def __init__(self): # set other data self.server_start_time = time.mktime(time.gmtime()) self.users = {} # maps user names to network instances self.option_config_json, self.db_connection = common_config_ini.com_config_read() common_global.es_inst.com_elastic_index('info', {'stuff': 'Ready for twisted connections!'}) for cast_devices in self.db_connection.db_device_list(device_type='cast'): common_global.client_devices.append(('cast', cast_devices)) for cast_devices in self.db_connection.db_device_list(device_type='roku'): common_global.client_devices.append(('roku', cast_devices))
def build(self): global metaapp root = MediaKrakenApp() metaapp = self # start logging common_global.es_inst = common_logging_elasticsearch.CommonElasticsearch( 'main_server_link') # open the database option_config_json, self.db_connection = common_config_ini.com_config_read() self.connect_to_server() return root
from flask_login import login_required blueprint = Blueprint("admins_link", __name__, url_prefix='/admin', static_folder="../static") # need the following three items for admin check import flask from flask_login import current_user from functools import wraps from MediaKraken.admins.forms import LinkAddEditForm from common import common_config_ini from common import common_global from common import common_pagination import database as database_base option_config_json, db_connection = common_config_ini.com_config_read() def flash_errors(form): """ Display errors from list """ for field, errors in form.errors.items(): for error in errors: flash("Error in the %s field - %s" % ( getattr(form, field).label.text, error )) def admin_required(fn):
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from flask import Blueprint, render_template, g, flash blueprint = Blueprint("user_character", __name__, url_prefix='/users', static_folder="../static") import sys sys.path.append('..') sys.path.append('../..') from common import common_config_ini import database as database_base db_connection = common_config_ini.com_config_read() def flash_errors(form): """ Display each error on top of form """ for field, errors in form.errors.items(): for error in errors: flash("Error in the %s field - %s" % (getattr(form, field).label.text, error)) @blueprint.route("/charlist/<account_uuid>") def character_list(account_uuid): """
def setup_class(self): # open the database option_config_json, db_connection = common_config_ini.com_config_read(db_prod=False) self.imvdb_connection = common_metadata_imvdb.CommonMetadataIMVdb( option_config_json)
def setup_class(self): # open the database option_config_json, db_connection = common_config_ini.com_config_read(db_prod=False) self.db_connection = common_metadata_thesportsdb.CommonMetadataTheSportsDB( option_config_json)
def worker(row_data): """ Worker ffmpeg thread for each sync job """ common_global.es_inst.com_elastic_index('info', {'row': row_data}) # open the database option_config_json, thread_db = common_config_ini.com_config_read() # row_data # 0 mm_sync_guid uuid NOT NULL, 1 mm_sync_path text, 2 mm_sync_path_to text, # 3 mm_sync_options_json jsonb ffmpeg_params = ['./bin/ffmpeg', '-i', thread_db.db_media_path_by_uuid( row_data['mm_sync_options_json']['Media GUID'])[0]] if row_data['mm_sync_options_json']['Options']['Size'] != "Clone": ffmpeg_params.extend(('-fs', row_data['mm_sync_options_json']['Options']['Size'])) if row_data['mm_sync_options_json']['Options']['VCodec'] != "Copy": ffmpeg_params.extend( ('-vcodec', row_data['mm_sync_options_json']['Options']['VCodec'])) if row_data['mm_sync_options_json']['Options']['AudioChannels'] != "Copy": ffmpeg_params.extend(('-ac', row_data['mm_sync_options_json']['Options']['AudioChannels'])) if row_data['mm_sync_options_json']['Options']['ACodec'] != "Copy": ffmpeg_params.extend(('-acodec', row_data['mm_sync_options_json']['Options']['ACodec'])) if row_data['mm_sync_options_json']['Options']['ASRate'] != 'Default': ffmpeg_params.extend( ('-ar', row_data['mm_sync_options_json']['Options']['ASRate'])) ffmpeg_params.append(row_data['mm_sync_path_to'] + "." + row_data['mm_sync_options_json']['Options']['VContainer']) common_global.es_inst.com_elastic_index('info', {'ffmpeg': ffmpeg_params}) ffmpeg_pid = subprocess.Popen(split(ffmpeg_params), shell=False, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) # output after it gets started # Duration: 01:31:10.10, start: 0.000000, bitrate: 4647 kb/s # frame= 1091 fps= 78 q=-1.0 Lsize= 3199kB time=00:00:36.48 # bitrate= 718.4kbits/s dup=197 drop=0 speed= 2.6x media_duration = None while True: line = ffmpeg_pid.stdout.readline() if line != '': common_global.es_inst.com_elastic_index('info', {'ffmpeg out': line.rstrip()}) if line.find("Duration:") != -1: media_duration = timedelta( line.split(': ', 1)[1].split(',', 1)[0]) elif line[0:5] == "frame": time_string = timedelta(line.split('=', 5)[5].split(' ', 1)[0]) time_percent = time_string.total_seconds() / media_duration.total_seconds() thread_db.db_sync_progress_update(row_data['mm_sync_guid'], time_percent) thread_db.db_commit() else: break ffmpeg_pid.wait() # deal with converted file if row_data['mm_sync_options_json']['Type'] == 'Local File System': # just go along merry way as ffmpeg shoulda output to mm_sync_path_to pass elif row_data['mm_sync_options_json']['Type'] == 'Remote Client': XFER_THREAD = common_xfer.FileSenderThread(row_data['mm_sync_options_json']['TargetIP'], row_data['mm_sync_options_json']['TargetPort'], row_data['mm_sync_path_to'] + "." + row_data['mm_sync_options_json']['Options'][ 'VContainer'], row_data['mm_sync_path_to']) else: # cloud item CLOUD_HANDLE = common_cloud.CommonCloud(option_config_json) CLOUD_HANDLE.com_cloud_file_store(row_data['mm_sync_options_json']['Type'], row_data['mm_sync_path_to'], row_data['mm_sync_path_to'] + "." + row_data['mm_sync_options_json']['Options'][ 'VContainer'].split('/', 1)[1], False) thread_db.db_sync_delete(row_data[0]) # guid of sync record # record in activity table thread_db.db_commit() thread_db.db_close() return
# TODO add record for activity/etc for the user who ran this channel.basic_ack(delivery_tag=method_frame.delivery_tag) # start logging common_global.es_inst = common_logging_elasticsearch.CommonElasticsearch( 'meta_api_worker_%s' % str(sys.argv[1]).lower()) # set signal exit breaks common_signal.com_signal_set_break() content_providers = str(sys.argv[1]) common_global.es_inst.com_elastic_index('info', {"worker meta api name": content_providers}) # open the database option_config_json, thread_db = common_config_ini.com_config_read() # table the class_text into a dict...will lessen the db calls class_text_dict = {} for class_data in thread_db.db_media_class_list(None, None): class_text_dict[class_data['mm_media_class_guid']] = class_data['mm_media_class_type'] # pika rabbitmq connection parameters = pika.ConnectionParameters('mkrabbitmq', socket_timeout=30, credentials=pika.PlainCredentials('guest', 'guest')) connection = pika.BlockingConnection(parameters) # setup channels and queue channel = exchange = channel.exchange_declare(exchange="mkque_metadata_ex", exchange_type="direct", durable=True)
def worker(audit_directory): """ Worker thread for each directory """ dir_path, media_class_type_uuid, dir_guid = audit_directory # open the database option_config_json, thread_db = common_config_ini.com_config_read() common_global.es_inst.com_elastic_index('info', {'worker dir': dir_path}) original_media_class = thread_db.db_media_class_by_uuid(media_class_type_uuid) # update the timestamp now so any other media added DURING this scan don't get skipped thread_db.db_audit_dir_timestamp_update(dir_path) thread_db.db_audit_path_update_status(dir_guid, json.dumps({'Status': 'File search scan', 'Pct': 0})) thread_db.db_commit() # check for UNC before grabbing dir list if dir_path[:1] == "\\": file_data = [] smb_stuff = common_network_cifs.CommonCIFSShare() addr, share, path = common_string.com_string_unc_to_addr_path(dir_path) smb_stuff.com_cifs_connect(addr) for dir_data in smb_stuff.com_cifs_walk(share, path): for file_name in dir_data[2]: file_data.append('\\\\' + addr + '\\' + share + '\\' + dir_data[0] + '\\' + file_name) smb_stuff.com_cifs_close() else: file_data = common_file.com_file_dir_list(dir_path, None, True, False) total_file_in_dir = len(file_data) total_scanned = 0 total_files = 0 for file_name in file_data: if file_name in global_known_media: pass else: # set lower here so I can remove alot of .lower() in the code below filename_base, file_extension = os.path.splitext(file_name.lower()) # checking subtitles for parts as need multiple files for multiple media files if file_extension[1:] in common_file_extentions.MEDIA_EXTENSION \ or file_extension[1:] in common_file_extentions.SUBTITLE_EXTENSION \ or file_extension[1:] in common_file_extentions.GAME_EXTENSION: ffprobe_bif_data = True save_dl_record = True total_files += 1 # set here which MIGHT be overrode later new_class_type_uuid = media_class_type_uuid media_class_text = thread_db.db_media_class_by_uuid(media_class_type_uuid) # check for "stacked" media file # the split below and the splitext above do return different results head, base_file_name = os.path.split(file_name) # check to see if it's a "stacked" file # including games since some are two or more discs if is not None \ or is not None \ or is not None \ or is not None \ or is not None \ or is not None: # check to see if it's part one or not if is None \ and is None \ and is None \ and is None \ and is None \ and is None: # it's not a part one here so, no DL record needed save_dl_record = False # video game data if thread_db.db_media_class_by_uuid(media_class_type_uuid) == 'Video Game': if file_extension[1:] == 'iso': new_class_type_uuid = class_text_dict['Game ISO'] elif file_extension[1:] == 'chd': new_class_type_uuid = class_text_dict['Game CHD'] else: new_class_type_uuid = class_text_dict['Game ROM'] ffprobe_bif_data = False # set new media class for subtitles elif file_extension[1:] in common_file_extentions.SUBTITLE_EXTENSION: if original_media_class == 'Movie': new_class_type_uuid = class_text_dict['Movie Subtitle'] elif original_media_class == 'TV Show' or original_media_class == 'TV Episode' \ or original_media_class == 'TV Season': new_class_type_uuid = class_text_dict['TV Subtitle'] else: new_class_type_uuid = class_text_dict['Subtitle'] ffprobe_bif_data = False # set new media class for trailers or themes elif file_name.find('/trailers/') != -1 \ or file_name.find('\\trailers\\') != -1 \ or file_name.find('/theme.mp3') != -1 \ or file_name.find('\\theme.mp3') != -1 \ or file_name.find('/theme.mp4') != -1 \ or file_name.find('\\theme.mp4') != -1: if media_class_text == 'Movie': if file_name.find('/trailers/') != -1 or file_name.find('\\trailers\\') != -1: new_class_type_uuid = class_text_dict['Movie Trailer'] else: new_class_type_uuid = class_text_dict['Movie Theme'] elif media_class_text == 'TV Show' or media_class_text == 'TV Episode' \ or media_class_text == 'TV Season': if file_name.find('/trailers/') != -1 or file_name.find('\\trailers\\') != -1: new_class_type_uuid = class_text_dict['TV Trailer'] else: new_class_type_uuid = class_text_dict['TV Theme'] # set new media class for extras elif file_name.find('/extras/') != -1 or file_name.find('\\extras\\') != -1: if original_media_class == 'Movie': new_class_type_uuid = class_text_dict['Movie Extras'] elif original_media_class == 'TV Show' \ or thread_db.db_media_class_by_uuid(media_class_type_uuid) == 'TV Episode' \ or media_class_text == 'TV Season': new_class_type_uuid = class_text_dict['TV Extras'] # set new media class for backdrops (usually themes) elif file_name.find('/backdrops/') != -1 \ or file_name.find('\\backdrops\\') != -1: media_class_text = thread_db.db_media_class_by_uuid(new_class_type_uuid) if file_name.find('/theme.mp3') != -1 \ or file_name.find('\\theme.mp3') != -1 \ or file_name.find('/theme.mp4') != -1 \ or file_name.find('\\theme.mp4') != -1: if media_class_text == 'Movie': new_class_type_uuid = class_text_dict['Movie Theme'] elif media_class_text == 'TV Show' or media_class_text == 'TV Episode' \ or media_class_text == 'TV Season': new_class_type_uuid = class_text_dict['TV Theme'] # flip around slashes for smb paths if file_name[:1] == "\\": file_name = file_name.replace('\\\\', 'smb://*****:*****@').replace('\\', '/') # create media_json data media_json = json.dumps({'DateAdded':"%Y-%m-%d")}) media_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) thread_db.db_insert_media(media_id, file_name, new_class_type_uuid, None, None, media_json) # verify ffprobe and bif should run on the data if ffprobe_bif_data and file_extension[1:] not in common_file_extentions.MEDIA_EXTENSION_SKIP_FFMPEG \ and file_extension[1:] in common_file_extentions.MEDIA_EXTENSION: # Send a message so ffprobe runs channel.basic_publish(exchange='mkque_ffmpeg_ex', routing_key='mkffmpeg', body=json.dumps( {'Type': 'FFProbe', 'Media UUID': media_id, 'Media Path': file_name}), properties=pika.BasicProperties(content_type='text/plain', delivery_mode=1)) if new_class_type_uuid != class_text_dict['Music']: # Send a message so roku thumbnail is generated channel.basic_publish(exchange='mkque_roku_ex', routing_key='mkroku', body=json.dumps( {'Type': 'Roku', 'Subtype': 'Thumbnail', 'Media UUID': media_id, 'Media Path': file_name}), properties=pika.BasicProperties(content_type='text/plain', delivery_mode=1)) # verify it should save a dl "Z" record for search/lookup/etc if save_dl_record: # media id begin and download que insert thread_db.db_download_insert('Z', 0, json.dumps({'MediaID': media_id, 'Path': file_name, 'ClassID': new_class_type_uuid, 'Status': None, 'MetaNewID': str(uuid.uuid4()), 'ProviderMetaID': None})) total_scanned += 1 thread_db.db_audit_path_update_status(dir_guid, json.dumps({'Status': 'File scan: ' + common_internationalization.com_inter_number_format( total_scanned) + ' / ' + common_internationalization.com_inter_number_format( total_file_in_dir), 'Pct': ( total_scanned / total_file_in_dir) * 100})) thread_db.db_commit() # end of for loop for each file in library common_global.es_inst.com_elastic_index('info', {'worker dir done': dir_path, 'media class': media_class_type_uuid}) # set to none so it doesn't show up anymore in admin status page thread_db.db_audit_path_update_status(dir_guid, None) if total_files > 0: # add notification to admin status page thread_db.db_notification_insert( common_internationalization.com_inter_number_format(total_files) + " file(s) added from " + dir_path, True) thread_db.db_commit() thread_db.db_close() return
def setup_class(self): # open the database option_config_json, db_connection = common_config_ini.com_config_read(db_prod=False) self.thetvdb_connection = common_thetvdb.CommonTheTVDB( option_config_json)
def setup_class(self): # open the database option_config_json, db_connection = common_config_ini.com_config_read(db_prod=False) self.musicbrainz_connection = common_metadata_musicbrainz.CommonMetadataMusicbrainz( option_config_json)
def load_hash_map_from_database(self): if '-nolist' in sys.argv: return True common_global.es_inst.com_elastic_index('info', {'stuff': "loading roms from db"}) # open the database option_config_json, db_connection = common_config_ini.com_config_read() # read all the audited games conn_game = connect('db/game_database.db') curs_game = conn_game.cursor() conn_game.text_factory = lambda x: str(x, "utf-8", "ignore") curs_game.execute("attach database 'db/hubcade_gui.db' as gui_db") curs_game.execute('select gs_system_long_name,gi_short_name,gi_long_name,gi_id,' '(select gm_rotate from game_monitor where gm_id = gi_monitor_id),gi_players,' 'gc_category from game_info,gui_db.game_audit,game_systems,game_category' ' where gi_id = gui_db.game_audit.ga_game_id and gs_id = gi_system_id' ' and gi_gc_category = gc_id union all select \'Arcade\',gi_short_name,gi_long_name,' 'gi_id,(select gm_rotate from game_monitor where gm_id = gi_monitor_id),gi_players,' 'gc_category from game_info,gui_db.game_audit,game_category where gi_system_id = 0' ' and gi_id = gui_db.game_audit.ga_game_id and gi_gc_category = gc_id') # for the times/time played conn_game_info = connect('db/hubcade_gui.db') curs_game_info = conn_game_info.cursor() conn_game_info.text_factory = lambda x: str(x, "utf-8", "ignore") # begin parse of data Client_GlobalData.audited_games = 0 Client_GlobalData.audit_gameList = {} old_system_long_name = None first_record = True game_info = {} for sql_row in curs_game: Client_GlobalData.audited_games += 1 game_times_played = 0 game_time_played = 0 game_monitor = "NA" game_players = 0 game_category = "NA" sql_args = str(sql_row[3]), curs_game_info.execute('select game_times_played,game_time_played from game_info' ' where game_rom_id = ?', sql_args) row = curs_game_info.fetchone() if row is None: pass else: game_times_played = row[0] game_time_played = row[1] if sql_row[4] is not None: if int(sql_row[4]) == 0 or int(sql_row[4]) == 180: game_monitor = "Horizontal" else: game_monitor = "Vertical" if sql_row[5] is not None: game_players = sql_row[5] if sql_row[6] is not None: game_category = sql_row[6] if first_record: old_system_long_name = sql_row[0] first_record = False game_name = sql_row[1] if sql_row[2] is not None: game_name = sql_row[2] if old_system_long_name != sql_row[0]: if len(game_info) > 0: Client_GlobalData.audit_gameList[old_system_long_name] \ = copy.deepcopy(list(game_info.items())) Client_GlobalData.audit_gameList[old_system_long_name].sort( ) old_system_long_name = sql_row[0] game_info = {} game_info[game_name] = game_times_played, game_time_played, game_monitor, \ game_players, str(sql_row[3]), game_category # catch last data from db if old_system_long_name is not None and len(game_info) > 0: Client_GlobalData.audit_gameList[old_system_long_name] \ = copy.deepcopy(list(game_info.items())) Client_GlobalData.audit_gameList[old_system_long_name].sort() curs_game_info.close() conn_game_info.close() curs_game.close() conn_game.close() # close the database db_connection.db_close() return True