class ImportExcel: def __init__(self): self.realpath = os.path.split(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0]))[0] # get configuration from 'config.ini' self.HandleConfig = HandleConfig() self.ConnDB = ConnDB() self.conn = self.ConnDB.conndb() self.img = self.realpath + "\\" + self.HandleConfig.handle_config( "g", "referencefile", "img") self.cleansql = self.realpath + "\\" + self.HandleConfig.handle_config( "g", "referencefile", "cleanexcel") self.default_dir = self.HandleConfig.handle_config( "g", "global", "default_excels_dictionary") def main(self): # enter a database you will import excel to self.db = easygui.enterbox(msg="Enter your database name:") if not self.db: return self.db = self.db.lower().strip() # choose excel file dictionary self.importexcelpath = easygui.diropenbox( msg="Choose your excels dictionary:", default=self.default_dir) if not self.importexcelpath: return excelcsvs = self.get_excel() if not excelcsvs: easygui.msgbox("No excels can import!") return # anything failed excel to import will be wrote in it log_file = self.importexcelpath + "\\log.txt" if os.path.isfile(log_file): os.remove(log_file) # create database try: sql = "create database `{0}`;".format(self.db) self.ConnDB.exec(self.conn, sql) except pymysql.err.ProgrammingError: conti = easygui.ynbox( msg="Database {0} exists, drop it first?".format(self.db)) if conti: print("Dropping database...") sql = "drop database if exists `{0}`;create database `{0}`".format( self.db, self.db) self.ConnDB.exec(self.conn, sql) print("Created database {}".format(self.db)) self.conn_db = self.ConnDB.conndb(self.db) longexcelcsvs = defaultdict() long_num = 0 num = 0 num_s = 0 print("Begin to import...\n") for excelcsv, origin_tablename in excelcsvs.items(): self.excel_name = excelcsv try: isexcel = 0 # get csv dataset if re.fullmatch(r"^.*?\.csv$", excelcsv, flags=re.IGNORECASE): datasets = defaultdict() csv = self.importexcelpath + "\\" + excelcsv with open(csv, 'rb') as f: bytes = encode = chardet.detect(bytes)['encoding'] if encode == 'ascii': encode = 'ansi' # ansi is a super charset of ascii dataset = pd.read_csv(csv, encoding=encode, dtype=str, na_filter=False, header=0, engine="c") datasets['sheet1'] = dataset # get excel dataset(include sheets) if re.fullmatch(r"^.*?\.xlsx?$", excelcsv, flags=re.IGNORECASE): isexcel = 1 excel = self.importexcelpath + "\\" + excelcsv datasets = pd.read_excel(excel, dtype=str, na_filter=False, header=0, sheet_name=None) # one sheet/csv is one table for k, v in datasets.items(): created_table = None try: sheet_name = k dataset = v tablename = origin_tablename self.excel_name = excelcsv # rename table name if excel have more than one sheets if isexcel == 1 and len(datasets) > 1: tablename = origin_tablename + '_' + re.sub( r"[^\w]+", "_", sheet_name, flags=re.IGNORECASE) self.excel_name = excelcsv + '.' + sheet_name tablename = tablename.lower() # cut off table name if len(tablename.encode("utf8")) > 64: if self.is_Chinese(tablename): tablename = "{0}_".format( long_num) + tablename[:20] else: tablename = "{0}_".format( long_num) + tablename[:60] long_num += 1 longexcelcsvs[excelcsv] = tablename with open(log_file, "a", encoding="utf8") as fw: fw.write( "extra long excel: {0}, tablename: {1}\n". format(self.excel_name, tablename)) col_maxlen, dataset = self.read_data(dataset) if dataset.empty: raise EmptyError("Empty") created_table, created_sql = self.create_table( col_maxlen, tablename) try: self.insert_data(dataset, tablename) except Exception as reason: reason_num_0 = str(reason).split(",")[0].strip("(") if reason_num_0 == "1366": try: sql_0 = "alter table {0} convert to character set utf8mb4 collate utf8mb4_bin".format( created_table) self.ConnDB.exec(self.conn_db, sql_0) self.insert_data(dataset, tablename, charset="utf8mb4") except pymysql.err.InternalError as reason: reason_num_1 = str(reason).split( ",")[0].strip("(") if reason_num_1 == "1118": sql = re.sub(r"varchar\(\d+\)", "text", created_sql) sql_1 = "drop table if exists {0};".format( tablename) print(sql_0) self.ConnDB.exec(self.conn_db, sql_1) self.ConnDB.exec(self.conn_db, sql) sql_0 = "alter table {0} convert to character set utf8mb4 collate utf8mb4_bin".format( created_table) self.ConnDB.exec(self.conn_db, sql_0) self.insert_data(dataset, tablename, charset="utf8mb4") else: raise pymysql.err.InternalError( str(reason)) elif reason_num_0 == "1118": sql = re.sub(r"varchar\(\d+\)", "text", created_sql) sql_0 = "drop table if exists {0};".format( tablename) + sql self.ConnDB.exec(self.conn_db, sql_0) self.insert_data(dataset, tablename) else: raise pymysql.err.InternalError(str(reason)) except Exception as reason: print("Failed: {}".format(self.excel_name)) with open(log_file, "a", encoding="utf8") as fw: fw.write( "excel sheet name: {0}, error: {1}\n".format( self.excel_name, str(reason))) if created_table: sql = "drop table if exists {0}".format( created_table) self.ConnDB.exec(self.conn_db, sql) continue else: print("Imported: {}".format(self.excel_name)) num_s += 1 finally: num += 1 except Exception as reason: print("Failed: {}".format(excelcsv)) with open(log_file, "a", encoding="utf8") as fw: fw.write("excel file name: {0}, error: {1}\n".format( self.excel_name, str(reason))) num += 1 continue print("\nTotal: {}, Imported: {}\n".format(num, num_s)) self.conn.close() self.conn_db.close() conti = 1 if os.path.isfile(log_file): os.popen(log_file) easygui.msgbox( "You have logs , see file '{}' \n\ncheck it first".format( log_file)) if num_s == 0: easygui.msgbox("No imported tables!") return conti = easygui.ccbox(msg="Clean database {} now?".format(self.db)) if conti: self.clean_data() def is_Chinese(self, word): for ch in word: if '\u4e00' <= ch <= '\u9fff': return True return False def get_excel(self): # a function to get excel/csv file under the dictionary excels = os.listdir(self.importexcelpath) excelcsvs = defaultdict() for excel in excels: excel_dir = self.importexcelpath + "\\" + excel if os.path.isfile(excel_dir) and re.fullmatch( r"^.*?\.(xls|xlsx|csv)$", excel, flags=re.IGNORECASE): tablename = re.sub(r"\.(xls|xlsx|csv)$", '', excel.lower(), flags=re.IGNORECASE) # replace all character not \w to "_" tablename = re.sub(r"[^\w]+", "_", tablename, flags=re.IGNORECASE) excelcsvs[excel] = tablename return excelcsvs def read_data(self, dataset): # str col dataset.columns = [str(col) for col in dataset.columns] self.columns = dataset.columns # replace % to _ self.columns = [ str(col).strip().replace('%', '_') for col in self.columns ] # cut off col def f(x): if len(x.encode("utf8")) <= 63: x = x elif self.is_Chinese(x): x = x[:20].strip() else: x = x[:62].strip() return x self.columns = [f(col) for col in self.columns] # fix duplicate column name while True: low_col = [col.lower() for col in self.columns] idx = 0 odx = 0 c = 0 for i in self.columns: jdx = 0 n = 1 if idx == len(self.columns): continue for j in low_col[idx + 1:]: odx = idx + 1 + jdx if j == i.lower(): self.columns[odx] = j + str(n) n += 1 c += 1 jdx += 1 idx += 1 if c == 0: break dataset.columns = self.columns self.columns = np.array(self.columns) self.columns = self.columns.tolist() # deal with data f = lambda x: str(x).strip() dataset = dataset.applymap(f) f = lambda x: len(x.encode("utf8")) df1 = dataset.applymap(f) f = lambda x: max(x) df2 = df1.apply(f, axis=0) col_maxlen = df2.to_dict() df3 = df1.apply(f, axis=1) df3 = pd.DataFrame(df3, columns=["c"]) indexs = df3.loc[df3["c"] == 0].index dataset.drop(indexs, inplace=True) f = lambda x: None if x == "" else x dataset = dataset.applymap(f) return col_maxlen, dataset def create_table(self, col_maxlen, tablename): sql = "create table {0}(".format(tablename) for col, maxLen in col_maxlen.items(): colType = "varchar(255)" if maxLen > 255: colType = "TEXT" if maxLen > 65535: colType = "MEDIUMTEXT" if maxLen > 16777215: colType = "LONGTEXT" sql = sql + "`{0}` {1} default null,".format(col, colType) sql = sql[:-1] + ")" try: self.ConnDB.exec(self.conn_db, sql) except: sql = re.sub(r"varchar\(\d+\)", "text", sql) self.ConnDB.exec(self.conn_db, sql) return tablename, sql def insert_data(self, dataset, tablename, charset='utf8'): # insert dataset = np.array(dataset) # dataframe to ndarray datalist = dataset.tolist() # ndarray to list cols = "`,`".join(self.columns) l = len(self.columns) v = "%s," * l v = v[:-1] sql = "insert into `%s`(%s) values(" % (tablename, "`" + cols + "`") sql = sql + "%s)" % v if charset == "utf8mb4": conn = self.ConnDB.conndb(db=self.db, charset=charset) cur = conn.cursor() cur.executemany(sql, datalist) conn.commit() cur.close() conn.close() else: cur = self.conn_db.cursor() cur.executemany(sql, datalist) self.conn_db.commit() cur.close() #conn.close() def clean_data(self): print('Begin to clean data...\n') file = self.cleansql ret = self.ConnDB.cmd(self.db, "mysql", file) if ret == 0: easygui.msgbox(msg="Import Over", image=self.img) else: easygui.exceptionbox("Clean Data Failed")
class ImportExcel: def __init__(self): self.HandleConfig = HandleConfig() self.ConnDB = ConnDB() self.MysqlDump = MysqlDump() self.cleansql = self.HandleConfig.handle_config( 'g', 'referencefile', 'cleanexcel') self.nickname = self.HandleConfig.handle_config( 'g', 'excelimporter', 'nickname') def main(self, currentwork, advanced=0): self.dbname = self.HandleConfig.handle_config('g', currentwork, 'dbname') na_values = self.HandleConfig.handle_config('g', 'excelimporter', 'na_values').split(',') na_values = [i.strip() for i in na_values] if advanced: layout = [[sg.InputText('', key='e'), sg.FilesBrowse()], [ sg.Submit(tooltip='Click to submit this form'), sg.Cancel() ]] window = sg.Window(title=currentwork, layout=layout) event, values = window.close() if event in (None, 'Cancel'): return files = values['e'] files_list = files.split(';') files = [] for f in files_list: files.append(f.split('/')[-1]) self.importexcelpath = os.path.dirname(files_list[0]).replace( '/', '\\') + '\\' excelcsvs = self.get_excel(excels=files) else: self.importexcelpath = self.HandleConfig.handle_config( 'g', currentwork, 'jirapath') + 'excel\\' excelcsvs = self.get_excel() if not excelcsvs: sg.Popup('No excels can import!') return log_file = self.importexcelpath + '\\log.txt' if os.path.isfile(log_file): os.remove(log_file) sql = 'drop database if exists `{0}`;\ncreate database `{0}`'.format( self.dbname, self.dbname) conn_db = self.ConnDB.conndb() self.ConnDB.exec(conn_db, sql) conn_db.close() print('\n\n{}'.format(sql)) self.conn = self.ConnDB.conndb(self.dbname) self.sql_mode = self.ConnDB.exec( self.conn, 'SELECT @@SESSION.sql_mode').fetchall()[0][0] longexcelcsvs = defaultdict() long_num = 0 num = 0 num_s = 0 print('\n\nBegin to import...\n') for excelcsv, origin_tablename in excelcsvs.items(): self.excel_name = excelcsv try: isexcel = 0 if re.fullmatch('^.*?\\.csv$', excelcsv, flags=(re.IGNORECASE)): datasets = defaultdict() csv = self.importexcelpath + '\\' + excelcsv # Determining the encoding of a CSV file # try: dataset = pd.read_csv(csv, encoding='utf-8', dtype=str, na_values=na_values, keep_default_na=False, header=0, engine='c') except UnicodeDecodeError: try: dataset = pd.read_csv(csv, encoding='ansi', dtype=str, na_values=na_values, keep_default_na=False, header=0, engine='c') except UnicodeDecodeError: try: dataset = pd.read_csv(csv, encoding='utf-16', dtype=str, na_values=na_values, keep_default_na=False, header=0, engine='c') except UnicodeDecodeError: with open(csv, 'rb') as f: bytes = if len(bytes) > 100000: with open(csv, 'rb') as f: bytes = f.readline() encode = chardet.detect(bytes)['encoding'] if encode == 'ascii': encode = 'ansi' #ansi is a super charset of ascii dataset = pd.read_csv(csv, encoding=encode, dtype=str, na_filter=False, header=0, engine="c") datasets['sheet1'] = dataset if re.fullmatch('^.*?\\.xlsx?$', excelcsv, flags=(re.IGNORECASE)): isexcel = 1 excel = self.importexcelpath + '\\' + excelcsv datasets = pd.read_excel(excel, dtype=str, na_values=na_values, keep_default_na=False, header=0, sheet_name=None) for k, v in datasets.items(): created_table = None try: sheet_name = k dataset = v tablename = origin_tablename self.excel_name = excelcsv if isexcel == 1: if len(datasets) > 1: tablename = origin_tablename + '_' + re.sub( '[^0-9a-z]+', '_', sheet_name, flags=(re.IGNORECASE)) self.excel_name = excelcsv + '.' + sheet_name tablename = tablename.lower() if len(tablename) > 55: tablename = tablename[:51] + '_{0}'.format( long_num) long_num += 1 longexcelcsvs[excelcsv] = tablename with open(log_file, 'a') as (fw): fw.write( 'extra long excel: {0}, tablename: {1}\n'. format(self.excel_name, tablename)) col_maxlen, dataset = self.read_data(dataset) if dataset.empty: raise EmptyError('Empty') created_table, created_sql = self.create_table( col_maxlen, tablename) try: self.insert_data(dataset, tablename) except pymysql.err.InternalError as reason: reason_num_0 = str(reason).split(',')[0].strip('(') if reason_num_0 == '1366': try: sql_1 = 'truncate table `{0}`.`{1}`;'.format( self.dbname, tablename) self.ConnDB.exec(self.conn, sql_1) self.ConnDB.exec( self.conn, 'set SESSION sql_mode = ""') self.insert_data(dataset, tablename) self.ConnDB.exec( self.conn, 'set SESSION sql_mode = "{}"'.format( self.sql_mode)) except pymysql.err.InternalError as reason: reason_num_1 = str(reason).split( ',')[0].strip('(') if reason_num_1 == '1118': sql = re.sub('varchar\\(\\d+\\)', 'text', created_sql) sql_1 = 'drop table if exists `{0}`.`{1}`;'.format( self.dbname, tablename) self.ConnDB.exec(self.conn, sql_1) self.ConnDB.exec(self.conn, sql) self.ConnDB.exec( self.conn, 'set SESSION sql_mode = ""') self.insert_data(dataset, tablename) self.ConnDB.exec( self.conn, 'set SESSION sql_mode = "{}"'. format(self.sql_mode)) else: raise pymysql.err.InternalError( str(reason)) elif reason_num_0 == '1118': sql = re.sub('varchar\\(\\d+\\)', 'text', created_sql) sql_0 = 'drop table if exists `{0}`.`{1}`;'.format( self.dbname, tablename) + sql self.ConnDB.exec(self.conn, sql_0) self.insert_data(dataset, tablename) else: raise pymysql.err.InternalError(str(reason)) except Exception as reason: print('Failed: {}'.format(self.excel_name)) with open(log_file, 'a') as (fw): fw.write( 'excel sheet name: {0}, error: {1}\n'.format( self.excel_name, str(reason))) if created_table: sql = 'drop table if exists `{0}`.`{1}`'.format( self.dbname, created_table) self.ConnDB.exec(self.conn, sql) continue else: print('Imported: {}'.format(self.excel_name)) num_s += 1 finally: num += 1 self.ConnDB.exec( self.conn, 'set SESSION sql_mode = "{}"'.format( self.sql_mode)) except Exception as reason: print('Failed: {}'.format(excelcsv)) with open(log_file, 'a') as (fw): fw.write('excel file name: {0}, error: {1}\n'.format( self.excel_name, str(reason))) num += 1 continue print('\nTotal: {}, Imported: {}\n'.format(num, num_s)) if os.path.isfile(log_file): os.popen(log_file) ret = sg.Popup( 'You have logs. Check them first!\n\nPress OK to continue to dump database if you have checked.', title=currentwork) if ret is None: return if num_s == 0: sg.Popup('No imported tables!', title=currentwork) return self.clean_data() if advanced: sqlfile = self.HandleConfig.handle_config( 'g', currentwork, 'jirapath') + 'script\\{0}.sql'.format( self.dbname) if os.path.exists(sqlfile): self.ConnDB.cmd(self.dbname, 'mysql', sqlfile) self.MysqlDump.main(currentwork) sg.Popup('Import Excel Complete!', title=currentwork) def get_excel(self, excels=None): if not excels: excels = os.listdir(self.importexcelpath) excelcsvs = defaultdict() for excel in excels: excel_dir = self.importexcelpath + '\\' + excel if os.path.isfile(excel_dir) and re.fullmatch( '^.*?\\.(xls|xlsx|csv)$', excel, flags=re.IGNORECASE): tablename = re.sub('\\.(xls|xlsx|csv)$', '', (excel.lower()), flags=re.IGNORECASE) tablename = 'z_excel_' + self.nickname + '_' + re.sub( '[^0-9a-z]+', '_', tablename, flags=re.IGNORECASE) excelcsvs[excel] = tablename return excelcsvs def read_data(self, dataset): dataset = dataset.fillna(value="") f = lambda x: str(x).strip() dataset = dataset.applymap(f) f = lambda x: len(x) df1 = dataset.applymap(f) f = lambda x: max(x) df3 = df1.apply(f, axis=1) df3 = pd.DataFrame(df3, columns=['c']) indexs = df3.loc[(df3['c'] == 0)].index dataset.drop(indexs, inplace=True) # deal with columns dataset.columns = [str(col) for col in dataset.columns] self.columns = dataset.columns low_col = [col.lower() for col in self.columns] s = len(low_col) if 'unnamed: {}'.format(s - 1) in low_col: self.columns = dataset[0:1] self.columns = np.array(self.columns) self.columns = self.columns.tolist()[0] dataset.columns = self.columns dataset.drop(dataset[:1].index, inplace=True) low_col = [col.lower() for col in self.columns] if 'ignore' in low_col: self.columns = dataset[0:1] self.columns = np.array(self.columns) self.columns = self.columns.tolist()[0] dataset.columns = self.columns dataset.drop(dataset[:1].index, inplace=True) self.columns = [str(col).strip() for col in self.columns] # fix blank col name f = lambda x: "unnamed" if x == "" else x self.columns = [f(col) for col in self.columns] f = lambda x: x if len(x) <= 63 else x[:62].strip() self.columns = [f(col) for col in self.columns] # fix duplicate column name while 1: low_col = [col.lower() for col in self.columns] idx = 0 odx = 0 c = 0 for i in self.columns: jdx = 0 n = 1 if idx == len(self.columns): continue for j in low_col[idx + 1:]: odx = idx + 1 + jdx if j == i.lower(): self.columns[odx] = j + str(n) n += 1 c += 1 jdx += 1 idx += 1 if c == 0: break dataset.columns = self.columns self.columns = np.array(self.columns) self.columns = self.columns.tolist() f = lambda x: max(x) df1.columns = self.columns df2 = df1.apply(f, axis=0) col_maxlen = df2.to_dict() f = lambda x: None if x == "" else x dataset = dataset.applymap(f) return col_maxlen, dataset def create_table(self, col_maxlen, tablename): sql = 'create table `{0}`.`{1}`('.format(self.dbname, tablename) for col, maxLen in col_maxlen.items(): colType = 'varchar(255)' if maxLen > 255: colType = 'TEXT' if maxLen > 65535: colType = 'MEDIUMTEXT' if maxLen > 16777215: colType = 'LONGTEXT' sql = sql + '`{0}` {1} default null,'.format(col, colType) sql = sql[:-1] + ')' try: self.ConnDB.exec(self.conn, sql) except pymysql.InternalError: sql = re.sub('varchar\\(\\d+\\)', 'text', sql) self.ConnDB.exec(self.conn, sql) return (tablename, sql) def insert_data(self, dataset, tablename): dataset = np.array(dataset) datalist = dataset.tolist() cols = '`,`'.join(self.columns) l = len(self.columns) v = '%s,' * l v = v[:-1] sql = 'insert into `%s`.`%s`(%s) values(' % (self.dbname, tablename, '`' + cols + '`') sql = sql + '%s)' % v self.ConnDB.exec(self.conn, sql, datalist=datalist) def clean_data(self): print('Begin to clean data...\n') file = self.cleansql ret = self.ConnDB.cmd(self.dbname, 'mysql', file) if ret == 0: print('Succeed: Clean data\n') else: sg.Popup('Clean Data Failed')
class MysqlRestore: def __init__(self): self.HandleConfig = HandleConfig() self.MysqlDump = MysqlDump() self.ConnDB = ConnDB() self.conn = self.ConnDB.conndb() def main(self, currentwork, advanced=1): jirapath = self.HandleConfig.handle_config('g', currentwork, 'jirapath') dbname = self.HandleConfig.handle_config('g', currentwork, 'dbname') git_repo_path = self.HandleConfig.handle_config( 'g', 'defaultpath', 'git_repo_path') merge = self.HandleConfig.handle_config('g', currentwork, 'merge') navicat_script_path = self.HandleConfig.handle_config( 'g', 'defaultpath', 'navicat_script_path') gitscriptpath = git_repo_path + 'dataImportScript\\script\\' gittemplatepath = git_repo_path + 'templates\\' scriptspath = jirapath + 'script\\' scripts_bak_path = jirapath + 'db_backup\\' tmpscript = scriptspath + 'tmp.txt' script = navicat_script_path + dbname + '\\{}.sql'.format(dbname) backupsql = scriptspath + '{0}_after.sql'.format(dbname) excel_sql_file = scriptspath + '{0}.sql'.format(dbname) # truncate tmp.txt first with open(tmpscript, 'w', encoding='utf8') as (fw): fw.truncate() files = [] drop = 1 backup_files = [backupsql] msg = '' if not advanced: # restore database in config backupgz = scripts_bak_path + '{}_backup.sql.gz'.format(dbname) backupsql = scripts_bak_path + '{0}_backup.sql'.format(dbname) with, 'rb') as (f_in): with open(backupsql, 'wb') as (f_out): shutil.copyfileobj(f_in, f_out) backup_files = [backupsql, scriptspath + '{0}.sql'.format(dbname)] files = [ scriptspath + 'configration.sql', gitscriptpath + 'functionAndProcedure.sql', gitscriptpath + 'smokeTestV2.sql' ] # get b4_size b4_size = os.path.getsize(backupgz) / 1024 / 1024 b4_size = '{:.0f}'.format(b4_size) self.HandleConfig.handle_config('s', currentwork, 'b4_size', b4_size) elif advanced == 1: # restore database msg = 'Restore Database Complete!' layout = [[sg.Button('RestoreToLocalHost')], [sg.Button('RestoreToAWSHotfix')]] window = sg.Window(title=currentwork, layout=layout) event, values = window.close() if event is None: return elif event == 'RestoreToLocalHost': pass elif event == 'RestoreToAWSHotfix': self.MysqlDump.main(currentwork, gz=True) winscppath = self.HandleConfig.handle_config( 'g', 'defaultpath', 'winscppath') db_backup = self.HandleConfig.handle_config( 'g', currentwork, 'jirapath') + 'db_backup\\{0}.sql.gz'.format(dbname) cmd = '{0} /command "open aws188" "put {1} /home/neon/leiwu/dataimport/fulldata/" "exit"'.format( winscppath, db_backup) os.system(cmd) sg.popup('Restore To AWS Hotfix Complete') return elif advanced == 2: # restore database in run script msg = 'Runscript Database Complete!' layout = [ [ sg.Checkbox('AllScriptWithoutSmokeTest', key='AllScriptWithoutSmokeTest') ], [sg.Checkbox('ExcelSqlFile', key=excel_sql_file)], [sg.Checkbox('TemplateScript', key=script)], [sg.Checkbox('TemplateSmokeTest', key='TemplateSmokeTest')], [ sg.Checkbox('TemplateScriptAfter', key=navicat_script_path + dbname + '\\{}_after_template.sql'.format(dbname)) ], [ sg.Checkbox('AccountMerge', key=gitscriptpath + 'accountMerge.sql') ], [ sg.Checkbox('AccountMergeAfter', key=navicat_script_path + dbname + '\\{}_after_merge.sql'.format(dbname)) ], [ sg.Checkbox('dataClean', key=gitscriptpath + 'fullDataClean.sql') ], [ sg.Checkbox('SmokeTest', key=gitscriptpath + 'smokeTestV2.sql') ], [ sg.Checkbox( 'All Script and Restore To AWS Hotfix'.format(dbname), key='AllScript', default=True, text_color='blue') ], [ sg.Checkbox('Drop database if exists {}'.format(dbname), key='drop', default=True, text_color='blue') ], [sg.Submit(), sg.Cancel()] ] window = sg.Window(title=currentwork, layout=layout) event, values = window.close() if event in (None, 'Cancel'): return if values['drop']: drop = 1 else: drop = 0 backup_files = [] if values['AllScript'] or values['AllScriptWithoutSmokeTest']: files = [ script, navicat_script_path + dbname + '\\{}_after_template.sql'.format(dbname), gitscriptpath + 'accountMerge.sql', navicat_script_path + dbname + '\\{}_after_merge.sql'.format(dbname), gitscriptpath + 'fullDataClean.sql', gitscriptpath + 'smokeTestV2.sql', gitscriptpath + 'clear.sql' ] if merge == 'False': files.remove(gitscriptpath + 'accountMerge.sql') if values['AllScriptWithoutSmokeTest']: files.remove(gitscriptpath + 'smokeTestV2.sql') for k, v in values.items(): if v: if k != 'AllScript' and k != 'AllScriptWithoutSmokeTest' and k != 'drop': sg.PopupError('Confict Selection!') return else: backup_files = [] for k, v in values.items(): if v: if k == 'TemplateSmokeTest': files = files + [ gittemplatepath + 'template_smoke_test\\smoke_test_for_account.sql', gittemplatepath + 'template_smoke_test\\smoke_test_for_custom_field.sql', gittemplatepath + 'template_smoke_test\\smoke_test_for_gais.sql', gittemplatepath + 'template_smoke_test\\smoke_test_for_transaction.sql' ] elif k == 'drop': continue else: files.append(k) sqlfiles = backup_files if len(files) > 0: for f in files: with open(f, 'r', encoding='utf8') as (fa): with open(tmpscript, 'a+', encoding='utf8') as (fw): fw.writelines(['\n']) shutil.copyfileobj(fa, fw) sqlfiles = sqlfiles + [tmpscript] #sqlfiles = sqlfiles + files if drop: sql = 'drop database if exists `{}`;\ncreate database `{}`;'.format( dbname, dbname) self.ConnDB.exec(self.conn, sql) print('\n\n{}'.format(sql)) for sqlfile in sqlfiles: if not os.path.exists(sqlfile): continue ret = self.ConnDB.cmd(dbname, 'mysql', sqlfile) if ret == 0: continue else: sg.popup_error('Error!') return 0 if advanced == 2 and values['AllScript']: conn = self.ConnDB.conndb(dbname) sql = 'SELECT * FROM smoke;' ret = self.ConnDB.exec(conn, sql) result = ret.fetchall() if len(result) > 0: layout = [ [ sg.Table(result, [ 'errorMsg', 'Error Count After', 'Error Count Pre', 'Pass Flag' ], col_widths=[60, 15, 15, 15], auto_size_columns=False, justification="left") ], [ sg.Text( 'Press OK to continue to dump database and upload to winscp.' ) ], [sg.OK(), sg.Cancel()] ] window = sg.Window(title=currentwork, layout=layout) event, values = window.close() if event in ('Cancel', None): return self.MysqlDump.main(currentwork, gz=True) winscppath = self.HandleConfig.handle_config( 'g', 'defaultpath', 'winscppath') db_backup = self.HandleConfig.handle_config( 'g', currentwork, 'jirapath') + 'db_backup\\{0}.sql.gz'.format(dbname) cmd = '{0} /command "open aws188" "put {1} /home/neon/leiwu/dataimport/fulldata/" "exit"'.format( winscppath, db_backup) os.system(cmd) elif advanced == 2 and values['TemplateSmokeTest']: conn = self.ConnDB.conndb(dbname) sql = 'SELECT templateTableName, errorMsg, errorCount, passFlag FROM smoke_test_report_for_template WHERE passFlag<>"Pass" ORDER BY passFlag;' ret = self.ConnDB.exec(conn, sql) result = ret.fetchall() if len(result) > 0: layout = [ [ sg.Table(result, [ 'templateTableName', 'errorMsg', 'Error Count', 'Pass Flag' ], col_widths=[30, 100, 15, 15], auto_size_columns=False, justification="left") ], [ sg.Text( 'SELECT * FROM smoke_test_report_for_template WHERE passFlag<>"Pass" ORDER BY passFlag;' ), sg.Button('Copy') ] ] window1 = sg.Window(title=currentwork, layout=layout) event1, values1 = window1.close() if event1 is None: return if event1 == 'Copy': pyperclip.copy( 'SELECT * FROM smoke_test_report_for_template WHERE passFlag<>"Pass" ORDER BY passFlag;' ) elif advanced == 2 and values[gitscriptpath + 'smokeTestV2.sql']: conn = self.ConnDB.conndb(dbname) sql = 'SELECT * FROM smoke;' ret = self.ConnDB.exec(conn, sql) result = ret.fetchall() if len(result) > 0: layout = [ [ sg.Table(result, [ 'errorMsg', 'Error Count After', 'Error Count Pre', 'Pass Flag' ], col_widths=[100, 15, 15, 15], auto_size_columns=False, justification="left") ], ] window1 = sg.Window(title=currentwork, layout=layout) event1, values = window1.close() if advanced: sg.Popup(msg, title=currentwork)
class MysqlDump: def __init__(self): self.HandleConfig = HandleConfig() self.ConnDB = ConnDB() def main(self, currentwork, advanced=0, gz=False, after=0, op='mysqldump-no-r'): jirapath = self.HandleConfig.handle_config('g', currentwork, 'jirapath') dbname = self.HandleConfig.handle_config('g', currentwork, 'dbname') sqlname = '{0}.sql'.format(dbname) sqlfile = jirapath + 'script\\' + sqlname if after: sqlfile = jirapath + 'script\\' + '{0}_after.sql'.format(dbname) if not op: op = 'mysqldump-no-r' tablesname = '' if advanced: layout = [ [sg.Text('Database Name: {0}'.format(dbname))], [sg.Text('Tables Name:'), sg.InputText(key='tablesname')], [sg.Text('File Name:'), sg.InputText(key='filename')], [sg.Submit(tooltip='Click to submit this form'), sg.Cancel()] ] window = sg.Window('', layout=layout) event, values = window.close() if event in (None, 'Cancel'): return tablesname = values['tablesname'] filename = values['filename'] if filename: sqlfile = jirapath + 'script\\' + filename if gz: sql = """select TABLE_NAME from information_schema.TABLES t where TABLE_SCHEMA =database() and TABLE_NAME like 'z\_%' and TABLE_NAME NOT like 'z\_backup%' and TABLE_NAME NOT REGEXP '^z_excel_.*_20[0-9]{6}$' and TABLE_NAME NOT REGEXP '^z_newcreate_.*_20[0-9]{6}$' AND table_name NOT IN('z_newcreate_sequence_number_table','z_newcreate_revert_group_concat_bak','z_newcreate_extra_campaign','z_newcreate_extra_fund','z_newcreate_extra_purpose','z_newcreate_extra_tender','z_newcreate_extra_event','z_newcreate_extra_event_category_cd','z_newcreate_extra_membership_term','z_newcreate_extra_fundraiser','z_newcreate_all_custom_data_smoke_test', 'z_newcreate_all_custom_data_options_smoke_test', 'z_newcreate_wxm_membership_email_condition_smoke_test', 'z_newcreate_wxm_membershipEmailCondition_sep_smoke_test', 'z_newcreate_wxm_membershipLetterCondi_smoke_test', 'z_newcreate_wxm_membershipLetterCondi_sep_smoke_test', 'z_newcreate_wxm_shopping_cart_items_smoke_test', 'z_newcreate_prepare_statement_to_proceed_smoke_test', 'z_newcreate_wxm_may_be_drop_down_smoke_test', 'z_newcreate_cutoff_columns_smoke_test', 'z_newcreate_wxm_donation_smoke_test', 'z_newcreate_wxm_credit_card_id_smoke_test', 'z_newcreate_max_id_b4import_for_system_tables', 'z_newcreate_prepare_statement_to_proceed', 'z_newcreate_match_multiple_company', 'z_smoke_test_newcreate_past_duplicate_custom_field', 'z_newcreate_current_duplicate_custom_field_smoke_test', 'z_newcreate_check_table_name_column','z_newcreate_all_onelinetext_custom_field');""" conn = self.ConnDB.conndb(dbname) result = self.ConnDB.exec(conn, sql) result = ['drop table if exists ' + t[0] for t in result] sql = ';'.join(result) self.ConnDB.exec(conn, sql) sqlfile = jirapath + 'db_backup\\' + sqlname sqlfile_gzip = jirapath + '\\db_backup\\{0}.sql.gz'.format(dbname) op = 'mysqldump' ret = self.ConnDB.cmd(dbname, op, sqlfile) if ret == 0: with open(sqlfile, 'rb') as (f_in): with, 'wb') as (f_out): shutil.copyfileobj(f_in, f_out) os.remove(sqlfile) # get after_size after_size = os.path.getsize(sqlfile_gzip) / 1024 / 1024 after_size = int('{:.0f}'.format(after_size)) try: b4_size = int( self.HandleConfig.handle_config('g', currentwork, 'b4_size')) if b4_size < 100 and after_size >= 100: sql = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS z_newcreate_table_row;CREATE TABLE z_newcreate_table_row SELECT 'account' tableName, (SELECT count(*) FROM account) tableRow " \ "UNION ALL SELECT 'donation' tableName, (SELECT count(*) FROM donation) tableRow UNION ALL SELECT 'event_registration' tableName, (SELECT count(*) FROM event_registration) tableRow " \ "UNION ALL SELECT 'event_attendee' tableName, (SELECT count(*) FROM event_attendee) tableRow UNION ALL SELECT 'membership_listing' tableName, (SELECT count(*) FROM membership_listing) tableRow " \ "UNION ALL SELECT 'payment' tableName, (SELECT count(*) FROM payment) tableRow;" self.ConnDB.exec(conn, sql) sg.Popup( 'The size of database is more than 100M! See z_newcreate_table_row', title=currentwork) except: pass else: ret = self.ConnDB.cmd(dbname, op, sqlfile, tablesname) if ret == 0: with open(sqlfile, 'a') as (fa): fa.write('COMMIT;') if advanced: sg.Popup('Complete!')