def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description= "Graph the simulation results, using IPC to access the simulation's in-memory database." ) parser.add_argument('--use_db', type=str, default='false', help='set to "true to use database instead of IPC') args = parser.parse_args() use_db = args.use_db.lower() == "true" if use_db: conn = Db(DB_PATH) run = Run(db=conn) else: conn = Ipc() run = Run(ipc=conn) run_name = "run{}".format(run.run_id) run_dir = "{}/{}".format(IMG_DIR, run_name) if os.path.exists(run_dir): shutil.rmtree(run_dir) os.makedirs(run_dir) if use_db: graph_gen = GraphGen(run, db=conn, run_dir=run_dir) else: graph_gen = GraphGen(run, ipc=conn, run_dir=run_dir) graph_gen.plot_cumulative_best_fitness() graph_gen.plot_avg_fitness() conn.close()
def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.db = Db() self.session = self.db.get_session() products = self.session.query(Product).all() self.products = { ProductService.build_url(product): product for product in products } if not self.products: return self.start_urls = self.products.keys() brands = self.session.query(Brand).filter([product.brand_id for product in products])).all() self.brands = {brand.title: brand for brand in brands} category_ids = self.session.query(func.unnest(Product.category_ids)) \ .filter([ for product in products])).distinct() categories = self.session.query(Category) \ .filter( self.categories = { catalog_category.title: catalog_category for catalog_category in categories }
def __init__(self, url=''): super().__init__() self.db = Db() self.session = self.db.get_session() if url != '': self.start_urls.append(url)
def HomeService(args): response = {} house_object = {} houses_array = [] # database query sql = '''SELECT house_id, title, description, rent, images FROM house ORDER BY house_id DESC''' rows = Db().select(sql) if rows: for row in rows: house_object['house_id'] = row['house_id'] house_object['title'] = row['title'] house_object['description'] = row['description'] house_object['rent'] = row['rent'] house_object['images'] = json.loads(row['images']) # storing house data in array of objects houses_array.append(house_object) house_object = {} response['status'] = "Success" response['data'] = houses_array return response else: response['status'] = "Failure" response['error'] = "Could not find data of houses" return response
def RegisterService(args): request = dict(args) response = {} # parameter checks if not 'email' in request: return Failure("email") if not 'password' in request: return Failure("passord") if not 'name' in request: return Failure("name") if not 'mobile' in request: return Failure("mobile") # database query sql = '''INSERT INTO user (`name`,`email`,`mobile`,`password`) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s);''' val = (request['name'], request['email'], request['mobile'], request['password']) user_id = Db().insert(sql, val) if isinstance(user_id, int): response['status'] = "Success" return response else: response['status'] = "Failure" response['error'] = user_id return response
def HouseService(args): request = dict(args) response = {} # parameter checks if not 'house_id' in request: return Failure("house_id") # database query sql = '''SELECT * from house INNER JOIN user on house.user_id = user.user_id WHERE house_id = %s''' % ( request['house_id']) rows = Db().select(sql) if rows: for row in rows: response['house_id'] = row['house_id'] response['title'] = row['title'] response['description'] = row['description'] response['rent'] = row['rent'] response['address'] = row['address'] response['images'] = json.loads(row['images']) response['name'] = row['name'] response['email'] = row['email'] response['mobile'] = row['mobile'] response['status'] = "Success" return response else: return Failure("correct house_id")
def LoginService(args): request = dict(args) response = {} # parameter checks if not 'email' in request: return Failure("email") if not 'password' in request: return Failure("password") # database query sql = '''SELECT * FROM user WHERE email="%s" AND password="******"''' % ( request['email'], request['password']) rows = Db().select(sql) if rows: for row in rows: response['user_id'] = row['user_id'] response['name'] = row['name'] response['email'] = row['email'] response['mobile'] = row['mobile'] response['password'] = row['password'] response['status'] = "Success" return response else: return Failure("correct email and password")
class ProductsSpider(scrapy.Spider): name = "products" def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.db = Db() self.session = self.db.get_session() products = self.session.query(Product).all() self.products = { ProductService.build_url(product): product for product in products } if not self.products: return self.start_urls = self.products.keys() brands = self.session.query(Brand).filter([product.brand_id for product in products])).all() self.brands = {brand.title: brand for brand in brands} category_ids = self.session.query(func.unnest(Product.category_ids)) \ .filter([ for product in products])).distinct() categories = self.session.query(Category) \ .filter( self.categories = { catalog_category.title: catalog_category for catalog_category in categories } def parse(self, response, **kwargs): loader = ItemLoader(item=ProductItem(), response=response) loader.add_value('url', response.url) loader.add_xpath('code', '//span[@class="j-article"]/text()') loader.add_xpath( 'picker', '//div[contains(@class, "colorpicker")]/ul/li/@data-cod1s') loader.add_xpath('brand', '//span[@class="brand"]/text()') loader.add_xpath('name', '//span[@class="name"]/text()') loader.add_xpath( 'images', '//div[contains(@class, "pv-carousel")]//a[contains(@class, "j-carousel-image")]/@href' ) loader.add_xpath('price', '//span[@class="final-cost"]/text()') loader.add_xpath( 'description', '//div[contains(@class, "description-text")]/p/text()') loader.add_xpath('categories', '//ul[@class="bread-crumbs"]/li/a') loader.add_xpath( 'sizes', '//div[contains(@class, "size-list") and not(contains(@class, "hide"))]/label[not(contains(@class, "disabled"))]/@data-size-name' ) loader.add_xpath('params', '//div[@class="params"]//div[@class="pp"]') return loader.load_item()
class ProductsSpider(Spider): name = "url" def __init__(self, url=''): super().__init__() self.db = Db() self.session = self.db.get_session() if url != '': self.start_urls.append(url) def parse(self, response, **kwargs): for href in response.css( 'a.j-open-full-product-card::attr(href)').extract(): self.process_product_page(response.urljoin(href)) active_page = int( response.css('').get()) next_pages = response.css('a.pagination-item::attr(href)').extract() for next_page in next_pages: result = re.findall(r'page=(\d+)', next_page) if result and int(result[0]) > active_page: yield Request(response.urljoin(next_page), callback=self.parse) def process_product_page(self, href): product_data = ProductService.parse_product_url(href) if product_data: product = self.session.query(Product).filter_by( domain=product_data['domain'], code=product_data['code']).first() if not product: self.session.add( Product(domain=product_data['domain'], code=product_data['code'], status=Product.STATUS_NEW)) self.session.commit()
def AddService(args): request = dict(args) response = {} # parameter checks if not 'user_id' in request: return Failure("user_id") if not 'title' in request: return Failure("title") if not 'description' in request: return Failure("description") if not 'rent' in request: return Failure("rent") if not 'address' in request: return Failure("address") if not 'images' in request: return Failure("images") # database query sql = '''INSERT INTO house (`user_id`,`title`,`description`,`rent`,`address`,`images`) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s);''' val = (request['user_id'], request['title'], request['description'], request['rent'], request['address'], json.dumps(request['images'])) house_id = Db().insert(sql, val) if isinstance(house_id, int): response['status'] = "Success" return response else: response['status'] = "Failure" response['error'] = house_id return response
def __init__(self, db_path): Gtk.Window.__init__(self, title='Viewer') self.set_default_size(ViewWindow.WIDTH, ViewWindow.HEIGHT) self.maximize() self.db = Db(db_path) = Run(self.db) self.tree_gen = TreeGen(self.db) self.graph_gen = GraphGen(, db=self.db) #we'll simulate an MRU (most recently used) cache using an OrderedDict #it's not the most efficient, but it's good enough for this application self.tree_cache = OrderedDict() self.grn_cache = OrderedDict() vbox = Gtk.VBox() paned = Gtk.Paned() left_scroll = Gtk.ScrolledWindow() self.tree_img = Gtk.Image() left_scroll.add_with_viewport(self.tree_img) paned.add1(left_scroll) right_scroll = Gtk.ScrolledWindow() self.grn_img = Gtk.Image() right_scroll.add_with_viewport(self.grn_img) paned.add2(right_scroll) paned.set_position(ViewWindow.WIDTH // 2) vbox.pack_start(paned, True, True, 0) vbox.pack_end(self._build_bottom_panel(), False, False, 0) self.add(vbox) self.show_all() self.update_views()