def put(self, id): redis = datastore.get_datastore() akey = "activity:" + str(id) activity = pickle.loads(redis.hget('activitieshash', akey)) print(activity) inputvalues = request.get_json(force=True) print(inputvalues) for k, v in inputvalues.iteritems(): activity[k] = v akey = "activity:" + str(activity['id']) position = activity['id'] redis.hset('activitieshash', akey, pickle.dumps(activity)) if (activity['state'] == "FINISHED"): redis.zrem('sortet-activities:notfinished', akey) redis.zadd('sortet-activities:finished', position, akey) else: redis.zrem('sortet-activities:finished', akey) redis.zadd('sortet-activities:notfinished', position, akey) if len(activity) == 0: abort(404) return activity, 201
def post(self, id): redis = datastore.get_datastore() log = request.get_json(force=True) akey = akey = "activity:" + str(id) + ":logs" redis.lpush (akey, pickle.dumps(log) ) # get a dict from the response log = request.get_json(force=True) return log, 201
def delete(self, id): redis = datastore.get_datastore() akey = "activity:" + str(id) l = redis.hdel('activitieshash', akey) logkey = "activity:" + str(id) + ":logs" ll = redis.lrem(logkey) if l == 0: abort(404) return {'result': True}
def get(self, id): redis = datastore.get_datastore() akey = "activity:" + str(id) activity = {} activityencoded = redis.hget('activitieshash', akey) if activityencoded != None: activity = pickle.loads(activityencoded) if len(activity) == 0: abort(404) return activity, 200
def get(self, id): redis = datastore.get_datastore() start = 0 end = -1 if 'offset' in request.args: start = int( request.args.get('offset')) if 'limit' in request.args: end = start + int(request.args.get('limit')) -1 akey = akey = "activity:" + str(id) + ":logs" logsEncoded = redis.lrange (akey, start, end) allLogs = [] for l in logsEncoded: allLogs.append (pickle.loads(l)) limit = end - start + 1 resultset = {"count": len(allLogs), "offset": start, "limit": limit} fullresponse = {"metadata": resultset, "content": allLogs} return fullresponse, 200
def post(self): redis = datastore.get_datastore() # get a dict from the response activity = request.get_json(force=True) position = int(redis.get('activityindex')) redis.incr('activityindex', 1) activity['id'] = str(position) akey = "activity:" + str(activity['id']) redis.hset('activitieshash', akey, pickle.dumps(activity)) redis.zadd('sortet-activities:all', position, akey) if (activity['state'] == "FINISHED"): redis.zadd('sortet-activities:finished', position, akey) else: redis.zadd('sortet-activities:notfinished', position, akey) return activity, 201
def show(): redis = datastore.get_datastore() repokeys = redis.zrangebylex('repos', '-', '+') allr = '' g = Github("f87f5f9e252e348b01b65018a6b2be49d88f12e1") #access_token = 'BLAH' #gh = Github(access_token, base_url='') #gh.get_user().name #class github.MainClass.Github(login_or_token=None, password=None, base_url='', timeout=10, client_id=None, client_secret=None, user_agent='PyGithub/Python', per_page=30)ΒΆ user = g.get_user() repos = user.get_repos() for k in repokeys: name = redis.hget('repohash', k) if name.startswith("bibbox/app-"): try: r = g.get_repo(name) # file = r.get_file_contents("appinfo.json") # print("READ ", file.url) # desrc = json.loads( ur.urlopen(file.url).read().decode('utf8') ) # print(desrc) except ZeroDivisionError as e: print("no appinfo") for k in repokeys: name = redis.hget('repohash', k) if name.startswith("bibbox/app-"): allr = allr + "<h3>" + str(name) + "</h3>" if name.startswith("sys-"): allr = allr + "<h3>" + str(name) + "</h3>" return allr
def get(self): redis = datastore.get_datastore() finished = request.args.get('finished') start = 0 end = -1 if 'offset' in request.args: start = int(request.args.get('offset')) if 'limit' in request.args: end = start + int(request.args.get('limit')) - 1 cAll = redis.zcount('sortet-activities:all', '-inf', '+inf') cFinished = redis.zcount('sortet-activities:finished', '-inf', '+inf') cNotFinished = cAll - cFinished if (finished == 'true'): actKeys = redis.zrevrange('sortet-activities:finished', start, end) total = cFinished else: actKeys = redis.zrevrange('sortet-activities:all', start, end) total = cAll allActivities = [] for k in actKeys: activityencoded = redis.hget('activitieshash', k) if activityencoded != None: activity = pickle.loads(activityencoded) activity['url'] = request.url + "/" + str(activity['id']) allActivities.append(activity) limit = end - start + 1 resultset = { "count": len(actKeys), "total": total, "offset": start, "limit": limit, "pending": cNotFinished } fullresponse = {"metadata": resultset, "content": allActivities} return fullresponse, 200
def get(self): redis = datastore.get_datastore() redis.flushall(); redis.set ('activityindex', "0") return "SUCESS", 200