Example #1
	def progressBarClick(self, widget, event):
		## The progress bar has been clicked.
		x, y, state = event.window.get_pointer()
		if (state & gtk.gdk.BUTTON1_MASK and not player.isStopped() and player.getDuration()):
			# If it's button 1, it's not stopped and the duration exists: start seeking.
			self.seeking = True
			self.progressBarMotion(widget, event)
			# Otherwise do what would happen if the video window was clicked.
			self.videoWindowClicked(widget, event)
Example #2
	def videoWindowExpose(self, widget, event):
		# Pull the dimensions etc.
		x, y, w, h = event.area
		# Let the whole thing be drawn upon.
		colour = widget.get_style().black_gc
		                            self.pixmap, x, y, x, y, w, h)
		# Save the current video window size.
		useful.videoWindowSize = self.pixmap.get_size()
		# Draw the background Image.
		if (player.isStopped() or player.player.get_property('n-video') == 0):
Example #3
	def progressUpdate(self, pld=None, tot=None):
		## Updates the progress bar.
		if (player.isStopped()):
			# If the player is stopped, played time and total should 
			# be 0, and the progress should be 0.
			pld = tot = 0
			# Otherwise (playing or paused), get the track time data, set
			# the progress bar fraction.
			if (pld == None or tot == None): pld, tot = player.getTimesSec()
			self.progressBar.set_fraction(pld / tot if (tot > 0) else 0)
		# Convert played & total time to integers
		p, t = int(pld), int(tot)
		# Add the data to the progress bar's text.
		text = ""
		text += useful.secToStr(p)
		if (tot > 0):
			text += " / "
			text += useful.secToStr(t - (cfg.getBool('gui/showtimeremaining') * p))