def __init__(self): self.stdin_path = '/dev/null' self.stdout_path = '/dev/tty' self.stderr_path = '/dev/tty' self.pidfile_path = '/tmp/' self.pidfile_timeout = 5 self.mq_host = os.getenv("MQ_HOST") or 'localhost' self.mq_port = os.getenv("MQ_PORT") or 5672 # chagne this connection string to the remote sql connection once we have containers self.handler = DatabaseHandler('sqlite:///house_record.db')
def re_evaluate_systems(self): """Schedule re-evaluation for all systems in DB.""""Re-evaluating all systems") conn = DatabaseHandler.get_connection() with NamedCursor(conn) as cur: cur.execute("select inventory_id from system_platform") # reevaluate updates for every system in the DB for inventory_id, in cur: self.evaluator_queue.send({ "type": "re-evaluate_system", "system_id": inventory_id }) conn.commit() DatabaseHandler.close_connection()
def main(): """Main kafka listener entrypoint.""" start_http_server(int(PROMETHEUS_PORT)) init_logging() init_db()"Starting upload listener.") # get DB connection conn = DatabaseHandler.get_connection() loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() signals = (signal.SIGHUP, signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIGINT) for sig in signals: loop.add_signal_handler( sig, lambda sig=sig: loop.create_task(terminate(sig, loop))) executor = BoundedExecutor(MAX_QUEUE_SIZE, max_workers=WORKER_THREADS) def process_message(msg): """Message processing logic"""'Received message from topic %s: %s', msg.topic, msg.value) try: msg_dict = json.loads(msg.value.decode("utf8")) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: LOGGER.exception("Unable to parse message: ") return if msg.topic == mqueue.UPLOAD_TOPIC: process_func = process_upload elif msg.topic == mqueue.EVENTS_TOPIC: if msg_dict['type'] == 'delete': process_func = process_delete else: LOGGER.error("Received unknown event type: %s", msg_dict['type']) return else: LOGGER.error("Received message on unsupported topic: %s", msg.topic) return if 'id' not in msg_dict or msg_dict["id"] is None: LOGGER.warning( "Unable to process message, inventory ID is missing.") return future = executor.submit(process_func, msg_dict, conn, loop=loop) future.add_done_callback(on_thread_done) LISTENER_QUEUE.listen(process_message) # wait until loop is stopped from terminate callback loop.run_forever()"Shutting down.") executor.shutdown()
class App(): def __init__(self): self.stdin_path = '/dev/null' self.stdout_path = '/dev/tty' self.stderr_path = '/dev/tty' self.pidfile_path = '/tmp/' self.pidfile_timeout = 5 self.mq_host = os.getenv("MQ_HOST") or 'localhost' self.mq_port = os.getenv("MQ_PORT") or 5672 # chagne this connection string to the remote sql connection once we have containers self.handler = DatabaseHandler('sqlite:///house_record.db') def do_work(self, channel): print('Waiting for messages on host ' + self.mq_host + \ ':' + str(self.mq_port) + '. To exit press CTRL+C') def callback(ch, method, properties, body): data = json.loads(body) id = data['id'] print id record = self.handler.get_record_by_id(id) results = process_record(data["action"], record) self.handler.save_result(results[0], encrypt_fernet(results[1]), action=data["action"]) ch.basic_ack(delivery_tag=method.delivery_tag) channel.basic_qos(prefetch_count=1) channel.basic_consume(callback, queue='task_queue') channel.start_consuming() def run(self): if not self.mq_host or not self.mq_port: self.mq_host = 'localhost' self.mq_port = 5672 connection = pika.BlockingConnection( pika.ConnectionParameters(host=self.mq_host, port=int(self.mq_port))) channel = channel.queue_declare(queue='task_queue', durable=True) while True: self.do_work(channel)
def __init__(self, kafka_topics_in): # connect to the Messaging Service self.consumer = mqueue.MQReader(kafka_topics_in) # [kafka_evaluator_topic]"Using BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS: %s", mqueue.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS)"Using GROUP_ID: %s", mqueue.GROUP_ID)"Using TOPICS: %s", ", ".join(kafka_topics_in)) self.producer = mqueue.MQWriter(kafka_evaluator_topic) # get DB connection init_db() self.conn = DatabaseHandler.get_connection() self.session = requests.Session()
def main(): """Main kafka listener entrypoint.""" start_http_server(int(PROMETHEUS_PORT)) init_logging() init_db()"Starting upload listener.") # get DB connection conn = DatabaseHandler.get_connection() session = requests.Session() loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() signals = (signal.SIGHUP, signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIGINT) for sig in signals: loop.add_signal_handler( sig, lambda sig=sig: loop.create_task(terminate(sig, loop))) executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(WORKER_THREADS) def process_message(msg): """Message processing logic"""'Received message from topic %s: %s', msg.topic, msg.value) upload_data = json.loads(msg.value.decode("utf8")) # Inventory ID is missing if 'id' not in upload_data or upload_data["id"] is None: LOGGER.warning("Unable to store system, inventory ID is missing.") return future = executor.submit(process_upload, upload_data, session, conn, loop=loop) future.add_done_callback(on_thread_done) UPLOAD_QUEUE.listen(process_message) # wait until loop is stopped from terminate callback loop.run_forever()"Shutting down.") executor.shutdown() session.close()
def sync_cve_md(page_size=5000): """Sync all CVE metadata from VMaaS"""'Syncing CVE metadata') conn = DatabaseHandler.get_connection() cur = conn.cursor() impact_id_map = {} cur.execute("select name, id from cve_impact") for impact_name, impact_id in cur.fetchall(): impact_id_map[impact_name] = impact_id cur.execute('select cve from cve_metadata') cves_in_db = [] for cve_tuple in cur.fetchall(): cves_in_db.append(cve_tuple[0]) cve_list = [".*"] success = True page = 1 session = requests.Session() while True: cve_request = { 'cve_list': cve_list, 'page_size': page_size, 'page': page, 'rh_only': True }'Downloading CVE metadata (page: %s, page_size: %s)', page, page_size) r_json = vmaas_post_request(VMAAS_CVES_ENDPOINT, cve_request, session=session) if r_json is None: success = False break 'Importing CVE metadata (page: %s, page_size: %s, pages: %s)', page, page_size, r_json['pages']) cves = r_json['cve_list'] to_insert = [] to_update = [] for cve in cves: description = cves[cve]['description'] impact_id = impact_id_map[cves[cve]['impact']] public_date = cves[cve]['public_date'] or None modified_date = cves[cve]['modified_date'] or None cvss3_score = float(cves[cve]['cvss3_score']) if cves[cve].get( 'cvss3_score') else None cvss3_metrics = cves[cve].get('cvss3_metrics') cvss2_score = float(cves[cve]['cvss2_score']) if cves[cve].get( 'cvss2_score') else None cvss2_metrics = cves[cve].get('cvss2_metrics') row = (cve, description, impact_id, public_date, modified_date, cvss3_score, cvss3_metrics, cvss2_score, cvss2_metrics) if cve not in cves_in_db: to_insert.append(row) else: to_update.append(row) if to_insert: execute_values(cur, """insert into cve_metadata (cve, description, impact_id, public_date, modified_date, cvss3_score, cvss3_metrics, cvss2_score, cvss2_metrics) values %s""", to_insert, page_size=len(to_insert)) if to_update: execute_values( cur, """update cve_metadata set description = data.description, impact_id = data.impact_id, public_date = cast(data.public_date as timestamp with time zone), modified_date = cast(data.modified_date as timestamp with time zone), cvss3_score = cast(data.cvss3_score as numeric), cvss3_metrics = data.cvss3_metrics, cvss2_score = cast(data.cvss2_score as numeric), cvss2_metrics = data.cvss2_metrics from (values %s) as data (cve, description, impact_id, public_date, modified_date, cvss3_score, cvss3_metrics, cvss2_score, cvss2_metrics) where cve_metadata.cve = data.cve""", to_update, page_size=len(to_update)) 'Finished importing CVE metadata (page: %s, page_size: %s, pages: %s)', page, page_size, r_json['pages']) if page >= r_json['pages']: break page += 1 cur.close() conn.commit() session.close()'Finished syncing CVE metadata') return success
import datetime import hashlib import json import uuid import pika from pika.exceptions import ConnectionClosed, ChannelClosed from sqlalchemy.exc import IntegrityError from common.database_handler import DatabaseHandler from common.models.house_record import HouseRecord handler = DatabaseHandler('sqlite:///house_record.db') #handler = DatabaseHandler('sqlite:///:memory:') #users users = ['admin', 'user', 'anna', 'jake'] try: for u in users: pwd_hash = hashlib.sha256(u + "pass").hexdigest() handler.save_user(u, pwd_hash) except IntegrityError: #users already in db, recreating session pass #records my_csv = open('kc_house_data.csv', 'r') i = 0 records = [] for line in my_csv.readlines(): values = line.replace('"', "").split(',')[:11]
sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__name__)) + '/../') from common.database_handler import DatabaseHandler from common.models.house_record import HouseRecord from common.encrypt_decrypt import * import pika from pika.exceptions import ConnectionClosed, ChannelClosed app = Flask(__name__) app.debug = True upload_folder = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__name__)) app.config['upload_folder'] = upload_folder handler = DatabaseHandler('sqlite:///house_record.db') #users users = ['admin', 'user', 'anna', 'jake'] # Routes @app.route("/") def index(): return render_template('base.html') @app.route('/login', methods=['POST']) def login(): username = request.json.get('username', '') password = request.json.get('password', '')