def check(self): parser = ConfigFile() for foundip in self.ipaddress: reputation = dict() tmp = self.generateDict() reputation["status"] = False detected = 0 nodetected = 0 for i in parser.options("IpReputation"): try: fich = open(os.path.join(COLLECTOR_ROOT, "ip", i + '.txt'), 'r') for ip in fich: if foundip in ip: tmp[i] = True reputation["status"] = True fich.close() except IOError: log.warning("The Reputation list %s not downloaded " % i) tmp[i] = "NotDownload" for key, value in tmp.items(): if value == True: detected += 1 else: nodetected += 1 reputation["detected"] = detected reputation["nodetected"] = nodetected self.FinalReputation.append((foundip, tmp, reputation)) #print self.FinalReputation return self.FinalReputation
def doWhoIp(ipaddress): whois = dict() #spawn a pool of threads, and pass them queue instance query = Queue.Queue() pool = [WhoisIP(queue = query)for i in range(20)] #Start all threads for thread in pool: thread.start() #populate queue with data parser = ConfigFile() url = parser.get("Whois","ipaddress") for ip in ipaddress: if ip is not None: #hostname = tldextract.extract(domain) #d = hostname.domain+"."+hostname.tld query.put((url,ip)) whois.update(results.get()) for thread in pool: thread.join() return whois
def check(self): FinalReputationDomains = list() parser = ConfigFile() for founddomain in self.domaddress: reputation = dict() DomainInvestigate = self.generateDict() reputation["status"] = False detected = 0 nodetected = 0 for i in parser.options("DomainReputation"): try: fich = open(os.path.join(COLLECTOR_ROOT,"domains",i)+'.txt','r') for domain in fich: if str(founddomain) in domain:"Domain Address %s found in %s Reputation List" %(founddomain,i)) DomainInvestigate[i]=True reputation["status"] = True fich.close() except IOError: log.error("The Reputation list %s not downloaded " %i) DomainInvestigate[i]='Not Download' for key,value in DomainInvestigate.items(): if value == True: detected +=1 else: nodetected +=1 reputation["detected"] = detected reputation["nodetected"] = nodetected FinalReputationDomains.append((founddomain,DomainInvestigate,reputation)) return FinalReputationDomains
def generateDict(self): newdict = dict() parser = ConfigFile() for i in parser.options("IpReputation"): newdict[i] = False #reputationlist[i] = False return newdict
def check(self): parser = ConfigFile() for foundip in self.ipaddress: reputation = dict() tmp = self.generateDict() reputation["status"] = False detected = 0 nodetected = 0 for i in parser.options("IpReputation"): try: fich = open(os.path.join(COLLECTOR_ROOT,"ip",i+'.txt'),'r') for ip in fich: if foundip in ip: tmp[i] = True reputation["status"] = True fich.close() except IOError: log.warning("The Reputation list %s not downloaded " %i) tmp[i] = "NotDownload" for key,value in tmp.items(): if value == True: detected +=1 else: nodetected +=1 reputation["detected"] = detected reputation["nodetected"] = nodetected self.FinalReputation.append((foundip,tmp,reputation)) #print self.FinalReputation return self.FinalReputation
def doWhois(domains): whois = dict() #spawn a pool of threads, and pass them queue instance query = Queue.Queue() pool = [Whois(queue = query)for i in range(20)] #Start all threads for thread in pool: thread.start() #populate queue with data parser = ConfigFile() url = parser.get("Whois","domain") for domain in domains: if domain is not None: hostname = tldextract.extract(domain) d = hostname.domain+"."+hostname.tld query.put((url,d)) whois.update(results.get()) for thread in pool: thread.join() return whois
def ParseThreat(dns,md5hash,options,reportdir): lplugin = LoadPlugins() ListPlugins(lplugin) results = LoadMethods(lplugin) results["dns"] = dns jason = convert_json(results) data = json.loads(jason) (ips,domains) = _ExtractIpDom(data) if ips: whoisIp = doWhoIp(ips) if whoisIp: results["WhoisIP"] = whoisIp if domains: whois = doWhois(domains) if whois: results["WhoisDomain"] = whois reputation = IPReputation(ips) FinalReputation = reputation.check() if ips: maps = Geo(FinalReputation) mapa = maps.getUrl() domreput = DomainReputation(domains) finaldomreput = domreput.check() jason = convert_json(results) graph = Charts(jason,FinalReputation,finaldomreput) graph.PlotVirusTotal() graph.GraphData() graph.PlotIPReputation() graph.PlotDomReputation() ###Search HASH in parser = ConfigFile() url = parser.get("MalwareLu","url") api_key = parser.get("MalwareLu","key") malwarelu = MalwareLu() malwarelu.SearchAndDownload(api_key,md5hash,url) if options.json == True: try: report =, "reports", reportdir,"JSON","{0}.json".format(md5hash)), "w", "utf-8") json.dump(results, report, sort_keys=False, indent=4) #json.dump(jason, report, sort_keys=False, indent=4) report.close() except (UnicodeError, TypeError, IOError) as e: log.error("Errors in json convert for the hash {0}".format(md5hash)) if options.docx == True: make_word(md5hash,jason,FinalReputation,finaldomreput,reportdir) if os.listdir(os.path.join(COLLECTOR_ROOT,"download")): srcname = os.listdir(os.path.join(COLLECTOR_ROOT,"download")) dstname = os.path.join(COLLECTOR_ROOT,"reports",reportdir,"Download") os.chdir(os.path.join(COLLECTOR_ROOT,"download")) for files in srcname: shutil.move(files,dstname) os.chdir(COLLECTOR_ROOT) if os.listdir(os.path.join(COLLECTOR_ROOT,"tmpannex")): srcname = os.listdir(os.path.join(COLLECTOR_ROOT,"tmpannex")) dstname = os.path.join(COLLECTOR_ROOT,"reports",reportdir,"Annex") os.chdir(os.path.join(COLLECTOR_ROOT,"tmpannex")) for files in srcname: shutil.move(files,dstname) os.chdir(COLLECTOR_ROOT)
def ParseThreat(dns, md5hash, options, reportdir): lplugin = LoadPlugins() ListPlugins(lplugin) results = LoadMethods(lplugin) results["dns"] = dns jason = convert_json(results) data = json.loads(jason) (ips, domains) = _ExtractIpDom(data) if ips: whoisIp = doWhoIp(ips) if whoisIp: results["WhoisIP"] = whoisIp if domains: whois = doWhois(domains) if whois: results["WhoisDomain"] = whois reputation = IPReputation(ips) FinalReputation = reputation.check() if ips: maps = Geo(FinalReputation) mapa = maps.getUrl() domreput = DomainReputation(domains) finaldomreput = domreput.check() jason = convert_json(results) graph = Charts(jason, FinalReputation, finaldomreput) graph.PlotVirusTotal() graph.GraphData() graph.PlotIPReputation() graph.PlotDomReputation() ###Search HASH in parser = ConfigFile() url = parser.get("MalwareLu", "url") api_key = parser.get("MalwareLu", "key") malwarelu = MalwareLu() malwarelu.SearchAndDownload(api_key, md5hash, url) if options.json == True: try: report = os.path.join(COLLECTOR_ROOT, "reports", reportdir, "JSON", "{0}.json".format(md5hash)), "w", "utf-8") json.dump(results, report, sort_keys=False, indent=4) #json.dump(jason, report, sort_keys=False, indent=4) report.close() except (UnicodeError, TypeError, IOError) as e: log.error( "Errors in json convert for the hash {0}".format(md5hash)) if options.docx == True: make_word(md5hash, jason, FinalReputation, finaldomreput, reportdir) if os.listdir(os.path.join(COLLECTOR_ROOT, "download")): srcname = os.listdir(os.path.join(COLLECTOR_ROOT, "download")) dstname = os.path.join(COLLECTOR_ROOT, "reports", reportdir, "Download") os.chdir(os.path.join(COLLECTOR_ROOT, "download")) for files in srcname: shutil.move(files, dstname) os.chdir(COLLECTOR_ROOT) if os.listdir(os.path.join(COLLECTOR_ROOT, "tmpannex")): srcname = os.listdir(os.path.join(COLLECTOR_ROOT, "tmpannex")) dstname = os.path.join(COLLECTOR_ROOT, "reports", reportdir, "Annex") os.chdir(os.path.join(COLLECTOR_ROOT, "tmpannex")) for files in srcname: shutil.move(files, dstname) os.chdir(COLLECTOR_ROOT)
def run(self): from bs4 import BeautifulSoup try: infile = open(os.path.join(COLLECTOR_ROOT,"malware","malwr"),"r") data = infile.close() soup = BeautifulSoup(data) ###Analysis Part try: self.genreport["status"] = True div = soup.find("div",{"class":"box-content"}) if div: table = div.find("table") static = parse(str(table)) for i in range(1,len(static)): if static[i]!=[]:["Category"] = static[i][0]["Started"] = static[i][1]["Completed"] = static[i][2]["Duration"] = static[i][3] self.genreport["analysisinfo"] = except: log.error("Problem in malwr plugin in analysis section") ###Details Part try: div = soup.find("section",{"id":"file"}) if div: table = div.find("table") static = parse(str(table)) keys = list() values = list() keys = static[0] for i in range(1,len(static)): values.append("".join(str(static[i][0]))) dictionary = dict(zip(keys, values)) self.genreport["details"] = dictionary if "Download" in values: malware = soup.find("a",{"class":"btn btn-primary btn-small"}) from auth.malwrauth import MalwrAuth from common.config import ConfigFile parser = ConfigFile() username = parser.get("MalwrAuth","username") password = parser.get("MalwrAuth","password") auth = MalwrAuth() auth.login(auth.urllogin,username,password) auth.download_malware(malware["href"]) except Exception as e: log.error("Problem in malwr plugin in details section") print e ###Signature Part try: sig = soup.find("section",{"id":"signatures"}) if sig: div = sig.findAll("div",{"class":re.compile("^alert")}) for i in div: self.signatures.append(i.text.strip()) self.genreport["signatures"] = self.signatures #print self.signatures except: log.error("Problem in malwr plugin in signature section") ###Screenshots try: scr = soup.find("section",{"id":"screenshots"}) href = scr.findAll("a",{"rel":"lightbox"}) if href: for link in href: self.screenshots.append(""+link["href"]) #print self.screenshots self.genreport["screenshots"] = self.screenshots tmpimg = list() count = 0 for screen in self.screenshots: img = requests.get(screen) tmpimg.append(base64.b64encode(img.content)) outfile = open(os.path.join(COLLECTOR_ROOT,"tmp",str(count)+".png"),"wb") outfile.write(img.content) count+=1 outfile.close() self.genreport["images"] = tmpimg except Exception as error: log.debug(error) log.error("Problem in malwr plugin in screenshots section") ###Domains try: dm = soup.find("section",{"id":"domains"}) table = dm.find("table") if table: static = parse(str(table)) for i in range(1,len(static)): if static[i]!=[]: self.doms.append(static[i][0]) self.ips.append(static[i][1]) self.genreport["domains"] = self.doms self.genreport["ipaddress"] = self.ips #print self.doms #print self.ips except: log.error("problem with malwr plugin in section domain") ###IRC try: dm = soup.find("div",{"class":"tab-pane fade","id":"network_irc_tab"}) if dm.pre: for line in dm.pre.contents: self.irc.append(line.extract()) #print cgi.escape(line.extract()) self.genreport["irc"] = self.irc except Exception as e: log.error("problem with malwr plugin in section IRC") #print e ###SMTP try: dm = soup.find("div",{"class":"tab-pane fade","id":"network_smtp_tab"}) if dm.pre: for line in dm.pre.contents: self.smtp.append(line.extract()) print cgi.escape(line.extract()) self.genreport["smtp"] = self.smtp except Exception as e: log.error("problem with malwr plugin in section SMTP") #print e ###Section Summary try: sm = soup.find("section",{"id":"summary"}) fl = sm.find("div",{"id":"summary_files"}) tfiles = fl.find("div",{"class":"well mono"}) if tfiles: for files in tfiles.findAll(text=True): self.files.append(files.strip()) #print self.files self.genreport["files"] = self.files except: log.error("Problem with malwr plugin in summary files") ###Section Registry Keys try: rg = sm.find("div",{"id":"summary_keys"}) rkeys = rg.find("div",{"class":"well mono"}) if rkeys: for key in rkeys.findAll(text=True): self.regkeys.append(key.strip()) #print self.regkeys self.genreport["regkeys"] = self.regkeys except: log.error("Problem with malwr plugin in section regkeys") ###Section Summary Mutexex try: m = sm.find("div",{"id":"summary_mutexes"}) mutexes = m.find("div",{"class":"well mono"}) if mutexes: for mutex in mutexes.findAll(text=True): self.mutexes.append(mutex.strip()) #print self.mutexes self.genreport["mutexes"] = self.mutexes except: log.error("Problem in malwr plugin in mutex section") ###Section Static Analysis try: st = soup.find("div",{"id":"pe_sections"}) if st: table = st.find("table") static = parse(str(table)) for i in range(0,len(static)): if static[i]!=[]: self.pe_sections.append((static[i][0],static[i][1],static[i][2], static[i][3],static[i][4])) #print self.pe_sections self.genreport["pe_sections"] = self.pe_sections except: log.error("Problem in malwr plugin in pe section") ###Section PE info try: div = soup.find("section",{"id":"static_analysis"}) if div: table = div.find("div",{"id":"pe_versioninfo"}) if table: static = parse(str(table)) keys = list() values = list() keys = static[0] for i in range(1,len(static)): values.append("".join(str(static[i][0]))) dictionary = dict(zip(keys, values)) self.genreport["versioninfo"] = dictionary except Exception as e: log.error("Problem in malwr plugin in PE info") print e ###PE Imports try: imp = soup.find("div",{"id":"pe_imports"}) if imp: Allimports = imp.findAll("div",{"class":"well"}) tmpdict = dict() if Allimports: for imports in Allimports: tmplist = list() library = imports.div.strong.text.split()[1] tmplist.append(("Library","Offset","Call")) for imps in imports.findAll("span",{"class":"mono"}): tmpdict[imps.text.split()[0]] =imps.text.split()[1] tmplist.append((str(library.strip()), imps.text.split()[0], imps.text.split()[1])) self.pe_imports.append((library,tmpdict)) self.tmp.append(tmplist) #print self.pe_imports self.genreport["pe_imports"] = self.tmp except Exception as e: print e log.error("Problem in malwr plugin in pe imports") ###PE Strings try: strsection = soup.find("section",{"id":"static_strings"}) Allstr = strsection.find("div",{"class":"well"}) for string in Allstr.findAll(text=True): self.strings+= "".join(string) tmpout = open(os.path.join(COLLECTOR_ROOT,"tmpannex","strings.txt"),"w") tmpout.write(self.strings) tmpout.close() #print self.strings self.genreport["strings"] = self.strings except: log.error("Problem in malwr plugin in strings section") ####Behavioral Section try: script = soup.find('script', text=re.compile('graph_raw_data')) if script: json_text = script.text.split("=")[1].strip() jsonobject = json.loads(json_text[:-1]) self.behavior = jsonobject """for behav in self.behavior: for key,value in behav.items(): print key+" "+str(value)""" self.genreport["behavior"] = self.behavior except: log.error("Problem in malwr plugin in behavior javascript") ###Network Section try: ipnet = soup.find("div",{"id":"network_hosts_tab"}) table = ipnet.find("table") if table: static = parse(str(table)) for i in range(1,len(static)): if static[i]!=[]: self.ips.append(static[i][0]) except: log.error("Problem in malwr plugin in network host tab") ###Network Requests try: req = soup.find("div",{"id":"network_http_tab"}) table = req.find("table") if table: static = parse(str(table)) for i in range(0,len(static)): if static[i]!=[]: self.http_requests.append(static[i]) #print self.http_requests self.genreport["http_requests"] = self.http_requests except: log.error("Problem in malwr plugin in http requests") ###Dropped files try: dropfiles = soup.find("div",{"id":"dropped"}) dropAll = dropfiles.findAll("div",{"class":"box"}) if dropAll: for drp in dropAll: table = drp.find("table") static = parse(str(table)) keys = list() values = list() keys = static[0] for i in range(1,len(static)): if static[i]!=[]: values.append("".join(str(static[i][0]))) dictionary = dict(zip(keys, values)) self.dropped_files.append(dictionary) #print self.dropped_files self.genreport["dropped_files"] = self.dropped_files except: log.error("Problem in malwr plugin in dropped files") self.genreport["count"] = 10 return self.genreport except IOError: self.genreport["count"] = 0 return self.genreport log.error("Malwr file not found...")
def run(self): from bs4 import BeautifulSoup try: infile = open(os.path.join(COLLECTOR_ROOT, "malware", "malwr"), "r") data = infile.close() soup = BeautifulSoup(data) ###Analysis Part try: self.genreport["status"] = True div = soup.find("div", {"class": "box-content"}) if div: table = div.find("table") static = parse(str(table)) for i in range(1, len(static)): if static[i] != []:["Category"] = static[i][0]["Started"] = static[i][1]["Completed"] = static[i][2]["Duration"] = static[i][3] self.genreport["analysisinfo"] = except: log.error("Problem in malwr plugin in analysis section") ###Details Part try: div = soup.find("section", {"id": "file"}) if div: table = div.find("table") static = parse(str(table)) keys = list() values = list() keys = static[0] for i in range(1, len(static)): values.append("".join(str(static[i][0]))) dictionary = dict(zip(keys, values)) self.genreport["details"] = dictionary if "Download" in values: malware = soup.find( "a", {"class": "btn btn-primary btn-small"}) from auth.malwrauth import MalwrAuth from common.config import ConfigFile parser = ConfigFile() username = parser.get("MalwrAuth", "username") password = parser.get("MalwrAuth", "password") auth = MalwrAuth() auth.login(auth.urllogin, username, password) auth.download_malware(malware["href"]) except Exception as e: log.error("Problem in malwr plugin in details section") print e ###Signature Part try: sig = soup.find("section", {"id": "signatures"}) if sig: div = sig.findAll("div", {"class": re.compile("^alert")}) for i in div: self.signatures.append(i.text.strip()) self.genreport["signatures"] = self.signatures #print self.signatures except: log.error("Problem in malwr plugin in signature section") ###Screenshots try: scr = soup.find("section", {"id": "screenshots"}) href = scr.findAll("a", {"rel": "lightbox"}) if href: for link in href: self.screenshots.append("" + link["href"]) #print self.screenshots self.genreport["screenshots"] = self.screenshots tmpimg = list() count = 0 for screen in self.screenshots: img = requests.get(screen) tmpimg.append(base64.b64encode(img.content)) outfile = open( os.path.join(COLLECTOR_ROOT, "tmp", str(count) + ".png"), "wb") outfile.write(img.content) count += 1 outfile.close() self.genreport["images"] = tmpimg except Exception as error: log.debug(error) log.error("Problem in malwr plugin in screenshots section") ###Domains try: dm = soup.find("section", {"id": "domains"}) table = dm.find("table") if table: static = parse(str(table)) for i in range(1, len(static)): if static[i] != []: self.doms.append(static[i][0]) self.ips.append(static[i][1]) self.genreport["domains"] = self.doms self.genreport["ipaddress"] = self.ips #print self.doms #print self.ips except: log.error("problem with malwr plugin in section domain") ###IRC try: dm = soup.find("div", { "class": "tab-pane fade", "id": "network_irc_tab" }) if dm.pre: for line in dm.pre.contents: self.irc.append(line.extract()) #print cgi.escape(line.extract()) self.genreport["irc"] = self.irc except Exception as e: log.error("problem with malwr plugin in section IRC") #print e ###SMTP try: dm = soup.find("div", { "class": "tab-pane fade", "id": "network_smtp_tab" }) if dm.pre: for line in dm.pre.contents: self.smtp.append(line.extract()) print cgi.escape(line.extract()) self.genreport["smtp"] = self.smtp except Exception as e: log.error("problem with malwr plugin in section SMTP") #print e ###Section Summary try: sm = soup.find("section", {"id": "summary"}) fl = sm.find("div", {"id": "summary_files"}) tfiles = fl.find("div", {"class": "well mono"}) if tfiles: for files in tfiles.findAll(text=True): self.files.append(files.strip()) #print self.files self.genreport["files"] = self.files except: log.error("Problem with malwr plugin in summary files") ###Section Registry Keys try: rg = sm.find("div", {"id": "summary_keys"}) rkeys = rg.find("div", {"class": "well mono"}) if rkeys: for key in rkeys.findAll(text=True): self.regkeys.append(key.strip()) #print self.regkeys self.genreport["regkeys"] = self.regkeys except: log.error("Problem with malwr plugin in section regkeys") ###Section Summary Mutexex try: m = sm.find("div", {"id": "summary_mutexes"}) mutexes = m.find("div", {"class": "well mono"}) if mutexes: for mutex in mutexes.findAll(text=True): self.mutexes.append(mutex.strip()) #print self.mutexes self.genreport["mutexes"] = self.mutexes except: log.error("Problem in malwr plugin in mutex section") ###Section Static Analysis try: st = soup.find("div", {"id": "pe_sections"}) if st: table = st.find("table") static = parse(str(table)) for i in range(0, len(static)): if static[i] != []: self.pe_sections.append( (static[i][0], static[i][1], static[i][2], static[i][3], static[i][4])) #print self.pe_sections self.genreport["pe_sections"] = self.pe_sections except: log.error("Problem in malwr plugin in pe section") ###Section PE info try: div = soup.find("section", {"id": "static_analysis"}) if div: table = div.find("div", {"id": "pe_versioninfo"}) if table: static = parse(str(table)) keys = list() values = list() keys = static[0] for i in range(1, len(static)): values.append("".join(str(static[i][0]))) dictionary = dict(zip(keys, values)) self.genreport["versioninfo"] = dictionary except Exception as e: log.error("Problem in malwr plugin in PE info") print e ###PE Imports try: imp = soup.find("div", {"id": "pe_imports"}) if imp: Allimports = imp.findAll("div", {"class": "well"}) tmpdict = dict() if Allimports: for imports in Allimports: tmplist = list() library = imports.div.strong.text.split()[1] tmplist.append(("Library", "Offset", "Call")) for imps in imports.findAll( "span", {"class": "mono"}): tmpdict[imps.text.split() [0]] = imps.text.split()[1] tmplist.append((str(library.strip()), imps.text.split()[0], imps.text.split()[1])) self.pe_imports.append((library, tmpdict)) self.tmp.append(tmplist) #print self.pe_imports self.genreport["pe_imports"] = self.tmp except Exception as e: print e log.error("Problem in malwr plugin in pe imports") ###PE Strings try: strsection = soup.find("section", {"id": "static_strings"}) Allstr = strsection.find("div", {"class": "well"}) for string in Allstr.findAll(text=True): self.strings += "".join(string) tmpout = open( os.path.join(COLLECTOR_ROOT, "tmpannex", "strings.txt"), "w") tmpout.write(self.strings) tmpout.close() #print self.strings self.genreport["strings"] = self.strings except: log.error("Problem in malwr plugin in strings section") ####Behavioral Section try: script = soup.find('script', text=re.compile('graph_raw_data')) if script: json_text = script.text.split("=")[1].strip() jsonobject = json.loads(json_text[:-1]) self.behavior = jsonobject """for behav in self.behavior: for key,value in behav.items(): print key+" "+str(value)""" self.genreport["behavior"] = self.behavior except: log.error("Problem in malwr plugin in behavior javascript") ###Network Section try: ipnet = soup.find("div", {"id": "network_hosts_tab"}) table = ipnet.find("table") if table: static = parse(str(table)) for i in range(1, len(static)): if static[i] != []: self.ips.append(static[i][0]) except: log.error("Problem in malwr plugin in network host tab") ###Network Requests try: req = soup.find("div", {"id": "network_http_tab"}) table = req.find("table") if table: static = parse(str(table)) for i in range(0, len(static)): if static[i] != []: self.http_requests.append(static[i]) #print self.http_requests self.genreport["http_requests"] = self.http_requests except: log.error("Problem in malwr plugin in http requests") ###Dropped files try: dropfiles = soup.find("div", {"id": "dropped"}) dropAll = dropfiles.findAll("div", {"class": "box"}) if dropAll: for drp in dropAll: table = drp.find("table") static = parse(str(table)) keys = list() values = list() keys = static[0] for i in range(1, len(static)): if static[i] != []: values.append("".join(str(static[i][0]))) dictionary = dict(zip(keys, values)) self.dropped_files.append(dictionary) #print self.dropped_files self.genreport["dropped_files"] = self.dropped_files except: log.error("Problem in malwr plugin in dropped files") self.genreport["count"] = 10 return self.genreport except IOError: self.genreport["count"] = 0 return self.genreport log.error("Malwr file not found...")
def generateDict(self): DomainInvestigate = {} parser = ConfigFile() for i in parser.options("DomainReputation"): DomainInvestigate[i] = False return DomainInvestigate