 'rect': (0, 0, 10, 10), 'direction': 90, 'speed': 5, 'sprite': player_shot_sprite, 'sound': player_shot_sound, }, } }, { 'city': { 'rect': (10, 580, 80, 80), 'sprite': city_sprite, 'sound': city_dead_sound } }, { 'city': { 'rect': (100, 580, 80, 80), 'sprite': city_sprite, 'sound': city_dead_sound } }, { 'city': { 'rect': (190, 580, 80, 80), 'sprite': city_sprite, 'sound': city_dead_sound } }, { 'city': { 'rect': (280, 580, 80, 80), 'sprite': city_sprite, 'sound': city_dead_sound } }, { 'city': { 'rect': (370, 580, 80, 80), 'sprite': city_sprite, 'sound': city_dead_sound } }, { 'city': { 'rect': (460, 580, 80, 80), 'sprite': city_sprite, 'sound': city_dead_sound } }, { 'city': { 'rect': (550, 580, 80, 80), 'sprite': city_sprite, 'sound': city_dead_sound } }, { 'city': { 'rect': (640, 580, 80, 80), 'sprite': city_sprite, 'sound': city_dead_sound } }, { 'city': { 'rect': (730, 580, 80, 80), 'sprite': city_sprite, 'sound': city_dead_sound } }, { 'city': { 'rect': (820, 580, 80, 80), 'sprite': city_sprite, 'sound': city_dead_sound } }, { 'city': { 'rect': (910, 580, 80, 80), 'sprite': city_sprite, 'sound': city_dead_sound } }, { 'city': { 'rect': (1000, 580, 80, 80), 'sprite': city_sprite, 'sound': city_dead_sound } }, { 'alien': { 'rect': (800, 30, 100, 50), 'sprite': alien_sprite, 'boundary': (0, 0, 1000, 200), 'speed': 2, 'direction': 180, 'move_pattern': 'horisontal', 'sound': alien_dead_sound, 'shoot_sound': alien_shot_sound, 'bomb': { 'rect': (0, 0, 40, 40), 'direction': -90, 'speed': 2, 'sprite': alien_bomb_sprite }, 'shot': { 'rect': (0, 0, 10, 10), 'direction': -90, 'speed': 5, 'sprite': alien_shot_sprite }, } }, { 'alien': { 'rect': (900, 30, 100, 50), 'sprite': alien_sprite, 'boundary': (0, 0, 1000, 200), 'speed': 2, 'direction': 180, 'move_pattern': 'horisontal', 'sound': alien_dead_sound, 'shoot_sound': alien_shot_sound, 'bomb': { 'rect': (0, 0, 40, 40), 'direction': -90, 'speed': 1, 'sprite': alien_bomb_sprite }, 'shot': { 'rect': (0, 0, 10, 10), 'direction': -90, 'speed': 5, 'sprite': alien_shot_sprite }, } }, { 'alien': { 'rect': (600, 90, 100, 50), 'sprite': alien_sprite, 'boundary': (0, 0, 1000, 200), 'speed': 2, 'direction': 180, 'move_pattern': 'horisontal', 'sound': alien_dead_sound, 'shoot_sound': alien_shot_sound, 'bomb': { 'rect': (0, 0, 40, 40), 'direction': -90, 'speed': 1, 'sprite': alien_bomb_sprite }, 'shot': { 'rect': (0, 0, 10, 10), 'direction': -90, 'speed': 5, 'sprite': alien_shot_sprite }, } }, { 'alien': { 'rect': (500, 30, 100, 50), 'sprite': alien_sprite, 'boundary': (0, 0, 1000, 200), 'speed': 2, 'direction': 180, 'move_pattern': 'horisontal', 'sound': alien_dead_sound, 'shoot_sound': alien_shot_sound, 'bomb': { 'rect': (0, 0, 40, 40), 'direction': -90, 'speed': 1, 'sprite': alien_bomb_sprite }, 'shot': { 'rect': (0, 0, 10, 10), 'direction': -90, 'speed': 5, 'sprite': alien_shot_sprite }, } }, { 'alien': { 'rect': (100, 30, 100, 50), 'sprite': alien_sprite, 'boundary': (0, 0, 1000, 200), 'speed': 2, 'direction': 180, 'move_pattern': 'horisontal', 'sound': alien_dead_sound, 'shoot_sound': alien_shot_sound, 'bomb': { 'rect': (0, 0, 40, 40), 'direction': -90, 'speed': 1, 'sprite': alien_bomb_sprite }, 'shot': { 'rect': (0, 0, 10, 10), 'direction': -90, 'speed': 5, 'sprite': alien_shot_sprite }, } }, { 'alien': { 'rect': (200, 30, 100, 50), 'sprite': alien_sprite, 'boundary': (0, 0, 1000, 200), 'speed': 2, 'direction': 180, 'move_pattern': 'horisontal', 'sound': alien_dead_sound, 'shoot_sound': alien_shot_sound, 'bomb': { 'rect': (0, 0, 40, 40), 'direction': -90, 'speed': 1, 'sprite': alien_bomb_sprite }, 'shot': { 'rect': (0, 0, 10, 10), 'direction': -90, 'speed': 5, 'sprite': alien_shot_sprite }, } }, { 'alien': { 'rect': (350, 90, 100, 50), 'sprite': alien_sprite, 'boundary': (0, 0, 1000, 200), 'speed': 2, 'direction': 180, 'move_pattern': 'horisontal', 'sound': alien_dead_sound, 'shoot_sound': alien_shot_sound, 'bomb': { 'rect': (0, 0, 40, 40), 'direction': -90, 'speed': 1, 'sprite': alien_bomb_sprite }, 'shot': { 'rect': (0, 0, 10, 10), 'direction': -90, 'speed': 5, 'sprite': alien_shot_sprite }, } }, { 'alien': { 'rect': (750, 30, 100, 50), 'sprite': alien_sprite, 'boundary': (0, 0, 1000, 200), 'speed': 2, 'direction': 180, 'move_pattern': 'horisontal', 'sound': alien_dead_sound, 'shoot_sound': alien_shot_sound, 'bomb': { 'rect': (0, 0, 40, 40), 'direction': -90, 'speed': 1, 'sprite': alien_bomb_sprite }, 'shot': { 'rect': (0, 0, 10, 10), 'direction': -90, 'speed': 5, 'sprite': alien_shot_sprite }, } }, { 'alien': { 'rect': (400, 90, 100, 50), 'sprite': alien_sprite, 'boundary': (0, 0, 1000, 200), 'speed': 2, 'direction': 180, 'move_pattern': 'horisontal', 'sound': alien_dead_sound, 'shoot_sound': alien_shot_sound, 'bomb': { 'rect': (0, 0, 40, 40), 'direction': -90, 'speed': 1, 'sprite': alien_bomb_sprite }, 'shot': { 'rect': (0, 0, 10, 10), 'direction': -90, 'speed': 5, 'sprite': alien_shot_sprite }, } }, ]
def __init__(self): # Load resources music = common.load_music('Test1.ogg') next_level_sound = False background_sprite = animation.Animate( 'sky.jpg', (0, 0, setting.screen_width, setting.screen_height)) player_sprite = animation.Animate('player.png', (500, 500, 80, 80)) player_shot_sprite = animation.Animate('shot.png', (0, 0, 10, 10)) city_sprite = animation.Animate('city.png', (0, 0, 80, 80)) alien_sprite = animation.Animate("alien-{index}.png", (0, 0, 100, 50)) alien_bomb_sprite = animation.Animate('bomb.png', (0, 0, 40, 40)) alien_shot_sprite = animation.Animate('alien_shot.png') level_sprite = animation.Animate( 'level1.png', (0, 0, setting.screen_width, setting.screen_height)) player_dead_sound = common.load_sound('big_bang.wav') player_shot_sound = common.load_sound('shot.wav') city_dead_sound = common.load_sound('city_explosion.wav') alien_dead_sound = False #common.load_sound('small_bang.wav') alien_shot_sound = False #common.load_sound('small_shoot_sound.wav') self.objects = [ { 'background': { 'color': pygame.Color('dodgerblue1'), 'sprite': '', } }, { 'player': { 'rect': (500, 500, 80, 80), 'sprite': player_sprite, 'boundary': (0, 300, 1000, 360), 'speed': 10, 'sound': player_dead_sound, 'shoot_sound': player_shot_sound, 'shot': { 'rect': (0, 0, 10, 10), 'direction': 90, 'speed': 5, 'sprite': player_shot_sprite, 'sound': player_shot_sound, }, } }, { 'alien': { 'rect': (800, 30, 100, 50), 'sprite': alien_sprite, 'boundary': (0, 0, 1000, 200), 'speed': 2, 'direction': 180, 'move_pattern': 'horisontal', 'sound': alien_dead_sound, 'shoot_sound': alien_shot_sound, 'bomb': { 'rect': (0, 0, 40, 40), 'direction': -90, 'speed': 1, 'sprite': alien_bomb_sprite }, 'shot': { 'rect': (0, 0, 10, 10), 'direction': -90, 'speed': 3, 'sprite': alien_shot_sprite }, } }, ]